Crimson Dragon

We meet Sally as she wanders home, a typical twelve-year-old with twelve-year-old problems. Until she arrives at home and we discover that Sally has problems well beyond her years. Can she ascend beyond her environment?

 As always, Bradley makes the reader consider -- really consider -- his topic. Today, Bradley is tackling the darker and damaging side of underaged sexual encounter: the more plausible results of debauchery gone to excess. This is not a world where sex with children is glamorised or encouraged to the reader. It is not pretty. It is not sexy. It is not erotic. And one must consider whether the real world should be any of those things when it comes to underaged participants.

 Bradley’s purpose with this story is not erotic, so I hope that he (and readers) understands the significance of the zero in Eros below. I intend it as a compliment and a measure of success.

 Amongst the waves of paedophilic tripe that abound the newsgroup these days, this story is like a breath of fresh air, disturbing as it may be. Perhaps, it is nearly necessary.

Rating: [10,10,10,10]