Author: Bulgroz the Third
Title: The Adjusters #15 - Confrontations
Keywords: MF, mc
Posted: April 3, 2011
Edited: April 3, 2011

			  The Adjusters #15


It was late morning on a sunny and crisp Saturday when Daniel walked
up the path that led to the large mansion that housed the Delta Iota
Kappa fraternity.

It had been a tough week. Seven days since he saw the DVD that Biff --
as Daniel presumed -- had left for him, on which the young man had
fucked his fiancee. There was no point in sugarcoating it. Biff had
fucked her. And she had seemed to enjoy it. Figuring out why was one
of the questions to which Daniel had no answer. And to find the
answer, he had to find Jenn.

He had filed a missing-persons report with the police, and had been
hounding them for the past several days. They had not made much
progress, and seemed generally unconcerned about it. They claimed that
students often took a week off without warning, and that they could
not be expected to jump the gun every time. They would investigate,
and get back to him. At first Daniel had been angry, but Radhu had
reminded him how Serena had ranted about the police's inefficacy when
Marjorie went missing. So he had mobilized his and Jenn's friends
around school, and they had put up signs and called everyone they
could think of to keep a look out for both Jenn and Biff.

The brothers at the frat house to which Biff belonged had been
unhelpful in the extreme. They claimed not to have seen Biff since the
day before Jenn had gone missing, and Bernie -- who Daniel remembered
as a name that came up during his weird dream he had before Jenn
disappeared -- was also unavailable. Daniel had not believed
them. What about the president? he had asked. He was away at a
psychology conference, he would be back in a few days. Daniel had
gotten angry, and had to be escorted out of the frat house. He had
tried to get the police to go in and investigate, and they had replied
that they knew their business, thank you very much. Daniel had felt
utterly helpless.

Mid-week, he had tracked down Jackson -- the one person he knew in the
frat that might talk to him -- by going through his friend Cindy, who
happened to know his course schedule. He had told Cindy the broad
lines of what had happened -- that Biff had somehow abducted Jenn --
and she had been appropriately horrified and comforting. Daniel knew
that Cindy had hung out with Biff in the past -- he had even witnessed
them make out -- and she had seemed unwilling to believe that Biff
would stoop so low. She had been unable to shed any light on the
events, however, even when Daniel had questioned her about the
bracelet and the dick girls. She had merely repeated what she had told
him in the past, that the bracelet was a reward and a ticket for
special events. She had not known that Jenn had been selected -- those
things were rarely advertised, she had said. Daniel had tried to press
her further, but Cindy had nothing more to contribute, and had seemed
genuinely unhappy about it.

With Cindy's information, however, he had managed to corner Jackson
after his introductory biochemistry class. Daniel had wasted no time
getting to the point. "Where's Biff?" he had asked.

Jackson had shrugged, unperturbed by Daniel's rudeness. "No
clue. Haven't seen him around for at least a week."

"Right! Brothers unite, isn't? Frat first! I got your back, bro!"
Daniel had not even tried to keep the acid from dripping into his
words. "I'm looking for that fucker Biff and I'm going to find him and
break his fucking kneecaps and fucking rip his fucking balls out and
you're not gonna protect him."

Jackson had looked Daniel in the eyes. "Dude, calm down. I swear to
you, I'm not protected him. I really haven't seen him around for at
least a week. I don't think he's been back at the house at all. And if
you want to break the guy's kneecaps, I'll hold him down while you do
it -- the guy's an ass. What happened?"

"Jenn. Biff did something. She's gone. He took her."

Jackson had frowned. "Talk to me."

Daniel had hesitated, unsure whether to trust Jackson, but eventually
had summarized the events of the last few days, including his getting
Biff's DVD, without going into the details of the video. Jackson had
listened silently.

"Look," he had said, when Daniel finished recounting his tale, "as I
said, I don't think Biff's been around the frat house for a while
now. Near as I can tell, no one knows where he is. And I think
everyone's the better for him not being around, so no one's
complaining. I'll try and find out what's going on, okay? I promise
that whatever I discover I'll let you know."

Daniel had stared at Jackson, and after a pause, had nodded. "Thanks."
Daniel had looked at the engagement ring on his finger. Jackson had
gazed at it as well, his face unreadable.

