Title: A Picture's Worth a Thousand Words 
Author: Cait N. 
Series: TNG/DS9 
Codes: Data/Bashir 
Rating: PG-13 
Feedback: Yes, please. caitn at mindspring dot com

Summary: Bashir meets his match.

Author's Note: Number 11 in the "Challenge Me!" series. darksusie
wanted a "hot" Data/Bashir. It's not very hot, but maybe I'll be

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"A Picture's Worth a Thousand Words"
copyright April 2005 
by Cait N.

Personal Log, Julian Bashir, Stardate 46579.2

I think I'm in love. His name is Data. He's the most fascinating
individual I've ever met! He's got this... something. It's hard to
describe. He... makes me feel like I'm special, like I'm the only one
around that matters.

And the sex! Whew! Just thinking about some of the things we did
makes me hard all over again. Before the Enterprise left, he slipped
me a padd with "naughty" pictures of him on it. Picture number
seven... that looks painful! But I'd be willing to try it next time
he's on the station!