The Family Feud IV

Chapter Two
Luck rhymes with Fuck

Get out of jail cards: 1
WHORE: 1,3,0,0,0

Get out of jail cards: 1
WHORE: 4,3,0,0,0

The trip to the flea market in the cool Sunday morning air was a brisk one for Chris and Bill who sat comfortably in the air conditioned cab of Bill’s air conditioned Ford Ranger. It wasn’t as comfortable for Jamie and Wendy who were now hunkered down, sandwiched between boxes in a metal dog crate. They were sitting back to back on their butts with nothing but a little bit of their skirt to protect them from the cold metal bars. Their arms had been interlinked and they were cuffed at the wrist so they couldn’t squirm around.

Bill didn’t bother gagging them. His impulse told him that would make it more humiliating for them but there was a practical reason to leave them ungagged. He had noticed by leaving them some time to talk things out together they had a tendency to work out problems they might ordinarily want to come to him to mediate and figure out the solution too.

He hadn’t given them a choice to wear their chastity belts but he had brought them just in case he decided they might be appropriate.

The girls had been riding in the back of the truck since the education began but this was the first time things were quiet enough they could talk while the vehicle was in motion. The boxes were blocking out what the other drivers could see and the noise from the wind.

“Thank goodness for small favors,” Wendy quipped. She was unable to see her daughter’s face in the position they were in but she knew Jamie was quick enough to notice the boxes were acting as a natural barrier to the elements as well.

“Some morning this is turning out to be, Thelma?” Jamie answered her mother and made a reference to ‘Thelma and Louise’. The two had often joked about the ending of the movie where the two women joined hands and drove off the cliff rather than surrender. It had been a metaphor for how they both felt at times about their recent choices to submit to Bill and Chris.

“Yeah Louise, I kind of wanted to talk to you about the whole ‘Fuck me’ thing this morning. What was that all about?” Her mother was talking about how Jamie had volunteered to have sex for additional stars. This had been foremost on her mind to talk about.

“Well, it seems like we were doing almost everything anyway, I figured might as well?” Jamie offered naively.

“What? Don’t you want your first time having sex to be special?” Wendy asked with surprised concern.

“Was yours with Dad?”

“Well your Dad wasn’t my first.” Wendy admitted with a little embarrassment. “Thinking back, it wasn’t particularly special either. I just wanted so much more for you. I can’t believe you agreed to fuck people for a star?”

“Can it really be much more difficult than sucking their dicks?” Jamie had a point, but it still seemed a little naïve to Wendy.

“Two sweaty bodies coming together to slam into each other, pulling hair, feeling and groping?” Wendy made a counter point.

“Other than the cock actually going in, they are doing that now, Mom.”

The word “Mom” made Wendy uneasy. It felt so surreal to be tied up in a cage with another girl who was calling her mom. She had found it easier to think of Jamie more like a ‘partner in crime’ or just a partner at times. Hearing the word ‘mom’ brought it back just as it did when Chris often said it.

“Maybe you should consider telling your Dad you weren’t serious and were answering when you were horny?”

“How do you know I was horny?” Jamie’s voice carried the smile she was making even if her mom couldn’t see it.

“Honey, I am a woman and your mother. I can tell you’ve been horny and oversexed a lot lately, even when I shave you.”

“I am sorry about that, Mom.” Jamie sounded a little more contrite in her response.

“It isn’t anything to be sorry about. I’d rather you be taking things in stride like this and actually having fun with it than pissing and moaning or crying. I am actually surprised about how brave you are being.” Wendy gave her daughter a compliment and there was a quiet pause while that sank in.

“Maybe I could just beg him to let me take it up the butt, until I get a chance to have my first with someone I like?”

Wendy hadn’t expected her daughter to say anything like that. She had been raised to think of anal sex as taboo and something only dirty girls did. She knew her daughter’s generation joked that if they lost a video game that ‘they just got raped’ and were a lot looser with terms about anal sex. There had even been a sign on the wall at the school that said ‘Good Girls Swallow’ and underneath it read ‘fight bulemia’. At the time she saw it she thought it was wholly inappropriate but she was realizing that her daughter’s generation saw anal sex as an alternative to teen pregnancy and had taken away the stigma she had been raised with.

“You have to make up your own mind, Jamie.” She let that hang in the air for a little while before adding “I think you should ask whoever does it first to be someone who will take it slow and knows how to do it.”

“How is it when Dad fucks you in the ass, Mom?” Jamie asked plainly but in her typically innocent and peppy manner.

There was that uncomfortable feeling again around the back of Wendy’s neck and leading down her spine. She had never been fucked in front of Jamie but there was no point in denying she hadn’t been fucked there. She also knew her father insisted they speak as vulgarly as possible and without euphemisms and her daughter could be a stickler about following rules.

“Your father is pretty rough with me, but he has been training my asshole to be wider and so I am used to it. I am lucky if he spits on my asshole before he crams it in.” Wendy smiled as she delivered her honest answer.

“Do you think I should ask Dad to break me in?” Jamie’s question made Wendy even more uneasy. Wendy’s silence while forming her response served to make Jamie equally as uneasy.

“I hate to say it, but I think actually he would like that.” Wendy answered carefully. “What about Chris?”

“Gross!” Jamie teased her mom and shifted her weight to punctuate her response. She was kidding “Has Chris fucked you in the ass?” she asked her mother.

“No, he is obsessed with touching it, pinching it, watching it, squeezing it, seeing me fart and blow bubbles with it, watching us shit, but no, he hasn’t.” Wendy wasn’t lying. She had been fucked many times in the ass in the last week but Chris hadn’t been one of the many guys who had plunged her bowels with his cock.

“Do you think if I beg dad to take my asshole cherry, that you would be willing to do me a favor and beg Chris so it doesn’t seem so awkward?”

Wendy was quiet once again for a little while as if lost in thought. The silence was killing Jamie as she waited without being able to turn around and look at her mother’s face. There was a brief sigh and finally Wendy said “The things I do for my kids…yes, I will.”

Jamie felt a little awkward about the conversation and the two of them let there be silence for a long while. They both felt a sore aching in their nipples from the milking they had been given and they both wanted to bring that topic up but neither had known where to start. They both needed time to think about how they felt. They both had felt somewhat betrayed and tricked by the ‘vitamins’ they had been taking but they had both found the experience of being milked to be a mixed bag of pain and pleasure that had been playing with the dopamine levels in their brain and hormones normally reserved for the joys of motherhood and they were confused by an activity that should seem degrading beyond description leaving them feeling something other than just degraded.

