Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Sextra Terrestrials: The Geelien's Chapter 5-2 By: Anime Lover (ANIME) LOLI, GOO-GIRL, SHOUJO-AI Chapter Summery: Despite Reni's opposition, Celine gives Gina a third chance and comes away quite surprised, before meeting the Geelien siblings. Disclaimer: NONE - 10:39 A.M. - Cafeteria Stepping from the lunch line with Reni, Celine soon sees Helani quickly walk towards her with a smile. "Hey Celine, would you mind come sitting with me and Gina for a little while?" "Just let it go." comments Reni. "Celine doesn't want to deal with her." Helani's smile was joined by a slight look of annoyance, the first sour expression Celine saw her make. "I'm sorry..." comments Helani. "Your names not Celine, now is it? I wasn't speaking to you." "But Celine-" starts Reni, quickly getting annoyed, before Celine interrupts. "I intended to join Reni and the others." "I see." comments Helani. "Then just give us a few minutes. Gina's willing to talk with you and tell you why she's afraid of Geelien's." "Really?" asks Celine. "You can't be serious Celine!" states Reni. "Sure, Helani may be nice, but Gina was a total bitch to you your first day here!" "And I agreed to give her one more chance this morning." replies Celine, before looking to Helani. "Ok, I'll come." "Great!" declares Helani happily. Reni gives an obvious sigh of annoyance, before walking away, commenting... "If you get humiliated, it's you're own fault this time." Briefly looking towards the departing teen, Celine follows Helani towards the middle of the room where long tables were positioned and an increasing number of students sat. Celine could see Gina sitting at the table, opposite of where she would sit, facing each other. The pink-haired teen makes eye-contact only briefly before looking away with a frown. A smile did come to Celine's face when she sees the Geelien brother and sister to her left, sitting at the same circular table near the wall of the room that she remembered them sitting at before, their back was to her though, so Celine had no idea if the two knew of her. Celine did though see that the brother wore a T-shirt and shorts and the sister wore a T-shirt and skirt with her hair styled into a pony-tail. Celine though turns her attention to sitting down in front of Gina, with Helani sitting to her left. "Hey Gina." greets Celine. Gina though responded with a groan, spooning some mac and cheese into her mouth. "Gina..." comments Helani. "You said you'd talk to her." "Yeah, after you bug the frak out of me!" declares Gina, looking to Helani with a frown. "You're always playing the fraking peace-maker!" "I wouldn't have to if you behaved yourself!" comments Helani, getting annoyed. "And stop talking to me like you're my mom!" states Gina. "You're my girlfriend, so act like it!" "I will when you stop acting like a little kid!" declares Helani with frustration, quite a change from her calm attitude from this morning. Celine had quickly become uncomfortable, she was supposed to be talking with Gina, not be the unwilling audience to a lovers spat, even hearing a sighing comment from a student beside her about Gina and Helani fighting again. "You think I like having to always clean up after your mess!?" asks Helani. "Then don't, I never asked you to!" declares Gina. Unwilling to hear more, Celine tries to intervene. "Hey! Hey! You two, why are you fighting, you're a couple right?" This seems to stop the two, Gina looking away and stuffing more food into her mouth while Helani sighs. "I'm sorry you had to see that." comments Helani. "I invite you to sit with us only to see Gina and I fight." "There she goes..." comments Gina lowly. "Being Mother Helani." Celine sees Helani's left eye twitch for a moment in suppressed aggravation. "Gina..." starts Helani calmly. "Isn't there something you need to tell Celine?" "... Fine, 'mom'." retorts Gina, before looking to Celine with a frown, though it slowly fades for a look of worry and averting her eyes. "How... How old did you say you were again?" asks Gina. "Five cycles." answers Celine. "Did you have a bad experience with a Geelien to make you afraid?" "No..." replies Gina lowly, poking the couple pieces of macaroni left on her tray with her spoon. "I just... heard things, scary things, about you guys." "Oh..." comments Celine. "Well I'd be happy to answer any questions you have and correct any false information you've heard." "Really?" asks Gina, meeting Celine's eyes with a small smile appearing. "Yeah, I've answered plenty of questions from my neighbors, so I'm used to it. I'd also like it if you weren't afraid of me too, so ask away." replies Celine with a smile. "Ok, well..." starts