DAMNED GOODS Snuf, extreme pedo, Mf, MM, Mb, fb, gb, MF, oral, anal,
babies, toddlers, moms' dad's sisters dogs cats.  Murder torture, graphic
sins of the flesh and beyond.  If sex and death of children disturbs you
read no further.  This is a work of fiction, dark evil fiction, if you do
any of this shit in the real world you will be in John Earl Ray's prison
yourself.  The man is evil with out any regard for his victims, come see
what made him such damaged goods.

   Livingston prison had been built in the late 1880's mostly by prison
labor.  The once gray granite blocks that had been quarried six miles down
the White River were now stained an ugly black.  Pollution had turned the
feldspar in the rock a seeping gritty inky black.  The looming gun towers
at each corner of the main building gave it the look and feel of a medieval

   The thirty foot outer walls were topped with coils of rusting razor
wire. High power electrical current pulsed through the wire.  There was
seldom a day gone by that a bird or squirrel did not get fried dimming the
lights of the penitentiary.  The black stone walls were 500 feet long.  The
wall totally enclosed the prison grounds.

   The entrance to the penal complex was through two solid iron doors. 
They were painted the shade of green bile.  Two foot long iron hinge pins
had been driven into the massive wrought iron hinges.  The long flat bars
were riveted in place.  A thick iron grid work grate could be lowered to
block the entrance if the immense door were breached.  Two smaller towers
sat on each side of the entrance.  They had gun ports covering anyone
entering or exiting the complex.

   Carved in stone above the arched green doors were the words, REPENT AND
SEAK REDEMPTION ALL YE WHO ENTER HERE.  The inmates often quoted a passage
from Dante Alighieri's Devine Comedy, "ABANDON ALL HOPE YE WHO ENTER HERE."
If there was a hell on earth it was inside this most violent and dangerous
penitentiary in the United States.

   The prison had been designed to hold 750 prisoners one to each five foot
by eight foot cell.  There were now warehoused three times that number. 
The men slept on triple decked iron bunks.  That number had been brought to
that level by several Federal court orders, and three class action lawsuits
filed by Amnesty International.

   There had been four cell blocks, A, B, C, and D.  Cell block D had been
gutted in the infamous prison riots of the 1960's.  Then all of the black
inmates had been housed in Block D.  This was built to hold only 180 men.
Nearly 600 black men and a few boys were packed in that wing.  15 guards
and prison officials plus 137 inmates were killed in the riot and following
fire.  The warden was among the dead.

   A total of 63 prisoners were convicted of capital crimes during the riot
and were hung in the courtyard.  The average time from trial to execution
was 13 months.  It was death in the fast lane.  Livingston prison had as
bad a history as the hardened convicts that were sentenced to serve out
their time there.  You had to be a repeat violent offender or be on death
row to earn a spot in hell on earth.

   D block had been torn down in the 1970's in its place stood the new
Maximum security cells and death row.  The condemned were no longer taken
to the square in the courtyard and hung on the oak gallows.  A replica of
the gallows still stood there as a deterrent and constant reminder of the
ultimate punishment the state could render.  Unlike most of the 36 states
that had the death penalty this one used only death by electrocution.  The
chair was made from the timbers of the old gallows.

   The average sentence was 25 to life.  80% of the inmates would never see
the outside of the black stone walls as they were doing life.  73 men and
one woman sat on death row.  The gangs ran the joint the guard just kept
score.  There were The Crips, The Bloods, The 2-6 Nation a Latino gang, The
Aryan Nation, and a gang that only existed in Livingston, The Fag Hos', a
self protection gang whose name said it all.

   It was to this hell hole the one John Earl Ray was sentenced to death.
He was in fact facing 37 counts of the death sentence.  However the state
not knowing how to administer the death penalty more than once would have to
settle for one execution.

   Susiana Sheppard Simmons an up and coming sociologist had landed the
"opportunity of a lifetime" by being granted access to interview John Earl
Ray by the governor.

   The 27 year old blond looked at the mirror on her sun visor checking her
make up.  She fluffed her hair, powered her nose, and checked her lipstick.
She adjusted her left breast that always seemed to get out of place in her
bra when she wore her seatbelt.  The shoulder strap seemed  to push it out
of the cup.

   She took out her badge and hung it around her neck.  It was her pass
into the stone hell.  It had her photo, a thumb print, her name and a state
Id number.  It had a red and yellow stripped boarder and the words "Outside
Staff" was prominently displayed on the top and bottom.

   She was not what many would call stunningly beautiful.  She had good
looks, firm 36" C cup breast that did not sag when she stood nude in front
of a full length mirror.  Her tummy was flat her hips not too wide and her
legs trim and fit.  She ran three times a week and swam on the weekends at
the Y.

