The Family Feud III

Chapter Twenty-Eight
“Two Girls, Two Cups”

Get out of jail cards: 1
WHORE: 1,3,1,0,0

Get out of jail cards: 1
WHORE: 1,3,1,0,0

He was almost seven foot tall, built like a linebacker with a strong jaw. He looked like a weight lifter had been crossed with a caveman and he was wearing the uniform of someone who worked here. The clothes were so tight they looked like the seams would burst due to his bulging muscles.

The sight of the muscled employee behind her was definitely shocking. It wasn't what caused Wendy to yelp like a wounded puppy. The innocuous little man to his left was Jerry Cooper from accounting where she worked. The very same one who had ran out of her office just before she left for the day when she offered to suck his cock.

Standing next to the giant of a man only made Jerry seem even shorter by comparison. He was wearing the same uniform as an employee at the porn store.

“You work here?” Wendy asked. She was wearing only high heels, a cat collar and a chastity belt. She felt naked and vulnerable. She had felt that way the entire time she had been undressed but now more so. She wanted to put her arms across her chest for all the good it would do.

He had heard everything - her entire admission of why she had agreed to training. This was an entirely different story than the one Steve must have given him earlier in the day. She could see by the look on either of their faces they were far from amused.

“This is Jerry and Wilbur!” Buford introduced the two employees. “This is Bill, Chris, Wendy and Jamie Taylor. They are cool!” Buford was the only one who was excited by his introduction. Buford became very animated like a small child with too much energy to burn.

“When a customer told me people were running around nude in the Domination Parlor, I should have known it was you.” Jerry sounded disappointed. He was ignoring Buford completely and talking directly to Wendy. “So everything you told me today was a lie?”

“Yes Sir, most of it.” Wendy could tell by the confused looks that she needed to clarify. “I work with Jerry and I told him I behave this way because I am a recovering sex addict”. Wendy sounded disappointed in herself.

“Oh man, a sex addict!” Buford performed an air guitar solo to whatever monster rock song was firing in his synapses at that moment.

“You should probably put your clothes on. I assume you are buying all of this stuff?” Jerry's tone had become passive, as if he was hurt but had expected to be lied too.

The girls looked to Bill who silently gave them the nod to put their clothes on over the chastity belts they had on.

“Are you mad, Jerry?” Buford asked apologetically.

“No, I am not mad, Buford. I am used to being lied too.” Jerry sighed.

“Am I banned from the store again?” Buford asked.

“Yes Buford, you have a 24 hour ban. Don't come back for 24 hours.” Jerry shrugged.

“We'll pay for this stuff, some of it we want to wear out of here, is that okay?” Bill asked Jerry.

“Yes, that's fine as long as you have all the boxes.” Jerry answered.

Buford put his hands in his pockets and began to walk out to the 2nd level balcony to exit the store. All his energy had been drained and now he looked depressed.

Buford had endeared himself to Bill. He was feeling guilty for being short with the man who had only been trying to make himself helpful. He assumed that whatever condition Buford had drove away most people and he was probably very lonely.

“Look, Buford was only trying to be helpful. He shouldn't be in trouble for what my girls did.”

“You must be Bill. I have heard a lot about you.” Jerry said with a roll of his eyes. “Don't worry about Buford. He gets banned a lot. He will be back. We can help you carry this stuff down stairs. Wilbur, can you grab some of these things?” he pointed to some of the items.

“No, the girls will carry it down to your cash register. It's their stuff anyway.” Bill insisted.

Jerry shrugged and the two employees walked the Taylor family down the stairs into the boutique so they could be rung up. Buford was in the boutique when they walked in. He had a bemused look on his face while he fascinated himself with the feel of a feather boa on one of the mannequins.

Wilbur and Jerry ignored him as they guided the family over to the cash register.

The girls were carrying all of the bondage gear. Their faces had become ashen with the knowledge that all of these objects would be tools used to punish, humiliate and hurt them in all new ways.

“Buford, you need to go home. You were banned.” Jerry was obviously the manager, but his voice didn't sound very authoritative.