The truck was slowing down as they neared the Flea Market on the far side of town where mostly poor people and prostitutes lived. Wendy could see a trailer park from the side of the road and an abandoned quarry. “Wow, I wonder how many kids drown swimming in that thing every year?” she asked out loud.

“That is kind of a macabre observation, Mom.” Jamie noted.

“True, I guess just looking at that Trailer Park, I don’t think there is any place for the kids that live there to play. When I was that age, I know my brother and sister and I would have gone in there to play Cowboys and Injuns or Cops and robbers or something.”

Jamie couldn’t see what her mom could see between the boxes because they were both facing away from one another. Her mom said “Someone spray painted an F over the ‘Buckman Acres’ sign. That is funny.” She giggled as the truck pulled off the side of the road.

“I think we are here!” Jamie sounded excited.

Even though it was early when they left by Flea Market time, when they arrived the stands were already bustling with customers and people hawking their old junk.

The beat up old drive-in movie had the name of a movie that had not been in theaters for at least five years on a sign that may not have been changed in the same amount of time. The parking lot was just a field of rocky gravel with some wild flowers growing in patches here and there.

Bill and Chris got out of the truck but left them where they sat. That made Wendy and Jamie nervous and there was an uncomfortable silence as the two wondered if they had forgotten about them.

After ten minutes the guys came back to the truck and drove around the parking lot a little more. When they stopped they moved just enough boxes to unlock and untie the girls. “We got a booth, it’s I-69.” Chris laughed as he told the girls their lot number. They weren’t sure how to respond but both women politely smiled as if that was funny to them.

Bill ordered them to start unloading boxes and setting up folding tables. He insisted they bend at the waist as they did while the two of them took it easy. “The more of a show you put on, the more customers stop by.”

An older gentleman walked past with his wife and put his hand to the side of his mouth to direct his comments to the guys, “You have it made! I wish my wife did all the work” he laughed as his wife slapped his shoulder in response to his joke.

“We are the brains, they are the beauty!” Bill offered his explanation for why he and Chris were sitting back in folding chairs with their shades on. “When you get the tent out, Chris and I will put that together for you.” He told his wife as if he were doing her a big favor.

The camping tent was still in its original packaging. It had been purchased over 15 years ago when Bill had the urge to ‘take the family camping’. As things often do, life got in the way and those vacations never materialized, with family visits and cheerleading camp and jobs taking priority. They had never used the tent and as Bill set it up he was kind of glad. It was a very complicated affair with lots of poles and screws that had to be put together in an exact order.

It was just the kind of thing to make him feel ‘manly’ as he grunted and refused to look at the instruction sheet. Chris laughed that the entire thing could probably have been a lot more user friendly.

“You miss the point then of setting up a tent. It is just you against the wild.”

“The settlers had nylon tents from Brookstone, Dad?” Chris asked skeptically and his dad just gave him a funny look in response as if to say ‘touche’.

It took them as long as it took the girls to get the tables set up to put up the tent. “I was hoping to sell your milk here, but you two can’t squirt out enough between you to fill up a thimble I’d imagine.” Bill had a hastily written sign that said “Fresh Breast Milk One Dollar” he had made the night previously.

“Sorry to disappoint Sir.” Wendy tried to keep the sarcasm from her voice as she finished her sentence and she realized now was not the time to be cute.

Chris was already smelling the fried foods wafting from a snack booth only a few aisles down. Sausage and green peppers, deep fried onion rings were predominant and he was getting hungry again.

“Damn boy, you just had breakfast.”

“I know, and I am not asking to go. I can smile about the delicious smell can’t I?” He asked his father with a smile on his face like a bear who just got all the honey he wanted.

“Yeah, life is pretty good right now. Go on and smile, Son.” Bill and Chris sat back in the chairs while the women stood. They knew better than to ask to sit or assume they could without being told. There was a brisk amount of people walking down their aisle but more people checked out the girls than they did the merchandise. The girls weren’t completely out of place here in their trailer park queen outfits, they actually fit in pretty well.

The flea market was not unlike the fair in the kind of people who it generally attracted - Poor white trash mostly.

There were garish signs and everything from oriental swords to Latino CDs available on the many different aisles of the flea market.

“Son, why don’t you take the truck and go pick us up a few things.” Bill asked Chris.

Bill had never let Chris drive the truck and he was smiling but confused. “You are going to let me drive the truck, Dad?”

“You know how don’t you?”


“Okay” Bill gave him a list of things he wanted him to pick up and Chris left with a purpose to his stride. It wasn’t long after he did they got their first interested customer. He was an older man wearing a fishing hat and smoking a pipe. “Seems they got you on row I, do they?” He asked Jamie.

“Yes Sir, they do?” She answered with more of a question, implying she wasn’t sure what his point was.

“Just trying to make conversation, no need to get all huffy.” and he walked away.

“You had BETTER be more accommodating to the customers!” Bill snapped as he walked away.

His daughter answered dutifully, “Yes Sir, I am sorry!”

“Too late for that, get in the tent, ten swats and an attitude adjustment.” Bill was making no bones about the fact that the girls were still under discipline and they could expect an infraction, which was the lightest level of punishment he used on a regular basis, to keep them in check.

As she turned to walk in, the old man came back. “I am sorry. I didn’t mean to get the girl in trouble.” He puffed his pipe. “She is actually more respectful than most her age.”

“Tell you what, if you buy something she doesn’t get a spanking. How is that?” Bill said jokingly.

“How much do I have to buy in order to watch?” the man answered back with the same joking tone and a hearty laugh. He reminded Bill of one of those old vaudevillian comedians like Milton Berle or Phil Silvers. He had a worldliness about him, tempered with a grin.

“Ten bucks” Bill answered and when the man answered ‘sold’, Bill stood there waiting for him to pick out what he was going to buy.

Bill had marked most of Wendy and Jamie’s stuff for far less than it was worth. This could have been subconscious on his part but charging just ten bucks to watch his daughter be spanked was making him hard just thinking about how it made his daughter feel. That she was being treated like a cheap whore.

“You are serious?” The old man answered skeptically.

“Sure, for twenty you can watch me spank the wife too.” Bill had a goofy grin on his face.

The old man considered this offer - seemingly weighing the pros and cons. He reached for his billfold and took out a crisp twenty dollar bill and handed it to Bill without a word.

