Chapter Five

Dog Day Afternoon

I awoke to the sunlight cracking through the dark drapes in the spare room I shared with my brother and cousins. I was on the same sweaty, dirty mattress on the floor I had been the night before. I had no box spring, no clean sheets and just a simple, dirty, flat pillow. We had no sheets in part because it was hot and humid in the summer; but also because Crystal was not only lazy, but laundry day was several days away.

I wanted to believe everything up to this point was a bad dream. I rubbed my eyes and rose out of bed and looked down at my bare chest. It was no dream – I was still naked.

I flicked my nipple when no one was looking out of disgust for my situation and yawned.

I was still sore and had tiny cuts and knicks from the rock quarry. I felt my rear end and my butt was still warm and tingled from the spanking I had received.


Savannah was the only other person awake in the room. I noticed one of her eyes was open and watching me.


She smiled, "Hey there sleepy head."


"Oh god, make it end," I wanted a blanket to pull over my head but I just rolled back on the mattress in anguish.


"Don't be such a damned victim,” she leaned on elbow. “It is a new day girl. Just lay low, keep your nose clean. We won't even play dare games today," adding, "probably".


"Thank you," I said. I realized she was being helpful in her own quirky, sassy way. "The dares didn't get me in trouble though. I guess I got ME in trouble." I could accept that the blame for most of this had squarely fallen on my words and actions.


"I got one question, for you though?" Savannah asked curiously "Why WERE you watching Conner beat off?"


"I wasn't! I walked in on him. It was an accident" I was shocked she thought I would be that nasty.


"Hard times at the Fuckman," she said out loud, but not really to me. "Boys beat off,” she said it with certainty. “Birds flap their wings, dogs lick their paws, turds leave an ass, and boys beat off.” She giggled. “Since the first caveman walked the earth I am sure his son wanked in the cave when he was out hunting dinosaurs.”

I wanted to tell her that cavemen weren’t around in the time of dinosaurs, but I just nodded at her advice. In her own crass and disgusting way she was trying to give me a heads up and I appreciated her intention.

They all do it. Ted’s done it, I am sure your dad has done it,” I did not even want to think about that.

You scrunch your nose up when you are grossed out. It’s cute as hell girl,” she giggled. “Hell, Lloyd's done it in my shoe and he's done it in mom's panty drawer.”

I could hardly believe Lloyd would do anything that inappropriate.

He was much younger,” she said as if that explained his actions. “Imagine my surprise when I went to put on my Sunday shoes and squicked some Lloyd jizz right between my toes.”

I had a hard time picturing her going to Sunday school but I just smirked while she told me some stories about them as little kids.


"So what did I miss last night after I passed out?" I had become comfortable talking with Savannah as a friend. The boys were snoring and completely wiped out on their beds.


"Well, let's see,” Savannah recalled the highlights for me “Crystal got drunk and had a knock down drag out with Ted over something. Then the law came, but no one got arrested. All in all, a pretty quiet night at least for the Danville household." Savannah smiled.

Danville is my mother’s maiden name. I like it quite a bit better than Tinkle. I haven’t been teased in years over it. My father said it is what toughened him up as a boy. Someone would ask him if he was going tinkle or call him ‘Stinkle’ and he would say “Thank you! That is a new one. You are the FIRST person to ever come up with making fun of a name like Tinkle”.

I wish I was more like my dad. He was so brave and stoic in the face of all that was going on in the family. I wished he were home because his presence would calm my mother. On the other hand, I was not looking forward to explaining why I was naked. I quietly hoped that my punishment was over.

I stood up and decided I'd had enough of being naked. "I am going to go beg my Mom to let me wear something. Do you want to come with? I am sure you'd love to see me beg?" I was half joking but at the same time I knew Savannah had a cruel streak.

She laughed and followed me down the hall. She had slept in a short little concert shirt from “Better than Ezra”. I had never heard of them. I was hoping she would back me up and give me a little comfort when I talked to my mom.


My mother was already awake and making herself some coffee in the kitchen. She was wearing the same thing she had on the night before because, like us, her clothes had all been stolen. Her hair was slightly unkempt and she had the look of someone who was doing one too many things at the same time.


"I can't deal with you right now, Ellen!" she held up the flat of her hand to signal I should leave her alone.


"But Mom!" I pouted. I probably should have left her alone. I knew she was stressed and at the very least I could have waited until she had finished her coffee. I was impatient and completely focused on my problems, so I pushed my luck.


"It's Ma'am, remember?" she didn’t look me in the eye as she cleared off a chair to sit down.


"I didn't realize you meant all the time!" I apologized in a way that probably sounded like I was shocked she was being a stickler about her rule. I didn’t care if I had to call her Ma’am – I was more surprised she cared that I did.


"Don't puff that lip out of me. I don't have the time. I am waiting on a man to come by and give me a ride, Ellen. I have got to get downtown. There are some things your father needs and I may be gone for a while," she explained, while looking into her coffee.


"Okay, that’s fine!” I tried to sound agreeable and asked, “But before you go can you lift the clothing restriction?" I thought I sounded more reasonable and calm but I may have sounded whiny and pushy.


"I didn't hear you say Ma'am when you asked your question. I honestly don't think you learned your lesson, yet." My mother didn’t display even a trace of sympathy for my situation.

I had just woken up and I was not firing on all cylinders yet. It had been a simple mistake and my mouth popped open at how unfair she was being.


"Well, what if she likes being naked?” Savannah saw I was floundering and stepped up for me “Wouldn't you be teaching her the opposite lesson, Ma'am?"


I wanted to slap Savannah for showing me up by saying Ma'am, even if she was speaking in my defense. I just nodded at her point and looked expectantly at my mom while she considered that.


"It's simple, Savannah,” my mom looked directly at Savannah. “If she wanted to go around naked then she wouldn't keep asking to get out of it. It is not something I wanted and I am certainly not proud of spanking my daughter or her bringing drugs into this house. She has ruined every last bit of her own clothes and wants to start on yours. But you know what?" my mom asked rhetorically before continuing.

I gulped. I wanted to just walk back into the bedroom now because I knew that whatever she was about to say was not going to have a silver lining.


"I don't care.” My mom’s words were like a spear through the chest. I think even Savannah felt my pain. “I wash my hands of it this afternoon. While I am gone, your mom is in charge. This is her house and her problem.”

My mom looked me up and down and finally looked me in the eye.

Crystal can let you get dressed or she can tell you to run around naked as a jaybird. You will listen to her! You will be respectful! You will answer to her just as you do me. If not, then the spanking you got last night will be nothing compared to what I do when I find out! Is that completely understood Ellen Tinkle?"


I wanted to gasp that she was completely going overboard. Instead, I nodded that I understood and I asked "Mom, will you at least not tell Dad about all this?"


"Lie to your father?" she seemed shocked I would even make that suggestion.


"Not lie, just not burden him with this?" I have to admit I was probably more worried about what he thought of me than of adding to his stress, but I think my heart was in the right place.


"Well,” my mom accepted my explanation. She added her own stipulation, “It will depend on if I decide to spare him the embarrassment; you had better do exactly what your Aunt Crystal says today. I've already spoken with her. She is in her bed laying down. I want you to know that I love you, Ellen.”

She said she loved me in a way that sounds like a “But” is going to come after it. That was the first time I’d ever heard her use that tone when she told me she loved me.

I think maybe it's time for a little tough love. Your Uncle Ted and Aunt Crystal are going to put you to work today. You will most likely be scrubbing and scraping and trying to clean up. Are you going to give them any lip?" my mom wanted my confirmation that I would be a good girl. She did not seem uncomfortable delivering this news at all – more impatient.


"No Ma'am, but can I ask why is Conner not in trouble?" my zodiac sign is a true Libra. I seek balance in everything and it bothers me when justice is not administered equally. I am also too curious for my own good. I know these are my shortcomings because I proved both when I asked this question. I should have just said I was not going to give them any lip and left it at that. Instead, I wanted to at least know why Conner had not been disciplined for his masturbating.


My mom looked at me like I had just given her ‘the lip’ she had asked me not to give my aunt. "Why would Conner be in trouble?” she did not wait for me to answer “Because his big sister convinced him to show her his wiener?"


"No Ma'am, that is not what happened, you make it sound like he is eight years old and I am Michael Jackson. It wasn't like that at all." Again a very poor choice of words on my part. I was trying to be affable and gregarious like Savannah, but the words did not sound right coming from me.

We heard a loud car horn out in the parking lot.


"Okay, I'd love to stand here and play Perry Mason with you all day but I have to go. I didn't get time to do half of what I needed before I leave! At some point you will learn that the world does not stop simply because you want everyone to deal with your issue." My mom lectured as she looked for a non-existent coat before realizing it was with all the other things that were stolen. Then she opened the screen door and didn’t look back as she stepped outside.


Once she was gone I decided to go check on Aunt Crystal and see if she would permit me to at least get dressed. Savannah advised letting her sleep in, but I really didn't understand hang overs at the time. This would be my first lesson in one of those.


Crystal was comfortably asleep in a waterbed in the master bedroom. They haven’t sold this kind of waterbed since the late 1980s. It looked comfortable and was surrounded by wood paneling and mirrors.