“Oh man, I never get to have any fun.”

“Buford, you should go home and get some sleep. You can come back in twenty four hours.”

“Can I give them a 10% discount?” Buford asked as Wilbur started ringing up the items.

“No you may not, Buford.” Jerry answered as if talking to a child who asked for pancakes for supper.

“Oh man, I never get to have any fun.” Buford said in the exact same way he had earlier.

“Okay Buford, 5% is that good enough?”

“Hell Yeah!” He made a “V” for victory sign with his arms as if his team had just won the superbowl. “Five percent! That kicks ass!!”

Bill was confused. He was happy to get the discount, but he hadn't been too concerned about how much money he was spending anyway. His wife was a Senior Executive Vice President for several years, they had this covered. “Thank you, that was very nice of you.” He told Jerry.

“You can thank the owner, it was his decision.” Jerry answered as he helped remove tags and bag up all the lose items at the register.

“The owner?” Bill looked at Buford for confirmation. Buford was rocking and grooving to a beat that only existed in his head while checking himself out in a mirror.

“Yeah, Buford bought this place after he got a cash settlement.”

“So you can ban him?”

“It is the only way we can get him to go home and leave. Usually he follows people around the store trying to be helpful and most people don't mind. At some point, we send him home to sleep.”

“Jerry is harsh!” Buford answered still performing his own imaginary rock tribute in the mirror.

“I thought you said you wish you could work here?” Chris asked him about something he had said when they first met on the balcony.

“Oh hell yeah! I would never hire someone like me though, dude. I am way too fucked up for this job.” Buford's answer was mellow and laid back. He was putting his energy into making circular Pete Townshend style strums on his air guitar while checking himself out in the mirror.

His answer made even Wilbur grin. The strong silent giant reminded Wendy of “Lurch” from the Addams's family only much more muscular.

“I took a second job here to help make ends meet. Alimony and child support eats up most everything I make.” Jerry explained despite no one asking him why he worked there. “I assumed it was far enough out of town most people from work would never know I am employed in a place like this.”

“You love working here!” Buford was rocking his head back and forth like a heavy metal head banger.

“Yes Buford, I love it here.” Jerry sighed as if he didn't really believe it.

“Sir, may I ask what you will tell Steve at work?” Wendy's lip was quivering. She was genuinely very nervous. No one else really understood the delicate game she had been playing at work. She had been spinning so many plates at once and now it felt like it was all going to crash down around her.

“I haven't decided yet.” Jerry said dismissively. He had a hurt look on his face as he continued to work.

“You are the one who has her cell phone?” Bill wasn't following Wendy's concerns. She was always two moves ahead when it came to assuming what will happen next and he knew she was worrying about something that is coming down the road and not right now.

“Yeah, it's out in my car. Sorry about that. I'll walk out there with you after you are paid up and give it back.” He sounded polite but from his passive aggressive tone it seemed he didn't like Bill either.

“Look, can I ask what went on today?” Bill asked curiously.

“I am not really comfortable talking about it at my work.” He looked at Jamie for a split second and then at Chris.

“If you are worried about talking in front of them, it's okay.” Bill reassured him.

“Are they even old enough to be in here?” Jerry asked as if he were powerless to confirm it by requesting a photo ID.

“Yes Sir, I am 18.” Jamie answered brightly.

“So am I.” Chris answered next.

“Brother and sister, both the same age? Funny, you don't look like twins.” Jerry said skeptically.

“It is going to be 2,873 and 84 cents.” Wilbur finally spoke in a low, booming voice.

Bill handed him a credit card without even flinching. Wendy wanted to dive on it like a soldier diving on a hand grenade to save the rest of the platoon. That was so much money to be spending on a training that had only a week left to it. She was too caught up in what Steve would say at work.

As far as she knew, he had heard everything she had said upstairs. She was worried Jerry would spill the beans to Steve. She assumed if Steve knew that he had been lied too, he would probably call the entire thing off and rat her out to management no matter how much this benefited him.

“Hey can I buy those black fence net halter top and g-strings from you? I'll give you a hundie?” Buford offered as Bill finalized his purchase.

