The Family Feud IV

Chapter Twenty-Three
Chris’s Journal: Booters: Delightfuly skanky, yet unrefined

**Note to reader: This is Chris’s journal from Tuesday around midnight when he and his father have left the girl’s to make their money. In order to increase readability, some of the dialogue exchanged was altered to appear in a ‘narrative’ story format.


WENDY: $120

JAMIE: $270

I haven’t really been keeping up with my journal – things have just been moving so fast that I rarely get a chance these days to write about them. I don’t want to sound like one of those emo teenagers who drones on endlessly about his ‘feelings’ and how no one understands him – that just isn’t me. I think I write this journal because I think months from now I will want to go back and look at how I was feeling in the moment and probably relive some of this.

I also just wonder if this is a dream? My mom and Jamie going through obedience training and letting Dad and I boss them around and humiliate them? Who would believe this sort of thing can happen to a normal family like mine?

I am glad I have my old journals and thoughts to go along with everything we have been doing that led up to this because even I would have a hard time believing it. There was that Asian cheerleader, I can’t remember her name – it’s probably ‘suk yung dik’. Okay that’s racist, Siri delete that. Who am I kidding? I don’t have iPhone4s and I am going to leave that in my journal because it’s funny and anyone who knows me – would realize I am not a racist at all.

Anyway, yeah that Asian girl at the Flea Market – she used to go to my high school and was a prim and proper polite girl who shyly walked my halls in modest clothes. Imagine my surprise to see her standing with my sister in the nude with a broom up her ass this weekend? She had some perfect little titties and a tight ass – something I would never have known.

I also would never have known that there are other families who have discipline that way. I think on some level because Wendy and Jamie are under our thumbs that gives us access from other people who see us and think “Okay, let me show them how we live too!”.

I think maybe that is why Rahjid wanted the validation of showing us his niece’s discipline tonight. I have a feeling he got the idea to discipline her from meeting my mom. I always knew he was a stickler about rules but I think it is a reaction to the chaos around him – to impose order on it in any way he can.

I wasn’t there when Dad brought mom around a few weeks ago but I bet that Rahjid saw how well behaved she was and thought, “Cool, let me do that to my out of control niece”. She certainly wasn’t living there when Dad and I were staying at his motel or I am sure Rahjid would have trotted her out just to show off how morally superior he was.

He once told me a joke. I think it went something like ‘A Minister is looking out of the window one morning. After some time he turns to his secretaries and says, "My God, this country is getting nowhere. I've been looking at those workmen out there for the past hour and not one has done a stroke of work.” Even his comedy is about the inefficiency and laziness of other people. I could probably write for volumes about Rahjid’s fastidious desire to point out other people’s foibles and his misogynistic traditional attitudes, but I was supposed to be writing about my feelings.

I have a whole lot to say about finally losing my virginity today. I think if someone asks me, I am not sure how cool it will be to have to say “to my sister”. I suppose if I lived in Alabama or Mississippi they would just assume I didn’t have any cousins living nearby (lol).

However, I should probably tell you where we are and what we’ve been doing. We are at a ‘Booters’ on Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. ‘Booters’ is like a low-rent knock-off of Hooters wings except that apparently the two O’s in the name are for butt cheeks instead of boobs (and drawn sort of like a shapely ass).

The girls that work here are mostly black girls with insanely perfect asses - if your idea of perfection is ‘big’. Our waitress Trayshonda has those kind of dick sucking lips that only exist on black goddesses. You could just picture it wrapped around your cock giving you a wet and slippery dick polishing.

We’ve been here for about two hours eating hot wings and drinking beer. I have to admit I really don’t think I could get drunk on this watered down Michelob Ultra even if I downed a 12-pack of it. I am doing it because it feels great to be treated like a ‘grown-up’ and sit with my old man and have a beer with him.

Dad’s been quiet most of the time we’ve been in here. I can’t say that I blame him – the Tuesday night crowd of patrons is pretty sullen and tame and the jukebox over in the corner has been playing unfamiliar old funk songs at such a low volume it hardly seems exciting in here.

“What do you think Mom and Jamie are doing?” I asked.

“Fucking and sucking most likely.” Dad said without looking up from his beer – he was pulling off the label slowly out of boredom.

“You don’t seem very enthusiastic about that – isn’t that what we trained them to do?” Dad seemed to be having his own internal dialogue going on. I’d ask if he kept a journal of his thoughts but then he’d probably ask if I did and want to read mine and I think I’d like to keep these thoughts private to myself.

“Yeah, your mom and sister are good little fuck holes now,” He didn’t sound like he was too proud of that fact at the moment. It probably didn’t help that as he was saying it the waitress walked up and gave him a ‘What did you say look?” but she didn’t comment. She just winked at me knowingly and cleared the table of our dirty dishes.

I cracked a smile at dad’s unfortunate timing in front of the waitress and explained “We just sold my sister and mom to an Indian guy down the street to pimp them out, and we are here waiting to get rich.” In the most deadpan way I could to the waitress.

She just laughed at me as if I was kidding and walked away –wiggling and jiggling that fine booty of hers with those extra tight black shorts leaving very little to the imagination about the crack of her ass.

Dad was smiling now – and that was my goal. I love when I crack a joke and get everyone laughing – I think it’s one of my gifts. I think that even though Dad basically wrote the rules (with Mom organizing and clarifying the fine details) that I had a part in how the day-to-day routines have evolved. I may not have got to be the architect of all the rules and I am totally fine with that, but I think a large part of my sense of humor has colored this experience. The girls did a contest today where I made them poop super slow and then have them snap it off and judge them on shape, color and smoothness. That entire thing started out as a joke but somehow Mom and Jamie took it seriously and began laughing about it.

It goes without saying that they are competitive and you can motivate them to do almost anything humiliating if you make it some sort of bet or contest between them where they are both judged – and that is part of that exercise’s appeal. I just think that any other trainer would have seen it as a necessary body function and maybe had them do it in a humiliating way but wouldn’t have gone out of their way to make it kind of silly and humorous.

I also think that if they do it frequently enough – something that would be outrageous to others just starts to become their version of normal.

Me and Dad spend long periods of time never saying anything to each other.

I should say Dad and I – but it’s my journal and I’d speculate on my journal if it was ‘too perfect’ grammatically.

I suppose now that I’ve said that – if someone is faking my journal they would know to put in a few mistakes. Uh-oh, I am getting dangerously close to some sort of Star Trek logical loop – better order another beer.

I could probably say that when two men get together – it is customary for us to just be quiet and that a lot is said in the silence between us. The truth is my Dad has been hard to read as of late. When we were submissive to the girls and when we were out on our own living at Rahjid’s motel it was easier to tell what Dad was thinking - I assumed he just wanted to eat, sleep, play video games and be left alone like I did.

