Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Bryce and Daniel by Brycewriter b/b, oral, mild scat Authors note: The following story details consensual sexual acts between young boys. If you are offended by such graphic descriptions, stop reading now. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy this story, which is an add-on to my previous series entitled "Bryce's Unnatural Life". Constructive feedback is always welcome at Bryce and Daniel "Are you a fag?" he asked very bluntly. Am I a fag? Why would he ask that? Did he see something in the bathroom? Had he seen me and Adam together? Darn it, why had I been so careless? Why couldn't I just have waited until we got home? A million thoughts were going through my head and none of them were good as I stood there, staring blankly at Daniel, who was staring right back at me, a sneer on his lips and obviously waiting for an answer. And I had no idea what to say. Maybe I should go back a bit. My name is Bryce. Me and my brother Adam, well, he isn't really my brother, but he and his mom live with me and my dad, so I consider him like a brother, well anyway, we have a very special relationship. We do sex stuff together. A lot. We have even made some movies together, including the first one where I had to eat a turd right out of his butthole. I guess that sounds pretty gross, and if it was anyone but Adam, I guess I would agree. But I really love him and would do anything for or with him. I wrote a story about me and Adam and about things leading up to our doing sex stuff together. It is called "Bryce's Unnatural Life" in case you are interested. But this isn't really a story about me and Adam. It is a story about me and a boy named Daniel. I met Daniel at a three day summer day camp that my father made me and Adam go to. The whole thing was stupid because the day camp was at a community center that wasn't even in our part of town. It was all the way across town and the only reason my dad made us go was because he had some "business deal" going with one of the people that was a big wig in the community center and I guess he was trying to impress him. Big deal for him, a sucky three days for me and Adam. Sucky I say because we didn't know anyone there, whereas all the other kids were from the same neighborhood and so they had friends that they knew from school and such. To make matters worse, we were grouped by ages and since Adam was only six, and I was eleven, we weren't even in the same group so we hardly saw each other while we were there. Sometimes we would see each other passing in the halls, and sometimes at lunch, but for the most part, we were on our own. By the middle of the first day, while all the other kids were grouped up with their friends, I found myself mostly sitting off by myself, counting the minutes as they went by, waiting for the day to be over. I did notice one other kid, a boy named Daniel, who was ten, who also seemed to be a bit of a loner, keeping to himself as well. Daniel looked like a gruff kid, with short cut brown hair, a rounded face with full, pink lips and dark brown eyes. He was tanned, but not dark, an average build and was wearing faded jeans that were relatively tight and which hugged his butt pretty nicely. I found myself staring at him. I guess I was attracted to him, but not really sure why. He wasn't a beautiful boy, just average I guess, and maybe it was because he was staying off by himself like me. In any event, I was drawn to him. It wasn't until lunchtime that I had a chance to speak with him. Having no one else to sit with, we ended up with each other and made small talk about haw lame being here was. I told him about my dad and being forced to come here. He told me that he had just moved to the area so he didn't really know anyone, and his mom saw this as better than leaving him at home alone while she was at work. After lunch, we ended up shooting some hoops together while the other kids played outside. Being much closer to Daniel hadn't stopped me from staring at him, especially at his butt. Pressed against the tight material of his jeans, his cheeks were perfectly rounded and I had thoughts about what they looked like uncovered. Was he clean back there? Had anyone ever touched him there in a sexual way? Why did I even care? Would he beat me up if he knew I was lusting over him? Things I guess an 11 year old shouldn't really be thinking about I guess, but I really wasn't a "normal" 11 year old I suppose. The second day was much like the first. Daniel and I spent more time together, but still separated from the other groups of kids. We did some drawings in the morning in the arts and crafts room. Daniel was wearing jeans again and as we sat on the floor and I couldn't help stealing glances at him, watching as he shifted around, bending this way and that. At one point his shirt shifted above the waistband of his pants and I could see a pair of blue boxers peeking out. The skin on his lower back was lighter colored than his tanned arms and it looked smooth and soft. I actually got a boner wondering what it might look like further down, inside his underpants, and I had to shift my pants a little to hide it. I did notice that, unlike most boys, I could see that his ears and his fingernails were clean. I also noticed that, when