And then, there was last night. The private investigator he had hired,
Pritznic, had called him to say that he had found Jenn, and that she
was holed up at the Nickel and Dime with Biff. Daniel had missed the
call, for the stupidest reason -- his phone battery had run out. He
had seen the message when he had plugged his phone back in his charger
at home, and he had grabbed a cab for the Nickel and Dime. Pritznic
had been waiting for him there; Jenn and Biff were gone. Pritznic had
given his report, an account of his tail of Jenn and the events at the
Nickel and Dime, complete with digital pictures where Jenn was visible
in all her naked glory in the parking lot, or seen embracing
Biff. Pritznic had told Daniel that he had managed to talk to Jenn,
and had relayed her message -- that she did not want to see him
anymore -- and he had handed Daniel her engagement ring. Daniel had
gaped at it, dumbfounded, the sheer physicality of the small object in
the palm of his hand doing a better job of cementing the events of the
past week than the DVD back home or the pictures in the camera before
him. Pritznic had given Daniel a lift home. Daniel, under the shock,
had not even had the presence of mind to ask him why he had not called
the police.

Daniel had played with Jenn's engagement ring all night, like it was a
worry bead.

Come morning, waking up on the couch where he must have fallen asleep
near dawn, he headed up to the frat house, with the intent to find
Kevin Cusker, president of Delta Iota Kappa. This was the day he was
told the president was supposed to return from his conference. Daniel
would get some answers.

A car stopped in the parking area at the bottom of the walkway leading
up to the house. Three young men stepped out -- two large ones
sporting jackets with the Delta Iota Kappa logo, the third with a more
business casual outfit and the look of a wary traveler. Daniel
recognized him from the picture Serena had passed along: Kevin Cusker,
Delta Iota Kappa president, and cousin to Biff. One of the two large
young men grabbed a suitcase from the trunk of the car. They made
their way up to the walkway.

Daniel stepped into the path, blocking their way. The group
stopped. The two larger guys moved up as if to protect Kevin. "Kevin
Cusker," intoned Daniel.

"What's it to you?" said the big guy on the left.

Daniel ignored him. He addressed Kevin. "Where's Biff?"

"Get the fuck out of the way, man," said the big guy on the right,
somewhat more menacingly.

Daniel kept is eyes on Kevin, who looked bored. "Your dim-witted
cousin abducted my friend, Cusker. The police's looking for her
now. And it's gonna make a big splash that'll stain your nice little
frat here. I suggest you tell me where he is. Avoid the

"You sure she wasn't just craving Biff's big cock?" said the big guy
on the right. The big guy on the left guffawed.

The dig hit hard. Daniel frowned, fighting his rising anger. "Where is
he, Cusker? Where's your fuckhead of a cousin?"

The two guys picked up on the aggressive vibe and stepped in
menacingly. Kevin sighed with exasperation and put his hand on the arm
of the big guy on the right. "Oh come on, we have other crap to deal
with right now than this. Relax, guys. The boy's right -- Biff is
indeed a fuckhead. The thing is," and he turned to Daniel, "I've been
away for more than a week, and I have no idea what you're talking
about. I haven't heard from Biff, or anything having to do with this
friend of yours, Mister...?"

"Malcolm. Daniel Malcolm."

"Mister Malcolm. I will look into it, and let you know what's going
on, all right?"

The big guy closest to Daniel smiled dangerously. "Betcha anything
Biff's been giving it to his little friend -- she's probably begging
him to ream her out good right now. Fucking slut --"

"You piece of shit --" Daniel took a step forward.

"Fuck, calm down --" interjected Kevin.

The big guy in front of Daniel growled as Daniel approached, and
caught him by one arm and threw him to the ground like he weighed
absolutely nothing.

"You fuckin' piece of shit --" Daniel got back on his feet.

"Come on, little guy, you want a piece of me? No wonder your girl's
looking for a big cock to satisfy her --"

Daniel clenched his fists, his face red, while the two men protecting
Kevin closed ranks, their own fists tight, a sour look in their
eyes. Before the situation could degenerate, Daniel felt a hand on his
arm, and a figured moved in to half shield him from the two goons.

"Whoa -- calm down, everyone, deep breath. Daniel, it's okay, it's
me." It was Jackson, looking somewhat out of breath, as if he had been
running. "Come on, walk with me. It's okay, guys, he's okay. He's just
a bit upset. No need for muscle. I'll deal with it." He tugged Daniel
gently by the arm, and Daniel followed after casting a long glance at
the two large guys who growled in response. Kevin was frowning but
said nothing, watching the pair walk away. Jackson was pulling Daniel,
who was calming down. Kevin and his bodyguards headed back towards the
frat house.

Jackson was still holding Daniel, speaking quietly. "Dude, those two
gorillas would have butchered you... You're gonna need to put in some
serious time at the gym before you can take one of them on. What were
you thinking?"

Daniel said nothing for a long time. He was watching the frat house,
in which Kevin and the two goons had disappeared. "I just wanted to
have a little chat with your president, that's all. Ask him about

Jackson groaned. "Look, I told you I'd look into it, okay? Trust me."