Now as he checks his phone and looks lost in thought I wonder what he is thinking. He has taken a real leadership role in the family and I have to admit that even though we are supposed to be 50/50 partners in this – it is hard not to feel like I am playing Lieutenant to his General. He has also become sullen at times and even though everything seems to be working out as the family pulls together and sticks to his plan, I can’t help but wonder what is going on inside his head – but I don’t know how to ask.

“You sure you should have another one, Son?” Dad asked me.

“Yeah, I think I can handle a third Michelob Ultra Dad” I grinned confidently.

“I was just thinking maybe we should go check on your Mom and Jamie.” He answered wistfully.

“Awww, you are worried about them, Dad?” I asked with a little playful sarcasm.

“I just want to make sure they are working and not putzing around,” He was already slapping down some cash to pay for our food and standing up with an annoyed look on his face.

“Should we bring a doggy bag for the girls?” I grinned.

“Fuck no, those two sluts will eat when they’ve earned it –stop spoiling them.” I couldn’t tell if Dad was serious or as he looked over the un-eaten wings he was joking.

“You don’t want to see Jamie eat a hot wing out of Mom’s ass?” I said with my obvious sadistic sense of humor.

“Okay, bring two of them and we’ll give them the option to do it since we aren’t doing stars anymore,” Dad said sounding very serious.

He brightened when I called over the waitress and asked politely “Ma’am, can I have a doggy bag for two of these wings, we want to stick them up some girl’s asses.”

“Make sure they are drum sticks,” I could tell by the twinkle in my dad’s eyes that despite his gruff stick-in-the-mud façade he thought that was pretty fucking funny.

We left a decent tip for that waitress – it was fun doing ‘white alert’ around her. I guess that is what you could call saying over the top things to shock someone. I can see why Jamie and mom have so much fun with it.

“We are off to see Cow-tits, the wonderful wizard of Cow-tits,” I sang to the tune of the Wizard of Oz as I got in the truck.

“Yeah, and her little flying monkeys will get you meddling kids,” Dad added snidely.

“I think the wicked witch was the one with the flying monkeys and you may have just mixed in a Scooby-Doo reference in there some place, Dad.” I laughed.

He didn’t say anything in response and we just let the joke settle as we drove down scenic Martin Luther King blvd. Closed down rib joints, crack-heads, hookers, pawn shops all with neon lights in various states of flickering disrepair.

We pulled into a parking lot across the street from Rahjid’s motel. We had pulled in here when we first dropped off the girls to watch what happens. We saw mom walk aimlessly up and down the sidewalk, and my sister jump in and out of cars.

I could tell Dad was worried about them – and frankly so am I. He seemed to be satisfied after he saw Jamie return from two tricks and turn in her money that she was going to be alright – before we left for the Booters.

This motel looked like some kind of German prison camp with barbed wire fences and it was all dark and desolate. The thing that was really surprising is I believe people actually live here full time. There aren’t even porch lights on any of the units but I saw people scurrying around in the darkness. I wondered what their stories might be? Could any of them have an Urmila Devi Das or Sun-Lee living with them too?

(Okay, so I did remember her name, I pay more attention than most people realize. It’s just more fun to call pretend I can’t remember and call her Suk Yung Dik).

Dad was checking his phone – I bet he is writing a journal. Who else would he be texting or emailing this late at night?

“It’s hard to see from here, should we just check in with Rahjid to see where they are?” I asked as I squinted across the street.

Without taking his eyes up from the cell phone my Dad said “They are across the street at the office, I think Rahjid is spraying them with a garden hose.”

Sure enough when he pointed it out I could see my sister and my mother being driven naked with a garden hose along the side of Rahjid’s office. They couldn’t be easily seen by cars passing by the road but if anyone had been in the parking lot they would have.

“You think this is how he punishes them?” I asked Dad.

“Shit, if that is a punishment, your mom would be laughing at him and probably pushing all his buttons,” Dad said dismissively.

I wondered what he meant. Did he think that mom enjoyed the punishment? Or did he mean that if the punishment was too light – she would be disobedient and try to get away with a lot more? I didn’t want to seem like I didn’t understand – so I just nodded my head in agreement.

“Well, let’s walk on up and have a look at what’s going on with Cagney and Lacey,” Dad said as he sauntered out of the truck.

“Cagney and who?” I asked.

“Lacey” Dad said.

“Okay, I get that my sister is Lacey, because she is thin, white and full of holes, but what does Cagney mean?” I asked seriously, as we crossed the broad street in the middle of the night.

“Hah, good one son. It is an old cop show about two bitches, never mind.” He just laughed as if I had intentionally told a joke. I smiled as I always do when people take something I said seriously as a joke and pretended I was kidding.

Traffic was fairly light and there weren’t many people milling around the motel. They were either whores or customers and no one seemed to be surprised that the motel owner was delightfully spraying a hose at my naked mother and sister’s asses while they bent over and touched their toes in the space between the first motel cabana and the main office.

The look on Rahjid’s face was a mixture of sadistic and delightful glee, and while my Mom was taking it seriously, there was a playfulness to my sister’s face that really struck me.

I shouldn’t be surprised – she has always been the pixie-chick who exudes a certain enthusiastic Tinkerbell fairy quality. There is a wholesome quality to those expressions even though she’d usually be wearing a mini-skirt or tight gymnastics one-piece when she did them growing up.

However, naked with the light of the one street lamp reflecting the stainless steel on her nipple and clit rings and bedazzling the fake diamond in her butt plug, and with the water beading off her naked and supple body – the playfulness takes on a whole new context.

It could be that I used to watch a lot of HBO’s Katie Morgan on those ‘Real Sex’ shows playfully talking like a bimbo. Now that I see my sister giving Rahjid that same sort of porn-star wink over her shoulder as he laughs at their wet wiggling asses I feel some strange remorse for the loss of her innocence.

And no I won’t lie – when I watched those HBO ‘real sex’ shows on-demand it was to jack off, so I never made it more than 5 minutes into whatever Katie Morgan was talking about. I think she was doing a special on dildos or something but I couldn’t tell you for sure.

I suppose fathers are the ones who should feel that remorse for the loss of innocence, like when they walk them down the aisle at the wedding to give them to the groom. They know that without a doubt their daughter is going to get plowed that night no matter how innocent and chaste they had been up to that night.

However, as her older brother, I guess I am feeling a little twinge of guilt that my sister wouldn’t be out here if we hadn’t started training them.

You know what? I guess I could say I am conflicted on how I feel.

Yes, I feel that weird sense of guilt but there is more to it than that.

I want to say what I am feeling if I have to look deep down inside is jealousy.

I don’t know if jealousy is the right word for what I am feeling on some level.

