Title: Old Habits Die Hard
Author: Cait N.
Series: TOS
Pairing: K/S
Codes: drabble
Rating: PG-13 
Feedback: Gladly welcome at: caitn at mindspring dot com

Thanks to Vee and Farf for their beta. 

Author's Note: Takes place during TWOK. Written for Lyra at the
Slash Bash 2005. I owe her big time!

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"Old Habits Die Hard"
copyright January 2005 by Cait N.

"Excuse me, Captain, but did you just look at the janitor's rear?"

"Huh?" Kirk stopped in the middle of the corridor; Spock had taken
him off guard.

"The janitor we just passed. You turned your head to stare at his

"I did?" 

"Yes, you did."

"Are you jealous, Spock?"

"Jealousy is an emotion, Captain, that would be illogical for me to
indulge in." The smirk playing about the corners of his lips belied
his words.

"Okay, maybe I did," Kirk ran his hand over the Vulcan's backside,
"but yours is the only one I'd take a _second_ look at."