Title: Wine and Promises, Part II 
Author: Cait N. 
E-mail: caitn @ mindspring.com
Homepage: /~CaitN/
Series: TNG 
Codes: P/C
Rating: G 
Archive: ASC yes, everyone else please ask
Feedback: It's my only payment, so make this check a big

Disclaimer: Paramount owns the characters, I just take 'em
out for a spin every once in a while.

Summary: Taking SaRa up on her offer to continue the first
part. *smile*


"Wine and Promises, Part II" 
by Cait

"Wine? With breakfast, Jean-Luc?" Beverly questioned.

He was working the cork loose.  "Is there some rule that
says you can only drink wine with dinner?" 

"No," she laughed, still curious.

He poured the wine then handed her a glass.  "I found it
buried in my closet.  I'd forgotten  all about it," he
said, sitting on the couch.

Beverly sat on his lap, and he gathered her close.  "A
toast? To the future?" 

"The past," he said, quietly.  "Everything that's passed
before has brought us here, to this moment."  Love shone in
his eyes. "And I wouldn't trade it for anything."