“You own the store, you can have as many as you like?”

“No man, the ones they wore.” Buford was giggling like a school boy.

“Yes, dig through the bags and thank Buford for his help today.” Bill hadn't understood Wendy's concern about Jerry yet, and continued to expect the same level of humility from his two bitches.

Jamie was the first to find one of the bikinis and brought it to him joyfully. She kneeled on one foot and offered it to him the way a fairy princess might offer a knight a magic sword. “Thank you Sir, for being so thoughtful in helping my father and brother find everything they came here for. I appreciate your understanding about our discipline and even though I did not get my affirmation, I am pleased you think it is 'groovy'”. She used his description at the end emphasizing the word with a cute smile.

“Oh wow, that is fucking groovy. I forgot you didn't get your affirmation too. I am sorry about that, man.” Buford's face was overjoyed despite his genuine apology.

Wendy was more reluctant. She had this feeling in the pit of her stomach that she needed to address things with Jerry before they left. She had only a short time earlier stood naked in a dumpster to suck dicks and then snowballed the cum into her daughter's mouth. Even though that had bothered her, she was able to do it and put on as happy and positive a face as she could. She couldn't mask her disgust as easily as Jamie who could stay positive no matter how much metaphoric shit got stepped in. She was having a hard time understanding why continuing to play this twisted submissive game in front of Jerry made her feel like throwing up.

As her daughter stood up to finish her curtsy, Wendy looked at Jerry who only sighed in disgust. She was hoping he would give her a lustful stare or some sign it was okay to humiliate herself this way. His expression only made Wendy feel more guilty about doing it in front of him. If he WANTED to see it, it would have been easier to do this in front of him. She gulped a breath for confidence and took a knee just as her daughter did.

“Buford, please enjoy this bikini that I wore earlier. I hope that it amuses you. You have been a kind and gracious man and I have enjoyed meeting you.”

“How do you know you wore this one?” Buford grinned.

Wendy was confused. “I don't know for sure, Sir.”

“Can you tell by smell?” He put the panties to his nose and took a deep whiff. His face was like Winnie the pooh opening a fresh pot of honey as he inhaled a big whiff.

“No Sir.”

“This one is yours.” He smiled as if he were inhaling ambrosia and not the musky cream of pussy and ass sweat.

“How do you know that Buford?” Chris was curious.

Jerry was getting impatient. “You can take it outside if you have too, Buford. C'mon, out of the store.”

Buford ignored him and explained how each girl's flesh colored inserts had been arranged before they were put inside from memory.

“He has a photographic memory about some things.” Jerry had his hands on his hips. He was patient with Buford as if dealing with an unruly child (who just happens to be your boss).

“We noticed.” Bill answered Jerry. As far as Bill was concerned, Jerry was being a bit of a kill joy but he wasn't any different than Wilbur or any of the other strangers that he had seen at the store.

Wendy was quietly agonizing over tonight's scenario. She kept a straight face but inside she was in shambles.

“Did you think I could tell by smell or something?” Buford flashed his tongue like he was licking imaginary pussy and made the sign of the devil with his fingers.

“No, because you haven't smelled their pussies and asses.” Chris reminded him.

“Oh, could I?” Buford exuded excitement.

“They have on chastity belts right now, or else you could, remember?” Chris said, knocking on the steel plating covering his sister's pussy.

Buford smiled broadly, “I didn't forget.” He said as if that was the strangest question he had ever heard. He handed Bill a crumpled up hundred dollar bill he took from his jeans for the bikinis.

Bill wasn't sure how much the bikinis had been rung up for. He assumed that he had just profited as he put the cash in his pocket. He had places he needed to be and he was getting bored. “Actually, we are really running behind. I'd love to stay and chat, but we really have to go.”

“I'll get your cell phone.” Jerry's tone was depressed. He went with the family into the parking lot. Buford tagged along out the door like a lost puppy following whoever had pet him last.

