Title: A is for...
Author: Cait N.
Series: VOY
Pairing: J/T
Codes: drabble
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Ever list the letters in your name and think of descriptive
words that start with those letters? Old game, new players.

Author's Note: Written for a challenge at voyager_week on livejoural.

Disclaimer: Paramount owns the characters, the story is mine.

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"A is for..."
copyright February 2005
by Cait N.



B'Elanna snorted in derision. She considered herself many things,
but that wasn't one of them. "E?"


"Oh, nice. L?"

"Lickable." Kathryn illustrated with a lick to her stomach.

"A," B'Elanna said, laughing.

"An animal in bed."

B'Elanna bit her lip and growled. "N?"


"For you, yes. Another N."


B'Elanna smiled, thinking of the near-impossible position they'd
tried before the senior staff meeting. "A?"

Kathryn snuggled closer to B'Elanna, and nibbled roughly on her
earlobe.  She drew it out until the other woman was writhing with
delight, and then whispered in a honeyed-whiskey voice, "All mine."