   She had chosen her wardrobe carefully for this all important first
meeting whit the sadistic killer.  She did not want to look too cold and
formal, but she did not want to look too alluring or vulnerable.  She was
going to project an image of self-assuredness and power.  She would be
assertive but not aggressive.

   She wore tan slacks the showed off her nice ass without being too tight.
A long-sleeved white cotton blouse with a modest v neckline was tucked into
her slacks.  She had a matching tan two button blazer over her blouse.  She
had it unbuttoned.  She wore tan pantyhose, and sensible round toed black
flats on her feet.

   The only thing they would let her take into the interview room was her
micro recorder, a legal pad, and a short golf type pencil.  Longer ones
could be used as a weapon.  A guard had been stabbed through the heart
seven years ago with a sharpened number 2 yellow pencil.  She hated the
restrictions but she either did it the warden's way or it was the highway.

   She parked her Ford Focus in the visitors' lot and walked the visitors'
entrance.  There were large signs in English and Spanish spelling out the
rules.  The largest one read.  WARNING YOU IS SUBJECT TO A FULL BODY SEARCH
AT ANY TIME INSIDE THE PRISON.  Possession of any of the following items is
a felony: Firearms, knives, explosive devices, or anything that can be used
as a weapon.  Drugs, alcohol, tobacco products, matches, lighters,
pornographic images or printed material.

   Prisoners are not allowed to receive any items from outside the prison.
Money may be deposited into an account for the inmate from witch they can
purchase items from the intuitions commissary.  No letters or notes may be
passed to or from any inmate.

   WARNNING you are under video surveillance at all times.  No cameras or
other recoding devices are allowed past this point.  Take a number and wait
quietly until you are called to the desk only one person in line at a time.
No radios or tape players allowed.  No smoking No chewing tobacco.  No
spitting.  No public restrooms.  No one under the age of 16 allowed inside
the prison.

   She walked in pass the line of would be visitors waiting for their
chance to see a loved one confined behind the cold black walls.  Over half
of the people in line were black.  A third was Hispanics.  The other 1/6th
were poor white trash.

   Lawyers and other paralegals also bypassed the long line.  They went to
a side door flashed their credentials and were let into a lounge.  Most all
contact with the inmates was done through telephones located in small
booths with thick bulletproof glass.  Over 95% of the inmates did not have
contact visits.

   The 5% that did were the trustees.  Men that had proven they could be
trusted with some freedoms.  It was hard to become a trustee and very easy
to lose that privilege.  This earned them 20 minuets of privet time in the
conjugal room once a month.  There was a cot and a wastebasket for the used
condemns.  The females visiting had to strip and submit to a full body
cavity search by a female guard with a short butch hair and thick probing
fingers.  She used rubber gloves most of the time.  Sometimes a special
small package could be passed on to a boyfriend or husband or father if the
woman was nice to the guard.  They usually spent more time with the guard
than they did with their inmate.

   There were five hidden cameras covering the conjugal room.  The tapes
were an underground hit with the guards.  The hottest one was when the 12
year old visited her daddy.  The child was very athletic.  Some how he
always got to use the room for an hour.  She was logged in as his wife. 
Sometimes the female guard was not available.  The child went with which
ever officer took her into the examining room.  Her father had to wait
about a half an hour for her to come to him.

   Susiana walked to the window and lifted her badge.  The officer behind
the glass buzzed her into a small room.  A second office a tall black man
in his late thirties asked her for her ID.

   He took it and matched it to the badge she was wearing.  He took a metal
detecting wand and waved it over her body.  He had her lift her arms and
spread her legs.  The wand bumped her crotch and she grunted.  The guard

   "Open the case please" He ordered pointing to a scared wooden table.

   She sat her briefcase on the table an popped the latches.  He looked
through the papers and pulled down the pockets checking each of them.

   "Ok.  You will have to secure it in one of these lockers along with your
purse.  Here are the pads you can use and one pencil doesn't break it.  If
you come out of the room the interview is over for the day.  I would use
the toilet before you go in.  There is no coming out for any reason.  Sign 
these forms before you enter.  They are marked in yellow where you need to
sign them.  I would read them over if I were you Ms Sheppard-Simmons. 
Anything happens to you inside it ain't the states fault.

   John is a sick motherfucker and a mean son of a bitch.  I have seen
hundreds of killers, child rapists, real mother fuckers, father fuckers and
all round evil cock suckers.  He is without a doubt the worst one ever.  He
makes Jeffery Dahmer look like a saint.  Hannibal Lector would shit himself
if he met up with this piece of work." He said as he logged the woman into
the prison.