“Pick out anything you want on the table.” Bill answered.

“I don’t want any of this crap,” He said dismissively. “Were you serious about spanking them?” The old man answered in a hushed tone as if someone might over hear even though as busy as the market was it wasn’t likely.

“Let’s do one at a time, because someone has to be out here to watch our stuff.”

“Trust me, it’s not going anywhere.” The old man answered glibly and followed Bill and Jamie into the tent.

Jamie stepped out of her skirt and took the top off with practiced precision revealing nothing underneath. She did so in anticipation of the order and her father smiled at the old man to reassure him it was no trick.

“I thought you might not be wearing panties.” The old man looked at her with a disgusted expression but one that reminded her of Mrs. Waxerman. The kind that says with the eyes, ‘I want to see what you do next.”

Bill sat on a cot he had set up inside and told his daughter to get over his knee once she was completely naked. “Tell the nice man why you don’t wear panties.”

“I am not allowed to wear panties, because it teaches me humility. I used to act very prideful and now I am learning that my ass is not something special to hide away, it is exactly like everyone else’s.” As she lay across her father’s lap and bared her butt to him.

“I have seen quite a few derrieres in my day my dear, and I must say, though you have an especially delightful one it is marred by what is written there. The man delivered his compliment with the alliteration of Danny Kate delivering a clever tongue twister. “If you don’t mind me asking, what is written across your backside?”

“It says Whore, Sir.” Jamie answered him.

“Stand up and show him.” Bill insisted.

As she stood up to face her ass towards him, she spread her cheeks so that he could have a good look at her tattoo. The man blanched and said, “That isn’t necessary, really.” then he made googly eyes as he took a deep, long look. If Jamie had seen his expression, she might have even giggled because it was such a comic double take.

“I behave like a whore, and this is to remind anyone who sees me not to treat me with respect or kindness.” She said demurely. It was an explanation she had given many times in affirmations to her father and brother when asked the same question.

“Mister, you got your work cut out for you!” The guy introduced himself as, “Buddy Sales, my last name is Sales, and that is what I do.” He handed Bill a business card that said simply “Buddy $ales” on a white card stock.

Bill didn’t think much of the card or the name and set it to the side. He returned his daughter to her position over his knee and began to spank her, driving the flat of his hand down as hard as he could. Jamie had been given enough spankings in the past week that it still fazed her, but it wasn’t making her cry. She counted each one out “One, thank you Sir” and only on the fourteenth strike when she had let her legs move further apart did she cry out as her father’s hand came down hard on her wet pussy.

When he finished giving her twenty he told her to thank the nice man for the donation and send her mother into the tent.

“Thank you Sir for watching me be punished. It was rude of me to take that tone with you and I hope that my embarrassment at my father’s hands in front of you atones in a small way for my treating you that way.” She could have said complete gibberish because Buddy was lost drinking in her youthful naked form and the rosy pink ass cheeks as she hastily pulled on her clothes as if savoring the fleeting drops of the last of his water in the desert.

“Mom, it’s your turn.” Jamie said as she flipped open the tent door to walk out. The sudden change in tone from demure apology to a more light hearted, ‘okay your turn to get yours’ was lost on the men inside but not her mother. Wendy slapped her daughter on the butt playfully in response as if to answer sarcastically ‘rub it in!’ with her touch.

Wendy hadn’t completely wiped the playful banter off her face that her and her daughter had quickly as she entered through the tent flap. When she walked in to see the two men soberly staring at her, “May I ask what I am being punished for, Sir?” she asked her husband as she stepped out of her clothes with the same precision of movement her daughter had moments before.

“Did you raise an ungrateful, thoughtless daughter who is rude to her betters?”

Wendy wanted to make a joke and ask if he had as well. She knew that wouldn’t help the situation so she straightened her shoulders and answered, “Yes Sir, I did and I am being punished for that every day.”

“So why should today be any exception lovely lady?” Buddy was smiling like a hungry man looking at a steak as he watched the bounce and shift of Wendy’s large tits as she took her position over Bill’s knee.

“Do you want to do this one?” Bill offered Buddy a chance to spank his wife.

“Are you kidding? With my Arthritis I would barely tickle her - You be my guest.” The elderly man had a trace of a Brooklyn accent that reminded Bill of Mel Brooks.

Bill repeated the spanking of his wife with the same force he had used on Jamie. His hand got numb as she counted, “Twelve, Thank you Sir!”

“At home, I have paddles for this. Sorry but I need to rest my hand for a second.” Without a second thought to the red bottom that was stinging in his lap.

“It must be tough out here having to rough it.” Buddy joked with Bill. He was in no hurry for him to continue, preferring instead to watch Wendy’s tits bounce as she faced the tent floor on her husband’s lap.

Bill didn’t answer instead he brought his hand down to finish off the remaining eight slaps to his wife’s ass although the last few seemed much lighter. It wasn’t because he had felt sorry for his wife. It was only because he had worn out his hand spanking her.

When Wendy composed herself she apologized as she had heard her daughter do. “I am sorry my daughter is such an ungrateful whore like me and that you had to be party to our punishment, Sir.” She offered him a curtsy as she had practiced dipping gracefully with one bent knee before getting permission to get dressed and leave the tent.

Bill escorted the man out of the tent and noticing several other customers, hastily said goodbye before the old man could get in a parting witty remark. Bill had marked down all the things that meant a lot to Wendy and Jamie but he had equally marked the things that mattered to him up. The family ‘heirlooms’ seemed like ‘family junk’ to the shrewd early morning shoppers at the flea market.

Bill had left most of his very prized possessions back at Rahjid’s motel weeks ago. He was sure no one would care

about his old sports memorabilia so it really didn’t matter to him anyway at this point. He reflected about how

Things seemed to have changed.

“You know it’s odd,” Bill said in a moment of self-genuflection to his wife and daughter. “A week from now was supposed to be the ‘Annual Internet Forum Users Meeting’. The people off my internet forum, get together and have pizza and shoot the shit and meet face to face.”

Bill had been talking to these people for years. He had often argued about politics, sports, religion history and things he really knew nothing about and cared even less about. He would see someone express an opinion and it gave him some satisfaction to disprove their theory or offer a counter point. He would argue, sometimes at length, and it had long since stopped being about the sharing of opinions to reach a consensus and more about humiliating the other person.

