Title: All I want for Christmas...
Author: Cait N.
Contact: caitn at mindspring dot com
Series: VOY
Codes: P/T
Rating: G
Archive: ASC yes, everyone else please ask

Disclaimer: Paramount owns the characters, I just take 'em
out for a spin every once in a while.

Summary: Tom learns that B'Elanna "plays" rough. <g>


"All I want for Christmas..." 
by Cait

"I'm part Klingon, what did you expect?"

"I expected you to have thome conthideration for my health
and well-being," Tom countered.  "You know - love, honor,
and _cherish_."

"A lover's spat?" the doctor asked, as the couple walked
into sickbay, still arguing.

"It's not a spat," B'Elanna answered.

"Uh-hmmm," the doctor said.  "What seems to be the matter,

"It's not me," B'Elanna replied, crossing her arms.

Tom's face turned a light pink. "Juth don't athk how it
happened," he said tersely, opening his mouth wide.  His
two front teeth were missing.

"I see," the doctor said, fighting back a grin.