he took his shoes off to "get more comfortable", he was wearing short white socks and I couldn't detect any foot odor. So I decided that he must have fairly good hygiene. That helped a little as I still wondered a little about how clean he was between his legs, especially on his butthole. That afternoon we played basketball together again and by the end of the day, we were a lot more like friends and a lot less like strangers. Which was a good thing because we had been told that the next day, our last, was also an overnighter for the "older" boys. That meant that Adam would get to go home in the evening, but I would have to stay and participate in a "camp out" in the woods behind the facility. Everyone would be sleeping in a two person tent and you had to have a "buddy" to sleep with. Thankfully Daniel would be participating in the overnighter and we quickly agreed to share a tent. That third day is when tragedy struck. I was headed to the bathroom when I came across Adam walking down the hallway. "Hi Bryce" he peeped before telling me he had to pee. I told him I had to pee also and he followed me into the boy's room. There were four urinals along the wall, but instead of taking one of them, I took Adam and headed into a stall at the end of the room. There we let loose with a healthy stream of pee, giggling as we had a "sword fight" with our piss. As the streams died down, I looked down at Adam, shaking the remaining drops from the tip of his peepee, and had an urge to take a quick suck. So I did. Bending down, I took his little worm of flesh into my mouth and sucked out the last few bits of urine as my tongue swirled around the tiny head. Adam giggled, pretty loudly, and I had to pull back and "shush" him. With a guilty look, he gave me a shy smile and I laughed a little. But I wasn't quite through. Spinning his little body around, I stole a glance at the inside his superman underwear. The cute little brown smear staring back at me from the seat of his undies was a hint of what I might find between those two soft, plump mounds. So I dropped to my knees and stuck my nose right inside his little butt cheeks. I know poop isn't supposed to smell sweet, but Adam's always does to me. And getting a nose full of his hastily wiped bottom sent my own peepee into stiffness as I rooted my nose further in and inhaled deeply. Pulling his butt mounds apart, I could see that right there in the middle was something causing the sweet smell. Brown streaks of Adam's last poopy that were smeared around his tight little hole. Desperate for a taste, but realizing that we needed to finish quickly, I darted my tongue out and lapped at the brown sweetness. Adam hunched forward ever so slightly and let out a low moan as I licked and slurped away at his butthole. Within seconds, his hole was pink and clean again and I had the tasty flavors of Adams butt on my tongue. Standing back up, we quickly pulled up our underwear and pants and just as I leaned down to give Adam a little kiss on his cheek, I heard the bathroom door close. No footsteps or voices so I was uncertain if that meant someone had come or had gone. We slowly opened the door and, seeing no one, walked to the door and exited. I gave Adam a quick smile as I sent him back to his group and as I turned to head back to mine, ran straight into Daniel. It was then that he uttered those four fateful words. "Are you a fag?" I knew what a fag was. It was a derogatory name that was used very freely amongst us boys. It described not just someone who "liked" other boys, but was the taunt that boys would hurl as the ultimate insult. And at this moment, I didn't feel like a "fag", just someone who had a special relationship with my good friend Adam. But there was Daniel, an accusatory look on his face, waiting for my answer. "Why are you asking me that?" was all I could think to say. "I saw you in the bathroom" he replied, "I saw through the crack in the door and you had your face in that kid's butt". Well, this wasn't heading anywhere good. What was I supposed to say; that I didn't have my face in that kid's butt? That he didn't see what he saw? That having my face in some other boy's butt didn't make me a "fag"? So instead I stood there, a blank look on my face as I muttered something about "I was just helping him. He is my brother". "You were helping him with your face in his butt? You were helping him or licking him? Do you like licking butts or something? Is that why you keep staring at mine, cause you wanna lick it?" Daniel said as he turned and started to walk down the hall. Now my life so far has been anything but easy. I had been initiated into sex by an older cousin who was supposed to be babysitting me, but instead had used my mouth for non-stop blow jobs. I had been raped in my butt by my own father and forced to suck on his peepee on a nightly basis. I was rented as a sex slave to two insane boys for an entire weekend. I had been photographed being beaten and then forced to use my mouth on the peepee and butthole on a little boy from Russia (or someplace like that) while my dad was fucking the kid's older brother. And I had been filmed drinking Adam's pee and eating an entire poopy right out of his butthole. So really, in the grand scheme of things, this little episode, me licking a little