Title: The Burden of Command 
Author: Cait N. 
Series: TNG, Marrissa Stories, Challenge Me! 
Codes: P, f 
Rating: G 
Feedback: Yes, please. caitn at mindspring dot com

Summary: No one ever said command was easy.

Author's Note: #19 in the "Challenge Me!" drabble series. Written
for Stephen who wanted a Picard and Marrissa story. He said it's set
sometime during the Lieutenant Picard Era. :-)

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"The Burden of Command" 
copyright May 2005 
by Cait N.

"How do you do it?"


"Send people into situations when you know they might not come back."

Jean-Luc put down the latest reports from Starfleet Headquarters and
looked his daughter in the eye. "So that's why you've been moody

Marrissa shrugged her shoulders. "I was sure it wouldn't bother me,
but now..."

"But now you're wondering if command is right for you?"

She nodded reluctantly.

"I won't lie to you and say it gets easier: it doesn't." He wrapped
his arms around her and held her gently. "All we can do is our best.
That, and pray."