When he lost his jobs months earlier he had turned increasingly to his forum as a place to relieve his frustrations about growing older and losing his place in the household as breadwinner. His arch nemesis, ‘Graymalkin’ was always counter-opposed to everything Bill had said under his nom du plume, ‘Iceman5142’. Gray had gone to Bill’s rival high school twenty years earlier and claimed to have seen the final game that meant so much to Bill as a senior. He also claimed Bill had never been named MVP and won the game ball.

Bill had been looking forward to travelling 80 miles to attend the internet forum meeting this year to show his rival the game ball signed by the coach and the old super8 tape of the game. That wouldn’t be possible now that they were in such dire economic straights and his stuff was locked up in Rahjid’s storage some place, pending his paying of the bill he ran up at the motel.

“It really doesn’t matter” He said honestly. His priorities had shifted in the last week. He no longer felt the need to take his frustrations out on the strangers of Facebook and the internet forums. He had his wife and daughter for that. He had more than that though. He had this new closeness to them. He had just made them feel like complete heels and humiliated them, but he didn’t feel guilty about it. He knew they were being good sports about the whole thing but there was something more to this new relationship. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it- A closeness the family had now that they faced these shared hardships together that they never had before. The internet forum seemed childish by comparison now.

“What? Oh how much for these wooden coasters? Well if you don’t use a coaster on the furniture in our living room, my wife will give you a face. Give them the face, Wendy.” Bill was jarred awake from his thoughts to answer the question of some customer about the price of coasters. His wife glared at the customer menacingly but they only laughed assuming it was a joke.

“Ten cents” Bill offered and they handed him a dime and walked off with the corkwood stack of coasters.

“Sir, if you don’t mind me saying, we’ll never get what we need at this rate.” Wendy hadn’t told her husband they were heading for a financial meltdown for days while he over spent. She had agonized that he had taken the mantle of leadership of the family and that included their finances and he must have had a plan. When he discovered they were broke his initial reaction was ‘why didn’t you tell me?’

After her punishment at his hands and a lengthy discussion, Wendy now had a mandate to offer respectful concerns dealing with financial matters.

“Good point, here comes your son now with my solution to that.” Bill noted eagerly as he stuck the dime in his pocket.

“I got it, Dad!” Chris had whip cream, pie tins, markers and some cardboard.

“You remember Lucy who used to give advice for a nickel?” Bill asked his wife and daughter rhetorically. “You’ll be giving hugs for a dollar.” He quickly wrote, ‘Hugs $1, everything else negotiable’ on a sign that he hung on the front of his merchandise tables.

The first few customers looked at the sign and grinned but no one asked about them. The girls were getting lusty glances and looks from teenage boys to old men and angry leers from jealous women shoppers. They weren’t getting much in the way of sales though.

“Okay, phase two is the pie sale. One of you will be the pie maker and one of you will take her turn poking her head out the tent window.”

Bill volunteered Jamie to get inside the tent, stripped her naked and cuffed her hands behind her back - “Never leave home without them”. He patted her on the butt and walked out to the front where only her head could be seen through the canvas tent window.

He hung a sign “Homemade pies to eat $1 or throw at my ungrateful teenager” under her head. Then he showed Wendy how to make a ‘home made pie’ by using whip cream only and filling a pie tin. “Try to recycle these, we only have about thirty.”

“Wow, this is like ‘Revenge of the Nerds’!” Chris laughed as he pinched his sister’s cheeks. “Except I think in that one the Delta Pi’s had naked pictures at the bottom of the pie tins.”

Jamie’s face blanched at the thought of being a human target for their twisted games, but she kept up her positive smile and lifted her chin as if it only mildly annoyed her to be stuck with her head through the window of the tent.

Bill thought about the logistics of that and declared it was improbable as they waited for customers. He was surprised people seemed to think it was a joke. There were interested gawkers who walked up to ask what she did wrong. “Talked back to my dad and brother, Sir” Her pathetic answers didn’t illicit sympathy from people at the flea market. They had their own unruly teenagers or were themselves and their response was usually derisive laughter and a quick glance at the Taylor junk.

The stuff that was underpriced seemed like it must be of very low quality to be priced so low and the stuff that was overpriced just scared off any other customers. The Taylor’s had been there for almost an hour and had forty dollars in profits to show for it – which after their lot rental fees and the supplies for the pie toss, that was going to be a wash.

A young blonde toe-headed boy walked up with his family as bold as could be to Jamie and asked “Kissing booth?”

“Sure, Buy a pie and you can kiss my sister.” Chris answered for his pouty sister. Jamie tried not to look pathetically helpless about it and gave him a wink and an inviting smirk, instead.

The young boy didn’t get a chance to answer because his seven older brothers emerged as if from nowhere to take him up on that offer. The older brothers were big teenagers with the same physical build as Chris. The first one handed him a dollar, took a pie from Wendy and threw it hard in Jamie’s face.

“Suh-PLAT!” The white cream pie had hit its mark dead to center only a few feet away and completely covered Jamie’s face and hair. “I can kiss her now?” The older teenager asked plainly. Jamie for all her false courage remained calm in the face of the public humiliation she had only just begun to endure.

Jamie had her eyes closed - her pretty face completely obliterated by white cream. She puckered her lips in response to his question and the teenagers in line chuckled in response.

There is a famous line from Forrest Gump that said, “Whenever you see a line, stand in it. You never know where it may lead!” There is some truth to that idea because when people see a line, they suddenly become interested and may want to stand in it themselves. That is exactly what started to happen as boy after boy lined up to have a throw at Jamie and then give her a kiss.

They’d usually wipe the cream directly off her lips and leave her hair matted with it and the rest of her face covered. Then they’d awkwardly plant a kiss on her lips and if they opened their mouth, she’d open hers. She had done nine rounds of this before the little boy who had started the whole interest finally had enough and shouted “Hey I didn’t get a turn!”

Wendy bent down and gave the whining boy a smooch on the lips that was hardly provocative in response to the irate young man. His response was to launch one of the pies meant for Jamie directly into Wendy’s face. “I didn’t get my throw.”

The spectacle caused a wave of laugher over the twelve or so spectators who were either in line or just enjoying watching what was happening.

“Hey, I’d open up a second window, but the tent only has one window in the front.” Bill consoled the crowd about the wait.

“We can pie the mom, too?” One of the older boys asked in disbelief.

“Yah, but it still costs a dollar.” Bill answered as if things were perfectly normal. The nonchalance in his responses only served to humiliate Wendy further. She felt they were talking about it as if she were a prop or a toy to be played with if there was space.