Gina. "Are you guys immortal, I mean, aside from outside forces, do you live forever?" "Heh, no, we're not immortal." replies Celine. "Geelien's do die of old age, we just live a lot longer." "How much longer?" asks Gina, looking to be growing more comfortable. "About two hundred years." "Wow, that's a long time." replies Gina. "Do you stop aging at a certain point?" "Yeah, about thirty cycles is were we stop visibly aging." answers Celine. "Actually, I have a goal of when I'm older, I want to be a scientist and solve the problem with our lifespan." Gina and Helani looked intrigued and it was Helani who asks... "There's a problem with the Geelien lifespan?" "Yeah." answers Celine. "In theory, us Geeliens should be able to live forever, but the problem comes from the parasite in our body. In each new generation of Geeliens the parasite's lifespan shortens just a little and since our life is currently tied to the parasite, eventually, over hundreds or thousands of years, if nothing changes, Geelien's will become extinct." "Wow." comments Helani. "So you want to basically save your race from extinction?" "Yeah." answers Celine. "Currently when us Geelien near the end of our life, the parasite in our body dies, but we don't immediately die with it, we keep living for about a year or two, but we gradually lose control of our bodies, unable to maintain solid form or melting constantly, until eventually, the dying Geelien becomes locked in their liquid form until they gradually liquify and fade away, like a pool of water soaking into the ground, their considered dead then." "Geez, sounds like an awful way to die." comments Gina. "Is it painful?" "We don't feel pain." answers Celine. "But the point is, after the parasite dies, we still live for a short while. There has to be a reason, something we're missing that allows us to live without the parasite. The current theory on a solution is a core of some kind, like a heart, that would keep us alive indefinitely." "Interesting." comments Helani. "A core huh?" "Yeah, hopefully, I'll be alive when the solution is found or maybe even be credited for finding the solution! Hehe, anyway, enough of my future goals, you have more questions, right Gina?" "Ok..." replies Gina, soon looking unsure before asking, "Um, I heard that, if a Geelien gets really angry with someone, they'll absorb them." "What!?" gasps Celine. "That's a complete lie! Where did you hear something like that!? We would never absorb someone without their permission, especially a non-Geelien!" "Really?" asks Gina, immediately looking as though a weight had been lifted from her shoulders as she smile. "That's not true at all?" "Of course not. After the way you treated me in gym before, I'm surprised you would even believe that." replies Celine. "W-Well..." starts Gina, briefly averting eye contact. "I was using the fact that we were surrounded by other people, after-all, I didn't pick on you when you were alone." "No you didn't..." comments Celine, with a small smile. "You made my embarrassment public." "Yeah..." lowly adds Gina. "So, any other questions?" asks Celine. "Yeah... why do Geelien's bother to wear clothes? You guys don't have anything to cover." Celine was genuinely shocked and at a momentary loss for words. "W-What? Of course Geelien's have things to cover. Why would you try to strip me if you thought I didn't have anything?" "So you actually have nipples and a pussy?" asks Gina. "Of course I do." replies Celine. "But Geelien's reproduce asexually right?" "Yeah, but we still have nipples, pussy and cocks." "I thought it was weird the way you reacted when I threw the basketball through you." comments Gina. "What other reason would you have for stripping me if you thought I didn't have things to hide?" asks Celine. "Well I told you, I was aiming for your head." replies Gina, before gasping as Helani gasps. "What!? You didn't tell me that!" "H-Heh, well, I heard that if a Geelien's head was knocked off or somehow separated from their body, they would turn into a puddle, I wanted to see that." "Wow." comments Celine, not quite sure if she should be mad or glad with Gina's honesty. "Would that have happened if I wasn't off on my aim?" ask Gina. "Yeah, and you would've humiliated me and we most certainly wouldn't be having this conversation right now." replies Celine with a slight frown. Gina looked hurt by the reply, before asking... "Would it really have been that humiliating?" "Absolutely, not only would I have been naked when I reform, but shifting into liquid form like that without it being on purpose, would be like you wetting or pooping yourself, or both, in public with everyone watching." "Wow, if that happened to