crap from between Adam's butt cheeks, really didn't rank up there high on the depravity scale. The difference this time was that someone knew. Someone who wasn't supposed to know had seen it. And I was scared to death no knowing what he was going to do with this information. I slowly walked back to the area of the center where my group was. My stomach was in knots. There along the other wall was Daniel. He was by himself and kept looking my way, but made no effort to indicate I should join him. To make matters worse, this was the night that I was supposed to be sleeping in the tent with him. Just the two of us. What in the world was I to do about that? And, amazingly, just when I felt like I was going to cry, Daniel sauntered over and, as if nothing else had happened, said "Do you wanna go play basketball?" Well for the next 45 minutes, we played basketball, although my mind definitely was not on that. No snide, insulting comments, no leering looks, no mention of what took place in the bathroom. He acted as if the entire "fag" conversation hadn't taken place at all. No mention of it when we finished playing ball, walking together back into the building. Not a peep over dinner that evening, nor later as we walked together into the woods with all the other boys in our group, dragging our tent and change of clothes and snacks and the like. Just normal, routine conversation. And too tell the truth, even though I was relieved, the weirdness of it was driving me crazy! We picked a rather secluded spot to set up our tent, away from the other boys. They had basically ignored us the past three days and this night wasn't going to be any different. So after the corny songs around the campfire and the stupid scary stories, we were all sent to our respective tents for the night and I found myself alone with Daniel, in a little tent without much room for much more than us, the two sleeping bags, our backpacks and a small, battery powered light. We settled in fairly quickly and things were going great. Great that is, right up to the point that Daniel kicked off his shoes, yanked his t-shirt over his head and lay, face down, on top of the sleeping bag. Oh man, what a cute boy he was. His skin looked so soft and smooth. He had a perfect build, not skinny, just solid looking. His armpits were hairless and creamy smooth. Even the hollow of his lower back, leading down to the waistband of his boxers, peeking out of his jeans, looked cute enough to kiss. He was wearing white anklet socks, a little worn on the bottom, but nice and snug on his small feet. His legs were wrapped in the tight jeans, which accented his two butt mounds perfectly, creating a valley in the middle that I could have easily pushed my face into and spent the night in. Just looking at him was making me stiff between my legs, and as I realized this, I was jolted back to reality as Daniel muttered something. "What did you say?" I asked. "I said, you really do like staring at my butt don't you?" he whispered, shifting his hips a little. Now I realize I am not the smartest kid in the world, but I was pretty experienced at this point in sex stuff, having experienced more by age 11 than most people do in their entire life. And I felt pretty sure at this point, or at least hoped anyway, that Daniel's decision to camp with me after seeing me licking Adam's butthole, coupled with what appeared to be a movement of his hips to shift his own trapped stiffness, meant that he was game for some sex stuff. So, throwing caution aside, I reached my hand out, stroked my fingers down the warm, smooth skin of his lower back and whispered back "It looks really sexy to me." Daniel closed his eyes as my fingers traced down his skin and my hand came to rest on his right butt cheek. I gave the soft flesh a gentle squeeze as he shifted his hips again, this time sticking his hand underneath his groin area as he moved. "Do you and him do anything else together?" Daniel asked, his eyes still closed, but his hand fumbling around beneath him. "Well", I started, "Sometimes we kiss each other." By now my hand was right between the two cheeks and I had slipped a finger right down into the warmth of the crease between his legs. Daniel shifted again, raising his hips slightly and as he dropped down again my finger was now wedged right in the cleft of his behind. It felt so warm and snug in there and I began wondering about what it might smell and taste like if it was my face in there instead. "Do you ever suck his pecker?" Daniel asked, his eyes open now and staring into mine. "Yes" I replied, "We suck each other almost every night" I said as I broke his stare and bent down and put my lips into the small of his back. I gave him a little kiss there as I jammed my finger even tighter into his butt crease and then asked "Have you ever done any sex stuff with anyone before?" There was a bit of a pause and I gave Daniel another kiss on his back before he responded. "Me and my friend Jesse sucked each other's peckers one time when he spent the night. But no one has ever licked my butt like you were doing with Adam." So that was it huh? I guess I wasn't the only "fag" in the tent, only the more experienced one. First I had a sense of relief that I wasn't about to be revealed to the world, then a sense of excitement. I