   "I know that he is a troubled man.  I hope to understand what has driven
him to act the way he has.  If we can understand the forces that shaped him
we may be able to prevent others from turning out as he has.  His mind
holds a wealth of data that could be the key to unlocking deviant
behavior." She said trying to get the dull guard to see past the man's
violence and killing.  Besides she had three book deals line up plus spots
on Oprah and Letterman.  There were other very personal reasons also.

   "It's your ass honey.  You have three hours today.  Go straight down the
first hallway.  Turn right at the end.  There will be a guard at interview
room number 1A.  Give him the pink copy of this from.

   "Thanks.  I will see you in three hours." Sue said as she waited for him
to open the door for her.  He did and she walked down the narrow gray
walled corridor.  She could hear the calls and yells of the inmates even
here on the outer edge of the penitentiary.  It smelled of mold, shit, and
piss.  She walked from one pool of light to another as the dim bulbs were
hung high overhead only illuminating small spheres.  Sue thought that the
hallway would never end.

   She finally came to a T intersection.  She turned right and saw an open
doorway with a small man on his knees.  He was noisily servicing a tall
black man.  She looked but she did not stop.

   "Keep movi'n bitch unless yo want some o' this!!" The inmate called out
to her.

   "She pulled her jacket close to her body and ran on.  She saw uniformed
officer a few yards down the hallway.  She saw a sign over the door.  It
read interview room 1A.

   "There are men having sex down there in the hall!  Aren't you going to
do anything about it?" She said as she stood close to him.

   "Lady I did not see anything.  My job is to stay here so you can play
nice with fuck stick in there.  Do you really want me wondering off to
check out some Nigger getting head from a Wop?  Give you your pinks." He
said reaching out with his right hand and hooking his left into his wide
black belt.

   "Ok whatever.  What pinks?" She asked forgetting that she was to hand
over a copy of her interview pass.

   "The pink copy of form 12432-bin-inmate/gov." He said losing what small
amount of patients he had for the outsider.

   "Oh, here.  Unlock the door.  I am losing time." She said as she handed
him the form and turned to the door.  She looked inside and saw a large
white male.  His head was bald.  He wore an orange jumpsuit.  The baggy
orange rip-stop nylon could not conceal his massive frame.  His neck bulged
stretching the 18 inch collar of the suit.  She had seen NFL linemen with
smaller necks.

   Like Charles Manson he had a swastika tattooed on his forehead.  Unlike
Charles' this one had been done by a professional.  It looked like it was
exploding from his skull.  The three dimensional art work had inked bone
fragments and red blood dripping from the bent cross.

   She saw the word Hate spelled out on each finger below his knuckles of
his left hand.  Kill was spelled on his right hand.  His hands were cuffed
closely together to a short chain that ran down to the leg shackles on his
ankles.  There was a leather belt around his waist that was chained to the
heavy oak chair that was bolted to the floor.

   He was smoking a hand rolled cigarette.  The thin blue smoke drifted up
and slowly spread out near the stained ceiling of the 12x12 room.  He sat
in a pool of light cast from a single overhead incandescent 100 watt bulb.
There was a small wooden table in front of him.  The only other thing in
the room was a folding metal chair.  It looked bent.

   She jumped as the door was shut behind her.  She found her throat very
dry and she had the strongest urge to pee.  Her heart was pounding.  She
felt her stomach knot up.  He did not look over at her.  He just sat there
and took another drag from the tiny joint.  She smelled the unmistakable
odor of marijuana.

   What she knew of the killer ran through her mind.  His criminal record
started at age six.  He had taken an infant child from her baby carriage in
a small park.  He had moved the child into some bushes to `play' with her.
When she would not stop crying he swung the baby by her feet on to a rock
until she stopped crying and breathing.  His idea of play included ramming
a sharp stick into the girl's vagina.

   He was taken from his mother and father and sent to a juvenile center
for criminally disturbed children.  Three months after his arrival there
was a fire that killed 27 children and three of the staff.  He was sent
back three months later to his mother as his father had left her with
John's sister.  The family moved out of state so it was hard to track his
criminal activities as the records were spotty.

   They returned to his home state when he was 11.  That was the year he
raped, tortured, and killed his mother and sister.  This time he stayed in
juvenile hall until he was 18.  He was set free on his birthday.  He
celebrated his freedom and birthday by nearly beating a pizza delivery
driver to death because his pizza was cold and five minutes late.

   His record went down hill from there.  He had been in and out of prison
all of his life.  If ever there was a hardened criminal he was it.  The
horrific nature of his last rampage led him here to death row.

