Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. A Medieval Tale m/f sex cannibalism Life hadn't been easy in South East England this year, the harvest had failed for the third year in succession, it was too dangerous to poach the King's deer, and the cattle had all died of some unusual illness, and there were few fish in the dried up rivers. If it wasn't for the close proximity of the coast and the fish that her husband was able to catch Catherine didn't know how she would feed her young family. Indeed it wasn't just their family that relied on the fish her husband caught from his boat, but their neighbours too. Of the six families in the hamlet all had menfolk on the boat some were husbands and others brothers or sons. Catherine was really worried though, she had been down at the quayside and there was still no sign of Cal's boat. The storm of the previous night had been the worst of the year. Suddenly she heard the sound of a horse and kart, and on venturing outside she saw the retained of the Lord of the Manor slowly entering the clearing, on the back of the cart were a number of bodies, and she knew the worst. The next days past in a blur, Catherine couldn't come to terms with the disaster. Of all the women she had always been the strong one, thus it was that when she broke, she broke in a big way. Gradually the little hamlet came to terms with their disaster, and they managed to eke out a living, but with winter coming they knew that the hard times would get considerably worse. Over the next weeks the women turned to the oldest profession to fund the provision of food for their families. They all took it in turns to ply their trade down at the port, and there were always plenty of sailors to take advantage of what was on offer. But the price of food was rising and there was almost no meat to be had anywhere. Even the catches of fish had dropped dramatically over the weeks. Catherine however had faith that something would happen and their trials would be over. Then one cold night in December Catherine had been talked by a young Russian seaman into allowing him to go home with her. If truth was to be known she was rather attracted to him and his well-muscled body. To begin with he treated her really well, but as the vodka that he had brought along took hold he became more irrational and violent. It would seem that he expected his women to be subservient and allow him to beat them. Catherine was not used to such behaviour and resisted him, but he was too strong, she had to let him assault her, the pain however became too severe and she cried out in agony. A little later he hit her hard and as she screamed she saw a shadow out of the corner of her eyes, heard a thud and felt him crumble down onto her. The sound of voices she recognised brought her to her senses and she saw Elspeth her best friend. As she pushed the sailor from on top of her she realised that her friend may have just saved her life. Elspeth looked closely at the seaman who was beginning to show signs of coming around, and the women were terrified at the prospect. Catherine looked around and saw her husband's dagger on the shelf by the door. She took it and then lifting the sailor's head she slit his throat. Elspeth stood there totally shocked and unable to move, her mouth agape in horror at what her friend had done. The reality of what she had done suddenly struck Catherine and she slumped to the floor inconsolable. When several hours later she had been calmed down she was aware that the sailor had been removed, but to where. All the other women were in her room now offering her sympathy, and clearing up the mess. Several were discussing what could be done, but it seemed that the consensus was that the crime could and should be covered up. It would be simple enough, the loss of the sailor would probably go unnoticed, it happened all the time. But they would need to get rid of the body somehow, they thought of throwing it into the sea, but that would mean carrying it a long distance. Rose who was the eldest, suggested that they bury it close to where the animals had been buried, she cackled as she said that it was apt that an animal should be buried amongst other animals, it was just a shame that he wasn't an animal as there was plenty of meat on his bones. Everything went quiet for a moment, and the women looked nervously amongst each other before Catherine continued that it was a solution. They debated the issue in a hushed manner for some while before deciding that they might as well try it out. The body was stripped, his few silver coins taken away, and his clothes thrown onto the fire before he was dragged to the shed outside. His legs were tied and he was hung from the crossbeam. All the women had killed and butchered animals as this was expected of women-folk in these days, but none had ever considered how to butcher a human. Elspeth took the knife away from Catherine and moved over to the body, and slit his wrists to help drain the blood more fully. She then suggested that they wrap the carcass in some hessian in case the children should enter the shed although it was forbidden, but kids would be kids. Some of the women couldn't sleep that night, others slept fitfully, but Elspeth had dreams, some were exciting some horrible, but some were delicious as she thought of the taste of that well hung sailor in the shed. When the dawn chorus awoke them she was the first to the shed, several others arrived soon after hoping that it had all been a dream, but were disillusioned and shocked when they saw that it had all happened. The body was now drained of blood but this together with the heavy frost had prevented rigor-mortis setting in. Catherine who had pulled herself together arrived carrying a large bladed axe, a couple of the women left not wanting to witness the gruesome spectacle of what was to follow. The sailor was pulled down and the remaining women began the task of butchering the carcass with some relish. Rose was laughing as she held his sex in her hands and cut it from his body, commenting that it wouldn't make too much of a meal! His