Title: Leave Him
Keywords: mF, inc, mom, son, mdom, cheat, mat
Author: Caesar
Summary: To save his abused mother, Jim seduces her - Jane not only willingly submits to her son, she convinces him to care for her, for the rest of her life.

She begged and she pleaded for more.
I said, "We've already had four,
        And I'm sure that you've heard,
        Though it's somewhat absurd,
That eros spelt backwards is sore."


Leave Him

by Caesar, copyright 2003

$Revision: 1.7 $ $Date: 2007-12-02 07:47:45 $

"Leave him!"

Mom's face lost all colour and her mouth opened as if her jaw had just
dropped.  She was stricken with the concept that I had just laid
before her.  You see, mother had no one else but her family - myself
and dad.  Her parents were long dead and her brother just up and
disappeared nearly twenty years before.  Then there was the lack of
friends - dad disapproved of everyone she had ever associated with.

My theory was that dad did not want mom to be happy.  I went so far as
to guess the old man felt some sort of demented need to keep mom
'down' else she may just realize how crappy dad treated her and leave
him.  He was a bastard, that much was for certain, yet I have never
had proof that he actually hit mom - only verbally abuse her to the
point of outright humiliation and neglect.

Before I left home for University, I used to hear him berating her any
time the two were in the same room.  Rarely did it turn into yelling,
unless dad was very mad, instead it was terse negative comments.

I could see how it affected mom, of course, how she took each comment
without a response or pause - simply accepting every word that her
husband threw at her.

Nothing she did was right - and I mean nothing.  From the cleanliness
of our immaculate home to the temperature of our steaming hot supper
to even to the schedule she was forced to keep.  Even what she
dressed, not that she had many clothes and certainly nothing new or
stylish, was not good enough for him.

Even late at night, when my parents where behind the closed door of
their bedroom I could hear him grunting but never a sound from her
even though their bed springs told me exactly what they were doing.
Then after he finished I could hear him telling her how old and ugly
she was getting, or how fat and how he only fucked her out of duty as
his own hand gave him more pleasure.  He called her all sorts of names
when they were alone and threatened to leave her if she did not suck
him better or move her ass like she meant it.

Yet there was also the nights that dad was not at home, usually gone
out drinking with friends, and could hear mother crying in her room.
Sobbing the hours away until I could hear little whimpers and the bed
springs again and I knew what she doing.  Giving herself the pleasure
that dad could not deliver.

You see, I grew up hating my father while feeling helpless and
empathetic toward mother.  As an early teenager I used to have dreams
of being a knight and saving mom, the queen, from the evil king, dad.
Yes I was attracted to her - partially out of love and partially
because she is rather physically attractive.  I tried to tell her how
much I thought she was pretty and how much I loved her but my
adolescent fumbling words were like wisps of smoke to fathers dominant
black force.

So, years later, I graduate and found a very good job and even have my
own apartment.  I have a steady stream of women in my life but I have
never found that one, someone that I could love and care about enough
to want to live with.  Mom and dad are older now - they are a strange
couple - but nothing has changed since I was a teenager in their home.

The plan was simple, take the afternoon off of work and visit mom at
home when dad was at work.  She was overjoyed at the unannounced visit
and made a pot of tea for the both of us and sat down at the kitchen
table together.  Then I told her what I had come to tell her and she
simply sat, stunned.

My reaction was to get defencive.  "Mom, I hate how he treats you!"  I
reached out and took one of her hands in both of my own, holding and
stroking it tenderly.

Mother was looking at our hands when the tears welled up in her eyes.
Finally through a cracking voice, mother finally responded, "And where
would I go Jim?"

I didn't say a word.  For one thing, from the tone of her voice I knew
she did not expect an answer - hell, both of us knew she had no where
to go.  No friends, no family, no money... nothing.

But she has me.  "You could stay at my place mom...!"  I was about to
add that she could move out when she got back on her feet - isn't that
what I'm supposed to say?

Mom yanked her hand from my own and took a lengthy sip of her tea.
Whens her eyes returned to my own, I saw that the tears had dried up.
This told me much about my proposal to mother - she thought she could
never leave and probably had never even considered it.  "That would
put a crimp in your style honey, your 'mommy' living with you?"  I
could hear the forced lightness in her voice, she wanting to make
light of this conversation.

I was serious when I answered, "I love you mom and want you to be
happy."  I doubt mother had been happy since before I was born.

The centre of her chin quivered and I could tell that she was forcing
her emotions down, just where dad likes them to be.  She finally
answered after a lengthy silence, "No matter how bad you think your
father treats me - it would be better than being alone!"  Her voice
had risen as if angry and she stood up and faced the open window and
the sun streaming through, "Besides, you father loves me!"

Standing there before the window, arms crossed over her chest and
acting so defiantly, the light of the bright mid-day sun caused her
old dress to become almost translucent and I could see the curves of
her body beneath.

I went away from my parents home thinking about the curves of her body
and remembering the distant whimpers of her self pleasure when I had
been a teenager.


There was something else that I had not yet revealed to you - when I
was in my early teens, those fantasies that I rescued mom slowly
transformed into something else, something so private that I have
never considered telling another person... until now.  You see - after
I saved the queen from her husband, the evil king, she would be most
thankful to the brave knight.  At first I imagined chaste kisses and
hugs but as time went forward the queen thanked me often with her
lips... on my dick.  Not long after that self-revelation, I gave up
the king and queen fantasy and simply imagined mother, naked with me,
fucking, sucking, begging and enjoying.