When I had to submit to Mom and Sis they enjoyed making me do jumping jacks and there was a playful ‘time to make the donuts’ look on my sister’s face when she came to my room to wake me up in the morning with a bucket of water and a belt.

However, they never wanted me sexually – hungered for me.

Jamie can be naked in public and people WANT to see that.

I would hear ‘Look at that beached whale’ at best and at worst I’d be called a perverted flasher. I guess this double standard is one of the reasons I enjoy the control and humiliation so much now that the guys hold all the cards in the family.

Jamie can be playful with her submission and sexuality and it only revs up the desire of whoever is in control of her.

If I were to look over my shoulder and make a kissy face at someone spraying my ass with a kinked up garden hose, it would look like Eric Cartman making a mockery of being sexy on SouthPark.

I can never be sexy like my Sister. I can never embrace being a slut like she seems to be and I guess on some level I just wonder what it would be like to be that ‘wanted’.

If you look at her butthole it is this crisp and perfect little pink nub – she won the genetic lottery. No matter what we do to it, no matter what we put in it or how we hurt it – it looks like nothing but soft-serve ice cream could ever be pumped out of it.

I bet if you looked at my nasty old crusty turd-cutter you would see a hairy forest covering a wrinkled replica of Jabba the Hutt burping down there – who would ever want to see that?

She has this button nose and glittering blue eyes so that when she lifts her legs behind her ears and holds her mouth open she looks so delicious – I feel like a wolf staring at a rabbit I want to devour.

She combines sexy with cute in a way I can never do – and on that level, I’d just settle for ‘sexy’ or ‘desirable’ in any form.

I don’t want to sound like I am trying to get pity – it is just a simple fact that what would be disgusting for me to do, usually sounds either sexy, hot, or cute as hell when my sister does it. I guess I am having a hard time seeing the down side to being so attractive and everyone wanting you – maybe grass is always greener?

I know that when I was being humiliated all day long and having to moo and grunt for Cathy Griffin – she saw me as a worm to be laughed at and ridiculed.

She has since told me, that was before she got to know me and now she thinks I am epic and all this – but I can’t shake this self-doubt that to her I would still be this pink, blubbering whale with Moobs who she is just using.

Which makes me wonder – does she enjoy it? It is so hard to figure out women and especially teenage girls. She sometimes embraces her obedience in a way that makes me thinks there is something happening more than just getting off or an ego trip from all eyes being on her. I used to think when Mom and Sis first started this that they were going to pretend to like it so they could suck all the fun out of humiliating them out of it for us.

I know that sounds crazy that anyone would ever try something like that. I need to watch them closer and try to figure out what is going on in their head – or maybe I shouldn’t care so much, and just enjoy that they are being obedient for whatever reason?

I feel like now that I am popular at school – it’s because my sister is hawt and everyone sees me as the gatekeeper and they want to be a keyholder to what I have.

She can get away with bending over in public or ‘accidentally’ flashing her tits in public and most people smile or giggle and stare.

If I pulled off my shirt and walked around – people would tell me to put the shirt back on. I have bigger boobs than Jamie does!!

(I definitely need to make a mental note to exercise more – the last time was when Coach made me and Sis do jumping jacks in PE).

I suppose that jealousy has been feeding a darker part of me that is enjoying watching her get her butt smacked and teabagging her with my balls. I suppose on some level I have been enjoying truly humiliating her and exposing her to scorn because when she is just vulnerable and submissive it is actually very sexy and I don’t know how to feel about that.

I fucked my sister today.

I fucked my sister today.

I fucked my sister today.

I have to get used to the fact – that between us, all the blowjobs, all the spankings, all the tied on a leash in the yards are small potatoes compared to the fact I put my dick inside my sister and came.

I don’t hate Jamie – quite the opposite – I love my sister.

I’ve been having this recurring dream where Mom and Sis turn the tables on us again. They are laughing and dress me and dad up like lady boys (but leave Dad’s mustache) and rent us out to their friends. In my dreams they are all wicked like Cathy Griffin and put us through humiliating exercise’s and games, but what makes it even more humbling is there are usually people standing around confused by what they see. The people who are not ‘in on the gag’ who see it play out are what add to my humiliation.

I think it’s kind of twisted that I dream of submission – even though I hold all the cards and there is no way the girls are going to put us through this hell now that they’ve gone through it.

Then again, Dad and I went through it and we only made things much more intense now that we are back in charge.

I’ll have to table the questions and self-doubt I have for later. Rahjid finally noticed us standing behind him with our arms crossed.

“Is this how you punish our sluts?” Dad said slowly in this tone that sounds ominous.

“No, no, they had peshab, uh…piss all over their backs and I wash them and the one change of clothes you left.” Rahjid explained while motioning to their clothes hanging on a line strung from the office to the first cabana over their heads. He had transformed from sadistic boss man to polite and almost apologetic when talking to my father.

“I am not sure I want to know, but why were you two whores covered in piss?” Bill walked over to where Jamie and Mom were dripping wet while bent over holding their ankles.

“We had a client who paid to piss all over us, Master.” My mom admitted submissively. It was times like these she reminds me of old ‘I Dream of Jeanie’ re-runs from Nick at Nite.

“Why aren’t you in position two? Why are you just holding your ankles?” Dad demanded of her.

“Uh, because our Pimp Rahjid told us to grab our ankles, Master.” My mom pleaded before reaching up and pulling her ass cheeks apart.

Dad slapped her hands “I didn’t tell you get into position two, I just asked why you weren’t!”

My mom snapped back into her original stance bent over at the waist, “Sorry Sir, I am a dumb slut, and I didn’t know better.”

“So while we wait for their outfits to dry, how are they going to make us any money?” Bill asked of Rahjid while inspecting the girls.

“They smell of the pee-pee, I didn’t want to send them out that way?” Rahjid was sensing a much more dominant alpha male in my Dad and if I was Dad’s Lieutenant then Rahjid was his Private First Class.

“You didn’t want to send them out that way? Was that a question or a statement?” Dad sneered at Rahjid and spread my sister’s legs by kicking them apart with his foot slightly. “Ass face, tell me does your ass stink?”

“Yes Suh-Master, it does” My sister quickly changed the Sir to a Master – perhaps instinctively.

“What does it smell like?” Dad demanded quickly.

“Like Shit, Master?” Jamie offered sweetly.

“How would you know? When is the last time you smelled it?” Dad demanded.

“I haven’t Master?” Jamie said with a confused tone.

“So you are just telling me what I want to hear and lying to me, because that’s what deceptive cunts like you do. Cow-tits get behind your daughter and take a whiff of that ass and cunt, and tell me what it smells like to you.” Dad didn’t wait for my mom to move, he grabbed her by the back of her hair and pushed her face right into Jamie’s crotch.

