Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. The Greatest Loli By: Garrett Thomas ( AKA Anime Lover) Disclaimer: I don't own Card Captor Sakura or any of its characters; this is just a work of fiction. WARNING: LOLI (CLASSIC), RAPE, YURI, VIOLENCE, SCAT, VOMITING It's well into the night as in the room of a tall building, young girlish moans penetrate the locked room, along with a man's heavy grunts, in time with the girl's moans. After a few moments the two voices moan out loudly in pleasure. In the room, a small young girl lays flat on the floor nude, her body covered in sweat, her short brunette hair matted to her forehead, eyes closed as she breathes heavily. A adult man was also laying on top of her, tired as well. `Man I love this job!' thinks this girl smiling. -- -Yeah that right! My job is fu*king, and I'm da*n proud of it! Oh yeah, the name's Sakury.-- Sakury let the man rest on her as long as he wanted, she was her best customer and paid very well. -- -What the fu*k is wrong with you!? Maybe I don't want them knowing that you a*s!Geez, sorry -Good, let's continue.-- After a few minutes, the man lifted himself to look down at Sakury. "Your great." Sakury opened her eyes to look at him. "Heh, I'm not just great, I'm the greatest!" replies Sakury smiling. "Whatever you say..." The man pulled out of Sakury and got to his feet and walked to the nearby bed where the two's clothing were and also a small towel, he first grabbed the towel to wipe himself off before dressing himself in a white T-shirt and jeans. Once he was dressed, Sakury stood next to him, dressed in a blue, yet tied, robe. "You wanna schedule another session?" "Sorry, but I have some stuff I need to take care of. I'm not sure of the next time I'll have some free time." "Ok." The man then reached into his right pocket and pulled out a thick wade of money held with a rubber-band and handed it to Sakury. "There ya go, see you later." Replies the man as he leaves. "Nice doing business with you!" states Sakury smiling. Sakury removed the rubber-band and quickly counted the money, which equaled-- -HEY!Oops, sorry. -Your push'in it...Man, your touchy. -Alright! That's it! I'm telling this story now and I'm only giving the info I want to give!You can't do that, I'm the author! -Watch me!-- After a few moments of counting my money, I rolled it back up and reapplied the rubber-band and inserted it into my pussy, before a yawn came from me. "Man, It's a good thing he was the last." But before I turn in for the night, I leave my room into the darkened hallway, which thanks to the red wallpaper, gave off an eerie feeling late at night, only a few lights dotted there way down the hall, which I can hear the faint sound of my friends as they finish with their customers. I was thirsty though so go down to the second floor, using the elevator, my room is on the fifth, The second floor is were the girl's here hang out, it's pretty much the entertainment level, it even has an arcade! But I'm too tired to game right now as once I reach the second floor, I go right out of the elevator and into a small room a little ways away from the elevator, this room was probably my fav, there was only vending machines in the room. I quickly go to the soda vending machine and taking fifty cent from a pocket in my robe and get me a Sprit and head back to my room as I drink the soda before going to bed. -- Umm... -What do you want A*s?I'd like to continue telling the story, I won't screw up again, I promise. -Fine, but I'm gonna keep my eye on you...-- The following morning... Sakury woke from her from falling off of it, banging her head on the hard floor. "Ahh! Fu*k!" exclaimed Sakury quickly placing her hands to the back on her head a groaning from the pain. After a few moments, Sakury sat up with just her right hand rubbing her head. -- -You could've warned me yanno...