me, I don't think I could return to school." replies Gina, before smiling at Celine. "I'm glad my aim was off." "Me too." replies Celine. "Celine..." starts Gina, briefly looking away before looking the Geelien in the eyes with a smile. "Yeah?" "I'm really sorry for the way I treated you, I was letting rumors I heard control my behavior towards you and didn't give you a chance, that was wrong of me and I hope you can forgive me." Smiling, Celine reaches her left hand across the table. "Apology accepted and I forgive you." "Really!?" asks Gina happily, extending her hand to grab Celine's. "Yep." replies Celine. "Wow, thanks..." comments Gina, before a blush rises on her cheeks. "I'd, uh, also like it if we can be friends." "Sure." answers Celine with a smile. "This is just great!" declares Helani, before bringing a small gasp from Celine as the raven-haired girl suddenly hugs and squeezes her soft body. "Enemies have becomes friends!" Celine and Gina shared a chuckle at the comment, Celine certainly didn't think she'd be befriending Gina today. "There's another rumor I heard." comments Gina. "Ok, what is it?" asks Celine. "I heard that if a Geelien parent doesn't like their kid anymore or is disappointed in them for some reason, they'll absorb them and start over. That not true either, is it?" "Uhh..." comments Celine, quite taken aback from the comment, like a deer in headlights, Celine sat speechless as her body began to very noticeably drip and melt. "Hey, what's wrong?" asks Gina, while Helani adds... "You're melting!" "W-Where did you learn that?" asks Celine. "I read it on a message board on the Net." replies Gina. "Wait a minute, is that actually true!? Geelien's eat their young!?" she adds, gaining a number of interested head turns to the Geelien. "Uhhh..." comments Celine, not quite sure what to say, Celine knew enough to know that all races had things about themselves that was best not to spread and this 'rumor' Gina read was one of them. "It's uhhh, part true, if you let me explain, it's not quite what you think!" "Ok." replies Gina. "Explain." adds Helani. "Ok..." comments Celine, collecting herself. "Here's the thing, it's true that Geelien parents have been known to, occasionally, absorb their kids..." she adds, quickly hearing whispers from the other students. "B-but it's only after they clone themselves. If the parent isn't happy with their clone for some reason, they'll reabsorb them. It's not a common thing though." "So..." starts Gina, glancing to Helani. "You're mom wouldn't reabsorb you?" "Of course not." replies Celine. "Is there a law against it?" asks Helani. "Uh, it's not exactly against the law, but it's considered a really bad thing to do after a couple days of the cloning." "So there's no punishment for killing your own kid for Geelien's!?" asks Gina. "There's a social stigma against it." replies Celine nervously. "This really isn't a conversation I'm comfortable having." "Oh, well, ok." comments Gina. "Pretty shocking though." comments Helani. "So..." starts Celine, trying to think of another topic. "How did you two get together?" It was a genuine question after witnessing the verbal fight the two had. "Well..." comments Gina with a smile and light blush on her cheeks. "It's kinda amusing. We got together about two cycles or a year ago. We're neighbors though, for five cycles now I think, so we knew of each other, but we didn't really hang out together. We actually meet face-to-face in middle school." Helani quickly adds, "We meet in the schools office, Gina had gotten into trouble for calling a boy names and making him cry." "So you were always getting into trouble." comments Celine, looking to the pink-haired teen. "Hey, in my defense, that boy started it, I just finished it." replies Gina. "So what was Helani at the office for?" asks Celine. "Some kinda award or something." answers Gina. "I don't remember." "It was an attendance award." replies Helani. "Oh that's right." replies Gina. "It was an award for perfect attendance for never missing a day of school for as long as you were there." "Wow, really?" asks Celine. "Not a single missed day of school?" "Nope, not one." replies Helani proudly, "Even if I was sick, as long as I wasn't bed-ridden and can walk, I went to school, I just wore a mask and I was good." "That's dedication." comments Celine with a smile. Gina immediately sighs... "Ohhh, you don't know the half of it! When people talk about perfect students, they may as well be talking about Lani, she's the perfect example of a perfect student." "Really?" asks Celine with a smile as she looks to a blushing Helani. "Yeah." states Gina. "Have you ever had a student in your old school remind the