“It smells like it’s pretty clean, Sir.” Mom took a deep breath and pleaded.

“Smell again, more deeply. I don’t think you got enough of a whiff,” Dad smushed my mom’s nose into Jamie’s ass.

“It smells like shit, piss, sweat, latex condoms and cum, Master.” my mother exhaled her words when she was pulled back by her hair.

“So any of your customers are going to smell their stinky asses and cunts when they use them, just douse them in a little cheap perfume and keep them working!” Dad instructed Rahjid.

He let my mom stand up and we both noticed the rubber ring around her tits constricting the blood flow and making them more engorged “What is this?” he slapped her tits hard.

“Our purple poppers, Sir.” I have to admit I smirked when Mom said that – I am not sure where she heard that from but it sounded perfect. Her tits looked like they were pinkish-purple water balloons being expanded and it was the perfect yet playful name for them.

“What the fuck do you have those bands around your jugs for?” Dad asked impatiently.

“For being a dumb disobedient whore, who broke our pimp’s rules. I have mine for not turning in a condom, being late to return from working a trick, and for sucking the dick of one of Rahjid’s whores without charging.”

“Rahjid, you have man-whores?” I laughed.

One of Rahjid’s whores who reminds me of a tall, blonde version of Jessica Rabbit walked out with perfect timing and snidely made a playful comment, “You ask that like you are more than just a little curious about how to apply for the position?”

She can be so sexy and demure in how she talks down to me – that it makes Cathy Griffin and Delilah Waxerman seem like naïve amateurs at playing with the male ego.

I didn’t have to say anything – I couldn’t. I have to admit I was stunned by how tall and imposing she could be and she looked down at me like Godzilla might upon the last Japanese survivor she is going to eat for the night.

She ran her hand across my shoulder and it gave me cold chills, adding “We might be able to work out an arrangement.”

“You get back to work, you lucky you aren’t being punished like these sluts.” Rahjid demanded.

“I’d love to see you come and try to spank me,” she cooed. She didn’t wait for his answer – she simply sashayed herself back to the sidewalk and within moments a car stopped and let her in as if it had been waiting for her all along.

Damn, I thought I was in love with that vision of feminine Goddess hood – or at least lust.

“I suppose you two sluts have to be punished for something you did wrong?” Dad asked angrily.

“I was about to apply more rubber bands to their enormous American milk-fed tits as punishment for being late when I learned of their pissy backs.” Rahjid explained in his pitter-patter cadence.

“The purple popper thing is a cute idea and I like it. I like those rubber washers you used, but I saw cable ties at Home depot that would let me adjust the tightness and give me a little more control. It is good to use what’s at hand though and my hats off to you Rahjid.” My dad’s compliment was unexpected and Rahjid seemed pleased for the recognition. I saw what Dad was doing there – he had asserted a kind of dominance over Rahjid in offering the compliment with how he would do it better and Rahjid was smiling with the recognition! Clever dad.

“I think these two cunts need a little bit more of an old fashioned Taylor family attitude adjustment! We can’t take them inside because they are dripping wet, so let’s adjourn over to your pool. No one is ever going to use that for swimming.” Dad continued to observe out loud. The last time that pool had its Ph balance checked was probably when Mrs. Waxerman was a pretty young thing and the Charleston and Model-T was all the rage.

“You want them to just walk naked over to the pool?” It was night time and the parking lot wasn’t very busy at all but even Rahjid sounded like that might be a bit over the top in how he asked. Where we were standing was fairly shielded from drivers but with little more than a chain link fence between them, the girls would be easily seen from the road if people bothered to look.

“No, I wouldn’t think of it,” Dad grinned evilly, “They should crawl like good little sluts, heeling behind their owners, shouldn’t they?”

Mom was the first to agree and get down on all fours by Dad’s heel, with my sister following right behind.

“So tell me how you got pissed all over – did the guy just come out and say that is what he wanted?” I asked playfully as I looked down at my naked sister following at my heel while we walked across the parking lot to the old swimming pool.

“He paid for the full package, but no he never gave us any warning. He just had us bending over and without warning we felt a spray tinkling down on our backs and asses, and heard him laughing like a naughty child, Master” my mother admitted with no more shock in her voice than describing a person who stole her parking space at the mall.

“That little midget likes to piss on butts, but most girls do not do,” Rahjid added scornfully.

“Oh was he a midget? Did he look like Peter Dinklage?” I was excited picturing an impish rogue in my mind.

“Who Master?” My mom was dumbfounded.

“Isn’t that Prince Tyrion of House Lannister, Master?” Whoa!! Where did my sister pull this little bit of trivia from?

“Damn Sis! That would have been an instant star just for knowing that when you did!” I was overcome with pride in my sister – a new found respect for her inner-geek. She knew the actor from Game of Thrones who plays the foul-mouthed little Prince?

“Ooh, Thank you Sir!” My sister swooned at my compliment.

“Too bad your mom said we should stop tracking stars though, hah!” Dad laughed sarcastically and opened the gate for us all to walk into the swimming area.

“You never let us pee on your backs before,” I said out loud more to eliminate the awkward silence than to make a point.

“You never asked, Master.” my mom’s response shockingly playful and inviting. She had done that during white alert but there was a little more confidence about her offer than I’d ever seen before. I made a mental note to do just that the next time I had a chance – I have to admit I had to shift my pants around because I got hard just thinking about spraying a long hot piss all over those two sluts.

Mom was surprisingly self-confident right now – I would have expected her to be grossed out about what happened – being a whore had already started to change her acceptance of what was normal I guess.

Our little surreal conversation reminded me of a picture of a dog I saw on the internet with a caption that read “If you love something, piss on it!”

“Puh-Ziss-shun One!” Dad sounded like an army drill sergeant giving his new recruits an ‘eyes-right’ order.

I could detect a look of familiar comfort on my mom’s face as both women snapped into the first position we ever taught them. Standing up straight with shoulders back and their engorged tits jutting out, hands behind them pulling apart their taut ass-cheeks – it is a beautiful thing to behold.

Dad gripped mom’s rubber band rings and started to roll them off around her tits. I liked the way they looked but I had wondered how long they could restrict the blood flow before it would cause a problem. “What were you punished for to get these?”

Mom seemed to search her memory, “I’ve had so many punishments tonight Sir, these were applied to my boobs so that I would remember my shortcomings and behave like a proper whore.”

Dad slapped her face hard and she just took it and looked back at him with a straight face. “I didn’t ask for generalizations, what good are punishments if you can’t remember specifically what you did wrong so you can correct them?” he demanded.

“I don’t know, Sir. We’ve made so many mistakes it is hard to keep track.” My mom sounded flustered.

