Down by the River (MF; tease; oral; mast; vag; incest; young;
By CanadianTease
(C) 2016

Oh!  Hi!  I thought there weren't nobody down here.  You looking
at the river?  I likes to do that too.  It's so pretty to look
at, 'specially from that rock where you're a-settin'.  I was just
takin' a rest from my mornin' chores and thought I'd kind o' take
a walk down here.  Nice an' warm t'day, not too airish.

Is that yer big black shiny car on the side of the road down a
piece?  It is?  Well it sure is fine lookin', I ain't never seen
a car like that around here afore!  It's a what?  A Hudson? 
Well, whatever 'tis it's sure a lot diff'rent than th' old model
T my Daddy drives around in, and even Daddy's car's one of th'
only ones in the county.  Most other folks uses a horse and

Well, where's my manners!  My name is Ella-Sue, sir, Ella-Sue
Bandy.  Alan?  Well how d'ya do, Mr. Alan!  I'm certainly pleased
to meet you.  Don't know as I ever got t' shake hands with a
gentleman like you afore!  Do you mind if I sets a spell and
talks with you?  I don't get to talk with strangers much around
here, 'specially ones with big shiny cars like yours!  I'll just
set on this old stump next to you.

So where you from Mr. Alan?  You talk like you ain't from these
parts!  Oh, from up north?  And where you off to now?  Where? 
You goin' all the way down to Florida?  Oh my, that's far, ain't
it?  I don't rightly know how far but it sounds far to me.  I
ain't never been out o' Carolina myself.  You wanna know
somethin' funny?  I just found out t'other day that there's
actually two Carolinas, North and South. Huh!  I just knew I was
in Carolina and I thought that was all, now I find out I'm in the
North one.  Guess it don't really make no difference, I'm just
where I'm at and that's that!

So what ya do traveling around so far, Mr. Alan?  Oh, you sell
things?  What kind o' things?  Oh, I'm sorry to ax you so many
questions Mr. Alan!  I'm just excited t' meet somebody from so
far away is all.  Kitchen imp ... uh, im-plee-ments?  Uh, I'm
sorry but I don't know what ... oh, gadgets!  Sure, I know what
they are!  Momma's got a whole passel o' them in the kitchen
drawr, I been playing with them whimmy-diddles ever since I was a
little girl.  Maybe you can go see Momma an' show 'er some new
ones.  We live in that ol' house up the road, maybe you passed by
it.  Used-a be a big farm there like a thousand years ago but now
it's just a house an' a barn, an' the house was just 'bout
fallin' down when Daddy and Momma moved into it afore I was
borned, and since whoever lived in it before done gone off ain't
nobody knows where, well, it just sort o' became our house.  It
got three whole bedrooms in it!  Daddy and Momma have the biggest
one they call the master, the one in the front, an' I'm in one in
th' back.  My little brother used-a be in there with me too, but
now he's in one Daddy fixed up in the barn, Momma says it's for
privacy, but Daddy says he don't want a bunch o' cross-eyed
chinee babies runnin' 'round some day ... I don't rightly know
what he means, but anyways I'm all alone in my room now.  Oh, an'
then there's my Uncle Cal, he been in the room right next t' mine
since he got back from that big war, the one fightin' agin
somebody named the Hun.  He got shot over in that France place. 
He cain't walk good anymore so he spends all o' his time in his
room.  Well, not all of it, but he don't get out much, sep'n when
he drives inta town with Daddy.  At home he uses this
crutch-thing t' git around with.