Every third or fourth pie aimed at her daughter’s face was suddenly turned on Wendy who was standing right next to them and sploshed into her face once it became obvious she was fair game. She would awkwardly wait for them to kiss her after unexpectedly ambushing her with a pie to the face, and with the exception of the first kiss, everyone also groped a little ass or boobs as they collected an open mouth kiss.

Bill had discovered himself a gold mine, if he could keep the interest up in his line. After the initial dozen or so spectators had their kiss it was starting to die out. Bill was doing his best imitation of “Medieval Steve”, the carnival barker who had only nights before run a successful ‘tomato pillory’ to torment the girls for money at the county fair.

The same kind of demographic that comes to the county fair seems to be a large portion of the flea market customer base - questionable personal hygiene, 1980s fashion sense, flaired hair, large belt buckles, boots with skirts, hoochie skirts on the women and wrangler jeans on the men.

“Hey from behind the tent, you can see the daughter has no clothes on.” One of the earlier customers who had been peeking called out. He was at the back of the tent looking into one of the open window flaps.

Bill quickly went behind to quiet the calls as three of the boys joined the one who had discovered the perfect peeping spot. “Look, you guys can stay back here but you have to keep it on the down low. It costs a dollar for admission.” He hastily added the second stipulation.

“To see a butt? Mister we got the internet. She aint even shaking it.”

Bill went inside the tent and uncuffed his daughter and whispered in her ear. She understood his order and when her hands were free she began to play with her pussy while remaining bent over to receive kiss-pie-kiss-pie-kiss pie.

“There how is that?”

“Better, but not worth a dollar” The eldest boy, who reminded Bill of his own son just dressed in denim overalls, complained.

Bill went into the truck and found a station that played rap music and turned up the radio.

It was obvious to Jamie, the female rapper’s infectious beats were a signal to dance and bounce her ass and the accomplished dancer did just that as she continued to masturbate.

Gucci Gucci, Louis Louis, Fendi Fendi, Prada

The basic bitches wear that shit, so I don't even bother

I put that on my partner, I put that on my family

Oakland city representer, address me as your majesty

Yeah you can kiss the ring, but you can never touch the crown

I smoke a million Swisher blunts and I ain't never coming down

Bitch you ain't no Barbie I see you work at Arby's

Number 2, super-sized Hurry up I'm starving

Gnarly, radical, on the block I'm magical

See me at your college campus baggie full of Adderalls

Call me if you need a fix, call me if you need a boost

See them other chicken heads? They don't never leave the coop

Unlike Buddy $ales, the teenagers at the back of the tent didn’t need or desire any explanation for the surreal sexual spectacle. This may not even be that surprising, that some trailer park sluts were flashing their asses and selling kisses and they weren’t going to think too hard about what was motivating them. They handed over the extra dollar to watch the girl play with herself to rap music and a slow progression of young guys made their way back there. Chris stood watch to play, “Door man” while the guys at the back of the tent egged Jamie on.

Jamie was ordered to masturbate herself and given the way the piercings made her feel anyway this was an overly authentic chance for her to play with herself. She shook her ass for the guy’s sake, but each time she pushed down and rubbed her clit in a steady circle she felt the overwhelming urge to moan. This was good news for the men who kissed her because as she released the euphoric hormones from her good-feelings of masturbating into her body she threw herself into the kisses and sucked the air from their mouths or would playfully hold their tongues in her mouth for some of the cuter boys.

Jamie’s eyes suddenly went wide after twenty minutes of constant masturbation. “Daddy, I mean Sir!! Oooh please come in the tent!” She sounded like she had just broke something. Her face was caked with fresh whip cream and it was all down her hair and shoulders as she stood up to point to her ripe, shapely teenage tits. A small amount of milk was leaking from them “Oh my god, what is happening?”

“It’s nothing, jeezus, you act like your fucking broken.” Bill summoned his wife inside the tent and stuck his head out the flap to assure the six or seven people currently in line that it would just be a moment. “Get undressed and lick your daughter’s nipples, I’ll do your job and make the pies”.

Wendy was shocked when she involuntarily joked, “Are you gonna kiss em too?” She coiled herself awaiting Bill’s heavy handed response at the joke that had just slipped out of her lips. Bill only laughed and told her to hurry up as he smiled at his wife’s creamy white face to get back to the counter.

Wendy waved at the five guys standing behind the tent who had either kissed her or her daughter minutes earlier before collecting behind the tent for the show. They shrunk back when she acknowledged them. It occurred to Wendy that it seemed to make it more enjoyable if they felt they were peeping so she ignored them from that point and disrobed careful so as not to get the whip cream on her clothes.

Then she got under Jamie who was back in position and masturbating and started to lick her nipples delicately.

“I am the one they call cow tits ya know.” Wendy whispered to her daughter conspiratorially.

“Don’t make me crack up.” Jamie whispered back in between awkward kisses and a pie to the face. “My boobs are so sore.”

“They do seem bigger and more full. I hadn’t noticed until this morning. I just thought it was that I had never really seen you topless before all this began and the way the piercings elongate your nipples”

A wave of orgasmic panic shivered through Jamie’s delicate body as goose bumps appeared on her rib cage from her mother’s teasing licks of her tits and words. “Should we be worried they are treating us like guinea pigs and now I’ve got milk leaking from my boobs?” Jamie’s question was half concern and half-humorous. The fact that she was finally getting bigger boobs made it easier to contemplate.

Wendy had moved the cot so she could lay under her daughter who was bent over so her head can stick out the window. She began to masturbate herself with one hand while she caressed her daughter’s back with the other and used her tongue to titillate her nipples.

“Well Mom?” Jamie asked

“Hmm?” Wendy was in her own little world.

“Never mind.”

The two put on a show, and even switched places in the window for the next forty minutes until someone from the flea market came and shut down the pie window/kissing booth. Bill even offered them blowjobs from both his wife and daughter but they weren’t interested. The quiet man didn’t know about the tent window peep show in the back. He had complaints from other vendors and he only cared about quieting things down.

“Wow, I am surprised we didn’t get kicked out.” Bill joked to his son who was standing on one side of the tent making sure no one whipped out their dicks and started masturbating and everyone paid.

“Yeah, I am not sure what you have to do at the flea market to get kicked out, but apparently this was not enough.” Chris laughed in response.

Without the kissing booth in the front to draw new customer,s the back of the tent peep show soon faded down to one viewer and when Chris asked for another dollar to keep viewing he tucked himself in his jeans and left as well.