admittedly had been lusting over the thought of doing stuff with Daniel and now maybe I would have a chance. "Do you think you might like for me to lick you there?" I asked as I slowly pulled my finger out of his crack, shifted myself so my head was down over his butt, then gently lowering my face down so my lips were pressed between the two mounds, then burrowing my nose right into the crease. Daniel shifted his hips again before he replied, stating "I think I would, but I haven't had a shower since last night. I took a poop today, so I'm not sure how clean it is". If only he knew, I thought to myself. Heck, Matt Jarkot made me lick his stinking butthole clean after not wiping when he had taken a dump, then the next day pooped an entire turd right into my mouth (which I had thankfully been able to spit out). Then there was the movie with Adam pooping in my mouth (which I gladly ate) and the countless times since then that I had been back licking and slurping Adam's butt hole, regardless of how clean or dirty it had been. But that was nice of Daniel to think that way, so I made a point of taking a very deep sniff, my nose lodged right above his clothed butthole, before I responded. "I can't smell anything from here, so you must have wiped pretty good" I said. Actually, truth be known, I could smell a little bit of poopy odor, not really strong, just a tint bit, and it actually turned me on even more and now I was even more determined to get these jeans down so I could get to the source of the smell. "What does it feel like getting licked back there?" Daniel asked as I continued sniffing. Now this was question I really wasn't sure how to answer. I had licked Adam, Matt, Oscar, Sasha, even Devin's butthole, but no one had ever licked mine. Hadn't even thought to ask anyone to do so (Adam had offered once but I turned him down because I felt protective over him and didn't want him exploited that way. Ok, I know that sounds weird in the grand scheme of things, but at the time it made sense to me). But I knew how much everyone liked getting it done, so I assumed it felt really good and told Daniel as much. He then lay there quiet for a few minutes as I continued rooting my nose in his crack giving him little kisses on top of his jeans. By now I couldn't even smell the slight odor anymore and was ready to move on, although Daniel just lay there, not saying anything. Figuring he was too timid to take the next step, I pulled my face up and reached over and turned the little light off (I may have been horny but still had the sense to figure we didn't need any shadows giving us away in case someone wandered nearby) and shifted around so I was straddling his lower legs. There was still plenty of moonlight to see as I reached both hands down and under his hips. Daniel shifted and lifted his hips as my fingers clasped and popped open the snap of his jeans, then tugged his zipper down. I pulled his jeans down until they were bunched just above his knees, then brought my hands back up and slid his boxers down to the same spot. I reached over, grabbed my pillow and slid it right underneath his groin. Pushing the pillow through, my hand encountered his very stiff, very smooth erection. I couldn't help but to give it a quick squeeze, and as I did so, Daniel let out a little moan. "Put your face into the pillow so they don't hear us" I suggested, remembering how quiet the night was. Daniel nodded as he turned and lowered his head and I finished adjusting the pillow, elevating his hips, and bottom, to the perfect pitch. And perfect is just how I would describe the sight before my eyes. Two blemish free, beautiful mounds of boy butt, jutting up at an angle, parted ever so slightly and waiting to be serviced. Perfect indeed, and I leaned in, placed a kiss at the very top of the crack, and slowly moved my face down. When I hit the middle of the mounds, I jabbed my nose deep inside and sniffed. Now, I'm not stupid, so I know that when people say something smells like crap, they mean it stinks. In a bad way. And believe me, I know poop smells, and I have even had my nose in some butt cracks that I considered nothing but nasty smelling. That said, what I was smelling right now was definitely poopy smell. It was definitely coming right from a butthole. But for some reason that I have never figured out, the smell was great. It was intoxicating and for me at that moment, there was nothing I would have rather smelled than the odors of Daniel's butthole that were being sucked into my nostrils. Not too slight, and definitely not overpowering, it was just a stronger version of the sweetness I had detected earlier through his jeans. And so it was that I sniffed and snorted, my nose crammed right down onto the tight butthole for the next few minutes, enjoying every second of it. After a bit, and figuring I had better get moving along, I lifted my face up slightly and, using my hands, pried apart the squishy mounds of Daniel's butt flesh. There it was, and indeed just as I had imagined. A tightly closed swirl of pink flesh, adorned in the little folds with the slightest traces of brown. Not chunks, just streaks and flecks and just enough to deliver the sexy odor. Just enough to remind someone, me in this case, that my face was right there in another kid's butt, the