   She had his prison physical report.  He was thirty seven years old.  Six
feet ten inches tall.  He weighed 379 pounds.  He had six bullets still in
his body.  He had been stabbed twenty three times.  Half of his right ear
had been bitten off in a jail house brawl.  The doctor saw fit to include a
photo and the dimensions of his penis.  It was eleven ½ inches long when
erect, and five inches around.  He had so many broken bones the doctor had
just listed the major ones.  Both arms had been shattered.  His right femur
was held together by ten pins and two plates.

   Under scars and identifying marks there was a long list.  What caught
her attention was the description of the round burns scars presumed to have
been made by cigarettes when he was very young.  The words "girl slut" was
burned on his stomach.  His ass bore the scars spelling out "Fag Boy". 
Both nipples had disfiguring burns as did the head of his penis.  His pubic
hair was spotty as his testis and crotch had round burn scars.  Subject
states the burns were done by his sister, mother and father when he was

   He had a long history of steroid abuse and suffered all of the worst
symptoms of such drug abuse.  High blood pressure, diarrhea, headaches,
nausea, sleep disorders, severe acne, increased nipple and breast size,
baldness, impotency, erectile dysfunction, severe aggressive behavior,
severe mood swings, hallucinations, paranoia, anxiety and panic attacks,
and homicidal rages.  He was in short fucked up to the max.

   She cleared her throat.  "I am Sus..."

   "I know who you are bitch.  I am the one that picked you out.  You are
here because I want you here.  I want you to tell my side of life's story
before they fry my ass next week.  Sit the fuck down and listen or you can
get over here on your knees and blow me." He said as he took a deep hit on
the joint.  It was a good one laced with cocaine.  It helped to mellow him
out.  The guards liked it when he was mellow.  They even gave him things to
play with.  There was a broken used up Spick in his cell now if the bulls
had not dragged the one time gang banger off.  John served as the goon's
disposal service.  He got to fuck some ass and break some bones.  That made
him happy.  The goons got rid of trouble makers.  That made them happy.

   "I will sit down and listen.  I have no intention to have any kind of
sex with you." She said trembling inside.

   He smelled her fear.  She was his.  If he wanted her he could possess
her and do whatever he wanted to do.  Maybe later on the last visit.  She
was over his age limit, but hay he was flexible.  She would cut and brake
up nicely.

   Susiana took the chair and sat on it.  It was bent and caused her to
lean forward as she sat at the small table.  She put her recorder on the
table and turned it on.

   "Session 1, John Earl Ray.  April 22nd 2007, Livingston State Prison. 
John tell me your story.  I will ask questions if I do not understand or
need more information.  You are going to die next week.  There is no one
that will intervene.  Not the Supreme Court, nor the Governor.  The only
ones that want to stop your execution are the anti-death penalty groups. 
If you can give me some names of the others you have killed it may give
closure to the loved ones left behind.  I am listening." Sue said as she
made an appeal for him to show some remorse or connection to the horrific
acts he had committed.

   "Fuck the loved ones left behind.  I will give you plenty of names and
dump sites.  They will be digging for fucking years." He said laughing as
he ate the roach still lit.

   "Fine, fuck them.  Tell me about your father John." She said as she
lifted the short pencil and wrote the words `keep control'.

   My father?  Well now there is a worthless piece of shit.  I know little
of the man.  He cut out the day I killed that brat in the park.  He knew
that I was coming after him next.  The first memories I have of him are of
him tying me to a set of bedsprings, and whipping me with an electric cord
that was frayed on the end.  I think that I pissed my bed.  I was around
three maybe four.

   He told me that if I was going to piss on the bed I did not need one. 
He left me tied there all night.  He made me sleep nude in the cold on the
wire frame for a week.  He found me on the floor the first night that he
did not tie me to it.  He beat with his fist and a wide leather belt.  The
he tied my arms legs to the springs.

   Mother came in and tossed a blanket over me.  It was the one I had
pissed on.  She told me as long as I was a piss baby there was not no use
in givin' me a clean blanket.

   I got even with them both.  I pissed in his beer.  He beat the shit out
of my mother and accused her of drinking his good beer and buying cheep
beer to fill the Bud bottles.  He put a cut that took ten stitches across
her face.  She looked like the fucking bride of Frankenstein.

   The next thing I remember is the time I found and old stray bitch dog
that had puppies.  I carried one home.  Dad did not truck no animals around
the house.  Said he was tired of stepping in dog shit.  Well dad found the
pup in my room.

   He said.  "What the fuck did I tell you shit for brains about bringing
on damned mangy fucking dogs round here?  Go and take it back where you
stole it from."

   I said.  "No!  I want the dog.  He ain't no trouble.  I will look after
him.  He can eat what I don't want."

   "YOU fucking back talking me Boy!?  I won't have no kid of mine taking
back to me." He yelled as he hit me with his fist.  He knocked me down over
the back porch railing.  I busted my head some.