“That was good, but we still haven’t moved our merchandise.” Bill checked on his wife and daughter who were oblivious to the fact that there was no show. They were kissing and touching as they lay on the bed together intently looking into each other’s eyes.

“Hey I hate to interrupt your make out session, but we have work to do!” Bill put his hands on his hips.

The girls seemed more embarrassed that they hadn’t noticed he had been watching and had to be reminded to stop than they had about doing it together in the first place.

“I get it, I know it’s just an act for me and Chris because you know we like it, but you don’t have to enjoy it so much.” Bill said to the two girls who weren’t so certain that the last hour had been as much of an ‘act’ but neither were going to say anything if the other didn’t.

“Get your clothes on, and Chris will walk you down to the bathroom so you can clean up.”

Bill was counting the money as the two got dressed. Wendy had already come to this conclusion but Jamie was becoming aware of how humiliating it is to have very little charged for your services. If Bill had charged a hundred bucks to look at her ass or a thousand, it would have made her feel ‘high priced’, but at a dollar a peep, she felt like a cheap whore.

A part of her was disgusted about that, but another part accepted and even embraced the role she had to play. It was as if her self-esteem was so confused right now that being a slut actually awakened an adventurous feeling inside of her.

The two of them sashayed behind Chris as he escorted them to the bathroom at the flea market. The filthy concrete brick bathrooms were affixed to a food kiosk that sold the greasy foods that Chris loved so much. He was torn between eating or taking the two of them into the bathroom so he could supervise their clean up.

“The things I do because I love you so much.” Chris said jokingly but sweetly enough that Wendy and Jamie knew it was sincere. He hustled them into the men’s bathroom and other than the stench the one thing that dominated the room was a trough that served as a long urinal to serve as many guys as could crowd around it. The stainless steel tube running along the top washed it all down with a tiny trickle of water.

‘Sinks out of order’ sign was covered in dirt. It had been there for weeks -both toilet stalls were embarrassingly stopped up with toilet paper and filth. “Can we use the girl’s bathroom, Sir?”

“What, you expect ME to go into the girl’s bathroom?” Chris answered “There is still water” he pointed to the trickling stream running down the metal trough urinal.

Wendy’s mouth popped open in surprise at Chris’s stark order.

“Would you hesitate like that for Dad?” He asked as he started to evolve his expression from sweetly sadistic to serious and sadistic. “You think if water came out of that sink it’d be any more clean than that trough?”

Wendy looked at the sink covered in dirt and realized that the stainless trough actually seemed like a cleaner option. She reached her hand in to it to gather some of the cold water for her face.

“Get undressed first! I don’t want you getting your outfits as wet as your pussies.”

“Yes Sir” Wendy and Jamie answered as they stepped out of their skimpy clothes. They were defeated and offered no resistance. They picked a spot on one of the bathroom stalls that was relatively dirt and rust free to drape their clothes on as they stepped out of their shoes and wearing only their new dog collars washed themselves by hand.

“Do each other, you know the drill. You are a team.” Chris insisted the girls wash just like at home when they are forbidden to touch themselves. The original premise for that was that this way they don’t get off on touching themselves in the shower, but the original purpose had been a farce for Chris to watch his mom and sister playfully shower each other’s naked bodies under the running faucet at home.

There is one rule of fate that seems fairly consistent in the world. If you are trying to teach a kid how to use a bike in an empty parking lot, no matter how abandoned and out of use, someone will want to drive through at that time and make you nervous. Wendy didn’t remember teaching Chris to ride a bike but she remembered the old Church parking lot near their house when Jamie was little and how it seemed someone found a reason to cross the parking lot even though she had chosen the spot because the Church was empty.

That rule also applies to being naked in a public bathroom. It doesn’t matter how out of the way that bathroom is, but when you least want someone to come in – in they walk.

A 30 year old Mexican guy nodded at Chris as he saddled up at the urinal to relieve himself. Then he did a double take at Wendy and Jamie who must have been in the blind spot of the eye that prevents you from immediately noticing the two naked women washing themselves in the urinal right in front of you.

“Holy Shit, Mang!” He said after he recovered from being stunned by the sheer audacity of the two girls.

“You mind if they finish washing the white stuff off their faces?” Chris implied that it might be cum even though the mirky white cream looked more like wet shaving cream.

“What the fuck, Mang?” Was his answer as he stood with his dick in his hand watching the two embarrassed women washing each other. It had taken them a while to make as much progress as they cleaned off their faces and chest with the trickle of water, but now they were standing at the trough waiting for the man to finish pissing so they could continue.

“I am sorry Sir, if my daughter and I are offending you with our nudity. We got messy earlier and my son couldn’t very well go into the woman’s bathroom with us.” Wendy explained with a half-smile as seriously as she could. If even a week ago, when the idea of submitting to the men had been introduced, the thought of where she was right now had occurred to her she may never have agreed to this.

Standing naked in a dirty bathroom cleaning her daughter’s face, hair and leaky tits with her fingers from a urinal trough while a stranger tries to make sense of what he is seeing was not something she could have anticipated or imagined. A week later after all the humiliations, training, pain and sex and she couldn’t imagine a Sunday without something like this - She had to laugh at the notion.

“Why have you stopped washing?” Chris’s question was a strict reminder he had not given them permission to stop.

“Well we are downstream of the gentleman, I was waiting for him to finish.” Wendy pointed out that the shared trough had only a single drizzle of water and right now it was the color of yellow as the mustached and tattoed Hispanic man emptied his bladder into it.

“Is this like Candid Camera, Mang?” He started to shake his cock into a semi-circle in the universal ‘I’m done pissing’ movement and zipped himself up.

“No, it’s like two dumb whores who got messy, who think this bathroom is too good for them. taking their time because they are too lazy to get back to work. and think I’ll go easy on them if they drag this out.” Chris judged harshly. There wasn’t any truth to it but the stinger bit into Jamie and Wendy both.

“You are shitting me, you two are whores?” The big Mexican guy said, finally able to turn and drink the two of them in with his eyes.

“Yes Sir, my mom or I will suck your dick for money.” Jamie said trying to sound confident.

“How much?” The guy bit at the offer.

Chris asked for, “Twenty, take your pick, they are both good cock suckers”

“You two don’t look like whores. Your faces are way too pretty.” He was still skeptical as he took the twenty out of his wallet and handed it to Jamie who only motioned him to pay Chris. “He handles our money, Sir. We would only waste it.”