place his turds come from. And as I held those two mounds of flesh open, I began kissing the soft folds of inner flesh, alternating from side to side, slowly working my way to the center. Daniel hadn't moved a muscle or uttered a sound since he put his face in the pillow, but when my lips actually came into contact with his very warm butthole, he jerked slightly and I felt the little ring actually twitch. I kissed it three times and it twitched with each touch. Then, extending my tongue, and starting at the base of his ball sack, I licked all the way to the hole. This time I had to hold tight on Daniel's butt cheeks because as soon as I hit the hole, my tongue went wild, licking, darting and probing, cleaning those wrinkled folds, lapping up Daniel's poop residue and slurping the slightly bitter flavors right into my mouth and down my throat. Daniel really started squirming, moaning into the pillow as I lapped even harder at the center of flesh, jabbing my tongue inside while sucking at the tight opening. As my tongue slipped inside his anal passage, he pushed his butt even higher, his hole tight against my lips as I swirled my tongue around and around. I was horribly excited as I continued my assault, sucking even harder as I actually began fantasizing about the thought of sucking a fresh turd right out of his poopy factory. Wouldn't that be great if I could coax a fresh "brownie" out, a little night snack, courtesy of Daniel's rectum! Unfortunately, the brownie factory was empty so I wasn't getting anything from there that I hadn't already licked up. And, unbeknownst to me, Daniel had moved one of his hands down underneath and began rubbing his peepee while I had been tonguing his butthole. All too soon, I heard him cry into the pillow as I felt his hips start jerking and his butt muscles, including the one my tongue was stuffed into, squeezed tightly. I felt three powerful jerks as Daniel experienced his dry cum, then everything went limp as his hips fell and I released my hold on his cheeks. I rested my face on his butt cheeks and waited as Daniel lay there, breathing very rapidly. After a minute or so, I rolled to my side and Daniel turned his head down to me and, smiling, said "You were right, that felt really good. Thanks." What could I say? What should I say? That I liked it? That I had lusted over that very act since I had first laid eyes on those two perfect mounds, packed neatly away inside his jeans? That every time we had played basketball together in the hot sun that I had wondered what it would be like to lick the sweat from his butt crack? That the smell and taste of his leftover poopy had made me wish he would sit on my face and slide a full, fresh turd into my mouth? Nah, I thought, much too complex for this scenario, so instead I reached over, grabbed Daniel's hip and turned him on his side. His cute peepee, which was still mostly stiff, was around 3" long and about as thick as my thumb. His balls were a smooth pouch and looked quite tasty, so I leaned in and began licking them, rewarded with a slightly salty flavor and a twitch from Daniel's peepee as he rolled onto his back, spread his legs as much as he could (with his jeans still bunched at his knees) and pulled the pillow onto his face. I licked and sucked between Daniel's legs for the next half hour or so. From way down beneath his balls, all around his inner thighs and fleshy groin, and of course his very stiff peepee, I worked my mouth and Daniel groaned, squirmed and bucked through two more very intense orgasms. By the time that last orgasm was finished, so were we. It was getting late and we were both tired, so Daniel pulled his boxers and pants back up and he thanked me again before we were quickly drifting off to sleep. I woke up a few times overnight and lay there very aroused as I watched Daniel sleeping, wishing he was awake so we could have more fun. That didn't stop me though from two quick things I did on my own. The first was when he was laying on his back, one arm up over his head and his creamy armpit exposed. I couldn't resist giving that smooth flesh a quick lick and so I did. Even though we had played basketball earlier and I knew he had worked up a sweat, I didn't taste anything but normal skin taste. The second thing was his feet. He was still wearing his socks, and as much as I would have liked taking them off and licking between his toes, I didn't want to risk waking him up, so I decided to sniff his feet instead. And so I stuck his foot to my nose and sniffed away, the faint foot odors giving me great pleasure as I rubbed myself to a quick, dry orgasm. In the morning we chatted and packed, although neither of us mentioned the sex stuff until right before we were ready to head back to the community center. Daniel thanked me again, and then said Adam was lucky to have me as a brother. That made me feel good. And then, just before we walked from our secluded area, Daniel smiled, leaned in, and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. "I would really like to see you again sometime" he said, then laughing, added "And you never told me you liked to smell feet while you jack off." I laughed back, then said "There are lots of things I like to do that I didn't tell you. Maybe some day, if we can meet up again, I can show you."