She was swaddled in satin sheets. It looked like she was probably naked under her bed sheets. Ted was sound asleep next to her and snoring. Her room was a garish collection of wall and ceiling mirrors, Betty Boop memorabilia, and things she bought from Fingerhut and Home Shopping Network to 'class' it up.

The room was less cluttered than the rest of the house, but it reminded me of how an Old West whore house saloon might be decorated. It had the heavy scent of vanilla and candle wax.


She only seemed to be lightly sleeping and cracked open her eyes at us once we walked in. "Get the fuck out of here you two before Ted wakes up," she mumbled through bleary eyes.


I felt like I needed explicit permission. I knew before I asked to put on my clothes I should say something like "Ma'am. My Mom said today to show respect to you. She wants me to volunteer to clean up and do any chores you want."


She chuckled under her breath, "My own little slave-maid, huh?"


"Well, yes. Although, there is no reason to keep me naked anymore, I was hoping I could ask that I could please be permitted to put on some clothes?" I stood just inside the door to her bedroom while she tried to wake up. It was clear she had a head-ache and was trying to adjust her eyes to the light.


"What clothes?" she asked in the half-asleep disinterested voice of someone hung over who suddenly lashes out at the loud sound making her think when all she wants is quiet.


"Your daughter can lend me some? Or you could? Anything would be fine, even a shirt or a towel!” I pleaded politely.


"Go ask your mom!" It appeared that my Aunt had just forgotten the whole point of the conversation. I tried reminding her that my Mom had to go "Bye-bye". I did not realize it at the time but my attempt to remind her sounded patronizing like I was talking to a baby or a person with an addled mind.

 "Don't care. Do what you want," she rolled back over to blissful sleep.


I smiled and Savannah and I started to walk out. That was my permission to go back to normal. I felt technically off the hook.


Then my Aunt had a moment of clarity where she added "No wait," once we started away from her room. I froze in my tracks and backpedaled to her door.


"Yes Ma'am?" I turned the politeness on thick.


"I am S'posed to supervise today?" she was clearly trying to remember a conversation she’d had with my mother.


"Yes Ma'am," I was about to remind her that she had already declared I could do what I want. I felt by some technicality she had already told me to do what I want and there should be no ‘take-backs’.


"Okay. Savannah you watch her. Don't come back in here," and with that she fell asleep soundly and began to slightly snore.


I turned back to Savannah who now had the cat that ate the canary look.


"Well, well,” she licked her lips and smiled in anticipation, “seems I got bumped up to cowboy, Pocahawtass!”.

I stepped out of her mom's room and closed the door behind me.


"I read that completely differently than you did,” I whispered. “She said you get to decide. That means you can give me something to wear and we can have a fun day. I'll even play the game of life, no complaints." I was completely willing to go along to get along today.


"I can see why you may think that, but didn't she say slave-maid?” Savannah wasn’t accepting my offer.


"Okay yes, but she is half-asleep," I answered, reminding her that she was probably rambling.


"That she is,” Savannah noted. “Which is why I am surprised she got called Ma'am and all I rank is Savannah. You know for one of the servants, you get awfully familiar to think you can be on a first name basis with us," her voice shifted to the soft southern belle kind of elegant nobility of the civil war days for dramatic effect. She sounded like a gilded lady of the house talking to one of her uppity field hands who had been brought in to work in the house for a fancy dinner in an old movie.


"Look, don't be uncool. You said yourself your mom may forget what she says. Please? You've got me over a barrel here." I begged. I did not want her to get me in further trouble but I also knew I did not want to have to answer to Savannah.


"Yes, in more ways than one. You know the saying "Hard Time at the Fuckman?" I nodded and she said "Well it has several meanings. One of them is that you are going to be doing HARD TIME at the Fuckman," I knew she meant it like a prison.

I am sure it is an economic prison that people born and raised here find it hard to ever claw their way out of.


She grabbed a hair brush that was laying just out of reach in the living room for some reason and swung it hard on my bare butt cheeks.


"Ouch, Savannah!!" I defended my tender butt cheeks from her next blow, deflecting it.


"Why is it you stood there and let your Mom spank you in front of even Tyrell, but you are too high and mighty to let me?"


"Well you aren't my Mom," I said plainly, cutting her off from another strike at my ass. Savannah pivoted on the ball of her foot and landed the next one on the top of my head.


"No, but your Mom put me in charge!" she countered and at the same time landed a quick slap with the brush to my left tit causing it to jiggle. I could not defend every part of my body from her quick slaps.


"No, she put YOUR mom in charge!" I said, trying in vain to hold up my hands in defense. I had pull my hands back when they became her next targets for slaps. “That stings!!” I observed.

Yes, it is supposed to Tinklebell,” her bastardization of my name to make it sound like Tinkerbell might have made me laugh if she wasn’t popping me on the butt and belly with a hair brush every few seconds. “She put MY mom in charge and MY mom put ME in charge.”

Okay I admit – ‘Tinklebell’ did make me giggle a tiny little bit. I grew up on Disney –and never once thought about how my name and hers sound similar.


"She did not say anything about spanking me and being your do-girl, Savannah!" I argued back. I don’t think she took me seriously because my lips were curled in a slight smile over how absurd this discussion was. I couldn’t believe she was even demanding this in all seriousness, but I wasn’t going to just roll-over and say ‘Oh Law-dee-dah! Whatever you want!’

I was stubbornly refusing to give in because I did not feel Savannah had been empowered like she said she was to make all these decisions. She just didn’t take me seriously because my tone had become playful as I defended myself from slaps.


Savannah wanted me to repeat the last thing I just said but add Ma'am to it.

I refused to even say it twice and she hit me with the paddle once on the thigh and a second time on the back and I couldn’t block her.

I started to actually laugh out loud at how surreal this was becoming. She did too as we play-fought in the living room - advancing and retreating almost like a sword fighter would. I tried to move and dodge her strikes.


"SHUT UP IN THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Ted screamed with a bellow that sounded like he was in tremendous pain and agony. It made me think he was a big cry-baby even though he looked like a bear of a man. I heard him yell “Buttholes!” in frustration that he was being woken up.

Savannah took this opportunity to compose herself and get serious.


"Do you want me to go in and ask my Mom and Ted if everything your Mom said applies to my mom and that that applies to me when she put me in charge?" Savannah stopped fighting to ask the question and appear very serious about her threat.


"No, I do not, Ma'am," I answered begrudgingly as a peace offering. I did not want her to hit me anymore with the brush and I had a very good feeling that if Savannah riled up her mother and Ted, they would come down on me like an angry hornet’s nest. I added, "But, you would not be a very good friend if you did that."


"Why would I not be a good friend?” she sneered. “Because you know my mom isn't feeling well and put me in charge and that isn't favorable to Ellen?" she said while shaking her head disapprovingly. "Besides, we can be friends after your punishment is up,” she smiled slightly, “After all, who says I won't be lenient?"


"Will you be lenient, ma'am?" I asked sheepishly. I felt a bit like Marcie talking to Peppermint Patty in a Peanuts cartoon.


"No, probably not,” Savannah replied honestly. “That depends on you."

She wasn’t giving me much reason to agree to this.


"What if my mom comes home and finds out you weren't supposed to be in charge, Ma'am?" I was still skeptical and wanted to see if maybe I could reason my way out of this. I am smart enough that I should have realized she managed to manipulate me from being in total denial of her authority to the phase of questioning what the rules would be if I acquiesce to it.


"So what?” Savannah didn’t see a problem “If she does, then my mom will say it was her idea and what happens next is up to Crystal. She is way too cool to punish."

You mean too lazy to punish?” I smirked.

Yeah, cool to some people is lazy to another person. So, how about I give you three seconds to decide or I go in there and fart right over Ted’s face before I wake them up and make them tell you what to do?”


"Okay, wait!” I needed more time to think. I hated her visual imagery sometimes because I could just picture them begrudgingly getting up and blaming me for ruining their morning. “I will be your slave-maid, if I can wear clothes today Ma'am, deal?" I felt so weird hearing myself say it out loud but it was already said.

We went from a phase of total denial to a phase of questioning her authority to a phase where I was bargaining to retain some dignity all in the span of five minutes.


"No dice,” Savannah held all the cards here and she was a shrewd negotiator. “You will be my slave-maid however I want. I WAS going to let you put on something,” Savannah tried to appear generous, “but since you made that demand I won’t."


I am sure my face expressed my belief that she was just pretending she was going to be nice but something I said changed her mind. I tapped my foot and thought. I was up against a rock and a hard place and I did not want to be anyone’s slave-maid – much less my cousin.


"It's simple,” Savannah could see I was weighing my options so she broke them down for me, “right now you have two options; the first is work real hard. You be a good little bitch for me and do my bidding today. Then maybe I will be generous and lenient later in the day. Suck it up, and do it," she paused to let me think about the first offer.

The second option,” I asked and added a reluctant “Ma’am?” to the end of my question.

She shook her head that I even wanted to know my other option "Or you can wait until I wake up my mom and Ted. Then deal with whatever shit they want to put you through because they are pissed they had to deal. Then when your mom gets home she will say something like ‘That spanking you got last night, will be nothing compared to what I do when I find out…’ oh, and did I mention telling your hottie of a dad?”


I was uncomfortable with her calling him a "hottie". I knew she was waiting for me to pick.


"Okay, okay Ma'am. Where do you want me to clean first?" I asked reluctantly. I would play along for now until I could find a way out of this.