teacher to give the class homework?" "Ugh, I hated that!" declares Celine. "Except math class, I like math." "Well Lani's THAT student." comments Gina. "Really!?" gasps Celine. "I don't do that anymore." replies Helani with a growing blush. "Lani's the A+ student whose studying all the time too! Any free moment she has, she's ether working on class work or reading something for a class, even when she's taking a bath, once, I even caught her trying to study when she was masturbating, I mean, who does that!?" "Really?" asks Celine, looking to Helani, whose entire face was red and averting her eyes from the two, though commenting... "We're getting off-topic, Celine wanted to know how we got together." "Hehe, fine." giggles Gina. "Where was I?" "You stopped at we met in the office." states Helani, before adding, "I was leaving the office when I saw her sitting on the bench they had and she was crying." "I wasn't crying." states Gina. "I was angry." "No, you were definitely crying." replies Helani with a smile. "I remember cause I asked you what was wrong and you said that you were going to be in big trouble with your mom and dad for getting in trouble at school again." "Oh, right..." comments Gina with a blush now appearing on her face. Helani then looks to Celine. "After Gina told me that, I sat with her trying to make her feel better and that was the start of our friendship that would grow into love and I even convinced her to apologize to the boy she was fighting with." "So, I wasn't the only one that you've apologized to for Gina's behavior?" asks Celine. "Nope, you're not, and you're not going to be the last, I'm sure." replies Helani, looking to Gina with a smile, who blushes brighter. "As much as I hate it..." starts Gina. "That Lani acts like my mom sometimes..." she adds, with a sigh before looking to the raven-haired girl across the table with a smile. "To be honest, it's that mom-like attitude she has with me that I like about her. I know it sounds weird, I have a good relationship with my own mom, but it's just, Lani has that mother-like quality that I'm just drawn to." "I keep her in check." comments Helani. "Or at least try to, and she likes that." "Well that's sweat." replies Celine with a smile. "So..." starts Gina. "We may get into fights now and then, but it's nothing a day or two apart can't help fix, and most of the times, I'm the one in the wrong." "Well, seems like Helani can do no wrong." comments Celine. "A+ student, studies all the time, can deal with Gina, I've heard nothing bad about you. Do you have any flaws at all?" "Heh, well..." comments Helani, with a a blush and averting her eyes. "She may be a perfect student..." starts Gina with a smile. "But she's not a perfect person, Lani has her flaws alright. She has a bit of a control issue, which is part of the reason why I also don't like the way she acts like my mother, she goes way too far into it sometimes, it's the little things that annoy the frak out of me, like telling me not to slouch in a chair, or saying I shouldn't talk to someone with gum in my mouth; plus she has a bit of an anger issue, especially around test times." "I can let my anger out on you though." comments Helani. Celine could only giggle at the thought of how perfect Helani and Gina were for each other, Gina liking Helani's motherly behavior towards her and Helani being able to take and give back the amount of anger and frustration Gina gave, going by their earlier fight. "What about you?" asks Helani, looking to Celine. "What do you mean?" asks Celine. "Do you have a boy or girlfriend?" asks Helani. "Oh, heh, no I don't have anyone special at the moment." replies Celine. "And I'm into girls by the way." "Would you be open to a non-Geelien girlfriend?" asks Gina. "Hmm, I never thought about it." replies Celine. "I guess I'd be open to it. If a non-Geelien was interested in me and they were my type, I'd be interested in having a relationship with them." "What is your type?" asks Gina, smiling. "Maybe we could introduce you to a couple girls." "Heh, thanks, but I'd rather you not." replies Celine. "I'm not very good with set-ups, I get too nervous." "Oh, ok." "My type isn't too specific, I'd want my potential girlfriend to be a nice person with a lot of energy." replies Celine. "You're right..." comments Gina. "That isn't specific at all. Do you like short or tall girls?" "Um, my height or shorter I guess." answers Celine, before Helani asks... "Which of the races do you find more attractive?" "Ohh, that's a good one!" declares Gina. "Hmmm..." thinks Celine, going through all the races she had meet so far in her mind. "It would be a tie between Felene's, Canjin's and Nex. Felene's and