“Do either of you two sluts need to piss or shit? Your last chance before I drop you off for your date and you for your cunt stunt.” Bill said loudly. It was dark in the parking lot now. The mega store was on a lonely highway outside of town. It was surrounded by trees and one small convenience store nearby that wasn't very busy. There were only a half a dozen cars in the parking lot.

Jamie bit her lip “I do sir, the plug in the chastity belt is pushing on my bladder or something. I feel like I have to shit and piss, both.” She fought the urge not to scrunch her nose when she said 'shit' out loud. She was still not used to saying that word around people. It had become easier around her father and brother. It still seemed crude, but now that Buford was watching with rapt attention it felt naughty.

One of the requirements from the very start of the training was that they not sugar-coat the words, and she had to say “Shit” if she really did have too. If it was only 'piss' then she was to only say 'piss'. She had been punished for saying them both and only having to pee last Tuesday. She wouldn't make that mistake again.

Jerry was bent over in the back seat of his car rifling through trash to find the cell phone. It was quiet enough he could hear every word that was being said.

“You couldn't tell us before you went in?” Bill had only asked as a formality. He wanted to get on the road as soon as the girls finished loading the packages onto the truck.

“No sir, the belt..” Jamie started to explain but she was cut off before she could continue.

“What about you Cow Tits? Need to empty that big asshole and cunt of yours?”

“Yeah mom, you are so full of shit. I bet you've got to pump out a hot one.” Chris piled on to what his Dad said.

Jerry emerged from his car holding Wendy's cell phone. He whispered to himself “Full of shit - that IS about right.”

It was quiet enough that everyone could hear him mumble under his breath.

“No Sir, I don't have to go.” Wendy lied. The plug was doing a number on her sphincter or colon or whatever signaled her brain that it was time to go poop.

“So if I stuck a finger up your ass, I won't pull back a dollop of peanut butter?” Bill asked skeptically. He had been grossed out by this aspect of training after the first time he had stuck his finger into his wife's ass and pulled out a brown finger. His son had delighted in it and he was happy to leave it to him.

“You might Sir, I have a dirty ass.” Her voice was cracking with a little more fear than usual.

Bill could sense there was something more than usual going on in Wendy's head but he wasn't sure what it was. He did not want to get into it all right now with her, he felt it could wait until later. “So did you lie?” Bill enjoyed using the same kind of logic she had used on him and Chris when she had been in charge of them.

He got a big charge out of playing with her in the exact same way he remembered her doing to him. She would demand to know if he had been masturbating to porn on the internet and when he lied and said no, she would catch him. She would insist he look at some and if he didn't get hard she would know he had been lying. He had hated that feeling of being caught in his own lies.

“Why wouldn't she lie? Isn't that what she does?” Jerry mumbled to himself as he handed the cell phone to Bill, who was clearly in charge.

“You seem to have a problem with my wife. Is there something I should know?” Bill instantly regretted asking the question. He didn't want to open up the can of worms since he needed to be at the stadium. He knew a few back woods shortcuts that he hoped could buy him some time.

“It is nothing.” Jerry passively aggressively shook his head. Even as oblivious as Bill could be about reading between the lines he could tell there was something. “If you want to take them to the bathroom inside, that is fine.”

“If you don't mind, actually they are going to squat in the back of my truck. No one will see.” Bill asked.

“I don't care what you do out in the parking lot. Knock yourself out.” Jerry sounded powerless as he answered Bill.

“Hot damn!! can I watch this?” Buford was hopping up and down. “You don't mind?”

Jamie and Wendy had been observed every time they had to relieve themselves all week. Despite the fact it was dark and there were almost no cars on the lonely two lane highway, it still made both of them nervous to do it in the back of the truck. Jamie was far less worried than her mother.

“No sir, I don't mind if you watch, if that is what you want to see. It is up to my owners.” Jamie sounded submissive and sweet. There was only a trace of urgency as she shifted from foot to foot. That could have been a need to pee, or the after-effects of the Slimax jelly that had been rubbed all over her pussy and ass.

Wendy was quietly waiting to be told what to do when Chris smacked his mother on the ass. Jerry winced more than Wendy did when he heard that loud slap on her perfect ass. “What about you, Cow Tits? Do you mind if they watch you take a squirt and a dump?”