				* * *

When he returned to the frat house, after having seen a somewhat
mollified Daniel off, Jackson was told that Kevin wanted to see
him. Not a surprise, thought Jackson, as he headed towards the
lounges. On the way, he thought about Daniel, and Jenn. He remembered
Bernie telling me a few weeks back that Biff had his eyes on another
girl. It must have been Jenn. He did not remember the frat deciding to
ensnare Jenn, though, and while she definitely looked good enough to
warrant the brothers' attention, she was also in a committed
relationship, something that was supposed to be a show-stopper. And
for exactly the reason that was highlighted in the last thirty
minutes: upset boyfriends, or even concerned friends. Jackson shook
his head, mumbling to himself. This would not end well. Moreover, he
had liked Jenn, and the thought of Biff having his way with her, well,
it bothered him some. And Daniel was a nice guy. Trust me, Jackson had
told him. He hoped he would not come to regret that promise.

He found the fraternity president sitting in his favorite lounge, the
one with the burgundy theme. Bernie was with him, as was the
fraternity's vice-president, Nils Helberg. The tall Norwegian with the
pale blue eyes was quiet and efficient, and was widely known as
Kevin's right-hand man.

"Ah, Jackson," Kevin said when Jackson entered the room. "Care to
explain what that was all about?"

While outwardly jovial, Kevin's tone suggested impatience. Jackson
hesitated, not knowing what to say, somewhat ill-at-ease with people
in authority staring at him the way the president was staring at
him. Kevin sighed, pointing to a chair. "Sit down, Jackson. You're not
in trouble. But you seem to know that guy, and right now you're
probably the one person that can tell me what's going on. So I'm
asking. What did my cousin do this time?"

Jackson sat down, and gave his interpretation of what Daniel had told
him, about Biff stealing his fiancee away, sending the DVD, having
Jenn return Daniel's ring, and his own conclusions that clearly Biff
had Jenn programmed.

"Why clearly?" asked Kevin.

"First, because the notion that Jenn -- who I've met before -- would
dump Daniel to go with Biff is preposterous -- no offense -- and
second, because Daniel told me that Jenn was wearing one of our charms
bracelet before she disappeared."

"Mmm..." Kevin turned to Nils. "Do we have this girl on the list?"

"Jennifer Hansen," supplied Jackson. Nils consulted a computer pad,
and shook his head. "Nothing. She's not been processed."

Kevin grunted. "Right. And we haven't been programming new girls since
the doctor went into hiding after the incident at the NADA party
before Christmas. I believe he hasn't even set foot in the lab since
then. He's been completely out of contact. And completely paranoid."

"Could Biff do it? I mean, program a girl by himself?" asked Bernie.

"My cousin couldn't navigate his way out of the first room in Halo,
forget about programming a girl. No, it had to be someone
else. Bernie, what do you think?"

"What? What are you...? I wouldn't --"

"Who do you know that could program a girl without the doctor's help?
You and a bunch of brothers programmed that cheerleader as a gift for
the doctor. What was it? Trish? Any of them could have helped Biff?"

"Maybe. I'll... I'll have to look into it. Check logs." Jackson could
see that Bernie was high-strung. Kevin noticed as well. And his eyes
narrowed. Bernie stammered -- "Look, Kevin, I had nothing to do with
it. Nothing. I swear. Cross my heart, and hope to die."

"Sure. I believe you, Bernie. You're too smart to pull off a stupid
stunt like that. Check the logs. Nils, do we still have that CCTV feed
for the lab? Good. Look through the records, and get back to me. I
want to know who went in and used the lab to program that girl. I want
a name." He turned to Jackson. "Now, how do we deal with the
situation? What do we know? Who's this Daniel guy?"

"Political science student, about to graduate, engaged to the girl
that Biff supposedly disappeared with. Bit of a problem is that he's
friends with Serena and Cindy, two of our girls."

"Serena. Name's familiar. Was that the reporter that caused all those
problems last semester?"

"The same," replied Nils, who was busy looking up information on his
pad. "Daniel Malcolm. Yes. He was actually one of the two men that
caused that ruckus at NADA last fall."

"Great, this gets better and better." Kevin pinched the bridge of his
nose and squeezed his eyes shut. "This has cluster fuck written all
over it. We need some damage control here. First order of business,
Biff and his new toy have to disappear for a while -- lay low
somewhere far away. Perhaps that little cottage we invested in on the
Jersey shore? Or further away. I don't care. They've got to go."

Nils looked up. "We'll need to find them first."

"I think I know where they are," said Kevin, after a pause. "I'll find

Jackson cleared his throat. "After we find them, instead of getting
them out of town, wouldn't it just be simpler to return Daniel his
fiancee? It should be possible to undo whatever Biff has done to her,

Kevin smirked. "You don't know Biff like I do. If you take that girl
away from him, it's going to be like taking a slab of meat away from a
feral dog. Biff's bound to do something idiotic that will make things
worse than they are right now. No, we have to get them away from here
as fast as possible, and wait for him to tire of his new toy." He
turned to stare out the window, thinking. "My cousin's been itching to
get his hands on a girl with a boyfriend or something," he continued,
almost to himself. "He's always been heavy into NTR." He chuckled at
everyone's look of incomprehension. "Never mind. Point is, Biff's
bound to want to send this Daniel fellow stuff. Videos, pictures,
anything to get the guy seeing red."