"It's not just cleaning. You are going to show respect. Are you going to be obedient?"


"Yes Ma'am," I felt defeated and I hated it.


"All right, cool! Let's go tell Lloyd and Conner. Don't embarrass me in front of them!" she pinched my sore ass as we walked down the hall. I looked at her and wondered why she wanted to rub it in – but I realized that was half of the fun to her.

I would play along as best I could. I was hoping my brother would be on my side for once. I think it was all fun and games yesterday to him – but hopefully he would take pity on me and stand up for me.


The boys were still snoozing and I was being cynical "I suppose you are going to make them the boss of me too?" I capped a ‘Ma’am’ at the end of my question. It seemed like the most logical thing to do given she was waking them up to make them aware.


"Nah, they'd probably make you do really perverted stuff,” When Savannah said that I felt a wave of relief wash over me. I decided this might not be so bad reporting in to her. She would have me do what Aunt Crystal was actually going to have me do and my mom would be happy with the results when she got home –and punishment would be over.

Then again being naked while you clean is kind of ‘really perverted stuff’ to me – so it’s a relative term.

Why would I need an extra boss of you anyway?” Savannah said holding out the hairbrush she had been popping with me by the handle. “If you misbehave I’ll just shove this brush handle up your ass".

I visibly gasped air and swallowed at that mental imagine. "That won't be necessary. I will be good Ma'am." The last thing I had up my butt was a rectal thermometer at my Grandma’s house and I was so glad they don’t even make those anymore. The idea of a hair brush handle sounded very painful.


"You better be! Your ass depends on it,” Savannah was good at bluffing but this didn’t feel like a bluff. “Wake up Lloyd by blowing in his ear, softly. Hover over him and try to be sexy, twinkle-toes."

I looked at her as if she might not be serious.

She was serious.

Lloyd slept blissfully on his mattress with a big goofy grin on his face. I knelt down behind him and laid myself over him so that I could blow in his ear.

Yeah that’s right, use your hair to tease him a little,” Savannah flipped her own hair behind her while giving me direction.

I looked up at Savannah and whispered, “This is really creepy.”

You are really creepy,” she shot back. “You want to do take-backs on our agreement that is fine, but see what happens.”

I sighed and then lowered myself across my cousin’s arms and slid my leg over him to straddle his body. His shoulders were very well developed and he didn’t move when I let my entire weight rest on his upper body. I put my face right above his ear and blew softly into it.

The first thing we both noticed was the bulge in Lloyd’s track pants starting to rise. Savannah laughed, “Timber!”

I looked at her and she explained that he had ‘morning wood’ and then told me to “Keep blowing, Tinklebutt.”

I blew in his ear – this time sweetly and with a delicate breath.

Instinctively Lloyd flipped over on top of me using a wrestling move and pinned me to the ground. "What the fuck? Are you trying to get it on with me?" he asked in shock.


"No, uh..Sir," I was startled and assumed I had to call him Sir, since I had to call Savannah Ma’am. I felt like the slowest antelope in the herd talking to the lion right after it pounced on me. "Today, my mom put your mom in charge of me and your mom put Savannah in charge of me after that,” I blurted out. “I was told to do this".

He looked confused as he followed what I said by looking up and making a face like he was adding. “So your mom told my mom that Savannah was the boss of you?” he was half-right.

No Dummy,” Savannah corrected him and explained it in simple terms that he could understand.


He grinned sheepishly at Savannah and peeled himself off me. "Hot Damn!” he clapped his hands “So today the game is you do what we say?"


"No, what I say!!" Savannah put her hands on her hips defiantly.

Shit,” he sounded only slightly disappointed “I would have liked a good feet fucking."

I had no idea what a ‘foot fuck’ was – but it sounded disgusting. I was going to draw the line at that no matter what trouble I got into. Savannah gave me an ‘I told you so’ look about the extra perverted things he’d have me do and I nodded understanding.


"Let's see how Conner wakes up,” Savannah ordered me to wake him up the same way.

Conner is quite a bit smaller than me and I couldn’t straddle him. I looked for a way to sit next to him so that a boob, a butt, or a pube didn’t touch him while I put my mouth over his ear. I got down on the ground and Savannah used her foot to push my butt over him. I ended up doing a position that is a lot like the up-half of a push-up over my brother and then lowering myself over his ear.

Holy fuck, it’s like she has this bubble around her that no one is supposed to ever touch her,” Savannah grew impatient. I glanced over my shoulder at her and gave her my best ‘I am doing the best I can’ face and blew into my brother’s ear softly.

"Mommy?" he reached out to put his arms around me in a very loving embrace and hold me tight to his chest. He was still dreaming.

My cousin’s intense laughter at how he jerked his arms around me and continued to dream woke him. His dream that probably put him back in a safe, loving environment at our old home was shattered by the reality of his sister’s bare-chest and face looking down at him. “Huh?” he was startled to see my face right above him as if I was about to kiss his lips.

"Your sister agreed to be our little bitch today. She is our slave-maid until her mom gets home," Savannah explained. I glared at her use of the word ‘our’ – she used it twice.


"Why?" Conner wiped the sleep out of his eyes. He looked at me and didn’t remember pulling me close to hug him and assumed I must have been laying on him. I rolled off of my brother and could tell he had no clue why I had agreed to wake him up that way.

I could also tell he had morning wood as well and wanted to exclaim “ICK!” but I pretended not to notice. I think everyone else did too.


Savannah prodded me to explain why I had agreed to this. I told the dog told the cat and the cat told mouse and the mouse told me story about my mother telling my aunt and her telling Savannah. My brother nodded understanding, but I wasn’t sure if he did.


"That is cool!” he sounded like he could care less. “Hey guys, I was thinking we could play Germans and Allies today," he began to look for his Nintendo DS and start his morning. He yawned before standing and observed “Oh what a luxury to have not only clothes but something to sleep in.”

What are Germans and Allies?” Lloyd asked him quizzically.

You know from World War II?” Conner answered him. He goose-stepped around the room pretending to count in German, "Einz, sweinz, trynz." 

There were two silver wars?” Lloyd’s ignorance could be so funny some times.

My brother’s head looked like it was going to explode. I could tell he wanted to explain that he probably meant the “Civil War” and that there was not two of them and he wasn’t sure where to even begin.


"Only game, we are playing right now is breakfast eating," Savannah announced and cut short my brother’s inevitable lengthy history lesson on 1940s Germany. "We could have flap jacks today," she said while lifting up my booby in her hand and letting it fall. My mouth hung open in shock she would compare my breasts to a pancake.


I wondered why Savannah had to be so evil and hurtful at times. She could be both friend and rival and today such a villain all in one person.

"Go make us four bowls of cereal and come get us when it's ready," she saw me stand there awkwardly and held up the hair brush.


It was useless to argue. I made a petulant gasp and shuffled out of the room grumbling. The family’s milk was out of date. I had never heard of "Fruit Rings" with Parrot Sam the ‘Two-can’ before, but they had a big bag of the stuff. I shook my head distastefully at the off-brand Fruit Loops.

It would have to be good enough because I was too hungry to care about the quality of the food. I had to find and hand wash four bowls that were already dirty and sitting out. They never seemed to have enough shelf space to put any clean dishes in cupboards. Dishes got dirty so fast around there that a dish could appear to have been laying out all day but in fact it had been cleaned and used and then put back dirty in the same spot, so as to just appear that way several times.

The idea of getting something to fill my grumbling tummy gave me hope that today would not be so bad. I could be a good sport and get through it much easier if I tried to have a positive attitude.


I poured half milk and half water into four bowls of cereal. The milk wasn’t wildly out of date and I thought that may make it less sour. I put on a big smile and made a production of walking through the door with my hands wide open like a hostess on a game show. "Breakfast is prepared," I announced in my best southern genteel accent.


Carry them all in here at once, dummy. Don‘t make us come out there,” Savannah snapped. My smile quickly faded but I said nothing and returned to the kitchen. I felt uneasy that while I was out of the room the three were brainstorming ways to make my day miserable.


I had to precariously balance two bowls in each hand. The ‘Fruit Rings’ had already become soggy in the milk. I would have had a few more minutes with the non-generic brand before they became soggy – but I was determined to make do with what was at hand.

I opened the door with my elbow and nudged it open careful not to drop any cereal.


Well, do you expect us to eat without spoons?” Savannah grunted when she saw I had brought the bowls but forgotten spoons. “Should we eat like little piggies?” she snorted and oinked and then waved her hand dismissively for me to vamoose.


Sorry Ma’am,” I said, that was pretty dumb of me. My cousin sent me back a second time to repeat the exercise, except this time find four spoons. I carried them back into the kitchen trying not to drop anything. I found four spoons and decided to get a little even by not cleaning three of them very well. I rinsed them off and smirked that I had given them just a little payback – but in fact, no one even noticed when I returned.

Anything else?” I sighed, while trying to balance the bowls of cereal and hand them out to my cousins and brother a second time.


Yeah, be our TV tray,” Savannah ordered without explaining what she meant. I was sorry I asked for clarification once she explained what she meant.

I was expected to get down on the carpet in the bedroom on all fours. I was to keep my knees and palms flat to the ground and be the ‘table’. They all set their cold bowls on my back. It was already muggy this morning in our room and that caused the bowls to precipitate water down my back and gave me goose-bumps.

