
                       Joe Whatever

"That new slave master doesn't waste any time," Rufio said.  "He's 
been here only 10 minutes, and already he's giving one of the new 
slave girls a taste of Roman discipline."

"Which one?" Barnabus asked.

"I'm not sure...a new girl, I think," Rufio replied.  "She was 
locked in the stocks, so all I saw was her bottom."

"Probably her best feature!" Barnabus guffawed.

"Quite possibly," Rufio agreed.  "Her bottom was round and firm, 
and her skin was soft and fine.  I'd say she was new to the collar. 
Perhaps she's a patrician who got enslaved when her husband forgot 
to pay his taxes," he snickered.

"Those types usually howl up a storm the first time they feel the 
strap," Barnabus observed, casually.

"This one didn't say much," Rufio replied.  "She just made little 
squeaking noises, like she couldn't speak.  The slave master 
ordered her to state her business, and she just squeaked at him.  
So into the stocks she went."

"Tunic up...," Barnabus guffawed.

"Well that's the strange part, now that you mention it," Rufio 
said, thoughtfully.  "She wasn't wearing a tunic.  But she was 
standing on top of a blue bath towel."

"A bath towel?" Barnabus laughed.  "In Jupiter's name...."

"Yes, and it was a big fluffy towel, too," Rufio continued.  
"Perhaps she stole it from the master's closet.  Slaves are 
natural thieves.

"Still, the new slave master didn't seem to mind her state of 
undress," Rufio chortled.  "When I left, he had laid down the 
strap, and he was putting that tight little bottom of hers to 
other uses.  You should have heard the squealing sounds the 
little piglet made when he slid inside her," he said with a 
hearty laugh.

The men's laughter was interrupted by the arrival of the master.  
"Have you seen my wife?" he asked.  "That stupid new girl forgot 
to lay out her tunic.  My wife was so angry she ended up marching 
down to the slave quarters, strap in hand, wearing nothing but a 
blue bath towel.  I warned her she shouldn't be running around 
that way when she has laryngitis.  She'll catch her death of cold."

Rufio and Barnabus gaped at their master dumbly.

"Can't anyone in this house speak?" the master mumbled as he 
wandered down toward the slave quarters.

Edited by C. Lakewood

© Joe Whatever, 29 August 2003