She dropped to her knees in front of him assuming he had selected her and unzipped his pants. He was still flaccid and his cock smelled of fresh piss but she put it in her mouth and began to work at it from the dirty tiled bathroom floor. He was still in disbelief as he tried to make sense of what was happening.

A man chose that particular moment to walk in and seeing the two naked women instantly turned on his heels to leave. “No it’s okay man, come on in.” the Mexican guy offered the stranger welcome to the bathroom.

The stranger walked in reluctantly, “Seems I am interrupting something, I’ll just wait outside.” He was an older white man in his late forties. He looked wholesome like a pillar of his community that might have stopped at the flea market after church.

“They are giving blowjobs for twenty bucks, Mang.” The Mexican guy laughed at his explanation. Wendy was watching her daughter and looked up to smile at him naked. Her face still creamy from the pies.

“Without condoms?” he asked skeptically

“Yeah man, why you got the HPV?” The Mexican answered cheerfully.

“I do not!” The forty year old sounded offended as he reached for his wallet to pay the Mexican man who was getting a vigorous dick massage. “No give it to the kid, he is their pimp.”

The man paid Chris, and after awkwardly trying to find a little privacy in the bathroom, settled for having Wendy, with her back to the far wall, squat down and take his dick out of his pants and make sweet love to it with her mouth.

Four more guys came in to the bathroom and two were customers, before once again the little old man who had shut down the pie throwing operation, peeked his head into the bathroom while Jamie and Wendy sucked dicks in the nude.

“Nuh-uh, you can’t do this in here.” Is all he said as he popped his head back out of the bathroom. The customers finished up as quickly as they could with one guy insisting on half his money back because he didn’t get to cum.

The flea market clerk, satisfied no one else was getting serviced in the bathroom, let the girls clean up, dress and leave without incident.

“Holy shit, what do we have to do to get kicked out of the flea market?” Chris asked his mom and sister as they walked out of the dirty bathroom almost a hundred dollars richer than when they walked in.

Jamie laughed at her brother’s comments, “I was thinking the same thing? I thought for sure we’d end up at Flea Market jail. Do you think that’s how we were able to get away with so much at the county fair?”

Wendy answered for Chris, “What? That trailer park people aren’t as uptight and don’t give as much a shit about what people do?” The answer was so plain and raw that it sounded more judgmental and less playful than Wendy wanted but it got the message home. Places like this tolerated women flashing tits and prostitutes because that was the kind of people who came to flea markets.

The t-shirts that said ‘My other ride is your mom’ and ‘I am proud to be a Rebel and if you love Obama you can kiss my balls’ on a confederate flag were on sale here because people that wore them shopped here. Chris even offered to buy a “If you think I am a whore, you should see my mom” shirt for Jamie but it was decided Bill would have a fit if they spent money instead of helped get out of the debt hole they were in.

They were walking through the maze of stalls selling everything from ‘As seen on TV’ wonder gadgets to auto parts and fake colognes without paying attention to the leers and glares they were getting from people. The people of the flea market might tolerate them and even accept them but dressed and acting as they were they were still going to gawk at them. The high heels kept the girls asses wriggling in their tiny skirts and the lack of bras only made their piercings poking through the flimsy half shirts they had on more apparent.

“I wanted to bring something up since it is just us three,” Wendy paused and asked Chris, “If it is okay with you Sir?” He shrugged and she continued, “I’ve known for a while your father has an annual internet forum meeting thing this coming weekend. He booked reservations for it months ago and I think one of the things bothering him about our money situation is now he isn’t going to get to go.”

Jamie caught a delighted wink from a perverted old man who was selling glassware and she winked back at him lasciviously before agreeing that was terrible that he’d miss it. She remembered him talking about it one year but had never paid much attention. “Doesn’t he go every year?”

“Well he always wanted to but between my job, your cheerleading and whatever you, Sir are doing, he never did” Wendy couched the ‘whatever’ Chris was doing in as polite a way she could.

“Hah, don’t sugar coat it Mom, yeah hang around on my fat ass – please continue with what you are trying to say, Cum gobbler”. He chuckled.

“I can’t believe I am saying this,” Wendy summoned up her courage, “We’ve already sucked a few cocks today and made some money. It shocks me I’ve been able to do all this without freaking out. I thought sucking dicks like a whore was as low as I could sink but now that I’ve done it, well I guess I can’t get lower.”

“For the first time today and probably the last time ever, I am going to tell you to ‘spit it out’.” Chris made a double entendre that brought wintry smiles across the girls’ faces urging his mom to get to the point.

“Just that if Jamie is willing, put us to work as your whores at the flea market and let’s make enough for your dad to go to the internet forum. It’s important to him and you are going to make us do it anyway, Sir.”

“Are you saying you enjoy being my whore, Mom?” Chris smiled at his mom.

She smiled back knowingly, “You may think I enjoyed being vulnerable, humiliated and naked in a dirty bathroom sucking cocks while you profited because it’s such a glamorous life, Sir,” she teased “and I will admit there was a certain adrenalin rush of doing the unspeakably dirty thing, but honestly I am asking you to pimp me out harder than you might be inclined, because I really think he deserves to go.”

“You don’t think I pimp you out hard?” Chris asked his mom acting wounded by her comment but tempering it with a smile to let her know he wasn’t serious.

“You pimp us hard, but for instance those three men over there,” Wendy indicated some young guys in denim overalls who were checking them out. “You could offer our mouths to them and we could probably do it behind one of the stalls before that freaky little man who runs the flea market comes out and tells us to stop, Sir.”

Jamie was smiling at her mom’s devilishness and how forward she was being about it.

“Why do I have to be the one to make the offer? Can’t you go over and seduce them?” Chris asked as he considered the young guys.

“I agree with Mom, it is a little easier when it feels like you are telling us we have too and making the decisions - I don’t know why.” She felt a little stupid and a whole lot slutty admitting that if her brother arranged it, she didn’t feel as weird about it.

“Well, it is true that I don’t want you two to get uppity and start making deals with people, especially you Ass Face, because you’ll probably promise them a blowjob every day for a week if they buy this one.” Chris was making reference to his sister’s predilection to offer them in the past to get out of sticky situations. “How about offering your ass and pussy?”