Me?  Oh I'm nineteen, well actually eighteen and a half but
gettin' real close to nineteen.  I know I looks real young, what
with sometimes wearing my hair in braid pigtails like I am today.
 Lots o' folks who don't know me good think I'm a whole lot
younger, and a lot of my friends are a lot younger'n me too, like
my best friend Jolene, she's twelve but we get along real well. 
We likes to play games an' dolls, an' tell secrets an' stuff. 
And she sits next to me in school, she does, and helps me when I
don't know th' answers.  Our school has just this one room and
one teacher - Mr. Crandall, I like him, he's nice an' he's real
good lookin' - and the little kids sits on one side, the real old
kids on th' other, and the kids who are just startin' to get big
in the middle.  I should be with the big kids but I just cain't
make no sense outta the lessons Mr. Crandall gives them so he
lets me sit with Jolene and th' other middle kids.  I can do most
of the lessons they get, 'specially when Jolene helps me, she's
sharp as a tack she is!  So anyways Momma braids my hair like
this and dresses me up for school in short little dresses so's
I'll look more like the middle kids.  Sometimes she makes me have
ponytails instead when she sees me puttin' th' ends o' my braids
in my mouth.  At least ya don't suck ya thumb no more, Ella-Sue,
she says, an' I laughs, 'cause I hardly ever does that now!

So, Mr. Alan, were you good at school?  Did ya like it?  Wow, all
the way through high school!  You must be real smart for a fact.
An' was you in th' Army like my Uncle Cal?  You was?  Was ya ever
wounded?  Well tha's good, guess you was one o' the lucky ones,
an' now you can travel all over creation sellin' im-plee-ments! 
Maybe if'n you sells a lot you'll get t' be rich!  Oh, you wanna
be the boss one day?  Well, that would be a fine thing for a
fact, and I sure do wish you kin do that, Mr. Alan - I wish it
once, I wish it twice, I wish it chicken soup with rice!  That's
a poem Jolene done learned me.

I know I ain't one of the smart ones like Jolene but preacher
Deke says we just got to make do with what God gives us and do
the best we can, and I sure am tryin' to do that.  But you know,
my Daddy says it really don't make no difference if I ain't real
smart 'cause a girl who's pretty as me with my blue eyes an'
blond hair is sure to get what she wants anyway.  My Momma smiles
whenever he says that, 'cause everbody says I'm the spittin'
image of her and I look just like her when she was my age, so she
hears it like a compliment to her.  Daddy doesn't say so, but
besides my eyes and hair I know he means these, too.  My chest is
big as Momma's already!  When I squeeze 'em like this I cain't
even get 'em all in my hands ... see?  An' I seen lots o' men in
town lookin' at 'em when I walk by.  It makes me kind o' proud. 
I like it.  Even Mr. Crandall, you know, my teacher?  Jolene told
me tha' when he comes over to hep me with my writin' she sees him
tryin' t' look down the front o' my dress!  So now if'n I
remembers I undoes the top button afore school starts! *giggle*

You know what Jolene told me?  She says there's these girls in
the real big cities like New York an' Raleigh, they called
flappies or fappies or somethin' like that, they wears these
straps under they dresses t' flatten down their titties!  Imagine
that!  Now why would girls wanna go an' do somethin' like that? 
Maybe big city men likes girls what look like boys, but that sure
ain't the way in the hollas 'round here!  All my friends at
school cain't wait till they gets big'uns like mine, an' men'll
do just about anything t' get t' play with 'em!  My older
brother, the one as lives in town, he takes me out back o' the
horse barn durin' county fair an' charges his friends money t'
see mine, and oh my don't those fellers stare hard!