I assumed I would be eating after they did. I had managed to offer them the three bowls with the dirty spoons and I took a little pleasure in the very minor thought of payback.

Don’t be silly, you can eat too!” Savannah said sympathetically. I looked over my shoulder at her in disbelief that she thought I could eat while in this position.

She set my bowl under me and told me, “Chow down, Ellen Pinkle!”

I wanted to roll my eyes in exasperation but I controlled myself and accepted the insult.

Lloyd said, “Oh Pinkle, like Tinkle,” and he giggled when he realized she was rhyming my last name with the color.

No Dummy,” Savannah corrected her brother, “because all you can see is pinkle while she bends that big ass over and spreads that frankenmuff of hers.” Naturally, this observation amused everyone in the room and made me wonder just how much pink was showing while I was bent over. I pictured it to be quite a lot.

Savannah was sitting to my right and Lloyd was to my left. I looked down and behind myself to see Conner sitting directly behind me. I gave him a stare of disappointment at his choice to sit directly behind me and be able to look straight up at my ‘pinkle’.

Conner’s getting the double-barrel shotgun hole view this morning,” Savannah high-fived her brother over my back. “Oh don’t be such a fuddy-duddy, Ellen,” Savannah chided me. “We all done saw what you got,” she added, “it ain’t like it’s all that much to look at.”

I wasn’t sure if someone wanting to see the most intimate part of me was worse than knowing someone did and thought it wasn’t ‘all that’.

You just got two holes. One for lemonade and one for fudge. You see one - you seen them all,” Savannah burped and then continued to belch the last word of “Fruit Rings – breakfast of Chruppppppions.”

That elicited as much laughter as any of her jokes about me.

What’s a matter? Are you not HONGRY?” Savannah stuck her finger in my milk and then put some to my lips.

I licked the milk she put on my lips and thought about how I could support the food and remain in this position while trying to eat. It was sour but even the tiniest morsel was better than nothing.

Her back is so narrow,” Lloyd complained in a joking way that he didn’t have enough room to eat.

Conner was amused by their comments and observed “I bet you two were hell on your babysitters?”


My mother give us a babysitter?” Savannah laughed at the notion. “Judge Judy and Jerry Springer are your babysitter when you grow up in the Buckman,” she explained.

They just set you in front of the TV and leave you? That sucks,” Conner noted.

Teaches you to be self-reliant and amuse yourself,” Savannah answered dismissively. She changed the subject “Eat up, slave.”

She grabbed one of my hands and had me hold my spoon while supporting myself with my knees and my other hand. “Some people ain’t got no common sense,” she obviously meant me. “Eat up or this dirty-ass spoon you gave me is going into this handy spoon holder you’ve been equipped with.”

She slapped my ass hard to let me know it was going in my butt. I ate as quickly as I could so as not to give her a reason to follow through on her threat and said “Yes Ma’am,” with a mouthful of milk and cereal.

Yaffff Morrrrrmmm,” Savannah mocked me by pretending to have her cheeks packed full like a chipmunk and the boys laughed.

It didn’t hurt as bad as the realization my one tiny act of defiance to serve them with dirty spoons had failed. She had subtly let me know that she knew what I did and didn’t care – she ate with the dirty spoon anyway. The knowledge it was dirty had simply not bothered her.

It made me feel so powerless.

Lloyd ate his cereal and he was already finished in a fraction of the time it took the rest of us. He pounded his fist on the flat of my shoulder blade like a table. “So who wants to play silver war?”

Conner corrected him “I think you mean civil war?”


Civil war doesn’t sound right. Wouldn’t you rather fight over silver? It’s like gold!” Lloyd answered with the look of someone who thought they were a scholar of history.

The two of them argued and joked about history while the rest of us finished our breakfast.

After we finished, they started taking showers and Savannah put me on bowl clean up. I actually didn’t mind because, even though I would be going last and be relegated to cold water, I really needed a shower.

I was putting up with their petty jabs at my expense pretty easily while imagining getting a little alone time in the shower. The shower was coated in mildew and smelled slightly of sulfur and rust, but if you stand in the very middle of the tub it feels clean.

There was no hot water by the time it was my turn. “Hey look on the bright side, Chiquita Banana,” Savannah reminded me, “At least you don’t have to waste time getting dressed and undressed.” She slapped my butt and sent me into the bathroom.

I shut the door and took my time. I looked in the mirror at my body. I thought I looked pretty good. I wasn’t a racecar, like sexy Savannah, but I wasn’t chubby and disgusting.

I took my time laying out my towel and enjoyed the privacy while I ran the water in the hopes just a little bit of it was warm. I thought about wrapping it around me and just insisting I wear it all day but I knew that would prove fruitless.

All of the hot water was entirely gone and I inched myself in until I was able to stand the brisk water on my skin. It sent goose-bumps all up and down by body; and I was very aware of how aroused I was.

Savannah had spoiled my tiny attempt at vengeance by noticing the spoon was dirty and not letting it bother her. This was my second attempt at vengeance. I would steal as much time as I could to myself by wasting it in the bathroom. The longer I spent in here –the less time I had to spend on display in the open, cleaning and being my cousin’s plaything.


It felt good and I knew they would not think anything of me taking a few extra minutes to myself. It felt good to get one over on them. I could relax and have some time to myself to think. I felt like someone in on a conspiracy and I smiled.

Until I heard the door knob jiggle and open.

Hey, I locked that!” I shouted in alarm to the three of them came walking into the bathroom seeking an unwelcome audience.

You did? Well Ted was supposed to fix that broken lock six months ago. I would have assumed he did by now,” Savannah looked at her brother with the mock expression of disbelief it hadn’t been done by now and he chuckled.

What a shocker; he always seems to forget when you are in the shower that it’s broken and walks in,” Lloyd laughed at the obvious inference that Ted was doing it intentionally to peek on Savannah.

That fucker was in for a rude awakening because the last time he did I was taking a big old shit,” Savannah fired back crassly. She changed the topic, “Anyway, we knew your razor got stolen. And you need one for that bush-hog, so I thought you earned one,” she held up a pink bic ladies razor.

I did not know what to say. I just looked at her while the water cascaded down my back.


Stinkle, you need to shave that hairy bush hog you’ve got. Those tree-log pubes are killing me. They are falling out all over the place and I found one in my cereal.”

Lloyd instinctively reached into his mouth and pulled out something with his fingers and then began looking at it as if he was wondering what it was. I could only assume it was one of my hairs.

I sighed. Two days ago if anyone had walked into the bathroom while I was showering I would have shrieked and ran out. I stood there not even trying to cover myself and considered her for a moment.

You can do it or I can pluck them out one by one while you wait,” Savannah flashed a wicked smile and handed me the razor. I could tell by the look in her pretty blue eyes that she wouldn’t have hesitated to do that to me.

Fine, Ma’am.” I pulled back the mildew coated, clear shower curtain and acquiesced to her demands, “Leave the razor and let me shower in peace.” I probably should have known they were going to insist on watching, but I held out hope.

“Why would we do that? Your mom said you needed to learn a lesson on exposing yourself and I think grooming and personal hygiene is part of that,” Savannah folded her arms.

I looked past my cousins towards my brother. I silently implored him to step up and speak on my behalf. He shrugged as if it was out of his hands.

Savannah saw me trying to signal my brother to come to my aid and she chuckled.

Go ahead and say what you want to say Conner,” Savannah pushed him forward to face me “Tell her what you told us before we came in here.”

Just, well no offense,” Conner looked me right in my eyes and said “Your hair is thick and gross, and just that you should probably trim it back is all.”

I did take offense. I think when someone asks you not to take offense they should automatically assume you are going to do just that. “What do you know about girl’s shaving?” I was suddenly skeptical my brother was any sort of expert on how women should shave.

Technically, you are to address me as Sir,” Conner sounded like a smart ass and he was nervous when he pointed out my mistake. He waited for me to address it.

Okay fine, Sir. I am sorry about that,” I patronized him.

In the pictures I have seen on the internet, none of the women have pubic hair of any kind either on their front, or in their cracks.” Conner said without the least bit of shame.

My eyes opened wide in surprised and I felt my butt with my hand. “I do not have hair in my crack!” I insisted and added a “Sir” when he glared at me.

He continued to glare and I touched between my cheeks until I felt a few wild hairs.

Fine, I have a little hair there too,” I admitted.

You are our slave for the day and you will shave as smooth as a baby’s butt,” Savannah insisted.

I wanted to close my eyes. I wanted to at least ask to wait until I got out of this extra cold shower and let me first try to trim down a little bit of the thicker hair.


I knew that they would never let me do it. I accepted my fate and reached out my hand.

Please may I have some shaving cream?” and when none was forthcoming I added “Sir?”.

I received a fat dollop of creamy white Barbasol in the center of my hand. I bent at the knee and coated my legs and pubic area.

Stop being such a priss and lather up that pussy,” Savannah blurted out and leaned against the wall, “we don’t have all day.”

They had left the bathroom door open, which only added more cool air to the room. I thought it was probably only a matter of time before Aunt Crystal woke up and saw me putting on a show in here for her son and Lloyd and punished me anew. My luck had been running that way so far.

I finally spread the lather all over myself and asked if they were satisfied while the shower ran on my back.

In response, Savannah put another dollop of Barbasol in my hand and told me “Do your entire ass - peach fuzz and all!”

