Title: The Things We Do For Love
Author: Cait N.
Series: VOY
Codes: J/C; drabble
Rating: PG
Feedback: caitn at mindspring dot com

Summary: "I'll pick out something sexy for you to wear, and you pick
out something for me." Sounds simple, huh?

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"The Things We Do For Love"
copyright March 2005 by Cait N.

"I'm not wearing this," Kathryn yelled through the bathroom door.

"You have to."

"I didn't know you were going to choose _this_!"

Chakotay laughed. "We made a deal."

"I changed my mind."


"When I said 'Find something sexy for me to wear,' this _wasn't_
what I meant!"

"It's sexy to _me_! Besides, I'm wearing the outfit you chose."
Chakotay looked down at the brown suede thong. He had to admit; it
showed off his "assets" better than he'd anticipated.

The bathroom door opened.

Chakotay grinned. "It's black and slinky."

Kathryn glared at him. "It's the Bride of Chaotica outfit!"