Those curves of her body before the window, days before, had reminded
me of those past fantasies.  Not that I've given them totally up -
just that they were rarely sought out for my self-pleasuring images.

These memories gave rise to a plan - one that I will not explain to
you but you will have the pleasure of witnessing, if only in these
words that I write.

The plan was started with a simple question to my father, while we sat
at the table eating our Sunday dinner.  This was a totally normal
occurrence, and since it had been weeks since I had accosted mother to
leave her husband, it seemed to have been forgotten, or at least
forgiven between us.

Early in the meal I explained that I had purchased a new home - out in
the suburbs.  After the congratulations and answering the questions
about the size of the place and its amenities I told them I planned on
buying some antiques for the place.  My parents thought this was a
great idea.  Then I asked dad if mom could help - as I did not have a
lot of time to drive around and look at all the crap to find a few
choice pieces of furniture and mom would be a great help.

"Of course you can have her - she is useless around here anyways!"  He
had to add, "Though, she knows nothing about furniture let alone
antique furniture!"  Mother just moved her food around on her plate
with her fork, as if she was not present while we talked about her.

I assured him that I would be making the choices but I just needed
another set of eyes and hands to sort through all the options.

Nothing else was said about this for the rest of my visit but I saw
mother looking at me suspiciously from the corner of her eye as I
stood to leave and asked her to come over to my apartment noon the
next Saturday.


The first place I went, with mother seated next to me in the car, was
to my new house.  She was properly impressed, as it was newly built,
huge and completely empty.

"When do you get to move in?"

"Its mine now mom - but I thought to get the antique furniture before
moving in."

She stood in the middle of the high-ceilinged living room with her
arms crossed over her jacket and soberly asked, "Is this some type of
ploy to get me to move in?"  Mothers eyes were stern but did not blink
as they looked into my own.

"Of course!"  I saw her surprise at my seemingly honest response.  "I
have three spare rooms, and you can have any one of those mom."

She turned away so that she faced out the window - deja vue time.
"Well you can forget it Jim, I'm not leaving your dad."

"There is something else mom?"

She turned only her head to look at me as if to ask what it was.  "I
have another motive for asking you to help me with the furniture."
Actually I asked dad, but I thought it prudent not to state the
obvious.  "I wanted to get you alone, away from dad, so we could spend
time together."

I had told dad, when I picked up mom, that I needed her help for the
next several Saturdays.  From noon until I returned her - often before
midnight, as it was nearly forty minutes to my new house.  And I had
warned him that some of the antique dealers were out of town and I may
want to take mom on overnight trips.  What I had been asking for was
plenty of time with mom, alone.  He only grunted, a little angry at me
interrupting his football game on the television.

Mothers voice was considerably softer when she stated, "Its not going
to work Jim."

I stepped forward and wrapped my arms about her to give her an awkward
hug.  Awkward since her arms were still crossed over her chest and she
wore her bulky jacket.  As I held her for half a minute I kissed the
top of her head once, softly.

When I let her go, mom's arms dropped to her sides and she gave me a
soft smile.

Mom was wrong, this was going to work.


For the next two Saturday's we spent in the empty house - going
through catalogues and product lists that I had collected from various
dealers.  I enjoyed looking at my mother seated cross-legged, or
laying upon her side or front, in the middle of the empty cavernous
living room while she used a highlighter to mark the interesting

That second week, just about six o'clock, I interrupted mother and
asked if she was hungry.  She was, but expected me to order another
pizza like last week.  "Grab your jacket mom - I noticed a place close
by and would like to see if they have good food."  She only paused for
a second before following me toward the door to the garage, and my

Our meal was fine and mother took a while to relax so that we had a
private conversation seated across from each other in the small booth.
As we were leaving I saw a florist shop just down the block and told
mom I would be right back.  I returned to my car and handed mother a
single red rose.  She took it shocked and I imagined she thought I was
buying flowers for a girlfriend.

Her first reaction was anticipated, "I... I can't take this home!"  To
dad, she meant.

That is when I produced the vase, "No problem mom... just leave it at
my house!"

Mother smelled that rose and stole small glances at me the whole ride
home.  Where she set the flower in the vase right above the natural
rock fireplace mantel and stood to admire it for some minutes before
returning to the catalogues and lists.


It was nearly three more weeks when I took her to a pub in the
neighbourhood and asked mom to dance.  She turned red and shook her
head 'no', but I could see that she wanted too.  So I dragged my
mother to the small, empty, dance floor and wrapped my arms about her
waist.  Her hands came up to cradle my head as we moved gently to the

It was too loud to talk but I could see and feel that mother was
feeling good, the three wine glasses did not hurt either.

At the end of the song, I kissed her brow, lingering as I felt her
hands fiercely hold me against her shoulders trembled uncontrollably.

We, all too soon, parted and returned to our meal.


That next week when mom slide into my car, I confronted her with a
change of plan for our day.  "The first pieces came yesterday mom.  I
thought we would take the day off and celebrate?"

For the first hour each time I picked mom up, she was quiet and
distant - taking time to purge herself from my fathers presence is how
I thought of it.  So when she shrugged and mumbled 'fine', I put the
car into gear and sped off.

