Title: Repetition
Author: Cait N.
Series: TNG
Codes: Crusher, Worf
Rating: G
Copyright: November 8, 2003
Feedback: caitn @ mindspring.com

Disclaimer: Paramount owns the characters, the story is mine.

Author's Note: Written for the trek100 "costume" challenge.

Summary: Some costumes are hard to leave behind.

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"Hold still, Worf, I'm almost done." Beverly adjusted the hem of his
pants, cursing under her breath. Even though the Robin Hood costume
had been replicated, it didn't fit completely right, causing last
minute adjustments.

"I don't know how I let you talk me into this," he complained. Decked
out in green from head to toe, he looked nothing like the competent
security officer he was.

"Because I begged and you finally gave in."

Worf felt the need to protest one last time. "I am not a merry man."

Smiling, Beverly stood up and patted his arm. "So you've said."

"Well-behaved women rarely make history."