
                      Joe Whatever

"I'm sorry I'm late, Tom," Debbie said.  "I drove way out to that 
new mall near the state line.  One of the stores was selling a 
spanking machine." 

"A spanking machine?" Tom said.  "Do tell." 

"I will if you sit at the table like a good hubby while I get 
changed," she said, her voice rising as she walked into the 

"When I got there a really smarmy appliance salesman was showing 
the machine to this middle-aged guy," she shouted from the next 
room.  "He was ranting about how perfect it was for disciplining 
teenagers.  While they're talking, the guy's daughter showed up, 
a really pretty 19-year-old college student.  Well, she thought 
the machine was the biggest joke in the world.  When the salesman 
suggested that she 'try it on for size' she climbed right aboard.

"It took the salesman only a couple of seconds to strap her in, 
and, once he did, he started goading the father, asking him about 
the girl's 'behavior problems.'  The dad didn't say much, but he 
finally admitted he didn't like her 'skimpy' clothes or her 
creepy boyfriends. 

"'Well, I have the perfect cure,' the salesman said.  He pressed 
the START button, and the paddles on the machine started whapping 
her fanny. 

"So she started struggling against the restraints pretty hard, but 
they weren't budging.  And the crowd was getting bigger. 

"Naturally she started to curse a blue streak at her father.  And 
so the salesman demonstrated the "silencer" feature; he slipped a 
little gag between her teeth. 

"The father and the salesman then started haggling over the price, 
all the while oblivious to the girl, who was really struggling as 
the machine continued spanking her. 

"The salesman agreed to sell it for 50% off -- provided that he was 
'allowed to demonstrate to the crowd how much more effective it was 
on bare skin.' 

"Her father nodded.  'Hear that, pumpkin?" he teased.  'Maybe next 
time you'll think twice before cursing Daddy.' 

"Naturally the crowd went nuts when the salesman skinned her jeans 
and panties down to her knees."

Tom had no trouble imagining the scene. 

"Anyway, we've got to go back there and see it right now, Tom," 
Debbie added.  "I want a full demonstration." 

Tom grinned.  "Sounds like fun.  But what makes you think there'll 
be another father and daughter at the mall when we get there?" 

He gasped as his 24-year-old wife re-entered the room.  Her 
business suit was gone.  Her hair was in pigtails, and she 
was wearing low-rise jeans and a "Dawson's Creek" t-shirt. 

"I'm sorry I was late, Uncle," Debbie whispered, her eyes on 
the floor.  "I know I should have called." 

Tom tried to suppress his smile as he lifted his wife's chin so 
he could look into her eyes.  "We'll discuss your behavior at 
the mall, young lady," he said, sternly.

Edited by C. Lakewood