The Family Feud II

Chapter Fifteen


The punishments continued in the living room for what felt like far greater than it needed to be given the size of the offense. Wendy realized though the men were having fun, getting even with her and Jamie and she had resigned herself to keep a stiff upper lip.

Easier said than done though, as your tears drip down your face on to that lip from the titty and ass beating you were receiving in front of your son and neighbor.

Hey Dad” Chris said while beating his sisters ass with his hand and a hair brush. Chris seemed to reconsider what he was about to say “Never mind, it can wait until Mrs. Waxerman has gone.”

What is it, Son?” Bill said making his wife's ass and tits bounce with every strike.

Well, I probably shouldn't say, but I think I know why Mr. Snips chose Mom's leg as opposed to anyone elses?”

Oh? Why is that?” Bill was amused.

Well look at her nipples?” Chris asked as the two men slowly stopped their beatings to have a long.

Bill took one of her tits in his hand, squeezing Wendy's hard erect nipple with his other “I see! Wendy, what do you have to say in your defense?” In truth, Bill didn't see what Chris was talking about, but he was committed to the role he was playing for Victoria Waxerman's benefit.

It's 69 degrees in here, Sir!” Wendy's pouty answer only seemed to amuse Victoria. “The cold air and the titty torture has made them sensitive, I am sorry if my fat nipples seem obscene, but I don't know how that would annoy Mr. Snips”

Wendy's chest was heaving from the beating she had just received. Her entire body was a shade of red or pink, and a small vein had popped out in her forehead. So it was understandable her her answers sounded more defensive than her normal composed and positive tone.

Chris could see that he was losing the point of his explanation. “Dad, let's try a little experiment then.” Directing his mother and Jamie to spin around so that they were bent at the waist (still with thumbs pressed into their assholes) exposing their puffy pussy lips by squatting.”

Mrs. Waxerman, may I borrow your dog for just a moment, to show my father something. I'm embarrassed to just tell him in front of you.” Chris was lying, he actually had his fingers crossed that his idea would work.

Sure, Dear” Victoria handed him the feisty ten pound dog, suppressing the urge to show Chris how to hold him. He'd earned a slight more amount of respect in her eyes today, but she still wasn't convinced Chris was the brightest bulb on the shelf.

Holding the dog within a few inches of his sisters Ass, it sniffed, Snip's mouth hanging open, tongue drooling.

Then Holding the dog within a few inches of his Mothers. It sniffed, and had about the same reaction. It was definitely interested in the female scents coming from the pussies and asses in front of him and began wiggling to get out of Chris's grasp.

I think Mom got aroused by her punishment, and Mr Snip's keen senses reacted to the female hormones being pumped into the air right now. You can't blame Mr. Snips for his behavior, it's completely in reaction to sensing a female bitch in heat!!”

Is this true, Wendy? Are you wet right now!?” Bill would be shocked if she wasn't. He had been fingering her pussy secretly while he was spanking her.

Sir, this is a very sexually charged situation, I am” Wendy was about to answer in detail when she got an abrupt slap to the face from Bill.

It's a yes or no, question. Are you getting off on this treatment? Is your pussy wet?”

Gritting her teeth, knowing an inspection was probably next, so there was no use in lying. “Yes sir, my pussy is wet”

Victoria, did you ever hear of such a thing? Did you get wet when you were punished as a young girl?” Bill asked the neighbor who had been supervising this spectacle.

A punishment from my father turn me on? Not that way he did it, they were certainly unpleasant and there was no thought of pleasure! But then I was not raised a wicked hussy”

Speaking of hussies, Jamie is your pussy wet?” Chris asked.

No sir” Jamie's pouty response was given through quiet tears rolling down her eyes.

Well, thank the good lord for small miracles” Victoria declared. “There is still hope for this young one with vigilance and the rod, you can still turn her around and make her a good girl!”

You two disgust me!” Bill snarled “The both of you go stand in a corner...” The girls started to move off while squatting, still keeping thumbs in their butt.

Jamie, I noticed you jammed that thumb in there a lot more deeply than before we began, seems despite my warning you two like playing with your asses. So take your thumbs out and suck them, before I put soap in them.”

Her father had also seen that Chris had been forcing her thumb further up there while he spanked her, but why bring up little details? he thought to himself.

Nose, Toes, Elbows to the corner..I want those hard nipples pressed in the corner, and I want both thumbs in your big mouths before you get in more trouble. You can cool off while we visit with our guest!” the girls each taking one far corner of their own of the living room.

I am so sorry, you had to see all of this Mrs. Waxerman.” Bill smiled. “I am sure you think the worst of me, that my wife and daughter are so spoiled, and nasty.”