I did not think I had peach fuzz on my rump, but I agreed to lather my entire butt. I thought being naked in front of my family was the most humiliating thing that I could do. I was soon to learn that rubbing shaving cream between my ass crack was even more excruciatingly embarrassing.

When they were satisfied I had coated both my front and back in white foamy cream they let me shave.

I started on the sides near the crease of my legs and then worked towards the center. After I shaved most of my mound, I then shaved against the growth and sometimes from side to side. Savannah hurried me along and gave a play by play of what I was doing for the boys.

I felt if anything, this should count as an anatomy 101 credit in high school.

I wanted to cry. This was the first time I would be shaving my bikini line, except there was not going to be any hair left at all.

I ran my fingers across my pussy and it was completely smooth. It actually felt kind of liberating.


Don’t play with yourself, just hurry your ass up,” Savannah insisted.

I couldn’t hear everything Lloyd and Conner said over the running shower water. I could make out words like “hard nipples” and “butt hair” to each other. I thought they even bet that I would cut myself. I was glad I couldn’t hear them converse about my body as if I wasn’t in the room.

Don’t forget the piss flaps,” Savannah reminded me. I scrunched my nose and looked at her with disbelief that she would say that word to describe my pussy lips.

I used to never cuss, but I found that saying pussy was much more expedient and to the point.


The pussy lips themselves were a bit trickier to shave than the top. I had to lift my clit and pull the folds to the side. I was afraid if I ran the razor across it too many times that I would nick myself. I used my free hands to gently roll the lips open and ever so carefully pull the razor up along the edge of my lips and around the upper ridge to get those little hairs that remained.


She is getting off on this!” Savannah announced. “Hurry up and do your dookie baker next.”

I had thought piss flaps was the most disgusting thing she was going to say this morning. I will give her credit that calling my ass a ‘dookie baker” was creative.


I cannot reach all the way, Ma’am,” I hated to sound helpless. I have to admit that shaving made me conflicted. Shaving myself like an adult made me feel mature and actually made me feel clean and breezy. It could get hot and muggy and keeping myself shaved was actually going to keep my pussy from getting musky and sweaty.

On the other hand, doing this in front of an audience was intensely humiliating. Not only because I was being watched while I entertained them with my vulnerability, but because this process was intensely personal and arousing.

My goosebumps were standing up and I knew that my nipples were hard, even without the boys saying something about it. I also knew that holding my ‘piss flaps’ open to shave around them and pull out my clit had given me what felt like a soft wave of pleasure – a gentle rain that made me feel strangely at peace.

Oh my god, you big baby,” Savannah’s eyes rolled and she insisted I turn around. She insisted I hold my cheeks apart and then she shaved the peach fuzz on my ass up and down. She told me, “See, go with the grain, not against it. Like you are mowing a lawn.”

I didn’t see, but I held my breath and counted to ten while I pretended my brother and Lloyd were not watching me hold my cheeks apart when Savannah moved on to shave my butthole.

You know I could probably charge dirty old men twenty dollars to do this for them and they’d gladly pay it,” Savannah insisted as if she were doing me a tremendous favor.

Don’t you already do that?” Lloyd teased his sister and she splashed a wet washcloth at him in mock-defiance.

“What age would you say Mr. Paul is?” Lloyd asked his sister. I didn’t know who he was but she became quiet for a minute and he asked again.

Fucking Jurassic Age, I don’t know,” she bluntly refused to discuss what I assumed was an older man and Lloyd let it drop.

Savannah violently plucked two long hairs from between my butt cheeks with her fingers and threw them at her brother. He dodged them and laughed at her horseplay.

She slapped my soaking wet ass and said “You are all done, Ju Ju Bean,” and I stood back up. She had me turn around so she could check my front.

A red snapper,” she gave me a hard slap to the pussy after she took a studious look at me, “smooth as a baby’s bottom!” she laughed. The slap caused me to flinch, only adding to their amusement.

The boys got bored and left when I finished the parts of me they liked watching be shaved.

Savannah remained while I finished my legs and armpits.

I heard Lloyd tell Conner, “I just realized that the words China and vachina rhyme,” as he left the room.

I can only imagine my know-it-all brother was about to tell him vachina was not a word.  

When I was done, I was told ‘air-dry’ and had to shiver in place while the water beaded off me. Savannah seized my towel I had laid out and reminded me my mom said ‘no clothes’.

I looked at her bitterly and wrapped my arms around myself but it was hot enough I was actually dry.

It was just Savannah and I in the bathroom, and she squatted on the toilet pissing. The difference was she was dressed in an “Achy Breaky Heart” long shirt. Miley Cyrus’s dad had a musical career decades earlier and the shirt was for one of the songs that he made famous.

Don’t make such a face,” she laughed as she watched me blow dry my hair and brush my teeth while she sat on the toilet. “I ain’t taking a shit,” she said, as if that made it less disgusting.

I heard a long stream of piss hit the toilet bowl and a tiny fart. “Don’t tell Lloyd, I told him girls never fart and I think he believes me,” she chuckled; and I don’t know why but I laughed too.


When we were just about finished in the bathroom, she picked up one of the tooth brushes and gave me a look like she was about to let me in on something. “Ted’s toothbrush,” and with a smile reached under her shirt and ran it long ways up her ass crack.


Oh my Gawd! Ma’am,” I was pie-eyed. “That’s nasty!”


She laughed like a little minx. “Yeah, I know. I’ve been doing that to Mom’s boyfriends since I was seven.”


Oh my Gawd! That’s even nastier,” I had a conspiratorial smirk on my face.


Savannah made no apologies about her prank. The subtext on her face was a smart-aleck, tough exterior prankster; but there was a vulnerable side to her as well. She implied she was getting even with them.

I gave her a sad and wistful look.

No, not like that,” she insisted once she realized I thought they had molested her. “I just hate when they come and make a lot of promises about how we are going to be a fucking family and then they get drunk and fucking take off with some neighbor bitch.”

She looked away and I let the matter drop.

I felt like I should say something in the awkward silence, but the bathroom door burst open and Lloyd came crashing in.

I would have been shocked if someone walked in on me but I was completely unflapped by his sudden incursion into what should be private female time.

I started to wonder if I was becoming ‘part of the Fuckman’ and changing.

Their reality in this park is pimps, sluts, rednecks, and gangbangers live side by side. They aren’t just characters you watch on Jerry Springer – they are neighbors.

This is the sort of world I could have only visited on the other side of the TV glass, with me safely in my suburban reality of malls, school, and Michael Cera movies. I was living it now with them and trying to fit in.


Lloyd asked his sister abruptly, “Can she feed Ares and Zeus for me?”

You burst in here like your ass was on fire to ask that?” Savannah chided her brother.

Yeah, because normally I feed them but we have a slave so I figured it best to check with you and see if she wanted to do it,” Lloyd explained.

Savannah shook her head dismissively. “Lloyd, why did you run in here in a hurry like this was an emergency though?”

Lloyd said nothing. He just walked out of the door and shut it. He opened the door very slowly and in mock-slow-motion with a big smile on his face asked us, “CAN THIS BITCH FEED OUR DAWWWGGSSS?”

Lloyd if you weren’t as handsome as you are stupid you would be dangerous,” Savannah grinned at her brother. He had no explanation for why he had come running into the bathroom and when asked why he went back and walked in extra slow.

He had the kind of goofy charm of a Paul Rudd character in a romantic comedy. I hate to admit I’ve seen all those “chick-flicks”. My mom is a huge fan of movies like Wanderlust and Forgetting Sarah Marshall. She also liked those old Doris Day and Rock Hudson movies and we used to spend Sunday’s together watching movies with names like “Pillow Talk” and “Lover Come Back”.

My Dad and Conner would give us a wide birth back in those days and I thought I was really watching something ‘very grown up’ and risque’. I think back on those innocent days with a certain forlorn longing to return to them – it is hard to believe the last time we spent a Sunday watching them was about six months ago.

I chuckled at how Lloyd swaggered back into the bathroom with his lovable and goofy smile.

That’s fine,” Savannah offered me as the one who would feed Ares and Zeus without a second thought.

Now wait a second, Ma’am” my cousins seemed surprised I was I interjecting a concern. They acted like this decision as to who would do what was between them. “The dogs are outside,” I said and assumed they would instantly see the problem before I needed to continue.

They are big dogs who growl at me every time I walk past,” I had to continue my line of reasoning and explain but nothing I could say could get through to them, they still didn’t see that there was a problem.

I added “Ma’am” and stopped talking.

Don’t be a fucking baby, Dinkle,” Savannah laughed and mocked my last name. “Hardly anyone is up this early in the morning and their pen is on the side of our house. The only one who can probably see you is Tyrell and his family, and they already know about the dirty white girl who sits around here on her ass, naked.”


I hardly sat around on my ass I thought to myself sourly. I wasn’t budging on this issue. Outside naked- no way.


Fine, you can choose.” Savannah gave me three choices. She insisted I bounce up and down on my feet while they tell me what they were “to dry off” since towels were strictly off limits.

