Title: A Slight Oversight
Author: Cait N.
Series: DS9
Codes: Kira; drabble; humor
Rating: G
Feedback: caitn @ mindspring.com
Copyright: April 2004

Summary: You'd think after several hundred years government agencies
would get their act together.

Author's Note: Written for the "time travel" trek100 livejournal

Disclaimer: Paramount owns the characters, I just borrow them from
time to time.

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"We should have resolved this matter years ago..."

"Yes, but somehow it got... overlooked."

Colonel Kira stared across her desk at the two investigators. After
the tribble incident, she hadn't thought she'd ever see Dulmer and
Lucsly again. She'd been wrong.

"So you need to talk to Quark and Lieutenant Nog?"

Dulmer nodded. "Yes, we've already spoken to the Grand Nagus."

"I still can't figure out what Temporal Investigations would want with
either of them. Especially Nog."

The two men looked at each other, then Lucsly leaned toward Kira and
asked, "Are you familiar with Earth: Roswell, New Mexico, 1947?"