“Do you know all the things you did that you are supposed to be punished for right now?” Dad was being condescending but it sounded completely appropriate given my mom’s sudden short term memory loss.

“Yes Master, we didn’t get our trick to return our butt plugs to our asses, we were lazy and took too long giving a blowjob to one of Master Rahjid’s whores and we didn’t charge her,

I nearly swallowed the gum I was chewing when I heard ‘give a blowjob to one of his whores’.

“You never saw a tranny before?” Dad chided me. I guess he had known all along.

I played it cool like I had and hoped it wasn’t the really cute blonde one. She had this sort of “Lonnie” from WKRP look about her – classy.

“So you sucked someone’s dick for funsies? I thought you were the one who said we had to suspend all the dares and training we had planned so you two little whores could earn all this money!” Dad’s tone was mocking mom in all the right ways – because her face turned pink with embarrassment.

“How much money have these two turned in?” Dad asked of Rahjid.

“The Ass Face has turned in two-fifty and the cow tits is having only one hundred dollar.” Rahjid reported dryly.

Dad looked at him solemnly with a stern gaze.

“The Ass Face has turned in two-seventy and the cow tits is having only one hundred and twenty dollar.” Rahjid’s tone was almost comically meek when he was caught red-handed ‘rounding’.

“I have to trust you to do a proper accounting on the money, if we are going to be partners. When we walked up you didn’t even say anything about them not getting their butt plugs back in.”

“That is one of your rules, not one of Rahjid rules,” Rahjid explained adamantly.

“Hey, if we three are going to be partners in this enterprise, we have to support each other’s rules.”

Mom and sis just stood there in the dimly lit pool area holding their position naked while Dad and Rahjid hashed this out. I tend to tune this business stuff out but I caught the part where Rahjid tried to say it was 50/50 with me and Dad making up 50% of that equation.

“Uh no, my son is an equal partner in this. It is going to go a third for each of us. We all have the same responsibility, authority and rewards.”

“Fine, a turd each,” Rahjid had such a thick Indian accent and deadpan delivery that there was no way I couldn’t crack up at that.

I was the only one laughing that time, but I mean c’mon the guy says ‘turd’ when he wants to say a ‘third’. How freaking hilarious is that?

The night air was brisk and cool and I am sure it contributed some to the goose bumps I could see on my mom’s skin. My sister has a tiny nub of pink pussy permanently jutting out of that precious little peach of hers and I noticed it looked like it was glistening just a little.

“Getting turned on by this, Sis?” I asked when there was a lull between Dad and Rahjid hammering out the details of their ‘pimp’ arrangement.

“No, uh I mean well my cunt is wet Master.” Jamie explained dutifully after a short stumble to answer my question. Her honeyed voice delivering such a dirty explanation was enough to get everyone’s focus back on the two naked women standing at attention.

“So your cunt gets wet when you are NOT aroused does it, Ass Face?” I touched my finger to her slick cunt and she shuddered slightly.

“Well no, that is I mean,” My sister seemed flustered which was always fun to listen to.

I licked my finger, “Mmmm, the warm taste of snail trail,” I prodded her to finish what she was saying.

“It’s just that I’ve been fucked several times, and my pussy is all wet from that Master,” she explained. I wondered if she was stammering because it was hard to admit out loud she had been fucked so many times having just been a virgin or if she was trying to spare me the realization I had just tasted that well-used wet pussy.

When it hit me how I had just licked a finger that had rubbed a pussy that had who knows how many guys spunk inside of it just now. I could tell from the grin on my father’s face I hadn’t been able to hide my ‘OH SHIT’ face when I came to that conclusion.

“You are Soooo lucky we aren’t going to punish you for having wet cunts when you are whoring,” I diverted the humiliation back on my sister who nodded her head in agreement with what I was saying.

“However, that won’t stop us from making fun of you two sluts for getting turned on by this,” I laughed at their predicament. When Mom had the upper hand she could ‘milk’ us and once we came then our dicks shriveled up. I think it would have been a whole lot more embarrassing if we had to do all our chores and exercises with our dicks flopping around extra hard. I don’t know if Dad’s would have been but I know I would have. The more you wind up the girls and make them cum the wetter they get though, so no chance of hiding that once they have an orgasm.

“Have you pulled any Jamie’s tonight?” I asked seriously. My sister instantly knew I was talking about the megaton industrial size orgasm that would send her spasming on the floor and mewling like a little baby.

“No Sir, not yet,” she admitted in a slightly embarrassed tone. I could tell Rahjid had no idea what the fuck I was talking about but I didn’t care.

“You would like to get one though, wouldn’t you?” I asked almost reflexively. It was a question I had never explored in my affirmations with her.

“Yes…yes sir, I guess I would like that,” Jamie answered reluctantly –embarrassed by her own admittance.

“You would like that wouldn’t you little tramp? You are supposed to be out here to get fucked and get paid, but instead you are out here wanting to get a little tickle on your cookie?”

“I um, no I didn’t mean it quite like that Master” Jamie was backpedalling and that was always fun during affirmations. I loved to capitalize on her insecurity and uncertainty and make her have to really think to give me the right answer and most of all humiliate her in the process with her own words.

“You will in time learn that your days of being a smart ass candy titted bitch are long gone, Ass face. You do not stand there swinging your cunt at me like it was the only one left in the candy shop pleading for orgasms so you can get your jollies while we TRY to keep you focused. You think I want to stand out here all night on a SCHOOL night trying to motivate you two cunts to make more than three hundred measly fucking dollars?” I was on a roll and fired up like a faith-show revival preacher.

“No Sir, no I appreciate you keeping us in line and accept that we need punishment.”

I don’t know what Dad had in mind taking the girls to the pool, but a thought crossed my mind and I asked Dad if he minded if I gave out the punishment. He clapped me on the shoulder and gave me a ‘right on, partner’.

I grinned at my mom and sister’s plight. Their fate was in my hands and even though they had been punished many times by me - I could tell that part of what really seemed to turn their screws and make them turn to jelly was that they could never predict me.

My dad is a pretty predictable guy – you generally know what you are going to get with him. I think the only thing that you can safely predict about me – is that I am going to surprise you.

“Awww, look at their little scared faces, the two whores think if they look pathetic and hopeless I will give them mercy and take pity on their pathetic, naked asses.” I said to my Dad but more for the benefit of the girls.

“Question,” I saw Dwight Schrute announce his question before he poses it on the Office one night and I’ve been doing it ever since. “When you had me and Dad by the balls, did you ever think to show mercy or pity on us? Even before you made us prance around naked in the house, I mean we had to live in this flea-bitten shit-box for over a month.” Indicating the motel with my arms and then turning to Rahjid “No offense, Rahjid.”

“None taken,” he said in his dry dead pan manner.