hands and feet were removed and then his limbs were hacked off. Elspeth started skinning his legs and arms commenting that it was harder than skinning a pig. His belly was then split open and he was gutted. His liver and kidneys were put to one side; the rest was thrown into a heap to be disposed of later. The women realised they were enjoying themselves, and began to laugh and giggle as they prepared the meat. Tonight their children would eat meat for the first time in weeks, and the silver coinage would help pay for food for the next couple of weeks. They discussed what he would taste like and whether this would be a once in a lifetime occurrence or whether just perhaps the opportunity might occur again sometime. They roasted his leg that afternoon, and made some soup out of his feet that they had carved up to be unrecognisable; Elspeth cooked some root vegetables to eat with the main course. That night they held a small gathering in Rose's home, as it was the only building that could hold all the women and children. Rose carved the meat being careful not to waste any, and everyone had their first meat for some while. Rose had cooked his penis and brought it into the room and offered it around the women, but there were no takers. Elspeth's daughter Christine who at fourteen was nearing womanhood asked if she could eat it, Rose looked nervously at Elspeth who after looking around at the others nodded her assent. Christine took it and holding the shaft she bit into his testicles, several of the women shuddered involuntarily at this. Christine looked up and wondered why all the women were looking at her, but she didn't care, the meat, whatever it might be was delicious, it looked a little like her brothers "thingy" so perhaps that was what it was the deer's thingy (all the kids believed it was deer and that was why they had been told not to talk about the meal). It wasn't the first time she had eaten animals balls as her father had once served up the balls from a bullock they had been given for rescuing the lady of the manor from footpads. Over the next few days they had several other roast meals, but not together, as the women had divided up the portions amongst each other. Whenever they were together Elspeth and Catherine would talk about the meal and how they could get another. They decided that if the right sailor came along offering them some pennies for a night they would bring him home and then kill him. They would have to find something to make him drunk or something, but Rose had some interesting potions that might well help. They wondered what the other women would think, unaware that they too had been considering just the same course of action. Over the next couple of months and whilst winter bit hard the hamlet had a regular supply of meat, and also a good source of additional money. By the spring they had begun to perfect the process, but it was still awkward having to bring the men back to the hamlet. Then they had a stroke of luck, Violet Rose's sister who lived in an Inn just outside of Dover was bereaved, her husband dying of a seizure. Rose who had stayed with her for a couple of days had talked her into opening up a couple of the rooms in the building as a brothel as a means to supplement her income. The Inn had also served as a slaughterhouse in the past, and Rose thought that perhaps it might again. Violet had enjoyed several meals with Rose before and was aware of what the speciality of the house was, Violet was quite willing to add it to the food she served, it would supplement the limited amounts of pork and mutton that she was able to get, and would make a change from the rabbit that was all she often was able to feed her customers. Elspeth and Catherine tended to work together and if either found a suitable meal they would offer him special favours, and allow him to service them both before killing him. They lived a charmed life over the next few months as there were a couple of occasions when they were close to being caught. Practise however makes perfect, and by the onset of the next winter they knew just how to cover their tracks. Then one night they had a young gent in their room already having decided that he was the one, hardly had they killed him than a young lady burst in on them, saw her man dead on the bed and fell to the ground in a dead faint. Violet arrived a few moments later and closed the door behind her, she apologised profusely for not having stopped the lady from coming up to the room. The girl was beginning to stir again; Catherine picked up a brass candlestick and struck her with it knocking her senseless again. They looked through the girl's belongings but there was no clue to who she was, they tried to decide what to do, the only thing they couldn't do was let her leave and let on what was happening. They trussed her up and gagged her and put her to one side while they tried to work out what they could and should do. They considered whether they could continue as they had been, or whether it was now too late, and time to pack up and get the hell out of there. By the end of the evening they had decided that they would continue as they had been. The girl's fate was to join that of her young man, none of the women had ever considered killing a woman, and they were after all "one of them", but when needs must, the devil drives. The man was taken to the slaughterhouse first and strung up by his feet, before having his throat and wrists slit. The girl was stripped of her finery upstairs and taken down to the slaughterhouse still unconscious. When they looked at her naked, the women had second thoughts, she was younger than they had first imagined, her skin was unblemished, her breasts small and firm, her belly well toned. They looked at the young man hanging lifeless from the roof and realised that the girl must never be allowed to see this, they took her and inserting hooks through the web of her ankle lifted her up. Rose moved over and slit her throat and her wrists, she jerked a little but never regained consciousness. That night the women butchered both bodies, never before had