Why thank you, Mr. Alan, you're nice to say I'm pretty!  And I
ain't even dressed up t'day, just wearing this old shift to do my
chores in.  It's real old, that's why it's kind o' small on me
... see, when I stand up it doesn't even come down to my knees
... and look, when I raise my arms like this it liketa go all th'
way up my legs.  And when I undo the top button like this my
titties just about pop right out ... see?  But that's okay 'cause
I got a coupla new dresses to go to school in. They real pretty
and I like 'em a lot.  Actually I play this game with Uncle Cal
ever morning.  I used to go into his room a lot to keep him
company when he was still bad hurt but even though he's better
now I still likes to visit, so just before I go to school ever
day I go next door to his room to show him what I'm wearin' that
day.  While he's lyin' there in bed I say, oh look Uncle Cal, see
what I got on today?  An' I stand in front of him and hold my
skirt out to the sides sort o' like a princess in a fairy book
and make a little bow.  He laughs when I do that!  Sometimes I
spins myself around so my dress flies up, and then I lift my
skirt up high and I say see what I'm wearing underneath, Uncle
Cal?  Do you like my panties today?  Are they pretty?  He says
yes and sometimes I turn around and wiggle my rear just like the
hoochie coochie dancer he told me about once, who was in the
circus that come through town last year.  I didn't get to see her
actually dancin' 'cause kids weren't allowed in the little tent
where she was, but I seen her when she went outside to smoke a
cigarette once.  She was dressed in these spangley things that
didn't cover much at all, and Uncle Cal told me that when she
danced she shimmied and wiggled like jelly, and the spangley
things tinkled like little bells!  I asked him to show me how she
did the wiggle and he did one day.  He kneeled down on the floor
and had me stand real close to him and lift up my dress.  Then he
had me turn around slow-like a couple times while he smoothed
down my bloomers with his hands and then he took hold o' my hips
and rear and moved them around like the hoochie coochie lady did,
and pretty soon I could do it all by myself.  I don't do it ever
day but when I do Uncle Cal really likes it.  Once just for fun
when I was a-wigglin' my bum at him I pushed my panties down and
then up real quick-like then laughed and said "bye now" and ran
out to get to school.  That was so funny!

Actually Uncle Cal and me got all kind o' games that we play
sometimes.  Like peek-a-boo, that one's fun and real easy.  What
it is, sometimes if I see him sitting somewhere like in the
kitchen or the livin' room I'll go and sit in a chair acrosst
from him and pull my dress up a little above my knees.  Then so
nobody else like Daddy or Momma or my brother can see I open my
legs a little an' then back together again, and each time I do it
Uncle Cal gets a peek up my dress.  He really likes that 'cause
he says it gives him a hard-on.  You know what a hard-on is?  You
do?  Well I like givin' him hard-ons like that, it's real fun.

Hey, I know!  You want to see how I plays peek-a-boo, Mr. Alan? 
You do?  Okay, I'll just set down on this rock here acrosst from
you and you keep a-lookin' at me ... there, can you see that? 
You can?  All the way up to my bloomers?  Uh-oh but now you
cain't 'cause I put my knees together, ha ha.  Oh-oh, there I go
again.  Just a little bit, cain't hardly see anything ... a
little wider ... little wider ... back together again, aww!  Oh,
look, how's that?  I'm holding 'em open wide so's you can get a
real good look ... you like that?  You're what?  Really?  You're
gettin' a hard-on too?  Oh I'm real glad!  I love doin' that to
men, seein' 'em get a hard-on while they stare between my legs
... makes me feel all tingly!

Actually I get to play other kinds o' games with men folk in my
house.  Sometimes when Momma goes out of an evenin' to visit with
Aunt Cora some of Daddy's friends and my cousins and uncles comes
over to drink moonshine.  Actually th' moonshine is 'sposed t' be
agin the law, but the rev'nue agent is one o' those friends o'
Daddy's who come a-visitin'!  Anyways, they sits around the table
and laugh and get kind o' drunk, and even give me a taste.  I
don't like it much and it makes me feel foggy-like, but sometimes
after somebody gives me some somebody else'll say hey, let's send
Ella-Sue on a round trip, which is the name of one of th' other
games I get to play.  What it is, I get dressed up in one of my
pretty school dresses and tie my hair in ponytails so I look real
young and then I sit on one of the men's lap.  Then I sort o'
move my rear around on him till I feel a hard-on in his lap and
then I move on to the next one an' do it to him, and keep on
goin' all around the table ... that's why they call it a round
trip, see?  They're real playful what with ticklin' me an'
liftin' up my skirt an' pettin' an' squeezin' my titties, and you
know what?  Somebody always gives me a stick of molasses candy
when the game starts 'cause they know how much I love that candy,
and I lick it and suck on it while I sits there wigglin' around
on their laps.  They're so nice to me!

