Title: You'll Get Yours Later
Author: Cait N (caitn at mindspring dot com)
Codes: Beverly Crusher, Deanna Troi, Will Riker
Drabble: Wednesday's child is loving and giving.

* * * * * 

Will and Beverly were with Deanna in her quarters, planning their shore
leave together.  The two women were sharing the box of chocolates that
Will had given Deanna that morning.

He licked his lips. "May I have one?" he asked.


"No!"  Troi moved the box out of his reach.

"But you're sharing with Beverly."

"So give me just a small one."
"Give it up, Will."
Riker reached out and gently stroked Troi's cheek.  "I love you," he
reminded her.

Troi answered with a teasing grin.  "I love you, too, but you're not
getting any of this candy."