They brain-stormed these ideas in greater detail – each one advocating their favorite or adding stipulations and conditions to the choices. In interest of time, they can be summarized as follows;

Choice #1 Be our slave for the ENTIRE day. You will not have to leave the yard but you have to clean the house and that includes the crusty mess behind the toaster oven and all the roaches back there. You will feed the dogs, bathe the dogs, mow the lawn and when you finish cleaning every single room in this house you will organize Ted’s tool shed. You will be worked until your butt is sore and you will be ourTV tray for lunch and dinner.

Choice #2 You will be our TV tray all day. You will go to the living room and get into the TV Tray Position. The curtain rod your mom used to spank you will be set on your back and we’ll put a piece of paper on your back that says ‘Smack muh butt’. You’ll stay like that all day and anyone that wants can come by and give you 20 whacks with the rod and you will thank them and tell them you do not mind. You will say that you are lazy and chose this as an alternative to house work and hard living.


Choice #3 ‘Doggy Fun Time’, I would put on a doggy costume and keep wearing it for as long as it pleased my ‘new boss Savannah’. I will be the indoor house pet and growl, bark, sniff and play games. Conner wanted choice number three as soon as it was offered to me. “It’d be like real life Ninentendogs video game!!” – one of his favorite games. “So would having a real dog though, dummy,” Savannah burst his bubble and made me choose my fate.

I don’t know whose idea it was to do it originally but of the three this is the only one that sounded ‘fun’ compared to hard work all day or being spanked all day.

I wanted it chosen for me. It made it easier because then I could feel like I was just trapped in a nightmare with no way out.

She was making me be an active participant and choose from three options that sounded awful.

They made me hop in place while they outlined the three plans. “Let’s see you bounce, Crinkle!”

Lloyd noticed that as I hopped and kept my arms flat at my side my butt cheeks went up at the same time my tits did and he started to bounce with me in the same cadence to see if his would.

You don’t have tits, silly,” her sister slapped him across his rock hard abdomen and he stopped.

I did not have the same luxury and kept bouncing while they talked. I paced myself so I would not run out of breath.

Conner observed, “I didn’t know you had boobies big enough to actually flap up and down.”

Uh, thanks?” I responded to his left-handed compliment.

Uh, thanks Sir!” he corrected and then proceeded to tell me how the doggy option was the best one for me.

It started to sink in to me that next year Conner and I would be going to the same High School. “Conner, can I ask you to do me a favor?” I asked him nicely and even added “Sir” to the end of my question.

Sure, I know,” he said sheepishly “Not to watch your tits bounce so intently?”

That too,” I continued hopping and a wintry smile spread across my face. “I just wanted to ask that when we go back to High School you keep this to yourself about me spending the day like this?”

Girl, you’ve got no class!” Savannah interrupted before he could respond. Then she delivered the punch line, “No class, because there is no school in summer time.”

I started to explain that I just wanted to make it clear that I’d rather not rumors get started about me.

Ahp-buh-buh- buh-buh,” Savannah shushed me. “What happens in the Buckman stays in the Buckman and we don’t talk about school when we are not in it!” She clarified those are integral and essential rules to living here.

So do you want to hop all day or pick one of the three choices?” Savannah had a way of cutting directly to the question at hand.

None of those three sound very good,” Ma’am” I was getting better about remembering to call her Ma’am but not calling the boys “Sir”.

The first choice was what I was supposed to do today as I understood it. My brain told me this was the safest choice. I had reservations about setting one foot out of the trailer. They originally did not set the boundary to the yard and apparently were going to take me up to the general store and pool area. I had to negotiate just to keep the boundary set to the yard.

The second choice sounded absolutely terrible. Lloyd swung the curtain rod like a baseball bat and it made wooshing sounds that intimidated me. He held it like a Jedi light saber and told me, “The power of the dark side compels you to come get your butt-whooping!”

I have to admit I smiled at how goofy he could be. The idea that they could joke about this actually made it easier to accept. There was something about having a sense of humor about it that made coming to grips with something that could seem intensely devastating to my ego easier to deal with and I appreciated it on some level.


I wanted to protest their administering punishment in general. My mom had not explicitly said that I could be spanked. What she had said was that I had to obey Crystal like her. Their assumption was that since my mom could punish me with a spanking so could Crystal. Their logic then took it the next step further which was that if I had to obey Crystal like my mother then I had to obey Savannah like Crystal because Crystal had said so. If I had to obey Savannah like Crystal then I had to obey Conner and Lloyd because Savannah had said so. Anyone I had to obey like my mom by their logic – could punish me since my mom could.

Savannah was judicious with her delegation of authority at least. She would limit them if Lloyd told me to pick my boogers and eat them and tell him to eat his own boogers. I felt strangely safe with her around while I was so vulnerable.

Savannah slapped me directly on the face. I had been daydreaming and lost in my own thoughts while I hopped. “Stop hopping, dummy!”

I did as I was told and she held the spinner from the game of life to her chest. “Time is up, we tried to let you choose. You can spin on the game of life and whatever number you get is your choice.”

There are six numbers though, Ma’am” I pointed out quizzically.

Duh!” she said. Then looking at the spinner as if thinking about this for the first time said “If you land on 1-3 you get the choice, and then we just cut the number in half if its 4-6.”

Conner explained that the number 5 cut in half would be 2.5 and she slapped him on his shoulder for interrupting. “It will be a three for our purposes Mister Smarty-pants!”

But wouldn’t six be a three?” Conner was about to get another slap across the shoulder for pointing out that a result of 5 would have to be a two and not a three using the system she outlined. I swear he doesn’t know when to shut up for his own good.

Ruff!” I barked.

Ruff?” Savannah looked at me puzzled.

I clasped my hands in front of me and barked again and they realized I had chosen three.

I decided not to go with the safe option or the painful option. I went with the playful and adventurous option. I wiggled my butt back and forth and panted while they figured out I had chosen option three.

I decided I would do my best and they may show a little mercy on me – since they really seemed to think this was going to be the most fun. I was already thinking about back tracking on my suggestion and going with option one.

You know how when you go to Subway and you think about ordering a sandwich you never order? Then when they ask to take your order you hastily order the Spicy Italian on white you always get?

That might just be me.

Savannah laughed and popped a bubble with some chewing gum in her mouth. She had a very deliberate and intimidating way of chewing that reminded me of a gym coach or a character on the Jersey Shore.

The boys cheered “Super Fun Doggy Day!” and they ushered me back to our room.

I was having a little doubt that this was the best choice, but I was also happy I wouldn’t be cleaning another day.


Savannah began pushing aside rusty clothes hangers in her closet. She found a Halloween costume that probably hadn’t fit her in four years. It was a very cheap knock off of “Snoopy”. The label read “Sloopy for ages 8+”. I grinned at how ludicrous it was there was no upper age limit.

I wanted to say, “So this could be worn by someone who is 43 years old?” but I just yipped a bark of approval. As small as the clothes were –they were at least clothes.


She pulled down a white plastic dog mask with black collar, a pair of black boy shorts, and threw down the white body suit because it was clearly too small.

Obviously I was happy for the stretchy black shorts when I put them on. It felt good to have anything against my skin. Unfortunately, they were simply too small and I could not get them over my knees. I couldn’t fit in them until she split the sides; which turned them into a loin cloth with an elastic waist band.


They put the mask on me and tied the fuzzy black collar around my neck. I would bark and emote a puzzled or concerned sound and they would laugh and encourage me to be patient.


Good Doggy!” she pat my head with a patronizing tone “You like this game, li’l puppy?”


I said, “What about my chest, ma‘am?” pointing to my boobs without thinking.


She slapped both breasts with her hand “Doggies don’t speak! Except in barks and growls. No one will see your precious little boobies. Trust me!”

Savannah took one of Lloyds belts and pointed to their green shag carpet, “Down Doggy, get Down!” and popped me on the butt lightly with it.

They put me in the all fours position I had eaten my breakfast in, with my knees and hands supporting my weight. She strapped the belt around my legs so that one of my thighs and lower leg were now tied together. She used my brother’s belt to secure my other leg the same way. I could no longer stand up and the bottoms of my feet were almost even with my butt.

Gross, look at the bottom of her feet and she just took a shower!” Savannah’s brother observed my feet were dirty- which is no surprise considering how dirty the tile and carpet were.

Savannah smacked Lloyd and informed him those were doggy paws.

I was suddenly filled with tremendous doubt I had made the right choice and I had major buyer’s remorse about where this was going. 


Okay guys, choice number one for the win. I will even feed the dogs naked. I changed my mind!” I yelped from the carpet. “I’ll be the maid.”


Too late for that!” Savannah insisted. She lifted my plastic ‘Sloopy’ mask and shoved a gross kitchen sponge into my mouth. You know the kind that is scratchy on one side and spongy on the other?

If you are asking yourself why they would have an old sponge in their bedroom, I’ve done a poor job of describing the random clutter of bent Uno Cards, broken toys, empty potato chip bags, vagisil boxes, and household junk that littered the room.

She dropped the mask back down over my face and said “Don’t try to spit it out either.” It felt gross against my tongue. I had no idea what the last thing it was used on, but I knew it was not brand new.

I would encourage you to put one in your mouth and try to talk. It is an experience I would never have imagined until I spent some time with it in. The best description I have for the feeling of having your legs tied together so you cannot stand and this sponge in your mouth is ‘mind fuck’.

She is like the human caterpillar but only one person.” Conner was a fan of horror movies. I’ve never seen that movie, but I can only imagine it must be perverse if this is what anyone in it was bound like.