   "Get up you worthless piece of shit.  God damn you dumb cocksucker. 
Quit that baby crying.  I'll show you how a man takes it.  Pull those girl
panties down and bend over the stump."

   "He made you wear girl's underpants?" She interrupted.

   "No the panties were my mother's idea.  She said I was a cutie little
slut.  She taped my cock back and made me wear dresses and painted my

   "Oh my.  That is cruel." Sue remarked as she noted that bit of
information on her pad.

   "I did not get the panties down fast enough for the fucker.  He kicked
me and ripped them off me.  He bent me over the tree stump.  He made mother
hold my arms.  I thought that he was just going to whollop my ass like he
always did.  Mom laughed and said.  "You goin' get it good boy." She
reached down and found a thick stick.  She handed it to me and told me to
put it in my mouth and bite it.

   He did beat me for awhile.  He grabbed my ass and spit on my asshole.  I
felt his cock rip into me.  The pain was bad.  I shit blood for three days.
When he was done fucking my ass he made me draw a bucket of water from the
stream a half mile down the hill.  He did not let me get dressed.  The
sandburs and thistle cut me up some.

   When I came back he had the puppy in his hands.  "You goin' to learn
good boy.  You do what the fuck I tell you to and when the fuck I tell you
to.  No fucking backtalk.  You got that you dumb sissy girl.  You drown
this fucking dog now.  You are going to sleep with its dead body for a
fucking week.  That'll learn ya fucking looser.

   The puppy licked my hands when I held it.  It looked at me with its sad
eyes.  The water was cold.  It yelped as I put it in the bucket.  It
started to thrash around and scratch at my hands.  I pulled it out still
alive.  Dad knocked me on my ass and broke my nose.  Mom kicked my cock. 
Dad kicked my ass until I got up and put the dog in the bucket again.

   The puppy bit my hand trying to get out.  I shoved the fucker in the
pail and watched it die.  It felt good.  I did not cry as he fucked me
again while mom made me lick her pussy.

   I have not cried since then.  A man is not supposed to cry.  Weak babies
cry, fucking fag pussy boys cry.  Little girls cry when you rape them, but
real men don't cry.  That is what I remember about my dad.

   The lying fucker!!  I made him cry.  Oh fuck yes!  I made him cry.  I
found his ass after I got out of the joint in Jolliet.  I had done two
years of a five year ticket for unlawful sex, Sodomy, with a child, and
assault on her father an officer of the law.  Well if he did not want his
cunt daughter having sex with an ex-con he should not have left the four
year old alone at home.  He interrupted a little bit of ass fucking.  I
beat him into a wheelchair.  He died last year.  He never did take an other
step by himself.

   I found my dad in an old folk's home down state.  I came in one night
and took him for a ride.  The bitch at the front desk tried to stop me. 
She went along for the ride dead in the trunk.  I took him out in the
country and tied him to a stump.  I fucked his ass until he shit blood.  I
took his favorite beer Budweiser in a longneck glass bottle and shoved it
up his ass.  You ever smash a glass bottle in someone's ass?" Man they shit
blood and bits of bowel with chunks of glass.

   He was crying like a baby.  I drank the rest of the case and then busted
the bottles over his face and head.  We played Budweiser golf.  I put a
broken bottle neck in his mouth and used a number three wood to hit rocks.
I did not have any golf balls.  I did use his two.  You can't drive a man's
nuts as far as a rock.  They did splatter nicely.  I think that dad did not
see the humor in that.  I am pretty sure he was dead by then.

   I tossed his body and the bitch's from the nursing home down an old
well. I dropped two sticks of TNT in on them.  Now there was a job well
done." He said as his hands went to his cock.  He unzipped his fly and
pulled it out playing with it.  It did not get hard.

   "I hear you.  What did you kill after the puppy?" Sue asked as she made
a note on the yellow pad.  "Ask location".  She felt excited by the violent
evil beast that sat chained across from her.  Her crotch was moist.  She
knew deep down this was the other reason she had wanted to hear his story
from his own lips.  It was disgusting and primeval.  She let the dark beast
in her out.  She slipped one hand down to her lap.  She worked her slim
hand under her pantyhose.  She fingered her clit.

   "Let me see.  I went back to the bitch and her pups.  She was sleeping
in an old garage.  I was afraid of her big teeth.  I fed her hamburger with
rat poison and bits of shattered glass.  It took her three hours to die. 
She cried and howled as she tried to bite at her guts.  She foamed blood at
her ass and mouth.  When she could not get up I found a lead pipe and
smashed her head in.  I took wire and hung the puppies up by their necks. I
whacked them like a piñatas.  I got blood and shit instead of candy.  Shit
and blood is better than candy any day.

