Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Winter in the Rockies (m/f cannibalism) It had been the worst winter in living memory, and the Turner family had been snowed in for more than a month along with their close friends the Whytes. Here in the middle of the Canadian Rockies it was not particularly unusual for extreme winters, but the log cabin that they were in was not provisioned for a period that long as normally they could get out of the valley by ski bob at some point, but this year that was not feasible, and what is more the weather forecast was for it to get a lot worse over the next two to three weeks. Hank Turner and his friend Frank Whyte had been out hunting when the weather permitted, however they had had virtually no luck whatsoever. Tom Turner who was Hank's younger brother had been unable to help much as he was recovering from a broken ankle, and had been stuck in the cabin helping Tracey, Frank's wife and Helen and Rachel Frank's two daughters, along with Katrina Whyte with the household chores. Over the past few weeks he had spent quite a bit of his time keeping his nieces entertained as they both seemed to find him entertaining and he enjoyed being with them. Over the past couple of years Tom had kept joking with Helen, the elder niece that she would make a tasty little meal for someone! To begin with this upset her, then she started to giggle about it but in the past few months she had stopped asking why, she now seemed to have accepted it, and when they joked about it she started to ask when? Tom used to say when she had put on a bit more weight, but in his mind he was thinking just how tasty she looked when she was drying herself in front of the log fire after taking a bath. It had all been a joke really, or so Tom kept saying to himself, however some of the dreams he had made a lie of this. As the weather continued to deteriorate the adults sat around the fire one night desperately trying to work out what to do, they barely had enough food for another couple of days, and there seemed little chance of getting out to find any more food in the forests. It was unbelievably tense as they began to talk about the options, they hadn't noticed Helen creep into the room and sit quietly down. There was silence for a few moments and then Hank said quietly, "well it's agreed then, we have no option" the others nodded gravely in assent, they would have to risk going out up the valley in the hope they could find some game, but the chance was not high, and the risk of being stranded and not making it back were very high. The wives were very quiet, but then Tracey asked what she should tell their daughters? Before any answer was forthcoming Helen who had obviously misunderstood what was being discussed, stood up and said "its okay mum, I don't mind, Uncle Tom has prepared me for this!" Tom flushed, when he realised what Helen meant it was supposed to have been "their little secret". The others went quiet and sat confused as Helen continued, "I know that I haven't filled out as much as I could have done, but there is plenty of good meat on my legs and butt." The others looked at each other and then accusingly at Tom who sat very quietly feeling extremely uncomfortable. Tracey went to Helen and hugged her, and was about to reassure her that they wouldn't be eating her, but for some reason she kept quiet. Katrina looked at Hank and then back at Helen and then at Tom, then back to Frank wondering why the thought of eating her friend's daughter didn't make her feel ill, and in fact she felt strange feelings of anticipation. Everyone was quiet, and nobody seemed willing to disabuse her that she would be eaten. Hank turned to his brother Tom and asked him just what he had been telling Helen. Tom decided that honesty was the best policy as he could always turn it into a joke. So it was that Tom explained that over the past couple of years he and Helen had had this secret little arrangement, and he had explained to her that as the elder sister she was liable to be eaten when the time was right as that was what the elder daughter was for! Helen chipped in that she wasn't sure about it to begin with but she got used to the idea, and was now quite used to the idea and was quite happy about it. She was sorry that she was still quite small, but she would make a nice meal for them all. Hank asked how Tom had said she would be prepared, and Tracey realised at that moment, that Helen could well be her very next meal. Helen laughed and said she quite fancied being cooked like a Turkey, after being trussed up, but if mummy or daddy wanted to roast her like a young deer or hog she wouldn't mind. Katrina suggested that perhaps she ought to be cut into joints and then roasted over a few days to make the meat last longer, then she realised what she had said, and looked at Helen, but was relieved to see that it hadn't upset her. Suddenly it seemed that everyone had decided that Helen was to become "Hairless Goat" and the discussions as to how she should be prepared started in earnest. Tracey suggested that Helen ought to go and have a bath, and then come back out. She nodded and dashed off to the bathroom. Once she had gone, there were discussions about the merits