-- Anyway, Sakury soon yawned and stood, heading out of her room, heading to the shower room on the current floor. Sakury opened the door to the room and entered, the room consisting of just a open space as numerous shower heads lined the walls. Sakury smiled and began to untie her robe... -- -Hey!What? -Leave!Are you kidding? I'm sure the reader wants to read about you showering. -Do you have enough money?You can't be serious! -I told the story just find without you yesterday, I have no problem doing it again, so unless you got the money, GET THE FU*K OUT!Geez, fine you little brat! *doorslams* Sorry. -- About twenty minutes later, Sakury exited the shower room, dressed in her blue robe, her hair still damp and dripping water occasionally. "Man, I feel much better now!" comments Sakury smiling before walking down the hall. Sakury made her way to the second floor to meet up with her friends, first heading to the Arcade room, which was straight ahead from the elevator, once there, she saw her usual friends there, Jenny, a-- -Hey, hey! I can introduce my own friends!Fine. -- "Geez Sakury, its morning and your already talking to yourself." States a long-haired blonde girl near the back of the room, near a table were a few other girls entertained themselves with a card game. This girl was also visibly older than Sakury and wore a black version of the robe Sakury wore. "I'm not talking to myself!" groans Sakury. "Hehe, sure, whatever you say." Laughs the blonde before looking to another girl, sitting on one of two couches in the room, with short red hair and dressed in just a black pair of bra and panties. "That's Sakury, she's a little coo-coo, she claims to hear a person called `Anime Lover', Hehehe." "It's true!" exclaims Sakury walking to her friend. "Whatever." Replies the blonde, "Anyway, this is Mei, This is her first day with us." "... Nice to meet you." Comments Sakury to the new girl. "Same here, heh, you look just like her." Replies Mei. "Like who?" The blonde girl quickly interrupted, "Just ignore her." "Why!? Who do I look like!?" "The girl in the manga Lea printed out, the one she's holding." Replies Mei. "Mei shut up!" replies Lea. Sakury had noticed Lea holding a small stack of paper in her right hand. "Give me that paper!" demanded Sakury. "No, you're just going to flip out." -- I think she already is. -Shut up!-- A few moments later, another older girl came into the room dressed in a blue robe, handing another thin stack of paper to Lea. "I finished this one, gimme the next one." "Give me that!" states Sakury snatching the papers from the girl. "Geez you little coo-coo, ask first!" replies the girl, before getting the next manga from Lea and leaving. Sakury saw that the manga was a Hentai manga, something she wasn't particularly into but noticed that the girl did indeed look just like her, so much so that it was actually creepy. "Who is this!?" "She's The Greatest Loli!" replies Mei happily. Then, silence, all the girls in the room, except for the three quickly left, before Sakury erupted... "WHAT!?" screams Sakury, clearly p'd off now. "Now you've done it..." sighs Lea with a hand to her face. "Huh?" replies Mei puzzled. "THIS BI*CH MAY LOOK LIKE ME BUT SHE'S NOT THE GREATEST LOLI, I AM!" "Actually your not." Comments Mei. "She has tons and tons of mangas." "OK..." comments Lea, "I can see your going to dig your hole deeper, so I'm gonna leave." Adds Lea making a quick exit. "WHO IS THIS BI*CH!?" screams Sakury walking in front of Mei. Although Mei was much older than Sakury, nineteen, ten years older, the fire in the little girl's eyes quickly caused her to worry. "U-Um, S-Sakura Kinomoto." "SHE EVEN HAS A NAME LIKE MINE!" screams Sakury before walking from the room and returning to her room. -- Hey, yanno, Sakura lives in Japan... hey, why are you looking at me like that? H-Hey, where did that bat come from!? *WHACK* ... ... ... ... Oohhh... what happened? -We're in Japan.What!? How did we get here!? -By plane you a*s! I did a quick study on Sakura and I'm better than her in everything, I'm younger, stronger, cuter, more athletic, there's no fu*king reason for her to have the title of The Greatest LoliAnd how in the world are you going to get the title anyway? First you gotta find her. -Heh, you dummy, while you were out, I tracked Sakura and she's right around the corner here. So start doin' your job, the title of The Greatest Loli will be mine! *sigh* fine... -- As Sakury said, just around the corner she was hiding behind, Sakura, along with her friend Tomoyo walk down the street heading for Sakura was. Sakury wore a blue T-shirt and jeans. -- Hey, she's not alone you know. -She's only with that Tomoyo girl, she isn't tough at all.... -- As Sakura