What, Mr. Alan?  You wanna play the round trip game with me too?
Well, we ain't got a table here an' ...  Oh shoot, I guess we
don't really need that, I can show you what I do anyways!  Okay,
so I'll come over there an' sit down on your lap like this ...
there, that's right ... hope you don't think I'm rude sittin'
here with my back turned but that's the way I sit on their laps,
you know?  Okay, I sit here like this an' then I sort o' move
around on your lap like this ... that okay, I ain't too heavy? 
No?  Oh good, okay, now what you do is sort o' lift up my dress
... wait, this ol' shift is longer than my little school dresses
so why don't I get it started like this ... I'll just pull it up
half way ... okay now you can lift it up more, lift it up till my
bloomers are showin'.  Guess it's hard for you to see, so maybe I
can sort o' lean to the side so's you can see ... there, you see
'em now, right?  Actually when we play the game for real I wear
my little white school panties 'stead o' these old bloomers, but
anyway ...   Okay now you gotta kind o' run your hands up to my
titties an' give 'em a little squeezin' the way my uncles and
cousins and th' other men do ... that's right, yes, oh yes with
both hands squeezing my two titties just like that, yes that
feels nice ... oh! ... that tickles! *giggle*

Okay, now ... oh shoot, we ain't got a candy stick!  Well, I
guess we'll just have to pretend.  Okay, you see my finger here?
Well, I'm gonna lick it up and down and suck on it just like it
was that yummy candy stick ... mmmm that's good, it's so sweet, I
do love this candy ... watch me lick it, and now I'm gonna suck
on it with my whole mouth ... see?  I know it's just my finger,
but you gotta pretend it's somethin' else, okay?  Well this is
just like the real game even though we ain't got a table and it's
just you and me.  I sit on the man's lap movin' my rear 'round
and 'round while he lifts and squeezes my titties, and th' other
men watch and drink their moonshine, waiting for their turn. 
Funny, even though they was laughin' and joshin' before they get
real quiet when the game starts.  I just looks 'em in the eye and
sucks on my candy till I feel a hard-on under me then I moves
over t' th' next man, 'cause that's the game rule.  I know they
try t' keep their peckers from gettin' hard long as they can so
I'll stay wigglin' on their laps longer, but they cain't never
keep 'em down for long!  I take my time slidin' off, sort o' like
sayin' good-bye to the hard-on *giggle*, and ... oh my!  Is that
... I do believe I feel a hard-on down there now, Mr. Alan, tha's
just what 'sposed t' happen, you're good at playing this game! 
You sure you ain't never played it afore?

Actually Uncle Cal and me plays this game sort o' like we're
doin' now, without the table an' all, back in his room after all
th' other men go home, 'cept I face t'other way.  So just let me
get up and turn around and I'll climb on your lap like I was
gettin' on a horse.  Hm, this shift is longer'n my little school
dress, so I'll have to pull it up first like this ... there, all
the way up to my waist, that's good, and now I can get on you
face to face with my legs a-straddle-like on your lap.  Real
cozy, ain't it?  Okay now I starts movin' like with the other
game but this time it's like I'm riding you like a pony, and
between my legs is pressing against your hard-on 'stead o' my
rear.  Can you feel that?  I can ... you still got a right big
hard-on, Mr. Alan!  Guess you likes this, don't cha?  Oh ... yes
... hold on t' my hips like that and push an' pull me on your lap
... Uncle Cal does that, too.

Really, you wants me to stop already?  Usually me an' Uncle Cal
keeps going till he ... oh, another game?  Which one you wanna
play?  The before school showin' what I'm wearin' today one? 
Well, okay, I can do that, so I'll stand over here and ...
diff'rent?  How we gonna do it diff'rent?  What?  What does I do
wi' my clothes in the mornin'?  Well, I puts 'em on an' then ...
at night?  My clothes?  Well, I takes 'em off o' course afore I
goes t' bed! I puts on my nightdress t' sleep in ... what?  You
want me t' pretend it's night 'stead o' mornin'?  Oh I get it
now!  You want t' see how I take my clothes off at night!
*giggle* Why Mr. Alan you are so funny!  You really want me to do
that?  You do?  Well actually Mr. Alan, you wanna know a secret?
It's a real big secret and you gotta promise you ain't gonna tell
nobody ... you do?  Okay, well sometimes I do that with Uncle
Cal, I don' mean the before school game but the takin' off my
clothes part.  Sometimes when he's feelin' slap in the mood ...
tha's what he says, in the mood ... he takes me in his room and
says he'll give me a penny if'n I take off my clothes while he
lies in bed and watches me.  An' so I do, I stand in front of him
and take off my dress and ever'thin' ... he tells me to do it
real slow ...  and he lies in bed watchin' me and a-playin' with
his hard-on.  And when I'm all bare I turns 'round and 'round and
dances sort o' like the hoochie-coochie lady.  It's so fun and I
got me a pickle jar full o' pennies saved up now!I