No, not at all. You are one of the good one's Bill. You are doing the best you can, and I think a lesser man would have divorced someone like Wendy by now.”

The thought did cross my mind.” Bill smiled as wife shivered pressing her nose to the corner sucking on her thumbs. “But Wendy, has agreed to do what it takes to be a good wife. I just need to be a good shepherd”

Shepherd is a good word for what you are!” Victoria could barely contain herself she was so pleased with what Bill was saying. “I look forward to you sending over your daughter, that I can mentor her and work with her.”.

Well, we've already asked for so much, but I wanted to remind you of what we discussed earlier today, before you go”

Oh Mr. Snips, just went on your carpet!!” Victoria was about to chastise her dog.

Nothing Mom hasn't done before!” grinning at his joke, Chris added “I am sure the girls will clean it up, don't worry yourself about it.”

Chris, I am so proud of you taking charge of your sister and trying to bang some sense in her head, but I would say don't spend all your time on that. You need to find a good woman of your own!” Victoria offered before asking “So what was it you wanted to remind me of, Sir?” as she walked her dog away from the stinky, brown mess it left on the carpet.

“As I say, it's Bill to you.” he smiled as he walked her to the door. “I am very concerned about rumors that reflect upon me. There are some that will see my wife and daughter's behavior when I am not around to correct them, and think they are willful, sluts without shame. I don't blame them, it's true.”

As he opened the door for her “I know you don't go in for gossiping or spreading rumors, but I just ask that you make sure to set the record straight with people, should the topic come up.”

Mrs Waxerman couldn't even respond to the request. She was beside her self with joy. Not only had she met someone she felt had her shared values, but had her assumptions validated about the two pretty younger women who lived next door being sluts that she could look down upon. She walked away with a feeling that her opinions were valuable to someone, and she had their blessing to basically gossip about them, without calling it gossip.

Today was indeed a good day for Mrs Victoria Waxerman as she waved good bye to her new found friends.

When the two men closed the door, they called over the girls from the corner “Good job!!!” Bill offered.

Wendy and Jamie looked at each other for a long second. They both narrowed their eyes at one another, still naked, still cold, still bruised and they both began to laugh hysterically.

Whats so funny?” Bill said.

I don't know!” Wendy said in between belly laughs. “Jamie started to laugh, and so did I!”

No you did first, Mom!”

Chris and Bill were smiling but confused.

Well, I guess it's like did you ever want to come down stairs naked and scare off Jehovah's witnesses who are trying to invite themselves into your home?” Wendy explained.

Oh yeah! Sure did...I mean, would like too.” Chris offered cheerfully.

Well, imagine those Jehovah's witnesses were far bigger freaks than you, and they just threw off their clothes?” Wendy stopped to finish her laugh “Oh I am sorry, Bill. I know I should be shocked and horrified, but it was just so ridiculous, it was funny!!”

So you guys didn't mind what we just did to you?” Chris asked.

No, we minded!! Oh my god.” Jamie was rubbing her sore butt. “I think what Mom is saying, we kind of new you were playing Mrs Waxerman, to get to us. Nicely done, nicely done.” Jamie added offering a little respect to her brother.

Wendy agreeing with her daughter “Had it been last week, when we held all the cards, I don't think I could have kept a straight face. You got her to explain about how she was whipped in the mountains, and think you are a good god-fearing man, and all this.” still laughing.

What? You don't think I am?” Bill was a little hurt.

I think you are a good man, Bill. You are paying us back for our rotten behavior, and we are being good sports about that. You got us. You got us good. That was a painful experience with her. I didn't know what was going to happen! I thought she'd mention those hard erections in your pants, or want to spank our asses herself.”

Yeah, to be honest. I think it may just be the endorphins from the pain and the adrenalin from the shock, that's made me giddy.” Jamie said thoughtfully. “Now that I think about it, you beat me in front of a little old lady who didn't have a problem with it and even made a dog smell my butt!! Gross” suppressing the urge to give her duck lips.

Chris noticed “Almost got you there, Sis. Speaking of dog smell's, one of you pick up that turd and flush it.”

Ripping a paper towel from the kitchen “Already on it, Sir” Wendy said in good humor.

What? Why waste good towels. Go pick it up and carry it upstairs and put it with yours in the kitty box. Do you need to go?”

Wendy closed her eyes for a moment as if resetting her brain. She wasn't sure why she laughed at what had been happening for the last thirty minutes. She realized maybe it was a combination of endorphins, adrenalin and the sheer absurdity of the surreal spectacle that just played out. Whatever, the case she wasn't laughing any more.

Yes Sir, I would very much like to go piss, thank you for offering” she answered her son. “Pick up the turd, and you better both try to go shit and piss, we've got to get you ready for date night!”