"Actually, we've been seeing a lot of traffic -- big traffic -- going
through Biff's account on our mail server," said Bernie.


"The files were too big to pass through," continued Bernie. "Videos, I
think. Our server did not deliver them and put them in an off-line
queue. They're waiting for delivery approval. I've been meaning to ask
you about this to see what you wanted me to do."

"Keep them from going out. But don't tell Biff. While you're at it,
can you put in a filter on his email so that nothing gets through by
default? I want to control what he sends out. I don't want his big
paws messing things up. No point making things worse. If we're lucky,
we can maybe contain this mess."

"We need to take care of the police, the university, all her friends
that are looking for her, and of course, her fiance," mused Nils, who
was taking notes on his pad.

"I'll deal with the police," said Kevin. "As for the friends and the
university, once we find them we can have the girl get in touch with
everyone and say she's okay and that's she's taking a leave of absence
for the rest of the semester. Easy enough. As for the fiance... Well,
she's already told him that she was leaving him, right? Gave him back
his engagement ring? He needs some time to get over it, especially if
everyone around him knows that she's left him and that she's okay."

"Maybe we can offer him a deal," Bernie suggested. "You know, bring
him into the fold. Free pussy, works every time."

Jackson shook his head. "Won't work. The guy's lined up a job in
civics and community consulting. His ethics would not mesh well with
any of this. Plus it'll just confirm that Biff pulled a fast one on

"Fucking bleeding-heart leftie," mumbled Bernie.

"We don't need to bring him to our side," said Kevin, "we just need to
keep him quiet, make sure he doesn't cause too much of a fuss while he
recovers from his girlfriend leaving him. You said he knew two of our
girls? Maybe we can use one of them to distract him. We learn what he
likes, what he dislikes, what his kinks are, his fantasies, his
darkest desires, and send him a girl that can play with that
information and take his mind off his loss."

"Maybe," said Jackson. He was thinking about Cindy, how she felt about
Daniel. She would not need a lot of guidance.

Kevin looked at Jackson. "Jackson, you take care of it. I know you're
new, so view this as a test of sorts. The frat will remember your
help. I know it's a lot of responsibilities that I am putting on your
shoulders. But I have faith in you."

"You want me to figure out a way to keep Daniel distracted?"

"Whatever it takes. I want him to stop looking for his fiancee."

Jackson gulped, then nodded. Kevin's stare stayed on him as if gauging
his commitment, then he stood up. "Okay. I take care of Biff and the
police. Bernie, you set up the filter on my cousin's email
account. Nils, you find the piece of shit who helped Biff sneak around
and ensnare his new toy. Let's manage this before it does become a
cluster fuck, people. Otherwise, heads will roll."

He made for the exit, but he stopped. "Which girls do we have in the
house right now?"

Nils thought for a second. "We should have a couple of them around on
maid duty." He checked his pad. "Right. Serena, and Kyra."

"Great." Kevin stretched. "I gotta work out some of this tension. Send
them to the rec room."

Jackson stiffened at the mention of Kyra. Kevin noticed. "You got a
problem with that, Jackson?" The stare was hard.

"No. No problem."

"Glad to hear it." He left. Nils followed suit quickly.

Bernie stood up to leave as well, looking pale.

"Bernie," said Jackson. "I know it was you who helped Biff program

Bernie turned slowly. He shook his head. "No way, man. Had nothing to
do with it. As Kevin said, it'd be a real dumb thing to do anyways."

"Daniel told me that he caught Biff talking on the phone to someone
about doing some additional programming, and Biff used your name,
Bernie. So unless there's another Bernie that Biff could have

Bernie laughed nervously. "Come on, man, you know Biff. Always trying
to get other people in trouble."

"Right. Look, this is going to be bad, Bernie. Real bad. You got to
fix this before we all get in trouble. We need to find Jenn and get
rid of the programming. If Biff throws a fit, then we'll deal with
it. Tell me what you did to her."