they had so much meat, and they decided to take some to the hamlet the next morning after ditching the offal from the corpses. There was disbelief at the hamlet when they found out about the slaughter of the young woman, and they were unhappy at having some of her meat brought into their midst, but they realised that there had been few real alternatives. That afternoon Rose prepared some of the meat for cooking that evening. She had wondered what to do with the girl's breasts, as there was little real meat there, but she opened them up and stuffed them with some chopped onions, liver and wheat. This she decided to serve with some leg steaks from the man, and his rather large penis that she had snatched away from Catherine. Even deflated his manhood was over eight inches long and his balls as large as a hen's egg. That evening when the meal was served the four women looked at the crispy breasts with interest, what had started out as disgust had become excited fascination, the breasts were divided amongst them as was the man's genitals, each having half a testicle and a couple of inches of sausage. Whilst they delighted on this, they were ecstatic at the taste of the girl, the stuffed breasts were a great success especially the crispy nipples. By the end of the evening they all agreed that woman was now definitely on the menu. A couple of days later Rose enquired of Violet how the meat at the Inn had been received, by the clientele. Violet chortled and said the just couldn't get enough. Apparently the meat of the girl was tenderer, but that of the man was more strongly flavoured. She had converted some of the meat into a steak and kidney pie, which was very popular, and several people had asked her to make some to take home! She had said she would consider this if there were enough meat. Violet took Rose to one side and said that she had thought of a way they could get some girl meat from time to time, apparently a couple of other "Girls of the night" had asked whether there was room at the Inn, Violet had asked them to come back in a week and she would let them know! A Medieval Tale - Chapter 2 The next couple of years saw little improvement in the conditions in England, the harvests may have been improved, but a state of civil war now existed. The country was split between the followers of the two warring parties, those that supported Stephen and those that supported the claims of his sister Maud. As a result of the fighting there were streams of refugees wandering across the case of the country, as soon as they put down roots they were forced to move again. For some the choice was to consider moving to the continent, of leaving England for France and the Low Countries. This stream of unhappy humanity made easy pickings for the footpads and robbers that filled the countryside. It had become easier to steal your living than to earn it. During the whole of this period, the reputation of The Blue Boar Inn at Dover for serving good food increased, there were times when they really struggled to fulfil the needs of the clientele. At least with improved food supplies throughout the South East they had been able to purchase real animals that were bred in their old hamlet before being taken to Dover and being slaughtered. There were occasions when the meals that were prepared at the inn actually only contained animal products, it was noticeable that as well as these were received by the clientele, they much preferred those with the longpig in. Now that there were increasingly large numbers of refugees passing through the hamlet the opportunities to identify meat also increased. The girls in the Hamlet would identify choice longpigs and suggest that they went to the Blue Boar Inn, where they could be given accommodation at most reasonable rates. They were to tell the landlord that Violet had sent them. Often there would be too many arriving to all be butchered for meat and many passed through without realising how close they had come to death. On this one day a wagon was trundling down the road pulled by an oxen, loaded onto the wagon were the remnants of a family's possessions. Walking alongside the animal were two Irish men, a father who appeared to be in his forties and his son. They both wore short swords at their waist and leather jerkins over some fine clothes. On the cart were two women a mother and daughter, of similar age to their male counterparts, all four of them were well built and had obviously lived well and not been short of food. When they arrived at the Hamlet it transpired that they too were heading for the coast with the intention of buying passage to France for themselves and their belongings. Despite having the two men to guard them they had been set upon and robbed of all their silver and gold, and could barely afford to pay for food let alone for passage in a boat. The villagers seemed to take pity on them and advised them to visit the Blue Boar Inn, where they could probably find not only food and lodging, but possibly some work as well if they wanted to earn some more money. The family thanked the villagers and slowly trundled off. One of the village girls left at the same time and hurried through to Dover to tell them to prepare for their new guests. To say that the women were far from pleased when they heard about the approach of this Irish family was something of an understatement, whilst it had always been possible to manage the slaughter of a couple, they had never contemplated more than two at a time as it was fraught with problems. How could you kill them without the others becoming suspicious, it wouldn't be possible to knock them off one at a time, so some way of doing for all four at the same time would have to be considered. In the meantime however they would have some more hired help and perhaps they could finish the repairs on the inn and slaughterhouse. They would have to curtail their butchering whilst the repairs were made, as it was unlikely that their new guests would be so keen on their Longpig harvesting! So it was that the Irish family made themselves at home in the Blue Boar Inn. For the