I went to a upscale centre in the middle of town - and mom did not
hide her surprise when I lead her directly to a very expensive women
clothing store.  I told the sales woman that my 'friend' needed a
dress for dinner and dancing this very night, price was no issue.  She
took mothers hand and lead her to expensive cocktail dresses in the
back.  Just looking at the rack of short skirts, many with see-through
material - mother leaned over and stated flatly in an embarrassed
whisper, "I can't wear those tonight!"

"Why not mom?"

"Because I don't have the right kind of underwear!"  She turned back
to the rack of clothing and the politely smiling sales lady.  "Why
don't we go back to that pub Jim?"  We had been there twice and I
could tell mom rather enjoyed it.

"Don't worry Jane", that was the first time that I had called mother
by her first name and her eyes shot wide whens he heard it, "after we
get you the perfect dress there is a lingerie shop just down the hall.
Isn't that correct?"  I was asking the sales women so as to deflect
mothers shocked comments.

"Certainly sir!  With the right dress and complimentary lingerie, you
will look very sexy madam!"

Mother let herself be led by the sales woman as I found a chair and
sat down and waited.

When mother had the dress in a box, she gave it to me and asked that I
wait for her in the car in twenty minutes.  You see, she had no
intention of picking our her 'underwear' with me watching.

When mother emerged from the bathroom in my home an hour later, she
looked fantastic.  The black skirt stopped just before the knee, and
her legs were encased in black nylon and her feet in black slippers.
From the waist up she was more conservative, a rose coloured silk
blouse with the buttons done nearly to her throat.

So I took my mother to a dinner-theatre, where we sat and watched the
actors go through the motions of their scenes.  Yet we were both
guilty of stealing glances at the other, our thoughts private.

The dinner was fantastic the play fair, mother though was magnificent.

A band came on after the dessert was cleaned up and I lead mother to
the dance floor.  She went willingly.

For forty-five minutes we danced to each and every song.  She was not
too bad for a woman that has not danced in over two decades because
she did not seem to notice another soul in the room but myself, and I
could see that she was having fun and just let loose.

The car ride back to my new house was quiet but in no way
disagreeable.  Mother did not hide her open gaze at me or the small
happy smile that turned up the edges of her red lips.

"This has been the best evening that I can remember Jim."

We were just turning into my street.  I gave mom a soft smile as a

She laughed softly, nervously, "I just wished my feet did not hurt so
much else this would be the perfect evening."

I reached over and laid my hand upon her black-nylon clad knee and
squeezed it firmly, "Why don't I give you a foot massage after you
have a shower."  I had suggested after purchasing mothers things, that
she change at my place - and when we were done for the evening, she
could leave them there.  She had not responded then.

Mother's gaze looked down to her lap where my hand held her exposed
knee and in a voice that sounded like she was in a trance she said,
"If you like."

I pulled my hand from her so that I could down shift my car as I
pulled into my garage.

Mother disappeared with but a nervous glance my way and in only a
couple of minutes I heard the shower upstairs running.  When I lived
at home dad would tell mom not to use so much hot water when she
bathed or showered, therefore mother always had quick and often cold
showers.  That tendency had not changed this evening as I heard the
water turn off within ninety seconds of it turning on.

When mother appeared in the living room wearing a large towel wrapped
about her body I was nearly floored.  I had expected her to appear
back in her old slacks and bulky ugly sweater.  She watched me
closely, seeing how I stole my eyes down to her exposed legs and
thighs - seeing my obvious pleasure and smiling herself in response.

There was only a single piece of furniture in the room - a huge
antique flat-topped chest.  This is what mother and I had found and
purchased with our efforts.  So mother strode up to it and sat down,
all the while watching me intently.

So I knelt down upon the floor before her.

When I looked down to mothers thighs, the towel having only covered
her to mid-thigh while she was standing, and seeing that her knees
were not together so that I saw up beneath the shadow of the damp
towel and to the curly dark mass between her thighs.  Evidently she
was not the only one that had an alternative agenda to our getting

With trembling hands I reached and took her small foot and lifted it
between us.  Using both hands, the two thumbs firmly pressing in while
moving up and down the instep of mother's foot, I began to massage her
with skill earned over the years with various girlfriends.

Quickly, mother responded to my ministrations by sighing openly and
then dropping back to lay upon the flat chest top.  Now I could look
right up beneath the towel without any obstruction at her thick bush
of hair between her legs.  Perhaps it was unconscious when mother
moved her legs wider apart so that even her outer labia spread until I
saw the glistening pink wrinkled flesh beneath.

I moved to the second foot, holding it high between us and openly
appraised mothers vagina even as my hands massaged her.  She had her
eyes closed, but I had to look past her rapidly rising and falling
breasts and could not help but notice that her nipples were hard and
extended so much that I could see them through the thick towel.

Things were moving way too quickly for me - my plan was to wine and
dine her for several weekends and then get her drunk enough so that
she would be a willing participant to my planned advances.  Yet,
though she had a few glasses of wine, she was not so drunk as to
forget whom I was nor anything else gave an answer to her seemingly
open acceptance to her son gazing hungrily at her vagina.