Wendy was about to explain what her and Jamie had talked about on the truck when Jamie stopped her. “You could, but I was going to beg you and Dad if I could only offer my ass for a little while, Sir?” Jamie looked at her brother intently

“Why? You aren’t on your period.” Chris knew that very well since he inspected her sweet pussy on a daily basis.

“I would like to save offering my pussy to someone special, and once I do that then I will surrender it to you to rent out, Sir.” Jamie answered succinctly but almost choked on the words as she heard herself say them out loud.

“For who, Bradley Jenkins?” He teased his sister.

“Maybe, Sir.” She answered playfully

“Fine, you can offer your ass and mouth only THIS time, but when we get back to the booth you are going to beg me and dad properly.” Chris decided like an executive planning his agenda as he strutted forward to the men.

Jamie wondered why she suddenly felt she had won a small victory now that she was about to get fucked in the ass for possibly the first time. Her mother gave her a reassuring glance as they both sauntered behind Chris towards the men.

They were slapping each other on the arms as if deciding who would speak first when the girls approached. They had obviously been staring hard at them in their trashy outfits and dog collars. They stood out in a sea of people dressed in trashy outfits. That was in part because in the face they didn’t have that hang-dog trailer park expression but still had the face of suburbanite, white-bread, middle America. Wendy and Jamie were both lookers and had sharply refined noses with high cheek bones that seemed to look out of place on bodies that were wearing revealing miniskirts and halter tops.

“My mom and sister were wondering if you’d like them to suck your dick.” Chris said plainly with a dead pan expression.

The three guys started to chuckle and slap each other more on the arms as if they had struck the lottery and none of them could speak.

“Twenty dollars for a BJ, fifty dollars to fuck one of them in the ass.” Chris laid out the price and the men suddenly became more wary.

“Sure, we pay you and you guys disappear with the money. We’ve heard this scam before.” Said one of the guys who was shorter than the other two, but may have been their leader.

Jamie confidently took his hand and guided it under her skirt very quickly and gave him a feel of her slit. “No scam, I’d really like to suck your dick Sir.” She performed her quaint southern accent that she had used at the fair for the guy since he seemed like a ‘Country Boy’ to her.

“Fine, half now and half after we bust a nut.” The guy answered shrewdly sizing up Wendy. “There are only two of you, so is this guy supposed to suck off Zeke?”

“No Sir, he is our pimp. He’ll hold the money and keep a watch out.” Wendy answered trying her best to emulate her daughter’s sexy accent and support their charade as whores. “He can fuck me while I blow one of you.”

“Oh I see, one of us has to pay the fifty?” The short man was getting more skeptical and he crossed his arm.

Chris took back over negotiations “Look, if you want to take turns with them sucking your dicks, it doesn’t matter if all three of you stick your dick in my mom’s mouth, you’ll all three cum for sixty bucks. Is it a deal?”

“That aint your real momma.” The man said skeptically as he and his friends put together thirty dollars in mostly wadded up ones and fives. Chris didn’t want to offend them by asking if they had all sixty because the deal was already tenuous and he thought he should be getting back to the family’s booth soon anyway.

Chris just nodded and followed the guys who led them out into the parking lot in broad daylight to their truck. Jamie and Wendy were already getting nervous about being led out into broad daylight behind the chuckling guys but gave each other confident glances for moral support as they thought about the oral support they’d soon be giving.

The three hopped into the truck’s cab and Jamie and Wendy followed. They usually rode in the back of their father’s truck and it felt strangely alien to both of them to be inside the cab. “Who wants who to do what, Sirs?” Wendy asked and the men answered by awkwardly unzipping themselves without taking down their denims.

Wendy took the leader in the driver’s seat by reaching for his cock and pulling it out. She noticed none of them were willing to look down for fear of seeing the others cock. Wendy noted how she could get used to seeing Jamie’s nudity but men had such a hang up about it.

The guy in the ‘hump’ seat of the truck was the one they called Zeke and Wendy used her other hand to expertly begin to pump his semi-hard cock.

This left Jamie to kneel at the guy in the window seats dick and begin to serve it with her tongue and lips expertly.

She wove a spell of magic as she worked her saliva up and down his shaft in a race with her mom to finish first. Neither Wendy nor Jamie admitted it, but they were both competitive and had been secretly racing each other during the blowjobs to see who could make the guy cum the loudest, most or fastest. They both were silently keeping score in their head and assumed the other was completely unaware of the sordid little game they were playing.

The guy at the window seat popped his cork first and shot goo down Jamie’s throat feeding her his white spunk. He spoke for the first time and sounded functionally retarded. “Thank you Vewwy Much!” The fact that he seemed like he wasn’t very bright only deepened Jamie’s humiliation but she answered him sweetly, “No thank you Sir, it was delicious.” as she licked her lips and was about to start on Zeke’s dick while her mother stroked it.

Her mother had silently finished the leader’s cock and left him in quiet orgasm as she joined her at the same time on Zeke’s dick. The two grinned at each other and Wendy began to lick up one side of his shaft while Jamie polished the other side with her tongue.

Zeke didn’t last long with the two cock suckers giving him double pleasure and when his cock volcano erupted Jamie was the first one to guzzle his jizzle. Her mom making a mental note of a win for Jamie looked a little sullen until Jamie pursed her closed mouth at her mom knowingly and the two French kissed, exchanging the cum without being told. They had only done this a few times in the past and strangely it felt like a shared victory.

Wendy erased her mental scoreboard of a win for Jamie on that round and marked it a mental tie with satisfaction that her daughter and her had been good sports.

The leader hustled the two out of the cab without as much as a thank you. That was no surprise to either of them. They were growing used to men being relatively in a hurry to pull their pants up and go back to normal after cumming. He was reaching for his wallet to pay when he unexpectedly turned his key and put his truck into gear and peeled out of the parking lot leaving Jamie, Wendy and Chris standing surprised.

“What the hell?” Wendy exclaimed with disappointment. She looked at her son as if to gauge his reaction to determine if he blamed the two of them or was upset at her outburst of emotion.

Chris just shook his head, “Those fucking assholes, I had a suspicion they didn’t have enough money.” Was all he said as he ushered his mom and sister back to the family booth to report to his Dad what had just gone down.

“Come on Ass face, no sense in crying over spilled milk.” Chris chided his sister who looked disappointed as well they hadn’t made all the money they were supposed to. Jamie smiled at his stoic attitude about the loss and decided he was right to shake it off.

“Thirty dollars for three minutes work is more than you two are worth anyway.” He added wiping the new smile spreading on her face right off.