Title: Dessert
Author: Cait N., copyright 2003
Series: TOS
Pairing: S/Mc
Rating: PG-13
Feedback: caitn at mindspring.com
Disclaimer: Paramount owns the characters. I just borrow them from time to time.
Archive: Spock/McCoyote's Den, ASCEML - all others, please ask.

Summary: Smut, plain and simple.
Author's note: Written for Janet, just 'cause.

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"This is my dessert?"

"This is our dessert," he corrected.

He raised an elegant eyebrow. "Are you sure this is the way you make it?"

"Of course! You're doubting my culinary ability?"

"If I remember correctly, s'mores are supposed to be made over an open fire."

"We don't have a fireplace," Len pointed out. "I'm working with what we
do have."

Spock surveyed the contents on the counter. "You take graham crackers,
put pieces of chocolate and soft marshmallows in between, then you
eat it like a sandwich?"

He laughed. "Basically, yes."

"But," Spock continued, "we don't have marshmallows, so you are using
marshmallow cream. And you can't find any chocolate bars, so you are
using chocolate syrup?"


"Why don't you just go to the store and get what you need? Or replicate it?"

"Because we're supposed to be on vacation, hiding out from the rest of the world, spending quality time together, remember? And I'm trying to be spontaneous! It helps keep a relationship alive."

"I hate to tell you this, Leonard, but it looks disgusting."

"Hey!" He assumed a hurt look. "Don't knock it till you try it."

Spock stood watching him while his words sank in. A ghost of a smile flickered on his face. "Very well."

He moved forward and grasped Len's belt, working it through the loops.

"Hey! I'm trying to cook here. We can fool around after."

Spock shook his head. Len's pants fell to his ankles, his boxers quickly

"I'm serious."

"I know you are," he replied, using two fingers to scoop out some of
the marshmallow cream. He spread it on Len's half-hard cock. "Now for
some chocolate," Spock murmured, taking the bottle of syrup and pouring
it all over the marshmallow cream.


"Shhh, I'm creating." He knelt in front of him. Spock took a square of
graham crackers, and crumbled them over Len's now very-hard cock. "Don't
knock it till I try it, right?" he shot back at him, just before his
tongue darted out to slowly lick at the sticky mixture.

Leonard moaned at the sensation.

Spock sat back on his heels, sampling his concoction. "You are right -
not half bad," he declared.

He grinned in satisfaction.

"Know what I want to have now?"

"Uh-uh." Len shook his head while angling his hips a little closer to
Spock's mouth.


Len's groan at his pun quickly turned to one of pleasure as Spock finished his dessert.