Why had this been so easy?  Had it anything to do with the love I
showed her - the only person in her life to do so.  Or perhaps the
admiring gaze I looked upon her when we were alone - a look that I
doubt she had ever felt.  Then there was the possibility that she had
known that her teenage son had peeked at his mother while she was in
her underwear or had listened to her masturbate on the odd evenings
that dad had left her alone.  Another possibility existed, that mother
did want to leave dad but could only do so when she had a person she
loved to be her partner.

Of course, I could be overreacting to everything and mother was just
so relaxed to not notice her son looking up between her legs.

A thought came to me, how I could tell just what was going on here
between us.  Though if she denied me - my larger plan could be ruined
or at least set back weeks until I regained her trust.  Then again she
may not deny me!

I gently set mothers feet on the floor to either side of my lap and
knelt upon my knees.  She did not move though I suddenly froze with my
hands nearly to their objective.  Taking a deep breath and looking at
mothers closed eyes and small smile, I regained some measure of inner
strength and moved my hands forward and took the edges of the towel
firmly between my fingers before pulling the flaps to either side.
The knot at the top of the towel pulled away and I knelt there looking
down at my mothers naked body before me.  My hands let go of the towel
and it fell to either side of the chest, already forgotten.

Mother had not moved but I would swear her breathing was faster now.

I sat back down upon my haunches and leaned in.

One of the things I had realized, as a teenager fantasizing about just
such a moment, that given the chance I would give my own mother such
pleasure that she would never, could ever, deny me again.  To
accomplish this feat I had envisioned something I rarely do with my
past conquests but something I hand fantasied about many times with

My lips kissed the top of her vaginal cleft, right over her clitoris.
Mother jumped in response and gasped out, "Oh my god!"  She sat up on
her elbows and I could feel her eyes upon me.  "Oh Jim... you don't
have to do this honey!"

Was these words an admission that I had guessed wrong about was going
on here and she was surprised by my actions?  Still not knowing the
answers to my questions I closed my eyes and slipped out my tongue.

What I discovered was a fountain of thick hot juice just beneath the
surface of her hot wrinkled skin.  I also realized that it tasted
almost sweet, like a bawdy syrup.

It was definitely better than fantasy and I loved it.

Mother had a hand upon the top of my head, "No Jim... no one has ever
done this to me before...!", and since she was not tearing my head out
from between her legs I could only guess she was enjoying my work.

Spending most of the time with my tongue teasing and fondling her
clitoris - mom rapidly rose to the heights of pleasure so that in less
than ninety seconds she was crying out in orgasm even as her soft
thighs held my head like a vise.

I lift my head after her whole body just collapsed as a heap upon the
top of that large chest, and if not for mothers rapid deep breathing
she could have been asleep.

What to do now?  What just happened had accelerated my plan
considerably.  You see, I had thought to seduce mother into leaving
dad.  Yes, I would even seduce mother into my bed - was looking
forward to it actually, but would also have been happy to accept a
more innocent relationship.

What I had just done blew my mind away!

Mom was soon sitting up on her elbows again and staring at me with
tired eyes.  Well, not exactly staring at me - staring at the budge in
my slacks.  After about a minute of her staring at my obvious
excitement hidden in my pants, mother brought her eyes up to my own.

Though no word was spoken mother slowly began to spread and lift her
legs, bending her knees so that her heels were touching the back of
her thighs, until her very wet sex was spread wide before me.  I was
close enough so that mother reached between her legs and with the tips
of her fingers ran it over the hardness in my pants.  She shivered
even as I felt my dick jerk painfully in its confinement.

Then she fumbled with the zipper and something in me just snapped -
this was a fantasy come true, why not just leave all morals outside
this room.  Obviously I had underestimated mothers love for me,
perhaps a love that edged toward slut... as my own did toward her.

A little rough I pushed mom's hand away from my pants and I rushed to
undo my belt and slacks, anxious to free that which we both seemed to
want so badly.  When my dick jerked out of my underwear and tasted the
chill of the night air, mother gasped at the sight of it.  She again
lay back on the couch, placing one arm over her face to cover her eyes
and the other she slipped between her legs so that two fingers slipped
up and down between major and minor labia.

With barely a whisper I heard her plead, "Hurry Jim... put it in...!"

I sunk into mothers body with ease and for the rest of my life I will
remember ever centimetre, every feeling that was conveyed to me
through our joining.  It was a perfect fit, stretching her sex just
the right amount so that I fit snuggly in her body.

Mothers response was to gasp out and arch her back upward, her head
back, with eyes still closed, and her hands reaching to hold the back
of her thighs wide and back.  "Oh God!"

Ever so slowly, mostly from a fear that I shall last but seconds, I
moved my hips, looking down at where I was inside mother, I moved out
of her body until only the fat head of my dick was inside her.  I left
it there briefly so as to study this image before me, memorizing it
for all time.  Then, and only after mother started to squirm, I sunk
it quickly back into her deliciously perfect cunt.

Time stood still as I slowly withdrew and quickly plunged again and
again into mother.  My parent was panting roughly and was moving her
hips in time to my own.  My hands were busy with her full bouncing
breasts, each topped with a hard nipple.

In time I was not worried about finishing too quickly, embarrassing
myself before this woman that knew me better than any other person
alive.  Rather I was anxious to ensure mother achieved another orgasm
prior to my own, or perhaps finalizing at the same moment.  This was
our first time and feared it may be our last - and thus, would make it
memorable for the both of us.

Mother had given up holding her own legs, instead her ankles had
locked behind my back while her hands roamed the front of my body,
particularly my face.