Bernie looked at Jackson for a long time. Then his shoulders
slumped. "I had no choice, man, Biff can be very... persuasive, when
he wants to be. So he told me to bring her here, and to program
her. And he wanted something special, a modification of the usual
program. He wanted something that would tie her to him
exclusively. Easy enough. But he also wanted a program that would keep
her activated all the time, not just when you said her trigger
sentence. We had a girl like that last semester, Marjorie. The doc had
her program stored in the lab, and I fiddled with it a little bit to
fit Biff's requirements. I mean, it was all very experimental. I'm not
sure how stable the programming is. And it took me two passes too -- a
first one for the basic programming, right here in the lab, and the
second with only some drugs and electric stimulation. That second time
was the last time I saw either of them. And I told him that I didn't
want anything to do with it anymore. I don't know where they are -- I
swear I'm telling you the truth." Bernie ran his hand through his
hair. "Fuck, I've been avoiding my classes all week, trying to stay
away form that Daniel guy, who's been looking for me. I guess that's
how he got my name then, overhead Biff on one of those times when he
talked to me on the phone."

"You gotta fix this, Bernie. Before someone really gets hurt. Can you
reverse the programming?"

"Sure. Give me some time with her in the lab, and I can set her back
up right as rain."

				* * *

An hour later, Kevin was leaning back agiain one of the huge reclining
chairs of the rec room when his phone rang. Before him, sprawled on
the ground, was Kyra, the lithe pixie-haired redhead whom he had just
fucked. Between her legs, busily eating her out, and along the way
also cleaning out the overflowing semen from her pussy was the black
reporter, Serena. He liked her, a lot. Not only did she have a killer
body, with nice curves and killer breasts, but in contrast with Kyra,
who had a submissive streak, Serena was a dominant through and
through. Which made dominating her so much more fun. He had not spent
as much time with Serena as he should have, he had come to
realize. The girl was special.

The two girls had shown up wearing their diminutive maid uniforms,
which were nothing less than a pervert's version of a French maid
costume -- a short black dress, with a plunging neckline and a
widening skirt barely reaching the upper thigh, exposing legs sheathed
in black fishnet stockings. Tall black heels, a velvet choker, and a
little white hat completed the picture. Maid duty was very popular
with the brothers, and while it did sometimes lead to some actual
cleaning, it was mostly an opportunity to ogle, fondle, and ultimately
fuck the girls on duty.

Kevin had them strip each other once they got in, taking off each
other's uniform amidst caresses and licks and kisses. He had watched
the show, a vodka on the rocks in his hand, warming up slowly to the
scene. Once the girls were naked and properly aroused, he had them
both kneel at his feet and give him a blow job, during which he
savored having them kiss each other around his cock, their naked
breasts rubbing together. Serena's technique was sloppy -- the girl
had mad oral skills -- and Kevin had gotten a kick out of watching
Kyra lick up the drool from the other girl's face before diving onto
his cock herself while Serena was sucking on one of her nipples.

When they had brought him to the point where he was ready to explode,
he had stopped them and told them to make out with each other while he
watched them some more. The two girls had started kissing down on the
floor, one on top of the other, naked, flawless body rubbing against
flawless body, Serena taking the lead and aggressively kissing and
groping the lithe redhead.

After a while he had told the girls to separate, and sent Serena over
to a pile of cushions on one side of the rec room. He had looked her
in the eyes. "Serena. You will lie down there looking at me fuck this
little slut, and you will finger yourself, getting more and more
aroused, but you won't be able to come. You get that? It will turn you
on like mad to see us, but you will not get any release. The itch, the
desire to feel a cock inside you, plowing you deep, hard, will get
overwhelming. But you won't be able to make yourself come." Serena had
been looking at him, without speaking, her programming ensuring that
his statements were orders. He had noticed a small tremor course
through her, and he could imagine that she had already started to feel
lust nipping at her heels. He had continued. "I am not cruel,
though. You will be allowed to come. Eventually. When, and only when,
you feel a cock spurting deep in that round ass of yours. You get

Serena had nodded. "I will only come when I feel a cock spurting deep
in my ass. Sir."

"Serena, what did I tell you to call me?"

"I'm sorry. Mister President. I will only come when I feel a cock
spurting deep in my ass, Mister President."

"Better. Do you like being ass-fucked, Serena?"

She had nodded. "I do, Mister President. I love it when a big cock
splits my ass open. It makes me feel so dirty. And the brothers love
my ass so much, Mister President, they're always trying to flip me
over and pull my ass up and they make me beg for them to ream me out
like a whore. Do you want to see, Mister President? Do you want to see
what I look like when I'm offering my ass to a real man?"

Kevin had snickered. "Ah! Nice try. I see what you're doing there. You
love taking control, don't you? Don't worry, I'll fuck that tight ass
of yours. But until then, you get those fingers of yours playing. I
want to see you going out of your mind with lust. And not a word. I
don't want you to say another word. And you," he had turned to Kyra,
"spread those legs and get ready to welcome me."