and Tomoyo walk past the corner, Tomoyo was on Sakura's right, which blocked Sakury's access to her, but Sakury quickly solved this by suddenly rushing out of the alley and punching Tomoyo, knocking her out and quickly grabbing a stunned Sakura with a choke hold and pulling her back into the alleyway as she screamed out in her Japanese language. -- What the fu*k is wrong with you!? You just knocked out Tomoyo! -She would have gotten in the way!That doesn't mean you can knock her out! People like Tomoyo! -That's not my problem.... -- Sakury eventually pulled Sakura near a fence in the alley and pushing Sakura to it before she began shouting at her. -- -Hey, you're the author, translate what she's saying.You knocked out Tomoyo... -Fu*king translate you a*s!Fine! -- "Who the heck are you!" screamed Sakura. "Why did you hurt Tomoyo-chan!?" "You have something I want and I don't want any interference." Replies Sakury. Sakura slowly placed her left hand at her hip as she looked at Sakury angrily. "Give me the title!" demands Sakury. At this, Sakura lowered her guard in puzzuledness. "Title? What title?" "Don't play dumb with me! You know what I'm talking about!" "No I don't!" "I refuse to believe that! How could you have the title and not know it? You haves tons of those Hentai Manga's." "Manga's!" replies Sakura with a gasp. "I see now..." adds Sakura with a depressing sigh and sitting on the ground and looking down. "Just get it over with, I was wondering when I'd be raped today." "What?" "Aren't you here to rape me? It's been a long time since I've had another girl rape me." "What the fu*k are you taking about!?" "The title you're talking about, it attracts numerous people to me who rape me, I've been raped more times than I can count, and because of this stupid title, I'm a virgin for everyone! My Hymen heals itself after each rape, so the next person can have fun deflowering me. I'm tired of this; I never wanted this title anyway. If it was possible, I'd gladly give it to you. So go ahead, do what ever you want to me, it won't matter." "I'm not interested in raping you, just give me the da*n title!" "I told you, I can't!" replies looking up at Sakury getting annoyed. "Your lying, you just want to keep the title for yourself." "Are you deaf!?" asks Sakura standing. "Even if I want to, and I do, I can't!" "Your lying!" screams Sakury as she walks up to Sakura and punches her in the stomach, dropping her to the ground. "Give me the fu*king title!" Sakura stopped arguing with Sakury, compared to other rapes, this was nothing. Sakury, getting further upset about Sakura's stubbornness began kicking Sakura repeatedly in the stomach. Sakura simply laid there taking the hits, even as she began tasting blood in her mouth. For about two full minutes, Sakury kicked Sakura, stopping from fatigue as she looked down to the bruised older girl below her, looking unconscious as blood had formed a small circle on the ground under her mouth. "Weak bi*ch, you won't even fight back, you don't deserve the title of The Greatest Loli... Hey, are you listening to me!?" Sakury laid on the ground to look Sakura in the face, her eyes were open, but had a glossy look to them. Sakury smiled and waved a hand in front of Sakura's face. "Heh, your not even there anymore, your off in your own little world aren't you? I bet you don't even feel anything right now, do you? Your weak, I don't even see how you got the title; Hmm, I think I will rape you, first, your clothes need to go..." Sakury got up to her knees and began removing Sakura's clothes, starting with her now dirty shirt, then her skirt, finding a bunch of pink cards in one of her skirt pockets. "What the heck are these? Your weak and weird..." comments Sakury as she drops the cards to the ground, before her skirt joined them, then her panties. "Let's start with that virginity of yours..." Sakury then inserted her index and middle fingers into Sakura's slit and felt the wall of her hymen and smiled as she shoved her fingers in, breaking the thin wall, and seeing a small flinch from Sakura. "So you felt that huh?" comments Sakury smiling. Almost immediately after her statement, Sakury was surprised by and glowing circle quickly form under Sakura's body, and engulf her as well. "What the fu*k is going on!?" Sakury heard