next few weeks they worked to earn their keep and were rewarded with more money than they had expected, and this kept them working at the Blue Boar as they gradually saved the money needed for their board and lodging. The women had offered to keep the belongings of the family safe while they were abroad in France as they had expressed their intention to return once the civil war was over. The family had accepted this offer and suggested that they take the oxen as payment for this. There would be plenty of meat on this if the need came to butcher it over the winter. A couple of sailors arrived one afternoon with a gentleman asking to speak to the slaughterers. The women were a little nervous to begin with wondering if their particular skills had been rumbled, but after a few moments they realised that this was far from the case. It transpired that an expedition was shortly to leave the port, and that there was a need to have some meat salted down for the journey. They had come to the women as they had the reputation for providing good value meat in the past and might be able to provide the quantity needed. The expedition was taking various animals and fowl with them but they needed at least a dozen kegs of salt-pork as a contingency. The women thought long and hard before agreeing, they would have to do it over a couple of weeks as they doubted whether they would be able to get enough salt before that. That night when everyone else was asleep the women began to draw up their plans. They would get the two Irishmen to go with one of the girls from the hamlet and get the salt, this would get them out of the way for at least two, and probably three days. This would give them the women time to butcher the women, and possibly another of their guests who had arrived that day. When the men returned they would explain that the women were helping out at another inn for a couple of days or something like that, which would hopefully hide what they had done. They would then get the two men drunk and slaughter them when they were incapable of defending themselves. It all seemed easy, but could they manage it. The next morning they explained that they had been offered the opportunity to earn a lot of money preparing food for an expedition, and explained what had been requested of them. The men readily agreed to help get the salt, and by noon were on their way along the coast to where salt could be purchased. The women folk were quite happy for the men to be out of their way for a while and the daughter began to flirt quite outrageously with some of the men who frequented the Inn that night. The mother was sat in their room talking to Violet when violet asked if she could help her sort something out in the slaughterhouse, and despite the lateness of the hour she happily went along with Violet. The two women entered the darkened room, Violet holding a candle in front of her, held the door open and then closed it, as the door closed the woman saw a movement out of the corner of her eye and turned to see Rose swinging a Pole-axe, with a sickening crunch it hit her on the head and she crumpled dead onto the floor. Rose and Violet quickly stripped the body using the woman's clothing to mop up some of the blood but covered what was left with the sawdust that was kept for this purpose. With just the candlelight they knew they couldn't do much that evening, so they hung the woman by her feet and slit her throat and wrists to drain the blood. Returning back to the Inn they checked to see that there was no blood on their clothes and waited for the daughter to go to bed. The girl was extremely drunk when she eventually climbed to her room, she was thanking her lucky stars that she had managed to fend off the amorous advances of a couple of the men downstairs, but she had her chastity to think of. She entered her room and cursed that the candle had already gone out, closing the door behind her she didn't even hear her host swinging the lead pipe. The girl was stripped where she lay and then when all the drinkers had left Violet and Rose took her out to the slaughterhouse and hung her by her feet as well. As they left Violet looked back at the sight of two pigs and two longpigs waiting to be butchered the next morning. The purchasing of the salt hadn't gone exactly to plan, and it was three days before 10 kegs of salt and another 6 empty kegs had been loaded onto the wagon. As it was late in the day the two men decided to stay another night before leaving for Dover. They went to a local inn where they spent some of the money that they had saved by hard bargaining, on the local ale. The girl from the hamlet slept peacefully in the wagon, but whilst she slept she dreamt on what was going on back at the Blue Boar Inn, and what would happen when they returned. Violet butchered the mother, skinning her first before carving a number of juicy steaks off the body, the womans thighs were not that distinguishable from those of the larger pig that had been butchered by her as well. Morag one of the widows from the hamlet had already arrived and taken the offal, heads and feet away for disposal, and the skin to see if it could be turned into lightweight leather. Sometimes the skin of longpig could, but often it couldn't. Rose was gently butchering the daughter, her head, hands and feet had joined those of her mother in Morag's sacks, but as yet she hadn't been gutted. Rose gently ran the skilleting knife down from the neck to crotch of the girl, not cutting too deeply as it was only to enable the skin to be removed. Rose began to tug and the skin peeled back from the torso. Violet came over and helped and they were able to remove her whole skin in a single piece, they had to cut behind the nipples and around both her anus and her cunt, but the skin they ended up was the most perfect hide they had ever removed. Using a butchers saw and chopper they split the girl's ribcage and removed the heart, lungs and stomach. The liver and kidneys were taken to one side and placed in a ceramic bowl, the rest of the offal was wrapped and added to Morag's pile together with that