"Of course, Mister President," Kyra had replied, in a small voice. The
redhead, without ever standing up, had gone down on her hands and
knees and had walked towards a set of cushions arranged on the
floor. Kevin had eyed her ass the whole way, an ass that begged to be
abused, small and tight compared to Serena's more generous expanse of
flesh. Kyra had undoubtedly thought about the effect the view would
have on him, because she had imparted an exaggerated sway to her rear
as she went to the designated spot. When she had reached it, she had
flipped down onto her back, and she had spread those long delightful
legs of hers, a hand sneaking its way down to her bald pussy.

Kevin had looked at her, then at Serena, who was sitting on cushions a
bit further down, her own legs spread, her own fingers busily
thrusting in and out of her pussy, her other hand squeezing one of her
breasts, looking at Kyra down on the floor offering herself. But Kevin
had wanted more. He had moved to stand over Kyra, idly stroking his
hard cock, still glistening with the saliva of the two girls.

"Kyra," he had addressed the red-haired girl at his feet, "you look
like a cock-hungry slut like that -- is that what you want? A hard
cock inside you?"

Kyra had moaned, her finger obviously playing with her clit, rubbing
in energetic circles. "God yes!" she had said, "I want to feel your
cock inside me, Mister President. I want to feel you fill me up, shove
your cock deep inside, fuck me like the cock-hungry slut that I am."

"What if I want to take you hard, Kyra? What if I want to feed you my
cock hard, fast, without any consideration for you? What if I wanted
to bite your tits? Slap your face? Rape your ass? You have such a
tight hole down there, for sure, so it's going to hurt if I just shove
inside without prep. You still want to be fucked like a cock-hungry

"Use me any way you want, Mister President," she had moaned. "All my
holes are yours. Fuck any of them, however you want -- my cunt, my
ass, my mouth. Don't think about me, just take your pleasure. I'm your
little cum dump -- oh fuck! --"

She had been interrupted by Kevin dropping down between her legs and
shoving his cock into her in one hard stroke, fast, deep. Kyra's eyes
had flown open, her mouth freezing in a large O, and she had come,
just like that, with Kevin's cock embedded inside her. She had
clutched at his shoulders, shivers wracking up her body, her pussy
squirming and twisting on his shaft.

Kevin had grinned, and had spied Serena from the corner of his eye,
playing with herself but unable to come on her own because of his
order and watching her play mate overwhelmed by a giant orgasm, envy
visible on her face. Mind games -- Kevin loved them.

He had proceeded to fuck Kyra thoroughly, thrusting with force into
the redhead, his eyes trained on Serena the whole time, ordering her
to pinch her nipples and squeeze her breasts and suck on her fingers
and shove them in her pussy and her ass, and Serena had done it all,
because she had been ordered to, and because keeping Kevin happy was
the way for her to get what she craved at that point, namely release.

Kevin had rutted himself to the brink of orgasm after a good twenty
minutes of alternatively fucking Kyra hard and lying back and letting
her do all the work by riding him. Kyra had come three more times in
that period, loud orgasms that had her screaming and grabbing her
breasts and generally making a spectacle of herself. Kevin, not for
the first time, had thought that perhaps he ought to be taping these
sessions. The idea of using such tapes to blackmail a girl like Kyra
-- threatening to release those tapes to her family, say -- and
getting her to fuck him not under any sort of control but of her own
volition, so to speak, had an attraction all of its own. And, again
not for the first time, he had vetoed the idea as too risky.

But the thought had its effect, and he had pushed harder into the
tight body underneath him, and he had come, pressing hard against her
groin, trying to embed himself as deep inside her as he could, spewing
a copious load that had sent the redhead down the path of yet another
orgasm, punctuated by the moans of a horny Serena still madly frigging
herself. Spent, he had pulled out of Kyra, who had collapsed on the
ground, perfect body spread out, damp with sweat. He had walked to a
corner of the room, his softening cock bouncing with every step, and
collapsed in the reclining chair. He had ordered Serena to go and
clean up the exhausted redhead with her mouth. Serena had obeyed, and
that was the show that Kevin was admiring when his phone rang.

He recognized the ring tone. Nils. He reached for his cell
phone. "Nils -- hold on one sec." He was on the side of the room with
the sex toys. He picked one up -- a strap-on dildo, with a huge ebony
rubber cock. "Serena," he said to the black girl, "use this." He
tossed the dildo to Serena, who caught it. Kevin gestured to Kyra,
still sprawled on the ground. "Go ahead, fuck her. Fuck her good, and
I'll fuck you right back, in that tight snatch of yours." Serena
groaned, while she tied the strap-on about her waist and tightened the
straps between her legs. "And if you're very good, I'll even stuff my
cock deep in your ass." Serena practically swooned at that, and pushed
a finger inside her pussy, doubling over at the sensation. "Stop
that," barked Kevin. "No touching yourself until you've ruined that
slut right there on the floor."