of butchering and spit-roasting, Tracey did rule out Hank's idea of Cooking Helen a la Dolcett as she didn't want to inflict too much pain on Helen. No decision had been made when Helen ran back into the room wearing just her birthday suit. She went straight to Tom and asked which bit he wanted to eat, Tom explained that he had told her that he wanted to have first choice of her if she was willing, Helen was nodding, and the others were laughing as Hank asked what he wanted. Tom looked at her little body and gently felt her arms and shoulders, "what a nice little roast this would make". Then he slid his hands down over her ribs, left hand on the back, right hands on the fore ribs, "these would BBQ nicely as well", his hand lingered on her belly, "and this would make a nice meal rolled and stuffed", then he turned her around and both hands felt her butt "and these would be prime steak, fit for a king!", his hands then slid up and down her thighs and calves "and these are so tender too." Then he slid them up between her legs and he added "but I would quite like a nice piece of this tender fillet here." She started giggling, "Uncle Tom!!" Hank said that perhaps they ought to get it over with; he secretly feared someone might change their mind. So Tom picked Helen up and gave her a hug and then walked to the kitchen carrying her. Hank asked whether he was up to doing it, Tom nodded and then was followed by Hank, Frank and the two wives. He had often dreamt about this moment, and now it had come it actually felt quite natural. He stroked Helen to keep her calm and then tied her ankles together and lifting her up by them suspended her by her feet from a hook over the sink, and with the adults watching he took a boning knife and slit her throat. Blood spurted out but most of it went down the sink. Once it slowed to a trickle he slit her wrists as well and said they would need to let her drain out overnight. With this done they had a few drinks and went to bed. The next morning Tom went into the kitchen with Hank ready to take Helen down to gut her, but were shocked to discover Rachel sat down at the kitchen table drawing some pictures with crayons. They looked at each other in horror, wondering what effect seeing Helen would have had on Rachel. Hank went to her with a view to getting her out of the room, when she looked up at him and asked "Are we having Helen for dinner daddy?", and then before he could respond "will you be having me for Xmas Dinner? Uncle Tom said you might if I behaved." Hank looked at his brother in almost disbelief! Then shook his head and turned back to Rachel. "I don't know dear, would you like that?" Rachel didn't look up and continued drawing on the paper. "I think so." Her father smiled at Tom and then looking at Rachel, "We'll see sweetie, we'll see". "Can I watch you gut her please daddy? Like I do when you gut a deer." Hank went over to her and gave her a hug, "Course you can dear." Then he picked her up and sat her on a kitchen unit to let her have a better view. Tom walked over to Helen's carcass and cut it down and laid it out on the table and then sliced her open from sternum to pubis and started to take out her entrails. Hank started to sort out the edible bits from the inedible and watched as Tom cut off Helen's head, hands and feet. He washed her carcass inside and out and then dried her off. The women then joined them, and again looked horrified when they saw Rachel looking on. Hank explained what Rachel had said and there was a distinct twinkle in Katrina's eyes as she said "Oooh can we come over for Xmas this year then?" Tom started to cut Helen into joints, first her legs and thighs, and then her shoulders, four racks of ribs followed, and then he cut out his own favourite meal the nice young and intact fillet. The ladies told the men it was time for them to leave while they prepared the dinner, deep fried liver as a starter followed by roast leg of longpork. The men returned to the main room and looked outside at the falling snow, and wondered whether Rachel might not last until Xmas, but then they noticed that it was looking a lot lighter in the distance, perhaps the worst was over. A couple of hours later with the delicious aroma of hairless goat pervading the whole cabin they all sat down at the table and after a toast to Helen they started eating their meal. Tom ate his special fillet starter whilst the others had their deep fried liver starter. Rachel tucked into her sister with gusto, and even went back for seconds when the main course was served. Over the next few days, the weather improved but they ate all of Helen before risking setting out on ski-bobs for replenishment, and even then it was touch and go that they made it to the stores. Without Helen, Hank severely doubted that they would have had the strength to make it so Helen had probably saved all their lives. They should be able to last through to the spring now and would have plenty of opportunity to make sure their stories as to what happened to Helen matched up, not that anyone would really worry as apparently upwards of two dozen people, mainly children had died over the preceding months. Tom wondered just how many of them may have gone the same way as Helen.