   My cunt sister had a fucking big black cat.  That fucker would rake my
ass every time I went to bed.  Mom mad me undress in the living room.  I
had to strip and dance for her.  She let my sister spank me and put makeup
on my cock and ass.  I had to go to bed nude.  The fat cat sat on the end
of the couch and clawed me drawing blood.  I got cat scratch fever and
nearly died.

   They tied me to the bed one night and went off to see a movie.  I got
lose and found the fucking cat.  I shoved the fucker into the oven and set
it for 500.  I had to hold the door shut.  Man you should have heard the
cries it made.  The fucker stunk up the house, and filled it with smoke.

   When they got home they tied me to a chair and let sis feed me the
roasted cat fur and all.  She got to burn my back.  She liked to burn my
tits.  She laughed at me.  I sobbed but I never cried.  I pissed the floor.
They made me lick it all up.  I puked and they made me eat it again.  Burnt
cat taste worst than shit.  I know I had to lick their ass clean after they
took a shit.  I had to service my mom when she was on the rag.  I had to
change the pad but first I had to lick her blood pussy clean.  I hated it
when sis got her period.  Then I had two cunts to suck clean.  That is when
I learned to love the taste of blood.

   They made me ware a dress and panties to the park.  I had short hair and
everyone knew that I was a boy.  The other kids called me a baby girl and
hit me and laughed at me.  My mother told me to stop fighting with the
other kids.  She made watch some Nigger woman's brat while they went to a
bar to get shit faced.

   I took the baby into the bushes and took off its clothes.  I had never
seen a nigger up close.  I tried to see if the black came off of them.  It
did not.  Her little pussy was pink.  I bit her tits and she howled.  I bit
her ass and she thrashed and cried.  I hate crying.  I hit her but she keep
on crying.  I told her I was going to give her something to cry about.  I
found a six inch stick and fucked her ass and pussy.  She screamed real
well then.

   She would not shut up.  I smashed her head on a rock until she was
still. Some rat fink kid had called the cops.  They drug me off to jail. 
Mom told them to just throw away the key.  She said I was dead to her. 
None of my family came to see me in juvenile hall.

   I saw a shit load of doctors.  They poked me and told me how bad I was.
I bit them when ever I had the chance.  They started locking me up in a
closet.  I went before a judge.  She told me I was a sick little boy to
burn myself like I did.  Mom had said that I did it to myself.  I never
figured how they thought I burned my own ass and back.  They saw what they
wanted to see.

   There was a big nigger by the name of Sam that worked nights at juvenile
hall.  He had the largest cock I have ever seen.  He schooled me on getting
it all down my mouth and up my ass.  I got to like him fucking me.  We
would take some of the younger girls and do them.  One of the older girls
told on me and Sam.

   They were going to do an investigation the next day.  I was locked in
the closet again.  But Sam had given me a key.  I got out and around
midnight I went down to the storeroom and got out the gas cans for the
mowers.  I locked all the doors and drove wedges under them like Sam had
taught me so we would not get caught fucking the little girls.  I poured
gas under each door.  I made sure that the pig fuckers in the office got
their's to.  I took one of the kids' dresses and set it on fire.  I ran
down the hallway setting all of the gas aflame.

   You should have heard them scream.  I got burnt some and told a big lie
about the fire.  They sent me home in a few weeks.  Dad had split.  Mom
took me and sis out of state as the family welfare department were asking
too many questions about the burns on my back and body.

   They were both mad at me because they had to move.  Mom let sis do
anything she wanted to me.  I had to be her toilet on the ride out west. 
She laughed at me when I puked her shit out the window.  They forced me to
do all the house work.  I had to iron their clothing.  Mom did not let me
got to school.  When she moved she would tell them that she only had one

   I had to ware panties or nothing.  Sis put a collar on me and would make
me be a dog or cat.  I could not use my hands at all.  I had to lap up piss
and milk, which is all I was given to drink unless I drank from the toilet
like a dog.  Mom made me a cat tail that she would ram up my ass.  It had
barbs on it to hold it up my ass as it fell out too much to suit her or
sis. The dog tail had a really big ball on the end of it.  It took both of
them to ram it in me.

   Sometime she would bring boyfriends home.  She would let them fuck me in
the ass or make me give them head.  They all liked to tie me up and whip me
until I passed out.