So will you give me a penny too, Mr. Alan, if I takes off my
clothes?  What?  Really?  A ride in your car?  Oh my, yes I
surely would like that Mr. Alan!  Here, just let me pull this
shift up over my ... what?  Not right away? Oh, just like the
before school game, right ... 'cept 'stead o' showin' what I'm
wearing I take it off?  Oh I get it now ... this'll be fun! 
Okay, okay ... so ...   Oh look Uncle ... I mean Mr. Alan ... see
what I wore to school today?  Well, I'm gettin' undressed now ...
would you like to watch me?  Yes, I'm a-gonna take it all off
now, my dress and my pretty lil panties ... would you like to see
my panties, Mr. Alan?  Yes?  Well, just let me pull my dress up
real slow-like till you kin see what I got on underneath ... here
it goes up ... a little more *giggle* ... more ...

Oh shoot!  I forgot the mornin' milkin', Abigail's udders be
achin' somethin' fierce by now, oh I gotta go do it right now,
Momma kill me if I don't!  I'm sorry Mr. Alan, but I gotta run
home an' tend t' Abigail!  Can you stay here till after I does? 
Please?  I'll come back right quick so's we can finish our game,
I really wants to, the way you was watchin' me was gittin' me all
tingly, and I sure do want a ride in your car!  Bye now, Mr.
Alan, I sure hope you waits for me ...

* * * * * * * * *

Whew!  I am so out o' breath for a fact, I runned all th' way
from my house an' I am so happy you still here!  I was a-scared
you might o' gotten tired o' waitin' an' gone off.  My family? 
No, Daddy an' Uncle Cal went t' look at some hogs Daddy wants t'
buy, and they dropped off Momma and my brother in town on the way
t' get some flour an' stuff.

You see anythin' diff'rent 'bout me, huh?  Yes?  What you think
'tis?  Yes, I took my hair braids out and now I got these two
shiny blond ponytails ... the men who visits Daddy likes that. 
Anythin' else?  Yes, tha's right!  I done changed out o' that ol'
shift an' put on my school dress.  I think it's so much more
prettier ... oh, you does too?  Yes, it's a real nice blue color
an' it's got this here row o' buttons tha' goes all th' way from
my neck down to the' bottom, an' it's got real short sleeves that
are puffy on my shoulders, like a little girl goin' to a birthday
party or somethin'!  It's a lot shorter'n my shift, too.  An'
look, I got shoes on now!  I scrubbed my feet under th' pump
'cause they was so dirty from goin' barefoot all mornin'.  I
ain't got no socks but still the shoes look right nice with the
dress.  What's that?  What I got on under my dress?  Well, Mr.
Alan, tha's for me to know an' you to find out! *giggle*  Now, we
was playin' that nice game afore, an' I been hopin' we could do
some more ... you think we could?  Then you'll get t' see what I
got on under the dress ... you wanna?  Yes?  Well, okay, I
remembers you was settin' right where you are now an' I was
standin' here, and I was pullin' up my dress like this ... a lil
itsy bit at a time ... that what you remember, Mr. Alan?  Yes? 
You wanna see me do that again?  Well okay, here goes ... up ...
up ... oh, almost there ... oh ... oh ... uh-uh!  First I wants a
ride in your big shiny car! *giggle*  No, no, no more game till I
gets my ride!  We don't gotta go far.  I knows this ol'
si-gogglin cart path up the road apiece we could drive into, it
goes snakin' a ways up in the woods an' nobody goes up there no
more.  We go there an' we can play the game some more without
nobody givin' us no bother.  Okay?  Yes?  Oh goody!