a boom of thunder before the glowing circle formed a column of light that quickly engulfed both of the girls. "Hey!" But that was all Sakury was able to get out as the light disappeared, allowing with both of the girls. The two reappeared in a black environment and Sakury immediately stood. "What the fu*k is going on!? Where am I!?" Soon, a blue mist slowly left from Sakura's body, facing Sakury. "You..." states a voice. "Who was that!? Where are you!?" shouted Sakury looking around in the darkness. "In front of you." "W-What the... don't tell me your that girl's spirit!? I-I didn't mean to kill her!" quickly states Sakury worried. "No, I am not Sakura's spirit, she is just fine, a little ruffed up, but fine." "Then what do you want me for?" "Of the time Sakura's had the title of The Greatest Loli, no one has challenged it, you are the first." "So you represent the title?" "Yes." "Finally! Leave that weakling and choose me!" "Are you sure? Once you have the title, you will be a highly sought after target for rape, humiliation and torture. You will not go a day without experiencing one of the three." "Yes, I'm sure!" "Very well..." The mist then began entering Sakury's body, and once the last bit of it entered her, Sakury exclaimed, "YES! Finally! I, I'm The Greatest Loli! I will be the object of everyone's desire! I will be-" Sakury was cut off as she suddenly felt VERY sick; a crippling cramp hit her stomach, dropping her to her knees. "Ahhh! W-What's wrong with me!?" Sakury suddenly felt something coming up her throat AND done to her rear, she swiftly places her hands to each end, but it was a vain attempt as tan-colored, thick vomit projected from her mouth and through her hand so violently that she immediately began crapping herself, a hot mud-like substance streamed from her a*shole, causing a burning sensation, quickly meeting her white cotton panties, more and more crap flowed from her a*s as she vomited, packing her panties quickly to the limit, which was quite small with Sakury's choice of pants, they were form fitting and instead of allowing her panties the become a reservoir, it forced her pants to substitute that job, but not before her panties completely filled with crap, sh*t even forced it's way under her crotch and slid against her hairless lips of her labia as crap found a temporary holding place in the front of her panties before even that was full and crap squeezed itself out through the leg holes of her panties through sheer volume. Even upon feeling her packed panties overflow into her jeans, Sakury wish it would stop but it didn't, her vomiting began a second round and her a*s followed suit, but this time, it wasn't mud, now thick logs left her, like it's predecessors, now, even more of a force was acting on her packed panties, quickly forcing out more of the mud in her panties into her jeans as room was made for the logs. Sakury found that the logs weren't as `forgiving' as the `mud' as the room in the rear of her panties reached it's limit, the logs soon started to follow the mud's previous path, between her legs, Sakury shuddered at the feeling of the logs grazing over the dirty lips of her labia, it was like a slow river, like a nasty tentacle snaking its way from her rear to her front. To Sakury's horror though, even though her panties were now full of her body-made logs, they kept coming! However, many logs refused to give up there solidness and travel out through her panties leg holes and to her shock, from the added pressure of more thick logs leaving her and the added pressure needed release and her jeans were like metal in containing the stretch. The was only one other place in her panties for the logs to go, one place that would accommodate a solid object... to Sakury's utter shock, she felt the thick logs forcing there way into her pussy and she couldn't stop it! Once she felt an uneven and non-smooth log enter her once clean pussy, the others, seems to form a mind of there own as one by one, more followed suit and quickly crammed into her pussy. `Stop! Please Stop!' begged Sakury to her body. But it didn't, a third round of violent vomit ejected from her and the third round of her defecation could probably be considered her body showing her mercy as watery crap sprayed from her a*s, which softened her previous