Still she had her eyes tightly closed.

I heard a certain tone in her gasps, in her almost violent breathing
that shadowed her earlier climax and I knew the moment was not long in

I could not help but utter, "Thats it mom... come for me!"

The exact second that I felt and saw mother orgasm beneath me, I also
saw tears coming from her closed eyelids.  It was more powerful than
the first and it seemed as if mothers body broke out in an
instantaneous sweat even as every muscle in her body vibrated and

Perhaps I would have joined her, shooting my juices inside her body,
if it had not been for the question of those tears upon my
consciousness.  Was she regretting this already?  Had I done this
against her will?

So, instead of completing this fantasy moment, I eased my throbbing
hard prick from her body as soon as mother's legs dropped to the floor
in exhaustion.  My cock was covered in her sexual juices, more slowly
running out of her body and onto my expensive carpeted floor.

The seconds turned into minutes and I slowly stood to leave her in
this moment of privacy.

Mother heard me stand, and her eyes opened with a questioning look,
stealing down to my iron-hard dick.  Her brow furled as she asked
shyly, "Was I that terrible?"

A flood of memories hit me, my father telling mother through the thin
walls of our home how ugly and how useless a fuck she was.  I felt
like crying - what had I done?

Mother again took the initiative and slide off the chest using her
quivering and tired limbs.  She knelt before me, staring up past my
cock to my eyes.  I nodded for her to stop that she did not need to do
this - yet a selfish teenage part of me wanted this more than any
other action we have yet done this evening.

My father's wife, my mother, closed her eyes, opened her mouth and
took my dripping wet hard cock past her lips.  I've heard my father's
debasing comments about my mothers oral ability - but I immediately
knew every word that he had uttered was false within seconds of our
joining.  Mother was totally unselfish when it came or technique -
using her lips, tongue, the motion of her head and the sucking of her
lips.  I knew she was trying to get me off, trying to give me an ounce
of pleasure that I've given her.  Did she really think everything we
had done prior to this moment was repulsive to me?

Within a minute I was gasping out and lost all my worries about taking
advantage of my own parent as I felt my climax fast approaching.
Mother must have felt it as well, as both her hands grasped my bare
ass firmly and she began to fuck her own face rapidly and almost
violently.  In her actions I translated her need for me to finish, to
swallow my load, perhaps even to prove to herself that at least this
way she could pleasure me.

An animal groan escaped my lips at the very second that my dick
jerked, shooting that first shot of sperm deep down mothers throat.
She began to swallow loudly, never breaking the seal of her lips on my
shaft as I continued to pump a huge, and very delightful, load down
into her stomach.

A wave of dizziness took me and I felt myself falling, mothers hands
helping me down to the carpet.  And far away, I felt a tugging of my
slacks, fumbling about my crotch even as darkness descended and I fell
into a short sleep.

When I awoke, mother was seated crossed legged next to me - dressed in
the clothing that I had picked her up in earlier in the evening.  I
looked down to see that she had pulled my slacks back up.  She was
going through another catalogue of antiques.

I saw when she noticed that I had woken and she turned to me and
smiled gently.  It was a forced smile and it reminded me of all the
outstanding questions I had earlier.


"Hi sleepy.  I think I found the perfect dining room table!"  She
pushed the catalogue toward me as if proud of her find.

In this simple action I knew her reluctance in speaking about our day,
what we had done.  It was a weakness on my part that I could not
broach the topic and simply looked down at the photo in the catalogue
with something akin to resignation.

"It looks great mom."  It did.


When mother slipped into my car the next week, I was a little
surprised.  I had assumed she would distance herself from me, making
an excuse to cancel our Saturday afternoons.

All week I had thought of little else but that pleasurable day, a week

She ignored some mundane comment about the weather and kept staring
over her shoulder, at her retreating house.  When, at last, I turned
the corner and the house disappeared, mother sighed noticeably and
then shrugged her jacket off her shoulders and threw it onto the back

With barely a pause she brought her feet from the floor, turned in her
seat toward me, and sat on her heels and then leaned forward.

I almost got into an accident as her head descended into my lap, her
fingers fumbling with the zipper of my jeans.  Then cool fingers
pulling my soft member from the folds of my clothing and warm moist
lips encircling my soft cock.

I realized that I had been speeding and eased my foot off the gas as
my own mother fellatio her own son.

Of course my dick responded rapidly, enlarging to fill her hungry and
tireless mouth, so that her face was soon moving purposefully up and
down over my lap.  For a woman that, I assumed, was regretful of our
last weeks actions - she certainly was taking it very well.

I let the pleasure build, holding back nothing.

At a stop light, in the pickup truck next to me, two teenagers were
staring with open mouths at the head moving up and down in my lap.  I
simply smiled at them and turned back to the road and light in front
of my window.

The car was heading toward a underpass when I felt the grandee finale
fast approaching, and felt mothers sucking deepen and her movements
increase ever so slightly so that I knew she felt my impending orgasm
as well.

I focused on the road and took my foot off the gas completely so that
the car coasted even as my orgasm began to pump into mothers mouth.
Vehicles were passing, many with horns blaring, but it did not matter
- my own mother was giving me a blow job!

Finally, mother sat back onto her heels, and while her hands closed my
opened jeans, she whispered into my ear, "Not too bad for an old lady

My mouth was dry and I felt dumbfounded so that nothing could come out
- as I wanted to assure her that she was not just a old lady to me.