“No master, I showed you no mercy when your balls were ours to squeeze.” My mom said in that self-aware tone that reminds me so much of the actress Jamie Lee Curtis or is it Sigourney Weaver? I can never remember which it which.

“You want to squeeze my balls tonight, Mom?” I was being rhetorical but I unzipped my pants in the heat of the moment and pulled out my junk in front of everyone - I had a total boner.

“Only if you order me to do it, Master,” Mom sounded more submissive when she answered this time than previously.

“Do you want to have a big orgasm while you are turning tricks like your slut of a daughter?” I changed my line of questioning when I had achieved a more submissive mindset. I suppose hours and hours of watching ‘Dog-whisperer’ really pays off in terms of how to handle my mom because some of his techniques about being a dominant pack leader really do apply.

“No sir, if you want to inspect my twat it is moist and clean but not dripping wet like my daughter. I came here to work and be a good whore for my owners. Please punish us both for the regrettable start we have had tonight and let us try to earn enough to justify you staying up so late, Master.” There was just a trace of my mom’s old persona in how she reminded me that I was up too late. I let it go because I know she really can’t help but try to helpfully nag me to better myself.

“The punishment,” I smiled as if she reminded me to go into detail. “We have some magic markers, rope and duct tape back in the truck. You are going to get it and take turns writing on each other – the most hurtful and humiliating TRUE things about each other you can think of. The slut who impresses us can wear her wet pissy old clothes to continue working but the one who fails will wear a duct tape bikini to finish out the night and beg Rahjid every time you need a replacement sheet. You two sluts think that is fair?”

“Yes master” they both sounded a little reluctant – they ordinarily bristled when I made them compete with each other but they sounded a little defeated.

“I don’t think your heart is racing fast enough, so on the count of three I want you two to race to the truck and bring back our bag of tricks IN your teeth. The girl who succeeds can take her first piss break on a toilet with ACTUAL toilet paper - the one who fails will crap like a dog out here at the pool.”

“Hey!” Rahjid started to protest.

“Oh, will that mess up your carefully manicured lawn here?” I laughed and counted three for them to hot foot it to the truck.

The only thing that could have added to the pleasure of watching my naked mother and sister run with their tits bouncing through an old rickety motel like their asses were on fire would have been that jazzy saxophone music they used to play on Benny Hill (Yakety Sax).

I started humming the song to myself when Rahjid unexpectedly joined in “Oh the Benny Hill, it is very popular in Mumbai.” He added joyfully. I could tell he was starting to come around to seeing me as someone worth talking too.

We watched the two sluts fight over the paper bag with all our bondage stuff and it looked like Jamie was going to get it but at the last second my mom yoinked it away and hauled ass back to the pool with Jamie close behind. The rusty fence was still reverberating from when they hit it as they both assumed the same stance and position side by side at the conclusion of the race.

“Looks like Sis, you get to dook it outside tonight, do you have a problem with that?” I didn’t expect my sister would as I laughed.

“I spend all day as your dog Sir, why should I mind having to do it here in front of all these people?” I could almost hear a tiny sliver of her innocence being shaved away as she accepted the consequences of losing the little foot race. “Can I ask though that you permit us to milk our titties when we take a bathroom break? I don’t know if it was the rubber bands but we are overdue to milk and I feel like I am going to squirt my next customer in the eye.”

“They are called tricks! We talked about your propensity to use euphemisms to avoid having to call something what it is!” I squeezed her nipples while I gave her that reminder and the tips did feel milky and moist. I grinned at her trying to look like a sadistic hard-ass.

She normally keeps a very straight face but she just laughed “Propensity?” she smiled at my unexpected use of a fifty cent word.

“Oh, you don’t think your big brother knows big words like you?” I dropped the hard-ass act and gave her a good natured twist to the tits before letting go.

Dad decided to step in at this point and rightly so – I was getting too chummy with the subject of my discipline.

“Okay, let’s step this up, you two can’t moon-bathe out here all night.” He handed a marker to mom and said “We’ll decide who gets to milk who afterwards.”

She took it in her hand and faced her daughter, before putting her thumb to her lips as if to think. She wrote in between her tits ‘Milk, Milk’.

“I see what you are going for, but you have to write something descriptive. The object here is to write something true enough that it is going to stab at the ego, and deal with your pride.”

“Oh I see now sir! Can I try again?” my mom asked excitedly.

“No, you had your chance. Let’s see what your slutty daughter writes on YOUR tits first.” Dad said sternly as if the rules to this game were hard and fast (Which is funny because I had just made it up).

Jamie took her turn with the marker with her usual impish grin. She always reminds me of ‘I Dream of Jeanie’ when she drapes that blend of mischief and innocence across her baby face like she was at that moment. She started to write something as my mother stood there with her chest thrust out and then playfully changed her mind.

“C’mon ass face, don’t make us wait all night” Dad crossed his arms impatiently as if this were a formality he wanted to hurry through. I think if we are cut from the same cloth, Dad was just as curious as me what she would write and he wanted her to hurry up and reveal what she’d write. Sometimes I think when the girls have to anticipate the punishment it’s a kind of anguish for them all on its own, but it’s sweet relief when I get to watch theirs unfold.

Ask me about my Candied Titted Bitch who used to be on the honor roll’ she wrote with perfect penmanship across mom’s chest right above the separation of her tits like one of those bumper stickers MILFS have on their mini-van about their honor roll student.

“I give it a C for being clever and funny, but hardly hurtful,” I said dismissively. I could tell from her look of her genuine disappointment. She was hoping to make me chuckle and I felt a little guilty shooting down her first try. However, I’ve also found one way to motivate either of them is to tell them something they tried just wasn’t good enough – especially if you can do it with a reverse compliment thrown in there like you are trying to look on the bright side about how half-ass it is.

“Hah! Your turn now” Mom grabbed the red marker out of her hand and moved out of attention telling her to daughter to stand still “Above the cunt Sir?” she asked me.

“Yes, and next you’ll do your back, the tramp stamp and then the Ass – bonus points if you can work with your tattoos.” I said as if these instructions weren’t spontaneously made up. I am noticing with people like my mom and sister and people in general, if you remain calm and outline a process – people are likely to just assume that is how it has to be. If you look insecure or try to be nice and ask their opinion, they generally don’t seem to appreciate it as much.

My mom lifted Jamie’s cunt ring with one delicate finger while she thought about what she was going to write. ‘I just popped my cherry yesterday and an arrow drawn down to the tip of her clit with a cherry stem. Just when I thought she was done she added around her thighs “Will fuck anybody now”.

“Oooooh, that was cold,” I shivered and I could tell from Jamie’s determined face the one-upmanship was about to begin.