crap just a little as the hot mess streamed out of her panties and down her legs. Since Sakury was on her knees, sh*t covered every inch of her thighs up to her waist. The vomiting slowly came to an end, shortly followed by her diarrhea, allowing Sakury to understand fully what just happened. Sakury then saw the mist exit her body and float over Sakura's body. "You are not a worthy person for the title, you miss a vital part." "W-What?" "You lack Innocence." "W-What does that have to do with anything?" "Your Innocence is a vital part in having the title of the Greatest Loli, If you do not have innocence, you will not be desired for, Sakura, has yet to lose her Innocence, and will remain the bearer of the title." "I will just get my innocence back!" "You cannot, your Innocence is not something you can get back once you lose it, you will never be able to wear the title, I am sorry..." The mist then returns into Sakura's body. "NOOOOOO!!!!! This isn't FAIR!!!!!!" screams Sakury in anger. The same light then forms and takes them out of the area the two are in and return in the alley in the same spot, with Sakury still a mess. After a few moments Sakura comes to and sits up, aside from being nude, she seems just fine and smiles at Sakury. "Did you get the title after all?" Sakury then looked at Sakura with hate in her eyes. "If I can't have the title, neither will you, I will KILL YOU!" "W-What!?" But I haven't done anything!" Sakury got to her feet, feeling the crap in her pants sliding down her legs and picked up an iron bar lying on the ground. Sakura noticed the fence behind her had an unlocked gate and saw her cards on the ground and managed to pick up about half the deck before quickly dodging a blow from Sakury aimed at her head and quickly ran through the gate, with Sakury following close behind. "What happened to the weakling who will takes hits!?" shouts Sakury. Sakura turned the corner and was shocked at seeing she ran into a dead end, and quickly turned around to see Sakury right behind her. "What an idiot, there's no where to go now bi*ch." "I don't want to fight you!" "Good, then you can die quickly!" "Sakura-chan!" yells Tomoyo. Tomoyo was behind Sakury. "Tomoyo-chan, get away from here!" replies Sakura. "No..." states Sakury, reaching down to pick up and rather large rock and quickly turning around and throwing it. "Interference!" Sakury's aim was dead on and the rock hit Tomoyo square in the head, knocking her out for the second time. "Tomoyo-Chan!!!" screams Sakura as tears bring her eyes. "Now, let's get back to your death..." states Sakury turning around. Sakura then looked at Sakury angrily "You've hurt Tomoyo-chan twice... I'll never forgive you for that!" "Aww, your mad now, how cute." A symbol quickly appears under Sakura before she states, "The Key which hides the power of the Stars. Show your true form before me! I, Sakura, command you under our contract! RELEASE!" A pink rod with a star at the top suddenly appears in Sakura's left hand. "What the fu*k!? How did you do that!?" asks Sakury. -- You obviously haven't researched Sakura enough... -Shut up!-- "If your scared, just go and leave me alone." Comments Sakura. "I'm not fu*king scared! All you have is wand, I highly doubt it's as tough as this pipe." Sakury quickly charged Sakura and swung, but Sakura quite easily dodged her again, and ran near Tomoyo. Sakury noticed Sakura seemed to be thinking about what to do next. However, what Sakury didn't notice was Sakura glace down at the cards in her hand and form a little smile. Once Sakury stepped towards Sakura, the older girl quickly stated... "RELEASE! Windy!" Sakury immediately stopped in puzzuledness before a yellow colored woman with butterfly-like wings appears before she feels a strong wind pushing her and to her shock, quickly finds herself airborne enough to see the roof of the buildings she was around and flung away from Sakura. Sakury landed shortly after in a lake, and quickly swimming up to the surface. "What the fu*k just happened!?" -- I believe Sakura just made you look like a fool. -Shut up!I knew you gonna lose anyway. -And you didn't warn me she was a Witch!? I'll kick you're a*s!You have more important things to worry about than kicking someone's butt. -Like what?Like the crap in your pussy. -- END