Well, I'll just climb up on this seat next to you, Mr. Alan ...
ooo look at that, my dress tried t' go up while I was wigglin'
into this seat!  Well, we cain't have that, tha's gotta wait for
the game, so I better just get myself set so's you cain't see
nothin' more'n my knees for now!  See what I'm doin' now?  Know
what that is?  Uh-huh, the peek-a-boo game again, moving my knees
apart and t'gether ... but o' course you cain't see nothing cause
o' where you're settin' there next t' me.  I know ... there, I
unbuttoned two buttons on my dress ... now you can pretend you're
Mr. Crandall tryin' to look down the front! *giggle* This is fun,
and we ain't even started the game up yet!

Mr. Alan?  Mr. Alan, we gonna go?  You starin' down my front so
hard I kin feel your eyes, Mr. Alan! *giggle* Once we gets up
that cart path an' play the game again you gonna get to see a
whole lot more ... whooee, here we go ... my oh my, your car
surely goes slap fast, Mr. Alan, it really do for a fact!

Okay, keep a-goin' up the road ... there's my house where I lives
... I'll tell ya when we git there, still got a piece t' go. 
Okay, there 'tis, see that old road?  Used-a go to some pasture
that ain't used no more ... kin your car fit?  Yes, I guess it
can, good, now just keep goin' for a while till ya see a open
place where the pasture was ...

Here we are!  Real pretty, huh, with all the high trees around
this lil' clearing?  Ain't too far from th' road or th' river,
but we kin play any game we want here without nobody lookin'. 
Why'nt we go over yonder to that rock ... there, you set down and
I'll keep on doin' what I started afore!  Now where was I?  Oh
yes ... I was fixin' to let you see what I got on under my pretty
dress ... you still wanna see?  Ya do?  Okay, here goes my dress
up again ... higher ... little higher ... ooo almost there!
*giggle*  I'm gonna pull my dress all th' way up now ... but
first I'm gonna turn 'round my back to you!  Ooo Mr. Alan,
lookin' back over my shoulder I can see that you're gettin' a
hard-on, ain't you?  An' you're touchin' it too, gettin' already
to see my dress go all th' way up!  You ready now, Mr. Alan?  You
wanna see?  Okay, I'm pullin' my dress all th' way up now ...
there, see what I got under my dress?  Nothin', that's what! 
Figgered I'd give y'all a lil' surprise!  You like the surprise?
You like lookin' at my bare-naked bum, Mr. Alan?  Does ya?  Here,
I'll give it a lil' wiggle like I does sometimes for Uncle Cal. 
You like that?  That givin' you a good hard-on? *giggle*

Oh, I bet I know whatcha really wants t' see!  I'll turn around
face on and pull my dress up again, okay, Mr. Alan?  Your hard-on
ready for that?  Okay ... up ... up ... oh yeah, there we go, Mr.
Alan, now you can see what you really wanted ... my little blond
pussycat ... you like lookin' at that?  Do ya, huh?  Now ... oh
my!  You taked your britches all th' way down!  I didn't know I
was goin' to get to see your hard-on all bare, Mr. Alan!  I ain't
never seen a man's bare-naked pecker before, 'cept for my
brothers and Uncle Cal, an' I sure do like lookin' at yours! 
It's kind o' diff'rent, it ain't got that little scarf thing that
theirs peeks out from, yours is got the round shiny head all
a-poppin' out an' ready from the git-go!  Stand's up straight
just like them, though ... ooo I likes lookin' at that, I likes
it a lot!  Makes me feel all tingly, it really does!  Can I come
closer an' see it up close?  Can I?  Do you mind if I touches it,
Mr. Alan?  Ooo it's so nice and warm, an' hard an' soft at the
same time.  Want me to show you what Uncle Cal and me does
sometime when he's got his hard pecker out like that?