   One time some bikers came and fucked all of us.  They made me clean
sis's and mom's cunts.  Ten of the raped me all night long.  I was using
two or three of them at once.  Sucking one, fucking one in my ass and
jacking one or two of them off.  They kept me up all night.  There was only
a few moments between cocks in my ass or mouth.  I got the clap that night
and syphilis.  Mom treated me with animal antibiotics they were cheaper the
ones for humans.  Besides she could not just take her boy to a doctor to
get treated for sexual transmitted disease without raising some unwelcome

   I was getting bigger so it was harder for them to fuck me over.  I was
locked in a steamer trunk the next time we move.  They kept me in that
trunk for three days.  I had one bottle of water and two shit and bread
sandwiches.  Sis did give me three used tampons to suck on.  They were in
the bottle of water.

   We moved again that summer.  I had gotten out and ran nude down the
street.  I begged a cop to help me.  He found out were I lived and took me
back.  Mom and sis sweet talked the cop into letting them keep me.  They
told him I was retarded.  Sis sat on his lap and ran her hand down his
pants.  Mom made me watch as the cop fucked both of them.  He thought it
was cutie the way I sucked his cum out of their pussy.

   The word got out that there was something not right at our house.  Soon
the goons were sniffing around and I was back in the steamer trunk again.
Sis wanted to stop by the river and throw me and the trunk in.  Mom said.
"Who are we going to get to change our tampons?"

   I had to sleep in the steamer trunk at night.  Sis had cut a hole in the
top so she could come and shit on me when I was asleep.  Mom used it to. 
My skin got all red and I got a lot of sores all over my body.

   Sis got a bad case of acne on her face and ass.  Mom forced me to suck
them clean.  I had to nip them to open the puss and then suck it clean. 
She claimed that is the way dogs took care of wounds and since I was no
better than a fucking dog I had to clean her daughter the only good child
she ever had.

   Sis liked to play Barbie with me.  I was tied over a chair and she saw
how many Barbies she could get in my ass.  The record was six plus one ken

   They kept me thin and sick.  I was too weak to do much fighting.  They
never broke me but I tried to make them happy.  I started doing what they
wanted with out bitching.  I begged them to let me suck the blood out of
their cunts.  I helped them tape my cock and balls up and put on panties. I
talked like a girl and begged to be let ware a nice pink dress.

   Sis trapped some bumble bees.  She made me lay on my back while she held
the large bees on my tits.  They stung the fuck out of them.  My tits
swelled up so that I did look like I was a young girl.

   They let my hair grow out and curled it with hot irons.  If I fidgeted
or was not quite I got one of the hot irons shoved up my ass.  Now that I
looked like a little girl they took me out some.  I had to use the ladies
restroom when they let me pee." He said as he seemed hurt by the painful
memories from so long ago.

   "Did you kill anything during this time?  This was before you rapped and
tortured both of them to death is it not?" She asked as her panties were
now soaked.  She was going to have to use her dildo under her seat in the
Ford on the way home.

   "Small things cats, dogs, birds, rabbits, anything that I could get my
hands on.  There was a toddler I raped but did not get to kill.  I was in a
large store it had a small restroom in the rear of the hardware department.
I was dressed as a nine year old girl.  I found a three year old child
wandering around looking for her mom.  I scooped her up and dashed in to
the restroom.  It was down a long hallway.  I think it was just for the
employees of the store.

   The girl started to cry.  I shoved her panties and toilet paper in her
mouth and tied my underwear around her head.  I stripped her nude and
fingered her ass.  She shit on my hand.  I rubbed into her pussy.  My cock
was straining to get out of the tape.  I ripped the tape off and the six
inch fellow hung free.  I think that she was the tightest pussy I ever
fucked.  I bent her legs up to her neck and rode her good.  I bent her over
the stool and fucked her up the ass.  I was just going to strangle the
little fucker when my mom found me.

   She kicked the shit out of me for not sharing.  We left the child
bleeding and battered but still alive.  I did not get to go out of the
house for the next two years.  Sis brought some of her friends over she let
them torment me.  I had to clean any of them that were on the rag.  I ended
up with twelve girls that were using me during their periods.  There was
some one over my face every day of the months sometimes two or three of
them.  They though it was so cool to make a fucking sissy boy drink their
pussy blood.  Some of them made me clean their asses out." He said while he
looked past her, no through her, like she was not even in the room.

   "John then the next person you killed was your mother or your sister?"
Sue asked bringing the killer back from where ever he had been.

   "What?  Oh I killed sis first.  She was getting to be a real pain in the
ass.  She had taken to fisting my ass and was working up to her big fucking
feet.  Look I am getting stressed here.  I need another joint.  I have one
in the top pocket of my monkey suit.  Be a doll and get it for me.  I can't
reach it with these chains on." He said with a grin that would make Satan
proud.  Satan was in the house.