“Can I use a black marker, Sir?” Jamie asked me sweetly and I told her she could fish around in the bag. I would have had her stick with the red marker up her ass but when she bent at the waist I could see the glittering butt plug where it belonged and I didn’t want to interrupt the creative flow.

Blacks please fuck me in the butt!’ she drew an arrow under the words to her mother’s ass cheeks.

She looked at us as if wondering if she had gone over the line with that one but quite satisfied it had humbled her mother. Mom was looking at it as if it was a time bomb strapped to her waist and obviously running through the many scenarios where she might be asked about it.

I smiled at her and she smiled back, “Is that your final answer, or do you want to cross out one word and stop using euphemisms?”

“Really, Sir?” Jamie asked me as if she was uncertain how to proceed.

“Do I look like I am fucking kidding you?”

My mom was standing in position one as if she was totally confident about what was about to happen but I noticed a small tremor in her leg start to shake as Jamie crossed out one word and added another.

“I meant Asshole instead of Butt, but I think that Nigger is definitely a bold choice”. I almost felt a collective exasperation from everyone when I said it out loud but now that I was seeing what my sweet little sister wrote above my mom’s cunt I had a giant grin on my face about how taboo that was. Jamie to her credit was about to cross it out when I stopped her “No, just replace Butt with Asshole and I think it’s perfect. Mom, you love nigger dick in your asshole?”

In this politically correct world this was one of those words that white people just can’t even say even if they are saying they like it and my mom who was willing to be a naked whore stood there indecisively before stammering “Um, I well yes Master, I would like it.”

“You would like what?” I was toying with her.

“What you said Master,” My mom could tell by the look on my face I was going to let that stand so she instantly clarified “Nigger Dick in my asshole or any hole”.

Rahjid let out what may be a subdued Indian version of a “Yee-haw” as he grinned a big smile under that thick black Burt Reynolds ‘stache of his.

“I need to think about what I am going to write on her back now, because she just upped the game Sir” My mom had gone from shocked and horrified at how debased she was to wanting payback in under 30 seconds. She was not angry but she was definitely no longer lobbing softballs.

Caution, I leave big, stinky shits’ and for good measure my mom drew a dog turd with a little fly on the upper portion of her daughter’s back. She read it out loud and the only person not laughing was Jamie. When the laughter subsided she conceded “Okay, you got me that was a good one.”

Jamie grabbed the red marker when it was her turn and gave her mom a playful slap to the ass as she walked behind her. “Hmm, what to write, what to write”. Clearly this exercise was making them think and there was a perverse satisfaction from not simply writing it myself but seeing what they could come up with.

I am a whore for my son and husband who own my ass. If found running loose please call 555-7374, so I can be punished and returned to my owners.’ I was shocked she put our actual phone number and I could tell from mom’s face that that one was a good solid punch to the ego but it wasn’t going to bring her to her knees. She admitted that to herself and in front of others many times already –but having it written on her by her daughter was pretty good reinforcement.

“Okay the last two opportunities, you two are really going to have to come up with some good ones or I think both of you are going to lose this competition.” I added.

“I wasn’t finished Sir, I just wanted to see if you liked what I had written so far” Jamie scrawled the finishing touches on her mother’s back ‘And I love every fucking second of it

I could see my mom go almost limp when she heard what it said and I made her repeat it out loud for all of us to hear. “I am a whore for my son and husband who own my entire ass. If found running loose please call our HOME phone number, so I can be punished and returned to my owners…and I love every fucking second of it.” She paraphrased a little but I could tell by her voice that one had managed a solid gut punch to her ego more than even the ‘nigger’ one had.

“Do you love every fucking second of this?” I asked playfully.

I half-expected a saucy and sarcastic ‘How could I not love it?’ standing naked in a broke-ass pool while my daughter and I humiliate each other in front of my family and strangers.

“There are parts about my training I appreciate and have learned from Sir, but I would not say that I love every fucking second of this, no Master.” my mom admitted patiently and thoughtfully, which was a pleasant surprise.

“So that one wasn’t true then, that counts against Ass face, unlike the big stinky shits which I think we can all agree on is totally true.” I laughed even if everyone else only gave me a polite smile on that one.

“Well, I wouldn’t say untrue,” Mom blurted out abruptly.

“So you DO love every fucking second of this training? No white alert, just tell the truth.” Dad interrupted to clarify.

There was a quiet pause while we waited for mom to say something and it seemed like she was going through one of those internal conflicts of hers where she weighs all of her options. “I just think Ass face deserves partial credit on that one is all, if the name of the game was coming up with things like that.”

“Like what Cow-tits?” Jamie spoke out of turn clearly enjoying her mom’s conundrum of explaining herself.

“Let me show you, Ass Face, kindly take position two so that I can do your tramp stamp?” Wendy said in mock-polite tone.

“With pleasure, mother dear.” this was so precious that Jamie bent over at the waist, reached behind herself and pulled her ass cheeks apart and awaited her mom’s ink.

SNOOKI TAKES IT UP THE ASS LESS THAN ME’ in big capital letters with flowery dicks on either side just above the waist bone where a tramp stamp would be. My mom even added ‘DTF’ (down to fuck), a term I didn’t think she even knew.

“Snooki probably does take it up the ass less than me” My sister admitted out loud once she was told what it said. I couldn’t tell if being compared to the sluttiest girl on Jersey Shore had been a put-down or a strange compliment to her.

Without being told my mom assumed position two and the girls reversed places with each other. ‘Hip’s don’t lie, I am a giant fat-ass.’ In flowery script appeared on my mom’s back within moments.

“That is the worst you got? An old Shakira song?” my mom laughed but I could hear her choke a little when she repeated it out loud “Hips don’t lie, I am a giant fat ass”. It had become a condition of the game for each of them to repeat the words on their body and I was enjoying the tension building up to their final round.

“Okay Fat-asses, your final chance to out-do each other. I think to make it fair, I’ll have you read them after you finish, because right now I think both of you are going to be wearing the make-shift outfits if you don’t come up with something especially amusing and hurtful.”

“Yes, what Master Chris said!” Rahjid could not hide the boner in his white linen pants as he cheered this spectacle on.

“Thank you Master Rahjid.” I smiled in response.

“You are very welcome Master Chris,” Rahjid politely responded to me.

“Okay, okay let’s just see what the two are writing,” Dad broke up the recognition I was finally getting from Rahjid but the girls had already switched positions again so that Mom could deliver her coup de grace and final stroke for the evening. I admit I peeked at the outcome but waited for Jamie to deliver her own message to mom before we told them what it was and made them say it out loud. I didn’t tell them that I was judging less on my own sense of humor and more on what their faces told me when they had to read it out loud.

