Title: Lines We Sometimes Cross 
Author: Cait N. 
Series: TOS 
Codes: Mc/Am; drabble; "Challenge Me!" series 
Rating: PG-13 
Feedback: Yes, please. caitn at mindspring dot com

Summary: The title pretty much says it all.

Author's Note: Drabble #7 in the "Challenge Me!" series. Written for
Julianna who wanted Mc/Am. 

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"Lines We Sometimes Cross"
copyright April 2005
by Cait N.

The first time he wasn't sure, but the second time Leonard McCoy
felt a hand on his thigh, creeping upward, he was positive: his best
friend's mother was trying to feel him up under the table.

Throughout dinner, Amanda fondled Len under the table, bringing him
to the edge of orgasm, then playfully drawing back. He didn't know
whether to be shocked or flattered.

After dinner, when he found her waiting for him by his door, he
discovered he couldn't turn her away. They were two people who wanted
each other: it was as simple -- and as complicated -- as that.