Serena obeyed, stepped to the spent Kyra, the dildo strapped about her
waist bobbing up and down with every step. It was a monstrosity,
large, black, with raised veins giving it a threatening look. Kevin
idly wondered whether it would in fact fit inside Kyra's arguably
tight hole. It would be interesting to see.

"Nils, sorry about that. Give me good news."

"I'm afraid I don't have good news for you. The CCTV videos for the
lab entrance have been deleted. The drives have been wiped clean."

Serena knelt between Kyra's legs, and ran her hand down the redhead's
body, who shivered at the touch, and arched her back to get Serena's
hand to press harder. When Serena reached Kyra's thighs, she pulled
the girl's legs apart, and leaned down to kiss her, a slow kiss that
soon turned into a passionate exchange, Kyra raising her legs and
wrapping them about the black girl's waist, her hands roaming her

"Fuck," said Kevin. "Who's in charge of the system?"

"Bernie. And aside from you and I, no one else has access to the
security subsystem."

Serena pushed with her hips, hard. Kyra screamed. Serena smothered the
scream with a deep kiss.

"Bernie," repeated Kevin, "who also has access to the lab and learned
how to program girls with the doctor. Find him. Find him and restrain
him. Call me when you do." He slammed the phone shut, fuming.

Serena thrust deeply into Kyra, who was trashing under her, moaning
and groaning and enjoying herself greatly. The two girls kissed and
rubbed themselves against each other, their breasts sliding over each
other's, legs pushing against legs. It was a delicious sight, and
Kevin was not indifferent to it, despite his anger at Bernie -- and
indeed, his cock was hardening, his gaze directed at Serena's round
ass thrusting back and forth between the redhead's legs.

Serena turned to look at him. She was aroused, saw Kevin, driven crazy
with lust by not being able to find release. The strap-on was pressing
on her clit, he knew, and sending pleasurable thrills through her
body, but she was still under the impetus not to orgasm. He pointed to
Kyra. "Turn her around. Fuck her ass. Fuck her ass like you want me to
fuck yours. Make her scream."

Serena immediately pulled out of Kyra, the lithe redhead whimpering at
the loss of the hard rubber shaft that had given her so much pleasure,
then she went on her hands and knees and presented her ass to the
black girl. Serena wasted no time and pressed the head of the dildo on
the redhead's asshole and pushed. Kyra screamed, but did not move
away. One of her hands shot to her crotch, and she started rubbing her
clit. Serena pressed harder and eventually broke through the tight
sphincter, eliciting another scream from Kyra, who rubbed herself
faster, her scream turning into moans of frenzied lust. Kevin shook
his head. His instructions to Kyra had given her lots of leeway to
enjoy herself. He minded less than he though he would have. The sight
before him was hot either way.

He watched Serena fuck the redhead for several minutes, the strain
clear on her face, perspiration running down her long body. He admired
Kyra's lean form rocked back and forth by the thrusts of the black
girl, her small breasts swinging enticingly, her eyes closed, her
mouth open and gasping loudly whenever the dildo bottomed out. She
came at least twice during that part of the act.

Kevin stood. He was ready. His mind was clear, his anger at the
situation with his cousin and this Malcolm guy and now Bernie having
shifted into lust. Now all it took was a good release, and it would
all be flushed away. Sex as therapy. Sometimes the old ways are the
best, he thought. And he knew just how to effect that blessed release.

He took position behind Serena, admiring the rear of the beautiful
girl thrusting forth into Kyra, her cheeks taut with effort. He ran a
hand on the soft skin of the buttocks. He trailed a finger down
following the inward curve with a finger, gently teasing the winking
rosebud nestled there. Serena groaned and pushed her ass back towards
the sensation, conditioned to seek satisfaction through her rear
opening, but equally compelled to fuck Kyra and therefore having to
thrust back into the continuously orgasming redhead. Serena knew
Serena would get no satisfaction that way, yet she was unable to act

Fully erect, Kevin lined himself up with the thrusting Serena, and in
one smooth stroke buried himself deep into the black girl's ass,
pushing her even deeper into the redhead's own ass. Kyra groaned
loudly, and came again, and it must have burned Serena to give Kyra
exactly the pleasure that was denied her. Kevin loved the feeling of
being deep inside Serena's ass, her tight hole squeezing him

He pulled out and pushed again, timing himself with Serena's own
thrusts, holding on to the girl's hips for leverage. He fucked her
that way for a long time, sometimes reaching around to grab and
squeeze her large breasts, or tweak her nipples, pulling on them or
twisting them, rejoicing in her gasps.

When he felt close to coming again, he considered pulling out and
spewing his load on Serena's back. He loved the idea of leaving the
black girl horny and unsatisfied. Then a nasty smile lit up his face.

