Title: A Tight Fit 
Author: Cait N. (caitn @ mindspring.com)
Series: TNG 
Codes: P/C 
Rating: PG 
Feedback: Yeah, baby!
Archive: ASC, yes, everyone else let me know, please.

Summary: Picard makes the best of a bad situation.

Disclaimer: Paramount owns the characters, I just take 'em
out for a spin every once in a while.


"A Tight Fit" by Cait

With the Enterprise sensors offline, a subspace cloud of
electrostatic energy shorted out the systems on the
lower decks, trapping Picard and Crusher in a turbolift.

"We shouldn't have much further to go," Jean-Luc said to
Beverly, who was climbing up the narrow turbolift shaft
above him.  "We'll try the doors on the next level."

At the next deck, Picard raised his tricorder, scanning
the control panel.  It was operable. "Sorry, Beverly, looks
like we'll have to keep climbing."

She sighed and resumed climbing.

Picard watched Bev's shapely ass, vowing to never complain
again about the uniforms fitting too tightly.