Canjin's have tails like us Geelien's." she adds, her tail flicking about happily. "But Nex are really cute and I love their pretty wings!" Celine though quickly began dripping with slight embarrassment as she sees a Nex sitting a few students to Gina's left, briefly look at her with a small smile and blush, before returning to lunch. Helani and Gina shared a chuckle at Celine's mild embarrassment. "So..." comments Helani. "Felene's, Canjin's and Nex. There's plenty of them here, so I'm sure you'll get one if you try." "Heh, t-thanks." replies Celine, before noticing to her left, where the Geelien siblings were, the brother stands, picking up his tray and his sisters, along with two of their other friends trays and walking away, clearly leaving to depose of them. "Oh, hey, I really enjoyed talking with you guys, but there's something I've been meaning to do and no offense, but I don't want to run out of time." "That's ok." replies Gina. "Yeah, you have to join your friends, after all this was supposed to be just a few minutes talk." adds Helani. "Well I'll talk to you guys later." replies Celine, removing herself from the table and looking down to her own tray and seeing that only the carton of milk was left. "You can leave the tray here." states Helani. "Ok." replies Celine, taking the milk and heading towards the other Geelien, the brother had yet to return and from the others at the table looking at her, the Geelien sister turns to look at her, who smiles. "Oh, hi!" greets the Geelien with a smile, which Celine returns with her own and could see that while this Geelien didn't look too much older than her, being only a grade higher, she did have a noticeably bigger chest than Celine did. "I heard another Geelien was here." "Me too." answers Celine. "I felt so relieved when I found out I wasn't the only one here, I'm Celine." she adds, extending her left hand. "Abignal." replies the Geelien as she reaches her left hand to Celine's. "You can call me Abby though if you want. How old are you? I'm sixteen." "I'm five." answers Celine. "Hey!" declares a guys voice and Celine looks to her left to see the Geelien brother hurries to her side. "So this is the other Geelien. Nice to meet you, I'm Tel'm." he greets, extending his right hand, which Celine happily grabs. "Hi, I'm Celine." replies Celine. "I'm five cycles old." "Oh, nice, I'm six." comments Tel'm. One of the Geelien siblings friends at the table, a male Vehen, asks... "So it's normal for Geelien's to tell there age when they meet another Geelien?" "Generally, yeah..." answers Abby. "...but it's not required." Another friend, a green-haired Nex, then comments... "By the way, we heard about what happened to you last week, are you doing ok?" "Oh..." replies Celine, smiling in slight embarrassment. "Uh, what did you hear?" Abby then answers, "That some girl attacked you and striped you naked." before her brother adds... "Stuff seems to spread around this place in an instant." "Oh, heh, well, I wasn't really attacked." answers Celine. "And I wasn't striped completely naked, just topless." "I can't believe someone would do that though!" declares Abby. "If that happened to me, I would've showed that girl what a Geelien could do when we're angry." "Heh, I wanted to..." replies Celine. "But the friends I made came to my defense. Plus, it's all been worked out, I'm even friends with the girl who was bulling me." "Wow, really?" asks Tel'm. "Yeah, turns out she's afraid of Geelien's so that's why she acted like that towards me." "Still though..." comments Abby. "I'd have a hard time accepting an apology for something like that, guess that's the advantage you younger ones have over us, always willing to give someone a second chance." "Hey, I'm not like that!" declares Celine with a slight frown, though she knew Abby didn't mean anything negative, it still annoyed her. "I didn't want to give her another chance, but the girls girlfriend convinced me to." "Hehe, ok, ok." replies Abby. "Well would you like to join us, we can get to know each other more." "I'd like to, but I should be getting back to my friends, I just wanted to take a moment to introduce myself to you two." replies Celine. "Ok." replies both Geelien's, before Abby adds, "If you ever need some away time from everyone and need some Geelien attention, most times, I'll be willing to give it." "Heh, ok, thanks." replies Celine. "After-all, we Geelien need to stick together.." adds Abby, with a smile as she extend her right hand. Celine only smiles nervously and doesn't lift her hand. "Not in public huh?" comments Abby, lowering her hand. "I understand, seeya later." "Seeya." replies Celine, before walking away. To be continued...