I could not see who did it, because my peripheral vision was severely limited in my Sloopy mask, but someone lifted my hand and slipped a mitten on them. I heard the sound of duct tape that I had heard the day before in the quarry as my fingers were taped together.

I recoiled in fear at the stretching and tearing sound of duct tape. I could not stand up because the belts lashed my thighs to my shins. I could not move my fingers to grasp the belt buckles to take them off.

Good puppy,” Savannah pet my hair and thanked me for testing the security of the doggy costume as if that is what I was doing for her.

I probably could have gone full rage and eventually stretched and pulled myself out of the costume.

I did not try to resist in part because at least I had on bottoms in this new game.

“So what should we do with her?” Lloyd asked rubbing his hands together fiendishly.

I must have looked pretty pathetic. I was quivering with fear while on all fours in an off-brand Snoopy outfit far too small for my own good. I don’t really blame Conner and them for giggling. It didn’t stop me from giving them a dirty look, not that they could see my expression behind my mask anyway.


Well, we could teach it tricks. You like turning tricks don’t you puppy?” Savannah said while standing over me.


I murmured and Savannah gave me a swift kick to the ass. “That’s how we teach naughty puppies to bark instead of trying to gurgle into their gags. If you could be trusted to play nice then I would take out the gag?”


I nodded my head knowing that she was giving me an opportunity to remove the gag.

Savannah lifted my mask just enough to pull the sponge out. I asked “Okay, so what do…” and before I could finish, she crammed the sponge right back into my mouth.


Doggies only bark. Smart doggies bark twice for yes and say nothing for no - is that understood?” she asked in a patronizing baby voice like one would use with a playful dog.

She removed the gag a second time and begrudgingly I answered “Ruff! Ruff!” to delighted giggles.

”Let’s do ‘Shake Paws’ first.” She instructed, “First take her paw, and tell her shake.”

I put my duct tape coated ‘paw’ in Conner’s hand and he cooed “Good Girl”.

She told them to repeat this a few times and even a dumb doggy like me will understand. I was at first confused by the point of this and reluctant; but after another kick to my butt and a groan, I was shaking paws like the best Yorkshire terrier of them all.

“Boring,” Conner announced when this exercise grew tiresome to him. “How about roll over and play dead?”


I stared at my brother. He might have thought I was smiling behind the mask, but I was staring daggers at him.

He smiled, “I think Doggie knows this game!!”, oblivious to how low he made me feel.


Savannah prompted him to take over as Doggie trainer. He found a wooden spoon in one of the piles of stuff on the ground. I mentioned that there was a sponge in our bedroom, so it is probably no surprise there would be a wooden mixing spoon in there as well.

He prodded my ribcage, “Get on your belly, girl. That’s it! Lie down on your belly.” I think they saw my reluctance the same way one would a dog who doesn’t understand the trick. They just kept repeating the same words over and over as if eventually I would understand what they wanted me to do.

They also kept poking my ribs with the wooden spoon. I was hoping my reluctance registered my disdain for this game; but they obliviously assumed I was just role playing a stupid dog.

Conner leaned over me and asked if they had anything that could be used as a treat.

Well, there may be some old black licorice nips,” Savannah suggested. She disappeared into the kitchen and returned with a half-eaten bag. “I could have used a maid today to get things!” she chuckled as she handed it over to Conner.

I should also mention that I am highlighting my puppy training at their hands. It paints me as the center of attention; and while I was a big part of their morning, they were also easily distracted.

One example that springs to my mind is when Lloyd asked Conner, “Hey sniff my finger.”

No way, dude!” Conner would reply.

C’mon you are chicken to sniff my finger, don’t be a wuss,” Lloyd would encourage him.

They would go back and forth like this for five minutes until Conner eventually sniffed his finger. Then Lloyd would say “Dude! I can’t believe you just sniffed my finger! That’s gross!”

Once Savannah introduced the treats she put them under my mask and had me sniff them.

“Okay Doggy, this is your treat, roll over! C’mon roll over!” Conner teased and instructed me.


I didn’t like black licorice at all. My grandmother used to give it to us when I was little. If I had to guess, the same grandmother sent this bag to Aunt Crystal’s family one year ago.

I don’t know anyone who actually likes this kind of licorice. You might eat a little bit and enjoy it; but if you sit down and eat a whole bag you start to regret it.

As treats go I was hoping they would pick something else, other than off-brand, stale licorice.

I tried to move my head away from the foul candy to passively signal it was a bad motivator. Every time I did, Conner kept following my face with it; as if prolonged exposure might change my mind.


I decided to just go ahead and do the trick. I rolled over on my back. My legs were tied together so that was easier said than done. The shredded boy shorts, that barely covered me, disappeared into the crease between my legs only enhancing my humiliation.

Pathetic,” Savannah laughed, “Don’t give her a treat.” I couldn’t have been happier they didn’t make me eat one of those foul candies, but they would not have known because of my mask.


They helped me flip back over on all fours so that I was back in the “Doggy position”. Savannah decided it was time for me to learn to “Heel”. She tied a cord to my collar and then pulled on it. She told me to walk with my head by her feet out into the living room.


I stayed put. I reasoned that if I had to talk like a dog it made no sense that I could understand the English language fully. That was just me being obstinate and probably making life difficult for myself.

However, this was one of my tiny and semi-pointless acts of defiance. I did not have much power to get even; but I could at least act stupid and make them teach me to heel.

I wanted to say that it wasn’t fair that I always seem to be the Indian or the Puppy in the games we play. Savannah tugged my cord and kept saying what a dumb doggy I was. I discovered they accepted me being stubborn, as long as I didn’t break character and talk.

The collar around my neck was snapped to the mask by a flimsy cord. It snapped when Savannah jerked the lead she attached to the collar. Savannah’s solution was to tie the cord around my neck.

It wasn’t too tight; but it was also very uncomfortable. “Unless you want kicks to that turd cutter for the next hour you will follow me, doggy,” she instructed harshly. She patronizingly talked to me like one would a baby “Don’t worry, we won’t go on a walkie through the neighborhood.”

I hurried along and padded behind her as we walked down the hall when she added, “But if you do have to pee or poop then you better start scratching at the door!! with a quickness!”


I barked once for “NO!”, but Savannah ignored me. She had said ‘say nothing for no’ in her earlier instructions but they certainly did not take my silence as registering a ‘no’ to any of this.

I cannot emphasize enough when I tell this story that not only did it feel surreal that I was actually doing it – but that my cousins acted like this was a normal morning and that I was making too big of a production out of everything.

I was on the balls of my knees and the flat of my hands. I was so terrified that I was going to spend my entire day this way and that when I had to go pee or poop they were really going to make me do it in the yard that I thought I was going to barf.

My cousins and brother were obliviously having a lot of sport with me. I wondered if they would have been a little sympathetic if they saw me freaking out behind the mask. The “Sloopy” dog registered a perpetual happy face and I think they saw me as chipper and compliant because of it.

Let’s play Fetch!” Lloyd had a large baseball in his hand.


Doggy’s got a big mouth,” Savannah admitted, “but not THAT big”. She was right, there was no way I could pick up a baseball with my mouth. “Besides how will she do it with the mask on?” Savannah was easily annoyed by what she considered Lloyd’s incessantly dumb ideas. She reminded him that if he threw the ball in the living room he would bust a window ‘AGAIN’.

He nodded in understanding and came up with another game that they did like.

He spun the ball with his hands on the kitchen tile and had me chase after it. I could only waddle in the position I was in. When I caught up to the ball they would whistle and have me nudge it over to one of them. It was strangely one of the least humiliating things I had done all morning.

They had their fun and watched TV at the same time. They walked in and out of the trailer and went about their morning as if it weren’t all that different than any other morning. It was such a surreal feeling to be on the floor with my breasts exposed and pretending to be a puppy around my brother and cousins.

I wondered how Lloyd and Savannah could act so calm as if every morning they did things like this. They seemed to just roll with the weirdness and for a large part so did Conner. I would never have expected him to put down his video games or books long enough to actively participate in anything this kinky and depraved.

The next trick that they thought of to teach me was called “Say Hello”. This is where, while seated in a chair and holding the “treat” (black licorice), they put their hands between their knees and say “Come get the treat girl!”

They would pop the treat under my mask and I had to chew it up. I tried spitting the first two out on the floor when no one was looking after I held it in my mouth; but they just thought I accidentally dropped it and fed it to me again.

Once I was between their legs this evolved to me putting my head on their leg and nuzzling them until they said “Okay” and let me go about my business.

When a television show that interested them came on I spent a good part of the show just waiting for them. I actually became annoyed that they had me bound up and on all fours and were just ignoring me. In the commercial breaks they would give me a command and I would dutifully obey.

I started to analyze in my head why their ignoring me bothered me so much. It is not that I am narcissistic or extroverted. I think on some level I felt that if I was going to be put through this ringer, the very least they could do is pay attention to me. It felt as if the time was just being wasted while they blankly stared at Steve Wilko’s on TV.

It was during a part of the show where Steve was challenging a man who bullied and beat his wife to take a swing at him that the door opened. Steve had just turned his back to the man and gave him a free-shot at the back of his head and the bully was naturally too scared to take it. Everyone else kept their eyes glued on the TV while they lounged in what they wore to sleep on the couches.

