Title: Interspecies Dating Isn't What It Used to Be 
Author: Cait N.
Series: DS9 
Codes: Qu/D; drabble; "Challenge Me!" series 
Rating: R
Feedback: Yes, please! caitn at mindspring dot com

Summary: The old saying, "Hindsight is twenty-twenty."

Author's Note: Number 6 in the "Challenge Me!" series. bethdrgyn
wanted Quark/Jadzia. This is the weird idea that popped into my mind. 

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"Interspecies Dating Isn't What It Used to Be" 
copyright April 2005 
by Cait N.

"Ow! Quark, it's not going to work."

"Of course it will, just... move your hips to the right."

Jadzia rolled her eyes. Sex wasn't work; if you couldn't get it
right by the third try, give up and take care of things yourself. 

"Okay, lift up your left leg... a little more..."

She should have known it was a bad idea, but horniness can cause
even the most logic-minded individual to throw reason out the airlock.

"Almost there..."

Jadzia looked at the ceiling, counting the rivets. Damn! She'd
completely forgotten about Rule of Acquisition number nineteen:
Satisfaction is _not_ guaranteed!