Wendy was startled awake from her thoughts about what Jerry would say when she got to work on Monday. “Jerry and Buford are my betters, if they take an interest in watching me do something, it is flattering.” Wendy didn’t feel very good about her answer but it satisfied Bill and Chris.

“Step out of the skirts, you keep can keep your shirts on.” Bill instructed. He was still hoping to catch the half time show at the game, so he pragmatically decided to make this exercise short.

“I’m going back inside, I’ll uh, see you guys later” Jerry was used to being ignored so he didn’t wait for a response before walking back towards the store.

“Wait, you should watch this!” Buford was beside himself with pleasure. “Do they mind taking their tops off?” he smiled giddily.

“No sir, if you want to see my titties that is fine with me.” Jamie answered reflexively. She didn’t understand why she needed her top off to pee, but he had already been looking at her boobs all night. She looked at her dad and brother for confirmation before peeling off her top along with her mother.

Buford was rubbing his hands together “Hot Damn!”.

Jerry reluctantly returned at his boss’s request. “I don’t feel comfortable being out here, Buford. I don’t think the blonde one is even eighteen.”

“She said she was 18.” Buford said confidently, becoming lucid for just a short time. “I would ask her for an ID but the only thing she has on is a chastity belt that we sold her. If she wasn’t 18, we wouldn’t have sold it to her, would we?”

Jerry found it easier to just nod and agree.

Jamie and Wendy were naked except for the chastity belt, heels and collar they had on. The headlights of a car appeared in the distance coming toward them along the dark, lonely highway.

“May we hide behind the truck, Sir?” Wendy asked.

“Are you afraid someone may see your precious titties?” Bill replied, answering her question with one of his own.

“No Sir, but the rules were no public nudity without a dare or letters.”

“This is pretty secluded.” Bill sighed before reluctantly letting the two assemble on the side of the truck facing the store. The car passed by without slowing down. “Big babies”.

“They do look like babies in metal diapers.” Buford was ecstatic. “Do they mind sucking their thumbs?”

“Yeah, they mind, because we need to get them to piss and shit and get on the road.” Bill was curt with Buford.

“I am sorry, man!” Buford’s feelings were hurt.

“Look, do you want to unlock them, how is that?”

“YES!!” Buford was once again on top of the world. He unlocked Jamie and then Wendy from behind letting them slide their chastity belts down. It wasn’t easy, they both had to un-impale themselves on the bulbed metal butt plug that held the chastity belt in place. There were six rounded orbs in the plug so that each one felt like a tiny ‘ploop’ on their backdoor as they rose off of it.

“Take it all the way off, Sir?” Jamie asked her father.

“How come no one asks me anything?” Chris demanded.

“I am SOOO sorry, Sir. It wasn’t my intention to ignore you!” Jamie was truly apologetic to her brother. She had been deferring to her dad since he had been the one to call the shots tonight.

“Mom, if we check your mud flaps, are we going to pull back some mud?” Chris asked.

“Yes Sir, probably.” She couldn’t even look in Jerry’s direction she was so embarrassed. She had played this game of humiliation at home and in front of others, but she was feeling even more disgusted with herself than usual.

“What’s that? I can’t hear you. I think you might need an attitude adjustment to help you give respectful and informative answers?”

Wendy had finished the final metal ball and unhooked her anus from the plug in back. She took a deep breath. “I am so sorry, Sir. I meant that yes, if you put a finger up my asshole, you would most likely find a turd up there.”

“You don’t sound sure. Are you sure?” Chris asked sadistically.

“No sir, I am not sure.” Wendy admitted.

“Then reach back there with one finger, shove it up your ass and remove all doubt. That way you aren’t guessing when you talk to me.” Chris said harshly.

“Can Jamie check Wendy? And Wendy check Jamie?” Buford asked hopefully.

“I like how you think. Yes. Do it that way?”

Wendy and Jamie sized each other up awkwardly before standing hip to hip facing in opposite directions. Jamie was first to put a finger between her mom’s ass cheeks and invade her butthole. Wendy did the same.