Okay, it's just like the sittin' on his lap game, but without any
bloomers on!  So I'm a-gonna get a-straddle facin' you again like
this ... uh-huh, just like that, an' now I press my pussycat
against your hard-on ... you like how that feels, huh?  Nice and
warm and fuzzy?  But that ain't all ... see, I jus' stand up a
little and take your hard-on and ... mmm there, it went right
inside!  Don't that feel good, Mr. Alan, with me sittin' on your
lap and your hard-on inside my pussycat?  An' then I do this ...
I just sit up a lil' bit an' then back down again ... up and
down, ain't that nice, my pussycat slippy-slidin' up and down on
your hard-on?  You like that Mr. Alan?  My Uncle Cal sure do, he
likes it a whole lot.

Oh Mr. Alan, you're a-doin' just what Uncle Cal does, tryin' to
make me go up and down faster!  Well you know what, I ain't
a-gonna do that ... all I gotta do is stand up quick and your
hard-on falls right out ... too bad! *giggle*  But then I sits
back down nice and slow and it's inside there again, and I move
up and down real slow, just the way I wants t' do it.  Uncle Cal
gets all flustered when I does that to him, but I like gettin'
him all flustered like that!  It's real easy, 'specially since he
can't move around so good 'cause o' his war hurt, so's I can
pretty much do anythin' I want when we plays games!  Sometimes he
tries to grab hold o' me or my titties when he's sittin' in a
chair, but I just jumps back out o' reach an' sticks my tongue at
him, 'cause he can't move outta his chair t' get me!  Oh, I lets
him sometimes, but only when I wants to.  So anyways, if he tries
t' make me go up and down his pecker faster'n I want I won't do
it.  Sometimes he tries t' be polite-like, an' begs me t' go
faster, he'll say, oh please Ella-Sue, I needs it so much,  but I
just smiles at him an' go even slower!  Oh, I just loves lookin'
at his face when I do that!

You wanna know what he calls me when I does that to him?  Well, I
don't know if I should tell you!  You really want me too?  How
much?  Tell me how much ... okay, I guess I will ... I'll just
lean over close and whisper real soft in your ear - he says I'm a
little cocktease.  Ain't that funny? *giggle*  Makes me think of
teasin' a little puppy by holdin' out a scrap of meat an' pullin'
it away when he tries to jump for it!  An' that sort o' is what I
do to Uncle Cal, keepin' what he wants just outta reach where he
cain't get it an' gettin' him all flustered 'cause he cain't do
nothin' about it!  And I never knew afore that a pecker's named a
cock, too ... I learned all sorts o' things from Uncle Cal!

I guess I really am a awful tease, like he says, 'cause o' the
things I like t' do t' him when we're playin' games, like the
peek-a-boo game.  If there ain't nobody but us in th' house I'll
sometimes go stand close to where he's settin' in his chair and
pull up my dress or show him my titties, an' when he tries t'
touch me I steps back real quick-like.  Please, Ella-Sue he'll
say, I cain't get to Mae's roadhouse no more an' I really needs a
funnin' up so bad - tha's what he calls it when I plays with his
pecker, says he wants me to fun him up - an' I'll kinda pout at
him an' say tha's too bad, Uncle Cal, I'm so, so sorry 'bout
that,  but I gotta go do more chores now, an' then I walk away
leavin' him all flustered and with a hard-on!  But after a while
I usually gives him what he needs, like I'll sneak into his room
late at night and get into his bed, an' I lets him play with my
titties an' suck on 'em in th' dark while I reaches down and funs
up his cock, then when I'm done I goes back t' my room.  Then o'
course in the mornin' I goes back in before school to show him
what I'm wearing that day!

So you likin' this, Mr. Alan, me sliding nice and slow up and
down your hard cock?  That feel good, so nice an' warm and
slippery?  Oh, I knows it does!  Well you know what?  We ain't
finished t'other game yet, so we gots t' stop ... off I gets! 
Aww, I'm sorry t' git you so flustered like that Mr. Alan, but I
wants t' finish the takin' off my clothes game first.  I really
do enjoy watchin' you stare at me while I does it, an' I loves
seein' your hard-on get bigger an' bigger!