“When you are finished fucking me, Piss all on my back” and a bulls-eye Sir. My mom didn’t coo sweetly like when we first talked about it earlier this time. That instruction to a potential trick was a really nice touch with concentric rings of black and red starting from the RED O on my mom’s asshole.

“Ass-face, your turn?” I reminded my sister.

She turned ashen white and then started to turn pink by the light of the pool as she read what my mom had written around her ass. “I love nigger dick up my ass almost as much as my dad and brother’s cocks.” It sounded like she was about to cry.

So I asked that bitch to repeat it.

“I love nigger dick up my ass almost as much as my dad and brother’s cocks, SIR.” Jamie said with a tone half-way between pained humiliation and dutiful submission.

“Do you?” I asked. I had to love how mom had folded several of Jamie’s own hand written comments back on her in the final round – very clever. Mom had also drawn a red circle around Jamie’s ass and made a sort of Happy Face – I suppose in part because she wasn’t sure what her daughter had drawn all those circles on her own ass was at the time.

“It…well it’s an unfair question, I don’t have enough experience to know what I love, Sir.” Jamie stumbled her response. I can tell you that I LOVE when Jamie is on an emotional rollercoaster of uncertainty instead of being so sure of herself.

“Well, I would say that Mom had won because that last one I almost saw a snot bubble come out of your nose in shock, but if it’s untrue…” I let what I was saying linger.

“I just said I don’t know, Sir.” I could tell Jamie’s inner angel was telling her to step in and save mom from losing even before she said, “So I guess Mom should win”.

“Hahah, like it’s up to you two cunts who wins?” I giggled at their helplessness. “In truth, I would have liked to seen ‘career obsessed control freak’ or ‘narcissistic, self-absorbed, princess’ or even ‘little miss can’t be wrong’. You two took much safer choices than the exercise really called for.”

I could tell from a sparkle in my mom’s eye she was taking mental notes for next time the game was played. Dad jumped in to back me up “Yeah, judging who won this one is like picking which Kardassian has the best tits - It’s really none of them - Rahjid, what do you say?”

“Okay, I am in agreement with what you are saying,” Rahjid was actually delighted beyond words and was willing to take a back seat to us.

“Did you two twats learn anything from this?” I asked.

“Yes Sir, we will be more obedient and more willing to admit our shortcomings and that of each other. It was a good experience. Thank you for that, I have been focused on my own problem areas, but it might help to do this with Ass Face more often.” My mom was the first to answer.

“I think some of my tricks may be offended by some of what is written on me, Sir” Jamie nodded in agreement with her mom but pointed out her concern.

“A valid observation, dipshit. You will have to use some of that outgoing charm of yours to convince them that you mean it in the best possible way when you say you love nigger cock.” Even I felt a little uncomfortable saying that out loud once I said it, but Jamie and Wendy nodded in agreement with it.

“Not all blacks are niggers, and not all niggers are black” I could hear the scratchy voice of Ronnie off in the distance puffing a cigarette. Her tone was totally casual as if what we were doing was perfectly normal and she had absolutely no qualms with it.

“Valid point, thank you Ronnie,” I said in reply.

“Aint no thang to me,” Ronnie seemed completely unflappable as she walked up and down the sidewalk.

“Okay, let’s get these two a little shit and piss break, and then we’ll give them the treat we brought back and they can start working again.” Dad was always the pragmatic one to keep us on schedules and this was no exception.

“Aren’t you two lucky you’ve got us keeping you on schedule? Thank us”

“Thank you Master” Jamie and Wendy were back in position one with their hands pulling their cheeks apart as they said that together.

“Thank me for what?” I asked Jamie to elaborate.

“For disciplining us when we are bad, and motivating us to be good whores for you, Master.” Jamie said without hesitation.

“Dad, do you mind taking Ass Face for walkies, I really need to drain the main vein, and Mom won the foot race, so she gets to shit on a toilet like a grown-up with dignity for a change.” I asked.

“I didn’t think fat-ass would win, but yeah go on ahead Son.”

“C’mon fat-ass,” I swatted my mom’s ass and she turned to follow me back to their rented cabana.

“Yes Sir,” She walked behind me as I laughed “Which one stung the most?”

She waited until Jamie was out of earshot before answering “Probably career obsessed control freak, Sir.”

“Aww that’s sweet, but I mean of what Jamie wrote,” I could see over my shoulder that Rahjid had stayed with Dad to watch Jamie squat at the pool area and take her shit out there on that weed-infested patch of lawn surrounding it.

“I guess I will have to think on that Sir,” Mom admitted.

Women know how to hurt each other’s feelings in ways men can only hope to stumble upon accidentally. However, the bond between these two had grown so much sharing this training that I can’t expect them to really dig down deep and get mean. I think there had been a little spark tonight though of that competitive edge that drives them – I will have to play with that more.

When we walked into the mildewed cabana I smiled ‘charming’ and walked over to the toilet. It was one large efficiency room. If there had ever been a time this motel was intended for normal people, it would have been interesting anytime anyone had to take a shit that everyone else just left the room so they could have a little privacy.

I sat down on the toilet and made mom wait in front of me. I could tell by the look on her face her instincts told her that it was rude of me to do it but she submissively smiled and stood there obediently.

“Turn around and spread your cheeks for me, position two.” I ordered absent mindedly while I relieved myself.

She did as she was told and I pulled out her butt plug and stuck it in her mouth. Then I fished around with my finger in her ass while I finished up “I can feel a few turd balls in there, you two are regular shit factories. You just went right before we left the house.”

It was obviously a few hours since then, but time sure flies when you are having fun.

“Yes Sir, we are.” she said with her lips holding the butt plug clenched between her teeth so that it sounded muffled.

I love listening to them struggle to answer me like that, and further I love it when the drool from her gag drips down her chin and down her chest –it makes them look like such stupid sluts. That is a really nice visual because they were such proud and arrogant bitches for so long before all of this.

When I was finished, I thought about making her wipe me but decided that might be humiliating for me as well. I ripped a rather large fart and laughed, “A fart is just a wish your ass makes.”

My mom smiled at me but in that sort of 'pleasing' way that told me she wasn't feeling my comedy. She was probably having one of those long internal conflicted debates of hers she seems to have – that or maybe I am just not always as hilarious as I think I am.

I let her sit down, took the butt plug out of her mouth and asked, “How does that feel?”

“Well Sir, it feels really nice. I haven’t had a chance to use the toilet for quite a while now, it is very re..” it was very satisfying to see the look on her face as I stuck my dick in her mouth while she finished her thought mumbling ‘--freshing.”

“Just because your bottom two holes are busy emptying all that piss and shit you cart around with you, doesn’t mean your top hole should be doing nothing but talking, don’t you agree?”

She nodded yes, but then I was pulling her by the hair, so that could have just been me forcing her up and down throttling my dick.

It is good to be the king.