She felt a tingle in her pussy as Jamie’s nail scraped her ass, and then pushed its way inside delicately probing.

“Don’t make out. Get it up and in there!” Bill took control, pushing both wrists so that their fingers were further inside. “Go as deep as you would in your own ass, all the way to the knuckle.”

“Wow, your daughter is so beautiful; her eyes sparkle in the lights of the parking lot.” Buford paid Jamie a complement. Moths danced around the only flickering lamp pole nearby as it shone down on the pair.

“Thank you Sir, that’s very…” Jamie stopped talking and opened her mouth as if to sing opera and without thinking about it put her free hand on her bald pussy lips. She took it away quickly as she realized what she had done. “Oh I am so sorry, I wasn’t playing with myself. I was scratching.” She lied apologetically.

Jamie was used to hearing how pretty and bright her eyes were, but right now it was genuinely comforting even considering all the circumstances. She used to be unable to accept the compliment, now she was learning to appreciate any kindness and attention directed her way.

“You filthy girl, were you turned on just now?”

Jamie knew the consequences of pretending she wasn’t wet. “I am sorry Sir, with the jelly and the finger inside me, and the night air on my naked body.” She said as if that explained her reaction.

“Inside you where?”

“Up my ass, Sorry Sir! I am sorry for not being more explicit and honest in my answers.” She knew she was supposed to be more explicit in her speech but old habits die hard. It was a genuine mistake.

“And what about this night air, you like being naked outside?” Chris laughed.

“Kind of? I mean it is kind of an adventure.” She admitted honestly. “I accept my punishment, Sir. I should not have taken my hand and touched my pussy, especially in front of your friends. That shows a lack of self-control and discipline.”

“It also makes you seem like a pig who is out here with a finger up her ass loving it, instead of learning from it. Are you ready to pull your finger out and sniff it?”

“Yes Sir.” The girls answered in unison, delighting Buford in the process.

“What do you smell on your fingers?”

“Ass and shit, Sir.”

“I thought your shit doesn’t stink and you are perfect?”

“No Sir, we used to act that way. You taught us we are full of shit.” Wendy and Jamie both answered in almost perfect unison. Buford was still extremely impressed.

Chris looked over their fingers and announced that they were, “Two quarts low on oil,” after he “checked their dipstick.” and then gave them permission to clean their fingers off.

The girls knew this meant sucking on their own finger until told to stop.

“Tomorrow as part of your punishment, you are going to beg Mrs. Waxerman to use HER lawnmower, or you are cutting the grass by hand. You would get a more appropriate punishment right now if we weren’t in such a hurry.” Bill declared.

“Thank you Sir!” Jamie said with one finger still awkwardly in her mouth.

“I bet she gives the guys at her school a boner all of the time!” Buford danced excitedly. “What University does she attend?”

“I am still in High School, Sir.” Jamie answered. She suddenly realized that blew her “I am 18” story. She silently kicked herself for being such a bad liar. “I am such a dummy, I’ve been attending Cherry Lawn on the five year plan.”

“Yeah, me too,” Chris smirked at his sister’s comment. He really WAS on the five year plan. He didn’t let it bother him, assuming she was trying to cover for her lie.

If Buford noticed the lie, he didn’t let on. He was blissfully rocking out to his own air guitar while the girls stood in front of him almost naked sucking their fingers. “Cherry Lawn, I think I went there.”

Chris handed them both paper cups, “Two Girls, Two Cups!” a reference to one of the most disgusting web videos he had ever seen. “Try not to miss the cup.” He laughed mocking them.

Wendy was first to set the cup down and squat over it, soon followed by her daughter. In a moment, the guys could hear their pee streams filling the paper Arby’s cups.

“Milk, Milk, Lemonade!” Buford pointed first at Wendy’s two tits, and then her pussy. As he heard the crinkle crackle of her shit push out of her ass he pointed and exclaimed “Around the corner fudge is made!”

He clapped his hands with glee as he hopped up and down watching the two girls piss and shit in the darkened parking lot.