She sat back and continued to lick her lips, as if savouring the taste
of me, all the way to my new home.

Nothing was said as we entered my home, she immediately disappearing
to the bathroom while I went into the kitchen and the new stack of
catalogues that came over the last week.  Even before I had sorted the
catalogues into various categories mother made an entrance that took
my breath away.

She strode into the mostly empty kitchen wearing a pearl coloured
satin robe that was cut mid-way to her knees.  I could see the
generous movement of her breasts beneath the loose garment and knew
her to be naked beneath.  If that was not enough she wore white
thigh-high nylons that did not appear to need a garter belt, as the
top edge of the stocking was visible outside her robe.  She wore
nothing else, but a private smile.

Mother came in and stood next to me, looking down at the catalogues
before us.

"Mom?"  I was tongue-tied yet again and wanted to tell her how sexy
she looked but nothing came out.

She turned her head slowly toward me and her smile broadened almost
devilishly, "I hope you don't mind honey - I purchased this", she
waved her arms wide and struck a pose for a few seconds, "from your
dad's grocery allowance."  God, he will be furious when he finds out
... if he finds out.  All that he may discover is that his Sunday
roast may be Friday nights leftovers.  She continued, "I may be old
and not very attractive, but I wanted you to know that if you should
want me to do anything for you", her eyes blinked intensely at that
second, "that I would be more than happy to oblige."

"Mom...!"  Was my mouth hanging open stupidly?

She became serious suddenly and her words were spoken slowly and
soberly, "I will do anything you want me to do Jim.  Anything!"

Her demeanour softened and she said lightly, "Will it be OK if I leave
some things here so your father does not find them?"

I simply nodded.


It was taking a lot of effort, on my part, to be comfortable with the
new sexual element in our lives.  Mother wore next to nothing about my
house and always making it plain, with her words and looks, that she
was sexually available for my any whim.

Each time I picked her up from her house, she would wait until we were
out of sight from it before descending and sucking me to completion.
It convinced me, more than anything else, that she had not been an
unwilling partner that first time we had sex.  In fact I could not
begin to understand what was going on in mothers head - why she worked
so hard to be sexually available for me when we were together.

To be honest, other than the blow jobs in the car at the start of each
of our visits, she seemed to me to be tense and reluctant whenever we
were together... sexually.  Oh, she did enjoy herself - I'm sure of
that.  Only that it seemed that she was sad or scared of something
when we did 'it'.

As the weeks passed, furniture started to appear in my home.  We had a
ritual that for every antique piece that we chose together, we would
have sex in the room that it resided in - as soon as it appeared.  As
you can guess, some weeks we would fuck in three or four rooms, like
rabbits, and lay exhausted at the end of the day, intertwined and
sweaty as we caught our breaths.

There was something else that I was doing as well, each week I would
purchase mother some piece of lingerie that she would happily wear for
me that next Saturday.  In this way, she had a closet in one of the
spare rooms, with several very sexy garments hanging in it.

In fact, she had some cosmetics and her toothbrush in the bathroom,
some extra 'regular' clothing since that time she did not swallow it
all and some ended upon her sweater and did not have a spare, and a
pair of slippers by the door.

This lead me to ask, one late Saturday afternoon, "When are you going
to leave him mom?"

Mother was wearing a gray blouse, with only a single button done up so
that her cleavage was lewdly displayed and her trimmed bush obvious.
She placed the paper plate back onto the counter and turned to me
looking rather nervous.  "What would I do then Jim?"

At least she had not out and out disregarded my question this time.
"You could move in here."

She paused for a lengthy time and I started to think she was going to
agree, "And what would I be then?"

'Be'?  I shook my head, not understanding.

Firmly she continued, "Where would you take your girlfriends?"

Girlfriends?  "Mom what is wrong?"  My anger level was rising as well.

Mom turned away, possibly embarrassed, "This is going to end at
sometime son.  Your house will not need any more furniture."

Furniture?  End?  Was she telling me that what was going on between us
will end after this little charade about finding antiques is unusable?

"I need someone that loves me as much as I love them.  Someone to make
me happy."  What was she doing with dad then?  "But I am not willing
to share no matter what the cost."

It was starting to make sense to me, "Are you saying mom that you
would move in if it was something more permanent?"

She was still turned away but was nodding affirmatively.

How could she want something more permanent.  "Its not like we can get
married mom?"  I could not help but snicker at my lewd sense of humour
- a mother and son marrying.

But mother spun back toward me and simply glared, "Don't you think I
know that?"

I've never seen her like this - so... angry, passionate about
anything.  I tried to add to the discussion by hitting it from another
angle, "If you move in mom - you would not need for anything; money,
privacy... love."  And I dare not say it, sex.

Again she turned away, but this time she brought her hands to her face
and started to sob violently.  She spoke through her misery and I was
astounded by her admission, "I thought if I gave myself to you,
seduced you, that you would want me more than just a 'mother'!  That I
could find happiness for the first time with the only person I loved
and trust!"

There was silence, except for mothers crying sobs, for some minutes,
since my thoughts were a maze of questions and memories, when she took
a deep breath, turned around and asked, "Take me home, right now,
please Jim."