He pulled out of Serena, forcing a groan of disappointment out of the
horny black girl, and after grasping her hips pulled her out of
Kyra. Serena fell back, the rubber dildo thumping against her stomach,
while Kyra gasped at her sudden feeling of emptiness.

That feeling of emptiness did not last long because Kevin thrust his
cock into Kyra's rear, just vacated by Serena's oversized
dildo. Kevin's cock sank in easily, the opening having been properly
widened, yet the redhead's asshole squeezed him fiercely, and it took
but two thrusts into her burning tunnel for him to explode, shouting
out, looking into Serena's eyes the whole time, drinking in the girl's
desperate need. Still fully embedded in the twitching redhead, Kevin
nodded to the black girl.

"Maybe next time, you're gonna be good enough to deserve getting it up
your own ass. But not today. You're a smart girl, you'll eventually
figure out what I want from you."

He pulled out of Kyra, who collapsed to the ground, exhausted through
too many orgasms.

"Now, you get to clean my cock. Come on, get your whore mouth down
here, and when you're done you can suck my load out of this little
slut's ass. I'm sure you can make her come again with that talented
tongue of yours."

Kevin lay back as the horny unsatisfied girl crawled over to him, and
let relaxation wash over him.

				* * *

Kevin received the call as he was making his way back to his office,
much calmer than before, the two girls having suitably satiated his
hunger. Kyra certainly would need some time to recover, and Serena
would be unable to find release until either her activation ran out,
or until another brother used her.

"We found Bernie. You're not going to like it," Nils said, his voice
garbled because of bad reception.

"I'm already not liking it. Bring him up to my office."

"You probably should come down here instead."

"Why? Where are you?"

"Downstairs. The lab."

Keving's mood had soured at the disruption. It was not improved by
what he found when he arrived in the laboratory ten minutes
later. Nils and a younger brother -- the latter looking slightly green
-- were standing by a chair, silent.

In the chair was Bernie. He was naked. He was motionless. He was
dead. His wrists and ankles were tied to the arms and legs of the
chair with zipcuffs. Kevin found it difficult to swallow as he looked
him over. Bernie's entire body was criss-crossed with cuts, each five
to six inches long, the blood from each dripping down and pooling in
the seat of the chair and on the floor. A wide slash at his throat, so
deep it looked to Kevin as if someone had tried to decapitate Bernie,
contributed to that pool of blood. More blood came from Bernie's
crotch, and Kevin felt a wave of nausea when he saw not only that
Bernie's dick had been loped off, but that it had been shoved in his

Nils looked imperturbable as ever. Kevin knew his vice-president had
done some military service in his native Norway before coming to the
States for a graduate degree, and undoubtedly he had witnessed
gruesome scenes before.

"The throat slash seems to be what killed him, and seems to have been
the last wound that was inflicted."

Kevin looked at Nils, frowning. "You mean...?"

"Yes, everything else most likely was done when he was still
alive. His penis was cut off and stuffed down his throat -- if you
look closely you can see it was nicked by the blade when the neck was

Kevin was willing to take the Norwegian's word for it.

"I'd really like to see the blade that did this," continued
Nils. "Must be a beauty. Nice clean cuts, both the superficial ones,
and the killing one. The guy who did this was an artist."

Kevin thought he detected a note of admiration in Nils' tone. "Why all
these cuts?"

"If I had to guess, I'd say Bernie was tortured. And if I read the
throat slash correctly, Bernie was tortured for
information. Symbolically, his throat was cut when he had said
everything he had to say."

"And the penis thing?"

Nils did not know.

"Who did this?" asked Kevin. "And why?"

It was a rhetorical question. Kevin looked around at the equipment in
the doctor's laboratory, the computers, the notes scattered around. It
could not have been a coincidence that Bernie was taken and questioned

Nils chimed in. "Whomever he was, he was a professional. And it looks
like he accessed the computer as well. Bernie probably provided him

Kevin nodded. It made sense. The doctor had been worried that his
previous employers -- from whom he had been running away -- might
track him down, and he had made it exceedingly clear that they were
dangerous. He had been unwilling to provide more details, despite
Kevin's insistence. This must be their handiwork. Someone was looking
for the doctor, tracking him all the way to the frat house. And found
Bernie instead. What did Bernie tell him?

"We may know more once the police looks this over," continued Nils.

"No cops. The police chief is already twitchy enough as it is. Who
knows how he'll react to this. No, we're keeping this quiet. Come
night, get rid of the body. I don't care how, but make it look like an
accident. I trust you."

"You sure that's wise?"

"No. But it's the best I can come up with right now. Until we learn
more about who we're dealing with, we're playing this one close to the
chest. I can only hope we can resolve this like civilized people."

Nils' look of dubiousness echoed Kevin's feeling perfectly. The
situation was now officially a cluster fuck.