“Jerry, go get two of those long pink shirts, you know the ones?” Buford seemed lucid once again but his excitement hadn’t waned.

“Okay Buford. This is going to be comp’d I take it?”

“Oh yeah!! Free!! I love it.” Buford became more manic and excited when he heard the shirts would be complementary. “I want to give you guys a gift, and it won’t cost you anything. I should have thought of this when we were inside, but I forgot.”. Bill and Chris weren’t sure why Buford was so excited but they had grown to accept he was easily impressed right after they met him.

“I don’t understand. I thought you had a photographic memory?” Chris asked as he watched his sister and mother grunt and strain to finish shitting in their cups.

“What gave you that idea?” Buford sounded confused but still excited.

“Just back in the store, you told us every detail about all of your products, the price, the weight, everything.”

“I did?” he seemed impressed with himself.

Chris began to realize that Buford was several cards short of a full deck. He knew there was something wrong with him, but until just then he had thought he was more eccentric than crazy. “I guess the difference between crazy and eccentric is how much money you have.” He thought to himself.

“Thank you, Dude!!” Buford took the shirts from Jerry when he returned and unfolded one to show Bill. “Milk, Milk” Buford pointed to two milk jugs that were pictured where boobs would go. “Lemonade” Buford pointed to the pitcher of lemonade right in front of the pussy. Then he turned around the nightgown and pointed to the bar of fudge “Around the corner, fudge is made!”

“Oh thank you, but we have no use for these. Our girls sleep nude.” Bill said dismissively.

“Oh damn, I am so sorry!!” He apologized to the Taylors as if he had just hurt their feelings beyond all repair.

“No it’s okay. We’ll find some use for them, thank you. It is very kind of you.” Bill took the shirts and then handed them to Chris. “Thank you for everything.”

“I feel so bad. Jamie didn’t get to do her affirmation, I picked the wrong shirts. I am so sorry!” Buford was easy to please but just as quick to get extremely sad and apologetic. He seemed to be beating himself up about it.

“Pick up those cups, you’ll carry them on the truck with you. You can smell them until we drop you off.” Bill demanded.

“Dad, don’t you think with the wind and everything it might blow on their faces?

Bill enjoyed the mental image of them getting blasted with their own filth before deciding that was impractical. “Good call, Son. Let’s get them locked back in their belts and they can throw them away. You girls are lucky Chris is in a more caring mood than I am tonight.”

Jerry was used to being forgotten and left out of conversations. He made no attempt to insert himself into them as a result. It was all he could do to interrupt “Hey boss, my shift is over. Do you need a ride home?”

Buford didn’t seem excited about that. “I’d like to stay and watch them get back on the belts. Don’t they need toilet paper?”

“They are used to ‘air drying’” Chris spread his hands out to emphasize what he was saying. “Why is that mom?”

“Because I was too cheap to buy 4-ply toilet paper when I controlled the finances of the house for the men, and now I am being taught what it is like to go without the privilege of using toilet paper, Sir.” Wendy had that drilled into her head during affirmations at home. He prodded her to continue and she added “We are pigs, so there is no point in wasting toilet paper on our comfort and happiness if it amuses you to see us with wet sticky asses, Sir.”

“Do you need more slimax?”

“NO!” they both replied adding Sir as an afterthought. Bill and Chris just laughed at how clearly neither of them wanted more of the lubricant. It induced orgasms, but in ways that burned and tingled. They both slid back on their chastity belts.

Jamie made a face like she was saying “FFFFffff” as she closed her eyes and guided each metal bubble of the anal plug back up her ass to put the belt on.

Her mom had a much easier time of it because of the hole training she endured at work. It was cold and painful, but she found she was a lot more prepared for it than she would have been earlier in the week. She was surprised how well her daughter was taking it, considering she hadn’t been trained the same way. She wondered for an instant if things were happening at school to Jamie much like they did at her work. She dismissed that idea assuming there was no way things could get that extreme at a school unnoticed

In the back of her mind, she wondered how they had gone unnoticed at her work. She was making the connection if it could happen there, then maybe it had happened to Jamie. How else could she have sucked six dicks and swapped the cum in her mother’s mouth and not freaked out? She tried to banish those doubts from her mind that her daughter was lying to her. Guilt was eating her up, because she was lying to her daughter.

