Title: What Friends Are For 
Author: Cait N. 
Series: VOY 
Codes: Tu/T; drabble; "Challenge Me!" series 
Rating: PG 
Feedback: Yes, please. caitn at mindspring dot com

Summary: Did you really think a hologram would help Tuvok with pon

Author's Note: Set right after the episode "Body & Soul."

Author's Note #2: Number 16 in the "Challenge Me!" drabble series.
Written for Long Tianshi who wanted Tuvok/Torres, any rating.

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"What Friends Are For" 
copyright April 2005 
by Cait N.

"You need help, Tuvok." B'Elanna stood inside the holodeck trying to
make him see reason. 

"I'll be fine," he ground out. His body shook with the effort it
took to keep the plak tow in check.

"Tuvok --"

"Get out!"

She grabbed his arms, forcing him to look at her. "You can _not_ do
this alone! You tried to meld with the holo of T'Pel and it didn't
work. You need a living person to get you through this." She lowered
her voice, pleading. "Let me help you."

"You don't know what you're saying."

"Yes," she whispered. "Yes, I do."