Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Terrible Tommy was a mischievous little rascal with a sweet freckled face and a plump little tummy. He'd been was swinging from vine to vine in hot pursuit of a runaway jester pig boy named Hogsworth McGee. The Tekno-Knights of Glandelinia had tasked Tommy to slaughter the pig boy and return his sack full of stolen jewels to the royal treasury. A tall order for even the brawniest hero, but this kid wasn't exactly the heroic type. His crimes against the population of the kingdom of Glandelinia were long and unspeakable, often involving violated livestock who refused to speak of the incidents for the rest of their milk-producing lives. In other words, I guess you could call him a real sick pup. "Here piggy piggy piggy!" Tommy taunted. The wild mancub hooted and hollered tauntingly at beasts and carnivorous plants alike. He felt invincible and foolhardy, a mad scientist's fusion of Peter Pan and the Marquis de Sade. Tommy would have that pig boy hogtied, squealin', roastin' on a spit in not time. Victory was his. From the treetops he could see a gleaming yellow pyramid in the distance. Man had rarely ventured this deep into the wilderness, but legend had it that there was a mythical Temple of Pyrite that held unimaginable treasures at the jungle's center. Tommy was sure this was it. The gears started to churn in Tommy's nasty pea brain. Even if he didn't capture that hoggish little nitwit, he could still return with enough valuable booty to live the rest of his natural life in opulence and hedonism. Tommy nearly peed his loincloth just thinking about it. "Go on pig man, see if I care!" Tommy shouted. "You'll be tiger food before sundown!" Tommy swung down onto a large mossy tree branch and took a breather. The fortune had been there for thousands of years, and Tommy doubted a quick catnap would change anything. Tommy stretched his thin gangly limps, yawned a great yawn, and zoned out to the tranquil sounds of the chirping bungle beasts. The twin yellow suns drifted below the horizon, and the pale blue of midday dissolved into a striking orange colored dusk. The sleepy little deviant resting against the tree trunk looked cute enough to eat. Unfortunate, as a starving hypno snake called Set was leering from the branches above with his eerie yellow peepers. Tommy heard a slight rustling of leaves nearby, sending him on edge and breaking him out of his daydream. He unsheathed his bone knife from his leather pouch and held it out at striking distance in case something was about to pounce. Chillingly, he heard a cacophony of perverted laughter emanating just above him. His body broke out in a shiny gleam of sweat. Suddenly the booty didn't sound too appealing. "Who's there?" Tommy eeked. A giant snakehead peeked down at the boy with a serpentine grin. Tommy nearly shit his loincloth is surprise, shakily losing his grip as his only weapon dropped down to the jungle below. In the end, all he could do was give it a scowl and hold his ground as the brave mancub the knights had trained him to be. "Well, look who we have here" said the sinister snake. "It's a mancub, a delicioussss mancub." The snake drew every closer to the trembling boy with total confidence. The little mousy lump of boy flesh was no match for a mammoth talking snake that had roamed the cursed jungle for centuries. Many a man and beast had lost its senses to Set, and Terrible Tommy would be no different. "Go away and leave me alone!" Tommy cried in defiance. Set's eyes began filling with a colorful pulsating pattern of spirals. Bobbing his head comically, Set hissed the mancub a seductive lullaby. "Yesssss, mancub. Go to sleeeeeeeep." Tommy stared at the snake's eyes dumbfounded. He's never seen anything as beautiful as the seemingly endless spirals that were dominating his gaze. Orange conquered blue and blue overtook green and green annihilated purple. Tommy's mind was in a fog. His fear was evaporating and his body slackened. His mouth fell ajar and a thing string of drool rolled down the side of his mouth. His thought squickly evaporated in a tranquil blissful mist of submission. The last willful feelings of defiance drained out of his head and were replaced by nothing except wave upon wave of the spirals. "Sleep little mancub, ressst in peaceeee." Tommy's lids shut tight and bulged open, torn between the dreamless sleep of the snake's mental powers and the addictive drugging pleasure of the spirals. Set's coils encircled the boy's slight frame, and the boy let out a soft moan. Although the child was barely aware that his wee willie winkie existed, the tingling and throbbing it was giving off in the thrall of this snake was nearly overpowering. A soft soap bubble of memory drifted into Tommy's consciousness, some hazy recollection of his uncle tugging on his little worm in the bathtub. But the memory popped into nothing as soon as it came. The coils rubbed up against his soft tummy flesh, around his sensitive little boy nubs, and looped down in front. It gently grazed his bb-sized boy balls, snaked past his taint, and wretchedly rubbed the dilating boy hole deep inside the cleft of his ass. The pleasure was overwhelming. There was no resistance from Tommy at all to stop the sensations from happening. He accepted it in total obedience. "That little piggy made a nice ssssssnack" Said Set. "But a tasty little morsel like you is fit for the main courssssse. Surrender to my caresssssses." Tommy smiled a cute little dumb smile at his master's request. If he weren't bound Tommy would've gave the snake a great big loving hug. The terrible mean-spirited runt of a boy had been mindfucked into contentment. All he could and wanted to do was sigh as the snake gave his little body a warm tingly feeling all over. When the tip of Set's tail wrapped around Tommy's little lovestick a name popped into his head. "R-r-remmmmmm" Tommy hummed. Set grimaced at the mention of Rem, that meddling little do-gooder who had foiled his best laid plans time and time again. Rem had come into the jungle, met Set's hypnotizing glare, and lived to tell the tale. In anger the snake furiously pumped the groaning mancub to orgasm. Tommy felt a building pressure in his toothpick dick; Set's tail kneading and yanking it until the agony was all too much. The boy's body bucked and writhed against the cool scaly coils, trapped in a prison of pleasure of which there was no escape. Tommy's gasped as the spiral's in Set's eyes sped up and exploded into a brilliant light show rivaling any field trip to the planetarium he had even known. Tommy screamed out in lust, a high-pitched unpuberitzed boyish scream that curdled the blood of every jungle beast in earshot. The boy's face was drenched in sweat and tears. The whites and baby blues in his eyes reflected the spirals like moonlight on a stagnant pond. The boy's mouth hung open lewdly like it was ready to be filled by big links of sausage. The boy's pointy thumbtack tits ached from the friction of the snake scales. His asshole itched incessantly from the tip of Set's teasing tail. Tommy's throat grew hoarse from the screams. In one quick jungle moment Tommy's body got off and slumped back down into the clutches. The boy was out cold. "Isssssssn't it nice to serve a massssster?" Set asked victoriously. "Uh-hmmmmmmm" Tommy said. The tiny terror had once been the hunter, but in the unforgiving savage heart of the jungle he had become the prey. Set's stomach growled in hunger. Tommy was in a precarious predicament without nary a chance of a daring last-minute rescue. The helpless babe slept soundly as the snake's jaw unhinged to envelop him whole. The devilish boy was certainly doomed! IS THIS TRULY THE END OF TERRIBLE TOMMY? WILL HE ESCAPE THE SERPENTS CLUTCHES AND SWIPE THE SACRED TREASURE? DO YOU CARE? TUNE IN NEXT TIME READERS TO FIND OUT! SAME TERRIBLE AUTHOR, SAME TERRIBLE STORY.