   "I don't have a lighter." She said giving him a reason for her not
wanting to come near him.  Her pussy voted yes.  You see a man gets into
trouble when he thinks with his little brain.  The one that in in the head
of his dick.  While a woman seldom thinks with the little man in the boat,
but when she does she gets into way more trouble for that little man has
even less sense than a dickhead.

   "I got one of those to Sue.  Come on I will be a good boy." He said as
the thought of his hands around her throat caused his cock to finally get

   "Me coming over there is as bad an idea as giving postal workers AK 47s
as severance pay.  If you are too stressed out we can continue this
tomorrow.  My time is almost up anyhow.  Nice cock.  I can see why the
little children were torn up inside.  Some of them you just fucked to death
didn't you?" Sue said as she had her slacks nearly off her hips.  She was
not hiding the fact that she was masturbating fervidly.

   "Tell me how if felt to rape your cunt sister.  How did it feel when you
came in her bloody body?  Did you ram your fist up her ass to?  Tell me all
about it.  OH fuck yes, yes you nasty motherfucker!"

   "Come over here and I will show you bitch.  I won't kill you.  Look at
my cock!  Imagine it up your snatch.  You can ride me baby.  Come on you
want this cock that has been inside of babies.  You don't even have to suck
it." He said as he kicked the table out of the way.

   "Oh my god!  It is so fucking huge!!  Fuck it." Sue said as she pulled
off her slacks and pantyhose.  She twisted the tough nylon into a flexible

   She moved behind him and looped her pantyhose over his arms and tied his
arms close to his body.  She bit his ear and told him.  "I want to fuck
you. I don't want to be your last victim.  You will like my pussy.  I am on
the rag open up and you can have my bloody plug pussy sucker.  It is my
first day.  The flow is large.  Smell the blood?  You want it big boy?  Yes
open wide.  Oh fuck yes suck it.  Oh shit eat my bloody tampon!"

   He took the tampon in his mouth.  The taste and feel of the soggy cotton
plug got his cock harder than it had been in years.  The bitch was smart.
He could not pull free of the hose.  He did not have the leverage to over
come the pantyhose and the cuffs.  The cunt straddled him and took his hard
hot cock in her hands.  She placed it over her cunt and lowered herself on
the shaft.  She let herself stretch to take the wide penis inside of her.
She wiggled and then gasp as she was all the way on his cock.

   "Fuck me!!  Oh shit fuck me you asshole.  Oh yes." She cried as she
bounced up and down on his cock.  Her blood seeped out and stained his
jumpsuit.  He was rocking as far as the belt would let him go.  He felt his
nuts tighten and then he let loose with a wad of his man milk.

   "Holy fuck!  I can feel you shoot off in my pussy!  OH fuck I am cumming
ohhh yess you motherfucker.  Yes." She thrashed mashing his balls.  She
pulled almost all the way out and then slammed herself down on his meat
pole.  She got her feet on his legs and kept her balance as she fucked him
as fast as she could.  She came again.  Her hair was a mess her blouse was
unbuttoned from rubbing against his chains her tits were out of her bra. 
Her pussy was leaking his cum and her moon blood.  She felt him grow
smaller.  She let it slide out and then got off of him.

   "Hell that was the best fuck I ever had!!  I wish that my daughter was
alive to have you in her now." She said as she moved behind him pulling up
her pantyhose around his neck.

   "Oh fuck I forgot, you had her three years ago!!  She did not live
through it and neither will you!!  I want to be the one that sees you die
choking for air just like she did you ass wipe cunt stain." She said as she
looped her fist through the tough nylon and started turning.  He buckled
and he fought but the oak chair held him fast.  He spit her plug out.  His
tongue stuck out and turned blue.  He strained his massive muscles in his
neck trying in vain to keep the pantyhose from crushing his windpipe.  She
let him get some air to keep him alive.  Then she started again.  She had
him near death ten times on the eleventh he shit himself and slid from this
hell into the next.  All of the damned souls lined up to welcome him to
hell.  He was the meanest motherfucker to come to hell since Saddam
Hussein. What comes around gets around.  The guard watched through the
dirty window at the show as she fucked him and then she really fucked him.
Oh well she saved the state the cost of the juice to fry his ass.  He went
in to see if she were interested in a post killing fuck.  His cock was up
for it.  It turned out that she was to.  John Earl Ray's soul was shipped to hell via USP, Unholy Satan's Parcel.  Just like FedEx's they worked 24/7/365.

   This is a work of fiction.  Do any of the things you just read and you
will also take a ride with USP.  If you have read this far and not hit the
delete let me know what you thought of this very dark and twisted tale.  I
know that I am a Sick rotten motherfucker.  I have been told that by judges
and the police.  Thanks for asking about my health, and if you kept you mom
off the streets I would not be fucking her. Hit me up @ wordweaver69@gmail.com