Title: Kira's Song (a poem)
Author: Cait N. (caitn @ mindspring.com)
Series: DS9
Rating: G
Feedback: If you're so inclined.

Disclaimer: Paramount owns the characters, I just take 'em
out for a spin every once in a while.

Summary: A poem about Bajor, told from the viewpoint of 
Kira Nerys.

= = = = = = = = 
"Kira's Song"
copyright October 2001, by Cait N.

Years ago we were blessed by the Prophets.
We were one with the land and it sang with joy.
Then came the shadowed warriors, who took our land
and enslaved its people.

A time of darkness descended, eclipsing the sun: the Song was
shattered - carried on the wind; silent.
We questioned the conquerors: "Why?" but only
through our faith could we find the answers.

Our eyes were closed:
we could not see the light.
Our ears were covered:
we could not hear the music.
Our legs were bound:
we could not find the way.

After years of struggle, came the day of deliverance,
when we were blessed by the Prophets once again.
Our eyes were opened; ears uncovered; legs unbound;
and we reclaimed what was rightfully ours.

For there were those who always believed - never doubted - knew
we would not be abandoned - left in the eternal night.
We believed without proof, yet was not our belief
all the proof we needed?

Today I stepped out into the light, smiling, the sun on my face,
the land beneath my feet - and thought I heard, 
very faintly - a Song, carried on the wind.