from the second pig. Morag then departed to dispose of all the waste material. The girl had really fine meat, it was gently marbled throughout, and although she hadn't appeared lean, there was very little fat on the body. Rose cut the body up stripping most of the meat from the bones, which would later be used to make soup before being ground up and put back onto the land. By the time she had finished there were no recognisably human cuts of meat left, apart from two shoulder cuts that were going back to the hamlet the next day for a celebration. With the skin off though it was hard to tell them apart from animal if anyone had cause to check it. By the time that the menfolk arrived back there was no sign of the two women to be had anywhere, but the menfolk weren't concerned as it was late, they were tired and they believed the tale that they were helping out at the White Hart Inn, after all they had done this before. For a while Violet was concerned that the men wouldn't be drinking, but as they tucked into the fresh (long)pork pies they found their thirsts increasing, and as the ale was free they drank much too much. The father passed out first, and was left perched in a corner of the inn, the son not long after, nobody took any real notice of this, as they were drunk as well. The women dragged the men to a back room in readiness for the trip to the slaughterhouse, and managed to get the inn emptied of drinkers. When all was quiet Rose hit the father over the head with a brass candlestick, he groaned slightly and then breathed no more. As the son looked as if he would sleep forever they ignored him for the moment and took the older man out to the slaughterhouse, before they stripped him, hung him by hooks in his feet and then slit his throat and wrists. They then returned for the son and dragged him unconscious out to join his father. As he was still dead to the world they didn't bother to cosh him, but stripped him where he was. As his clothes were removed the women stopped to admire his young body, it was well muscled even if slightly porky, and would yield lots of really good meat. What really impressed him though was the size of his manhood, it would not have looked out of place on a donkey. Both women stroked it admiringly and made jokes about how it would almost feed a small family. As they stroked, it began to become erect and the women realised that he might be coming round. They dragged him towards his father and hooked him up by the feet and raised him to the ceiling, this put his manhood at about face level, and Rose was sorely tempted to taste this enormous piece of meat. A groan from him distracted her at that moment and she picked up the knife with the intention of slitting his throat. He had stopped groaning, so she reconsidered her options and took his manhood in her left hand and sliced it off with the knife. She hadn't expected the sudden spurting of blood which erupted from the severed arteries, but managed to avoid most of the pulsing blood. She popped the severed penis into another ceramic bowl before bending down and slitting first his wrists and then his throat. He gurgled a little as his life force pumped out of him he was dead in minutes. The women returned to the Inn and carried on as if nothing had happened before going to bed. The next morning they went out and carved up the men and left the cuts hanging all around the slaughterhouse. Several other women arrived from the hamlet and the process of salting down the meat from the two pigs and four longpigs began in earnest. Certain prime cuts were saved for the villagers and a number of pies were made for the Inn to sell. It took the rest of the day before ten kegs had been filled with the meat. They still needed some more, and they realised that perhaps the new girl would need to provide it. That evening the new help Holly was summoned ove to the slaughterhouse to help the women. Holly was a pleasant lass quite trim of figure with long dark hair cascading down her back to her waist. She wasn't the brightest of girls though and appeared slow on the uptake, and so it was that when she entered the slaughterhouse she didn't realise that anything was amiss. Violet told her to sit down on a stool that was in the centre of the room, Holly did so and looked around at the same time. She saw Rose who had just hefted the pole-axe and smiled quite oblivious to the position she was in, and then turned back to ask Violet what she wanted. Hardly had she finished speaking when the axe descended and her head was caved in. The women set to work immediately, they needed to have the other kegs filled by the morning as that was when the sailors would arrive to collect them. Holly was stripped, her young flesh was so tender that the women decided it wasn't necessary to remove it. Her breasts were small firm and very pert, so Rose carved them both off right down to the ribs and put them to one side. She would bake them in the oven later with a herb and chestnut stuffing. The girls buttocks were also considered too good for the sailors and were put to one side, and so it went on, eventually they were don and the kegs were sealed. The next morning four sailors arrived with a wagon to collect the kegs, a couple of which were opened and checked before being resealed and loaded onto the wagons. One sailor came over to Violet and counted out the silver and gold coins that were for payment and then they were gone. Rose and Violet returned to their Inn and worked the rest of the day. Late in the evening as they walked along the cliff-tops they saw the sailing boat leaving harbour and stopped and smiled to each other. The next day they joined some of the villagers from their hamlet having a celebration meal. The shoulder joints of meat were very well received, Rose and Violet though had their own speciality meals though, each having a half cock with one testicle, and a small breast that had been stuffed and baked in a clay oven. The looks on their faces told all that had to be said about how delicious the longpork had tasted, breasts and cocks were definitely worth harvesting.