The next week she did not come out to the car and when I went in I
found her in the kitchen, scrubbing the oven clean.  Dad came in
scratching himself and looking at me strangely, "I thought you did not
need your mother any more?"

Strange way to word it.


She did not even take her head out from the oven.

"Jim?  Is your house not set up already?"

Evidently mom had told dad that her services were no longer needed as
the house was fully furnished with the antiques that we had found.  I
could answer only in the affirmative before dad dragged me into the
living room to show me a game he had a twenty dollar bet on.


The next two months were strangely remote.  Remote in the sense that I
retreated inward from the world.  Oh sure I went to work, I finished
my new house and did eventually give up my rental apartment in the
city.  I even did two dinners at my parents house and mother worked
hard to be the distant woman that I've always known.

In my retreat I thought.  At the stop light I thought, sitting up in
bed since I was not able to sleep, I thought.  I thought about mother
and I.  Even dad, actually.

From our last conversation mother had had her own agenda when she
agreed to help me with the antiques.  An agenda that joined with my
own.  The problem with our two plans was that we did not have a
conclusion, something that left us to live our lives happily every

I only wanted mom to leave dad - to get a life of her own.  To be
happy.  To achieve this, I thought to use my adolescent attraction
toward her... if it became necessary.

Mom, though, wanted to leave dad as well.  But she wanted to end up
with a person that she loved and trusted.  Someone that meant as much
to her as it did him.  She never understood what this meant, did not
know that when she chose me as that man, that we could never be
together like a husband and wife.  So, she must have seen my distant
attraction to her, my love, and accepted that attraction as the seed
to her future.

Yet there was more to it, had to be.  I distinctly remembered how
mother loved having sex with me.  Through the whole of my teenage
years I don't remember a single time she orgasmed with dad, at least
that I heard through the walls, or had enjoyed herself more than even
her own hand.

The week before her last visit, mother and I had gone to that local
pub that she enjoyed so much.  It was late, she had several glasses of
wine and the food was long gone.  After leading her back to our table
from the dance floor, both of us sweaty and tired, she did not deny my
hand access to the inside of her legs.  In fact she opened her knees
enough so that my hand slid up and under her skirt until I cupped her
lace covered sex.  With ease I had pushed the garment aside and
slipped two fingers into her body.  Mother clung to me as I slowly
brought her orgasm, gasping into my neck as her vagina clung to my
fingers even as the rest of her body quivered and shook in passion.

Could she have faked all those weeks, all those orgasms?  I doubted
any woman is that good an actor - but mother, whom dad often called a
'dead fuck' in the privacy of their own bedroom, had little to no
experience in acting any such play out.  Those were real orgasms, real
desires surfacing in my own mother.

Mother had thought to use her own lusts to ensnare me into delivering
her to a new life.  She was around the years of her sexual peak and
like she said she wanted the only person that she loved and trusted -

Even now, weeks after our last time together, I get rock hard
erections whenever I thought of our times together.

Even if it was possible, did I want mother as my wife?


Then what or how did I want her?  Did I want her at all?


Did she want me?

The answer always came back 'yes'.


I took another afternoon off from work and made another unannounced
visit to mother.  Dad, of course, was at work and would not be home
for hours.

Her face looked very surprised when she opened the door and I stepped
past her into my parents home.


My voice was rather stern, "I should have called mother, then you
could have put something a little sexier on for me?"  She wore very
old and very well-used sweats and a ancient ugly sweater with big
fluffy pink slippers.

She closed the door and crossed her arms over her chest, "Jim, I'm not
sure why you are here - but its over!"  Her voice was very stern,
motherly even.

I had come to a revelation as I approached that same underpass just
days before and it seemed to lighten my soul and give me purpose.  It
was like a door opening after years of banging off the walls in a dark
room.  I even thought this may be the reason for my existence - to
love and to save.  To be that knight to save the queen.

I took two steps to stand before her and with my hand holding her
chin, brought her head so that it looked up into my own.  "Never talk
to me in that way ever again mother.  Do you understand?"  My eyes
were intensely boring into her own and my voice was very stern and no

She was starting to look a little scared, and bewildered.  After a
short time she nodded in agreement to my demand.

I am glad she agreed, as I was not sure if I could continue with my
path.  As I was not about to force mother to do anything she did not
willing wish to do.  "You have ten minutes to collect a few things
mother - as I'm taking you home with me."

She just stood there looking into my eyes, perhaps wondering if I was
turning into a lunatic.

I guessed she needed a little more information and my voice softened a
little as I continued, "I never wanted to marry mother, and you know
thats an impossibility between us.  But I realized what I did want was
a woman to be my private and personal submissive.  A 'slave' mother!"

Mothers eyes widened in surprise, taking on a doe-like quality.

"So go write dad a note to tell him your leaving him and moving in
with your son.  But just so you know, that this is permanent, that
once I take a woman for my personal slave she can never leave!"

Mothers eyes were starting to tear.

"You will clean my house, cook my meals and warm my bed.  I will use
your body however I see fit and you will deny me nothing.  You, in
return, will have love as well as my trust and I will forever protect
your dignity.  What happens between us will be private, the rest of
the world will only know that I kindly took my mother into my home
after she left her abusive husband."

"You have only this very moment to make the decision that will affect
the rest of our lives mother - do you agree to what I have laid out?"