I wondered if it was my mom or dad. I almost peed a little when I heard the scratching of the screen door across the floor as it opened. I reflexively tried to stand up, but the leg bindings prevented it.


The man at the door was the black guy from the day earlier. Tyrell put his hands on his hips and looked down at me chuckling and making a “ttch, ttch, ttch” sound with his lips. “Y’all wasting a perfectly good white girl.”

The other kids noticed him after he said that and didn’t feel the need to explain. They just greeted him as if this were perfectly normal.

You know I SHOULD ask what is happenin’ here. Crackers be crazy. So I don’t wanna know what y’all doing.” He looked me up and down and then back at the Steve Wilko’s show. “Oh I love this episode, it’s the one where that guy says he beat his wife because he gets enraged when people make fun of him so Steve makes fun of him and he don’t fight Steve?”

Yes, that is the one,” Savannah answered while continuing to watch TV. “What y’all want?”

Yo’ momma here?” he asked.

You tell me,” Savannah adopted an urban black accent, “Her butt so big you can see it from your trailer,” she quipped.

Hung-over?” he asked and she nodded affirmative. He was not surprised about that either.

He shrugged and licked his lips. I noticed he licked his lips often as if they were perpetually dry. He looked me over before walking to my Aunt’s bedroom.

I wondered if he would wake her up and then they would let me out of this game. I would probably still have to clean up, but I should have chosen that option in the first place.

Want her to say hello?” my own brother offered to teach this stranger how to call me over to him. We’d only seen this man twice and he was going to make me perform a trick for him.

His smile had one prominent gold tooth with a diamond stud in the center. “Do I have to pull my dick out?” he asked my brother skeptically.


No,” Conner just chuckled at the idea.


Okay then,” Tyrell laughed, “what do I do?”


They told him to sit in the EZ-chair. Then they made me repeat the process for him as I had been doing during commercial breaks.

Say Hello, Doggy,” Conner pointed at Tyrell. I looked at Conner and then back at Tyrell and sighed.

They had given Tyrell a black licorice nip to give me as a treat. He gave it to me after I spent a full minute resting my head on his green corduroy pants.

White people be crazy as fuck!” he ate one of the candies and spit it back into his hand. “This is nasty as hell,” he declared as he set it in one of the many overfull ash-trays in the living room.

He hadn’t seen how shocked and humiliated I had been to serve him because I was wearing the mask. It probably seemed like I was just some outrageous, smutty neighbor girl doing something flirty and probably ‘weird’ to him. I think he just thought white people were silly people in general.

He left without going into my Aunt’s room and said he would ‘check her later’.

Guys, that was too close,” I decided to finally take my chances and speak once he was gone. I knew breaking character might be a bad idea but I just had to say something, “please let me out of this!”


She’s right of course,” Savannah’s agreement was both a shock and a relief.

We had to tell Tyrell she was a doggy. He couldn’t even tell just by looking at her- something is missing,” Savannah said from the comfort of the love seat.

That was not what I meant at all and when I started to clarify she kicked me square in my ass.


We need to add something to her costume that reminds the doggy that she should only bark. And stop whining so much,” Savannah kicked me again and asked if she was right.

I mentally calculated how long it would take me to waddle into Aunt Crystal’s bedroom and try to wake the two of them up to see if they would put a hard stop to this game. There was literally no way I was going to be able to do that with my legs bound.

Savannah cocked her leg to kick me again. I could see up her skirt and tell that she had no panties on while she was laying in the living room. I wondered if she knew how I felt wanting clothes and seeing she had them and chose not to wear them?

She was being ruthless but I had little choice other than to comply. I barked “Ruff! Ruff” for yes.

Sounds like she is asking you to make it more rough!” Lloyd laughed.


Who am I to deny my kissin’ cousin?” she laughed in response. “Conner will you walk your sister around in circles in the living room for a few?” she assigned my brother a chore “I just need a minute.”

She stalked out of the room to go come up with something else to add to my torment.


Conner did as he was asked, taking my leash and leading me around the coffee table. I couldn’t see where I was going through the tiny peepholes of the mask. He led me around the room in a slow circle around the coffee table.

He periodically banged my hip or forehead on some furniture or stack of junk piled up in the living room on accident. Conner would actually apologize about it, but go right back to walking me. 

When Savannah returned to the room my back was to her. I will warn you now that if you can’t see Savannah and she can see you – then you should be nervous.

I heard her snip some scissors and I gasped because I thought she was going to cut off all my hair!

I turned to face her but she turned me back around to face away and told me to settle down.

Instead of cutting off my hair she cut a small hole in the back of my boy shorts. I was confused because they didn’t cover much and they could have just taken them off of me.


I wondered what the point of having on shorts at all was if my butthole was exposed – which it was.


Then I felt “it”.

I thought at first it was her finger but I soon realized it was something else that was bigger.

My little art project of the day,” she said as she admired her handiwork. Lloyd and Conner held my shoulders so I could not struggle.

 She had taken some black duct tape and wrapped it around a small length of garden hose.

Don’t ask me why they have this in their bedroom, but there is probably a good story.

She had tapered the ends and made it smooth. Then she had coated it in Crisco shortening.

I realized they were trying to push this into my butt and I yelled for Aunt Crystal.

Savannah pulled up my mask and cupped my face to mute my cries. “I should have gagged you first,” she said of her own mistake. “I could just slam this into your asshole without grease you know,” she said as if she were doing me a big favor.

I should have known you’d be a little bitch about a little corn hole tail,” she chuckled and began working the tail into my butthole. “I even dipped it in Crisco for your precious booty hole. Gawd damned, you act like a stuck pig - all wiggling and jiggling that ass.”

Savannah’s voice implied I was making too big a production about the addition of the tail.


I was grinding around in agony. This was the first time anything had ever put up into my ass besides a thermometer. It felt oily and warm and incredibly uncomfortable.

Look at her twerk that fat stinker of hers,” Savannah laughed as I tried to dance it back out of my ass, “she looks like Miley Cyrus at the VMA awards.”

You know how they twerk at the Buckman?” Lloyd asked Conner. Conner naturally said he did not know and Lloyd explained “Imma have a few beers before I get back twerk.”

Guys, this is not right!” I spoke up for myself. I reached behind my back with my mittened hands and tried to pull the tail back out.

Savannah kicked it in further with her bare foot. “Any time you try to get rid of your tail it goes in deeper, do you understand?”

I nodded and accepted it.

I didn’t hear you,” she said and explained two barks was yes.

Ruff! Ruff!” I barked sadly.

You act like you ain’t never played with anything up your butt,” Savannah teased playfully.

I answered with a single “Ruff!”

Well damn,” Savannah sounded like she took pity on me. I thought she was going to pull it out but she just adjusted it and explained pragmatically, “This is how having something in your butt feels then.”

It took another twenty minutes for me to start to accept the tail and eventually I became used to its presence. It made me want to go to the bathroom, but it wasn’t as painful as the initial shock and humiliation of its placement once I had time to adjust to it.

Savannah decided I could wear the mask with just my chin and mouth exposed. That way they could make me ‘fetch’ tiny cheese puffs they rolled around in the living room. They had an over-sized plastic container half-filled with a bunch of stale puffed cheese balls.


She brings back those balls in her mouth so well!” they joked, laughing it up. They would act like it was a treat to let me eat the ball once I brought it back; but it was stale and dry and usually covered with lint. The boys popped them in their mouths while laying back and watching TV and Savannah chided them, “Y’all gonna get your cheet-o fingers on all the furniture and we ain’t got no maid no more!”

I was getting tired and my knees hurt most of all from all the gravel, marbles and junk on the trailer’s living room floor. The tail was pressing on my sphincter wall and signaling my brain that I got to go poop really badly.

I couldn’t believe I was going to do it but in between retrieving cheese-puffs I went over to the porch door and scratched on it with my front ‘paw’.

Oh look, doggy needs a walk, do you need to take a shit, girl?” Savannah’s tone was filled with a swagger that made that question sound totally normal.


I said nothing and just scratched on the door.


Okay, so just pee-pee?” she giggled.


Ruff! Ruff!” I barked. I wasn’t going to explain what I really had to do because it was embarrassing to admit.


Will you do it in the yard?”


I said nothing. I knew I was going to have to but I just stared daggers at her.

Fine, fine you’ve been a good sport, we won’t make you go out in the yard,” Savannah giggled.

I was surprised and relieved. She told me after this I could take a break from doggy girl as long as I did a good job.

I wasn’t sure what she had in mind but I was quietly counting my lucky stars that I did not have to go outside. I felt this long, dreadful morning was finally coming to an end and I had survived it. It would all be over soon.

“Okay, get the glass bowl out of the top drawer Lloyd,” Savannah told her brother to fetch a punch bowl I had put away the night before; they were using it to store loose change and batteries. “Let’s see how good her aim is!”

I shook my head no. I was mentally calculating the distance to the toilet bowl and wondering if I could even make it there in time, given how badly the tail made me want to evacuate my bowels.

Lloyd set the punch bowl down in the center of the kitchen floor for me while the others fell about laughing.

Things could not get any worse.

The screen door opened as it had earlier and Savannah smiled sadistically “Oh Tyrell, you are just in time for doggy’s pee-pee training.”


Except it wasn’t Tyrell.

It was my mom taking off her sunglasses and suffice to say she was not happy.