They put their skimpy clothes back on and ended Buford’s personal show.

“Oh fuck, look at the time. Chris, do you think the guy who is dating your mom will mind if we are a little late? I can’t make it to 42nd Terrace and to the High school in the time we have left.”

“Actually, I am going by 42nd Terrace.” Jerry volunteered when he heard the street address.

Bill even with his own limited ability to read between the lines knew that Jerry had a beef with his wife of some kind. He was going to thank Jerry and decline the offer. He had only been complaining out loud to make it sound as if he was running all over town for the benefit of his wife and daughter.

“That would be great. Can you supervise my mom on her way to the date, this is her first one, but I can call while she is riding with you and give her all the instructions she needs.”

“You people are really serious about this? I thought this was some kind of twisted game, but I think you are serious?” Jerry visibly appeared taken aback by Chris’s request and his own observation.

“Yes, obviously we are serious.” Chris didn’t understand Jerry’s concern. He had never met the man and had no idea what had gone on at his mom’s job earlier in the day. He was only wondering if when he was acting shy, did people see him with the same sort of pity and disdain Chris was looking at Jerry with.

“I can take her.” Jerry sighed. He didn’t want to admit he was curious what the real story was now that he knew Wendy had been lying to him at work. He shrugged his shoulders and made it seem like it was an imposition that he would endure. No one picked up on Jerry’s body language since he came across like a sad sack who endured life’s imposition all of the time anyway.

“Could I ride with you?” Buford asked of Bill excitedly.

“Where are you going?” Bill responded.

“Anywhere you are.”

“Okay, there are only two seats in the front cab though.” As Bill was explaining why he’d prefer Buford ride with Jerry, Buford began to dance for joy.

“I get to ride in the back! Oh hell yeah!”

Bill smirked, “Sure, I can’t see why not.”

He marched his daughter into the back of the truck with Buford to keep her company.

Jerry was still standing in the parking lot looking at Wendy with disdain for how she was dressed.

“You don’t care if a stranger takes your wife some place?” he asked Bill. Bill was only half paying attention as he secured his purchases in the truck.

“I do care, Jerry. My wife says she knows you from work, right?”


“That means I’d know how to find you if something happened to her. What do you think I would do if you did something to my pretty little wife?”

“Okay, I see your point.” Jerry was looking at the ground, unable to return Bill’s gaze.

“Don’t be so glum about it. You want to have a little fun at my wife’s expense, tell her to suck your cock for the privilege of riding in your car. She will do it.” Bill glared at his wife to imply it was an order.

“That is just it, I feel like she isn’t doing it because she wants too. She is doing it because guys like you and Steve tell her too.” Jerry’s tone was wrapped up in pity for himself.

Bill could relate to the guy on some level. He used to feel sorry for himself too. He just didn’t have the time or interest to listen to, much less fix this guy’s problems right now.

“Listen, I’d love to talk to you more Jerry.” Bill said in a tone that implied “but I have to go” without having to say it. “I am going to trust my wife with you. If you can keep her in line, we’ll talk. If you want to be her handler at work instead of Steve, I am fine with that. Get my number from my wife.” Bill slapped one of the keys to the chastity belt into Jerry's hand and started walking away.

“That is just it. I don’t understand why she needs a handler?” Jerry asked futilely as Bill walked away.

Bill waved, “Ask my wife, she’ll tell you.” As Bill stepped into the truck to start it up he looked directly at his wife.

“Tell him the truth, I’ll know if you lied!”

Bill revved up his truck and sped off to take Jamie to her cheerleading swan song at the big game between Cherry Lawn Trojans and their rival the Union Country Rams.

“Well, this is awkward, Sir.” Wendy looked at Jerry after watching her family drive away with Buford leaving her in the parking lot of a porn store with her co-worker.