I'm gonna start unbuttonin' my dress right at th' bottom, like
this ... one button ... two ... then there's another ... and
another ... ooo now you can see my little pussycat peeking out,
Mr. Alan, what was feelin' so good just a minute ago ... up an'
up I go ... now just two buttons left, and look, my titties are
trying t' push my dress all th' way open all by themselves!  See
that, huh? *giggle*  You know what, I think I'll just turn 'round
while I does these last buttons ... there, no more buttons an'
I'm droppin' my dress on th' ground ... you like seein' me from
behind, Mr. Alan, all naked like this?  Uncle Cal do, like once
when I was gettin' outta the bath tub I looked behind me an there
was Uncle Cal a-peekin' 'round the door!  He said I looked so
pretty stripped down t' the runnin' gears with my nice big bottom
- he calls it my ass - all out in th' open for him to see ... you
like it too, Mr. Alan?

Okay, I'm gonna turn around now ... I'm covering up my big
titties and squeezin' 'em with my hands, just like in a
photograph picture my brother showed me he keeps in th' barn, of
a lady with big titties wearin' only silk stockings an' ... oh! 
Oh, Mr. Alan!  I love seeing what you're doin' to your hard-on
now, playin' with it and rubbin' it up and down like that, oh
gosh tha's makin' me feel so tingly!  I loves touchin' and
scoochin' myself down there too, it feels sooooo good!  That was
one thing Jolene didn't have to learn me, I figured that out all
by myself!  I loves doin' this to myself while I watches you
doin' it, too!  Ohh it so big, Mr. Alan, an' standin' up so stiff
and proud-like!

You want my titties, Mr. Alan, you want me t' come close so's you
can touch them?  You like it when I sways 'em from side t' side
like this, an' makes 'em jiggle?  Look, Mr. Alan, I'm holding up
my big titties in my hands like they be a present I'm givin' to
you *giggle* ... here, Mr. Alan, my big'uns are all for you ...
mmm oh yes, tha' feels so good, you squeezin' and suckin' on 'em
like that, makes me tingle more ... mmm, let me reach down an'
touch you while you doin' that, make you feel good doin' the
things Uncle Cal showed me how to do to him.

Is there anythin' special you like, Mr. Alan?  Somethin' you
wants me to do to you?  All you gotta do is tell me what, an'
I'll do it ... what?  You wants me to kiss it?  Where ... right
here?  Okay ... ooo!  It kinda jumped ... that was funny!  How
'bout here?  And here?  That feel good, too, Mr. Alan?

Anythin' else I can do?  Oh, you wants me to lick your hard-on up
and down?  Okay ... there.  What ... all aroun' the shiny head? 
My tongue goin' twisty an' swirly-like?  There, I done it three
times!  Wait, I wanna do it again, real slow this time! *giggle*

Wiggle my tongue right along there?  Okay ... mmm, you likes my
lil pink tongue worryin' you there, huh? Sounds t' me like you do
*giggle* ... you makin' the cutest little noises what with sayin'
ah an' oh an' squirmin' around an' puttin' your hands all over my
ass an' my pussy an' my titties!

Okay, now what?  Really? You wants me t' suck on your whole
hard-on in my mouth?  Sure, I can do that, I'll just grab hold
an' ... wait a minute!  This is just like ... well shoot, don't
that beat all!  You know what this remembers me of, Mr. Alan?  My
molasses candy stick, that's what!  So tha's what ... I get it
now!  Oh yes, I sure do get it!  Well, Mr. Alan, I'm just gonna
pretend your big hard cock is my favorite piece o' candy, and I'm
gonna spend half the day a-lickin' and a-suckin' and a-kissin'
all over it till ... well, till it shoots way up in th' air like
Uncle Cal's does after I been workin' on it real slow for a long,
long time!  This gonna be so fun ... but I do hope it don't drive
you plumb crazy, Mr. Alan, 'cause like Uncle Cal says, I surely
am such a awful lil cocktease! *giggle* Oh, just wait till I
tells Jolene!  She ain't never done nothin' like this.  Okay, Mr.
Alan, you just lay back, 'cause for a fact I gonna fun you up
till the cows come home!
