Title: Dining In 
Author: Cait N. 
Series: TNG 
Codes: Data/Yar; drabble; Challenge Me! series 
Rating: R 
Feedback: Yes, please. caitn at mindspring dot com

Summary: A missing scene from the episode "The Naked Now."

Author's Note: Number 4 in the "Challenge Me!" series. Written for
Katrine. She wanted an R-rated Data/Yar. Hope this works! 

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"Dining In" 
copyright April 2005
by Cait N.

"Oh yeah, like that. Mmmmm." Tasha reached between her legs and
threaded her hands through Data's hair. It felt soft, supple, not
like she'd expected. Several things that evening had been better than
she'd expected.

Moments later, Data raised his head. "I have a question."

Tasha groaned. "Right now?"

"I am curious as to why you called this 'eating you out.' I am not
actually eating anything. Licking, sucking... but not eating."

Tasha grinned in spite of herself. "It's a euphemism for oral sex,

"Ah, like 'clam digging,' 'flossing with the shorts hairs,' 'muff --"



"Eat me."