Title: Look But Don't Touch
Author: Cait N.
Series: TOS
Pairing: U/f (surprise)
Rating: R
Feedback: caitn @ mindspring.com
Disclaimer: Paramount owns the characters but the words are mine.
Archiving: FFF, ASCEM, others please ask. 
Notes: Written for Round XIII of the Femme Fuh-q Fest --
Summary: Uhura can't wait to meet her lover. Written over at the FFF
for the "first
line/last line" challenge by lbts.

"Look But Don't Touch"
© Cait N. February 2004

Uhura had been squirming in her seat for the last three hours of her
shift. Just thinking of what she had planned for later than evening
had her panties soaked and her pussy throbbing. She was amazed that
the bridge crew couldn't pick up on her musky scent; she caught a
whiff every so often and it only served to make her hornier.

Shift finished, Uhura practically sprinted to the turbolift. In
minutes she was in her quarters, reaching for her lover. 

M'Ress shook her still-damp mane. "I'd love to kiss you, but I just
washed my hair."

Uhura groaned.