My heart seemed to constrain as I thought she would deny me this plan,
that she would be hurt with the suggestion that she be only a sex
slave and my personal servant and preferring to stay with my father.
This was the moment that I never had to face in my adolescent dreams -
this uncertainty and dread of loss.

Ever so slowly mother nodded the affirmative.  And as suddenly as I
saw the movement of her head all doubts were lifted from my soul and I
stood proudly before my parent as her knight in armour.

I removed my hand from her chin and grunted, "Strip!"

With but a short pause after my instruction, mother quickly removed
every article of clothing and stood naked in her husband's house.

I looked upon her openly and saw a middle-aged woman whom would never
be termed pretty but may have been cute when she was younger, but now
only looked tired and aged.  Yet I also saw a woman that had never
felt the total release of true love and passion that had never truly
let her soul be given to her partner, trusting that person to love and
pleasure her.

"Put these on."  I handed her a bag with the clothing that she had
purchased that day, not so long ago, when I had taken her shopping and
we had sex, both for the wrong reasons.  This included the lingerie -
which she saw and smiled happily at my choice - the symbolism therein.

I stood there and watched her dress - seeing the obvious happiness
within her build until it almost radiated from every pore in her body.
"Now go write that note and hurry - I can't wait to get you home."

She rushed out of the hallway and I heard her rapidly searching for a
pen and paper - to write my father that note that would tell him that
his easy life was over.  That his wife, that was too good for him from
the start, had a better offer, that she was leaving him for good.

Oh sure, mother will be back to collect more things from this house
she had lived in my whole life - and perhaps at its sale when the
divorce split the assets, but her leaving it now was a grand gesture
that took on more meaning than the simple act.

Mother, Jane, returned carrying a small box of items that she deemed
important enough not too leave and then followed me out to my car.

As we drove down the road, away from my parents house, I placed my
hand on the back of her head and guided her down to my lap.  Mother
moved willingly, anxiously.


I lay in bed and watched mother move above me.  I let her control
every movement, every thrust of my dick into her body and I could see
the exquisite pleasure upon her face.  She was whimpering as she
thrust, again and again, upon my hard cock - the echos of her very wet
sex loud in my large bedroom.

She was bitting her bottom lip not wanting to disappoint me, though it
must look like a hopeless task to her right now.  It had been an easy
order, that she was not to orgasm until after I do!  Yet I have had
two today, and mother always seemed to be easily satisfied whenever we
fucked.  She loved to suck my cock, loving how much I loved it.  She
tolerated, and eventually the strange fullness turned to pleasure,
when I fucked her ass.  She even appeared to enjoy when I would shoot
my ejaculate upon her face - or another strategically placed part of
her body.  Yet it was the old fashioned cock-in-cunt that truly turned
her crank.  An orgasm was always quick to explode when she felt me
enter into her vagina.  It never mattered if she was on her knees,
bent over a chair, standing in the shower or laying upon her back with
her legs wide - mother loved a old fashioned rogering.

I was rolling her nipples absently as she whimpered and sighed,
knowing that she would soon be begging for permission to orgasm.

Its been a year since mother moved in to my new home and what a year
it has been.

As my lover she has been fulfilled our agreement - she never denies me
anything.  Better yet, she enjoys everything I do with her.  She is
like a teenage girl who discovers what pleasures await within the
privacy of a couples bed.  I've experimented with things I have never
tired before either - and found most enjoyable enough to include in
our lovemaking to some degree.

Father did not take the separation very well - having come to the
house to demand my mother back.  I only called the police and then had
a lawyer ensure he stays away.  After that he drank and sat alone
watching sports on the television eating two-day old pizza.  Mother
never spoke about him and just shrugged her indifference when I told
her about his new life.  The only thing she cared about was when the
divorce was final, saying it was her only tie with her old life and
one she could not wait to sever.

Her whimpers were turning to squeals as her pleasure was mounting.

When there were differences of opinion - or when mother forgot that I
was no longer her little boy but her Master I would spank her.  It was
the form of punishment that I had chanced upon - initially spanking
her ass while fucking her from behind produced a painful response
while also heightening her pleasure.  Just last night she was a little
angry that I had worked late - returning to a cold supper.  I let her
blow her steam before demanding she come and lay over my lap - I
raised her short skirt and proceeded to spank her pantiless bottom
until it glowed and tears ran from her eyes.  I then apologized for
being late and we both went to bed and fucked like rabbits.

There are no other girls - no conflict from another woman.  Mothers
sexual appetites keep me well fed and our love keep my soul from
loneliness.  She still worried about it, often when I went on business
trips or to functions but I have yet to give her cause for alarm.

I looked down to where we were joined - seeing her hairless pink
vagina wrapped about the hard slickness of my manhood.  Mother
confided to me that she loved her sex - and so I ordered her to pamper
that part of herself every day.  That pampering included masturbation,
toys, oils, shaving and, of course, my tongue.  I often had her
masturbate for my visual pleasure - which amused and delighted her and
always left me very hot for her.

I looked up and saw that mother was staring, with wide crazed eyes,
directly into my own.  "Please... come in mommy...?"  The pleading was
starting, the requests barely a whisper, a gasp - but audible all the

Jane Weatherby had been turned into a sexual beast - the soul of a
slut for one special and lucky man. My father had tore down her self
esteem in an attempt to keep her but it only drove her to the only
person in her life that she loved and could trust - me, her son.