Bill said “Let me take them, Son. You've done it the last few times.”

How about we do it together, Dad?” Chris smiled and they fist bumped again.

After the girls took turns pissing and trying to shit into the kitty litter in the upstairs bathroom Wendy asked if she could please wash her hand.

Why? It's just dog shit. You are going to get a shower in a few minutes, don't waste water and soap!” Bill chided her.

Despite the dainty little turd balls you left in the kitty litter, and Jamie I don't even though you took a crap yet, I think you two little bitches are full of shit. Would that be a fair assessment?

Yes Sir”

In more ways than one” Bill said quickly while holding up the two plastic fleet enema bottles they had been using to drink out.

These can benefit any hole for sluts like you. You've used them to chug down water, but did you know they can be used to douche and for enemas?”

They said nothing, so he continued “Well they are too expensive to buy a new one every time, so we'll just refill them for now. Go ahead and get on the floor doggy style” guiding them so their asses were raised above their body, tits and nose pressed to the tile in single file.

Wendy, you go ahead and insert Jamie's enema and use your nose to hold the bottle up, while she pulls apart her cheeks.”

Taking a deep breath, and suppressing the need to ask for some sort of leniency she said “Yes Sir, I am so sorry for this Jamie” and guiding the nozzle gently into her daughter's puckered asshole until the bubbles inside the bottle started to form. Then she took her hands away to support herself and switched to using her own nose like a seal pushing up on a ball to keep the bottle in the air.

Now pull your own cheeks apart, and Chris if you want to do the honors?”

Chris actually applied a little spit to the bottle “I wont stick yours in dry like you did Jamie!” Chris chided his mother as he put the enema tube into her waiting, sore sphincter.

You'll do this every day, so it should cut down on the amount of shit that you two pump out of those fat asses of yours. You'll take turns being the caboose at the rear though, so mom won't be the one with pussy in her face EVERY TIME” Chris smiled before humming the jeopardy thinking music. “Dun-nuh, nuh-nuh, nuh, nuh-nuh. Nuh! Nuh-nuh, nuh. Nuh” forcing everyone into a light hearted chuckle.

Once the warm tap water had disappeared from the bottle into their asses Bill asked “Jamie, is this your first enema?”

Yes Sir?” wondering why he thought she'd ever do it.

Does it surprise you that your Mom made us take one everyday too?” he asked

Wendy offered “Well in my defense, your brother was constipated from a lot of cheese he had eaten, and then once it started” still balancing the empty plastic on her nose “I got caught up in it, thinking they'd lose some weight. I didn't make them do it on nose to butts like this though.”

Well you probably should have” Bill answered. “It's hilarious from where I am standing.”

I am sure it is, Sir. I feel very uh...full. Are we supposed to go in the kitty litter?”

Whoever can hold her shit longest, gets a star” Chris issued a challenge “Go ahead and stand in the shower” Jamie and Wendy picked themselves up slowly, feeling a cramping in their stomach like they were both about to have a massive bowel movement right then.

Let me say, that means at least holding it in for another five minutes from now though.” adding another condition to his game.

Wendy stood in the shower, bent slightly forward. She felt all her skin stretching, as if the enema water inside her body had made it tighter. She walked gingerly around the walk-in shower with the cold water hitting her titties and the rest of her body. Her daughter got in with her and the two of them tried to hold it as long as they could. At one point, Wendy even pounded her fists in agony on the shower wall.

Then she squeezed her eyes shut and heard the burpy sounded of an enema bursting forth. She tried to angle her butt to face the drain and could no more stop once it started than she could have changed the course of the wind.

Chris laughed at the slightly brown water hitting the drain.

Jamie was next. She was more careful, hovering right over the drain. This time it came out slightly chunky.

Gross, I think see a peanut in there! No wonder you seldom have to shit, you were blocked Sis!”

Jamie just closed her eyes, and ignored the world, issuing a full release out of her pink, tight asshole into the shower. The two felt like they had just lost five pounds. Emotionally drained from the day, they both wanted to pass out.

A mere two minutes and thirty seconds, nice try, but neither of you get the star”. They could care less at the moment. They were both feeling woozy, stomach upset from what they just did.

Go ahead step out of the shower, and you can have something to drink?”

From my enema bottle, I assume?” Wendy asked resuming a playful expression.

No, neither of you have possessions, they are our enema bottles. I am not sure who used this one last, probably Jamie.” as Bill stuck the refilled enema nozzle in his wife's mouth shutting her up.

After the two had finished their water, they were expected to shave each other with mirrors and warm water, brush teeth, straighten hair, apply makeup, paint their nails, and in general this process was very much as it always had been for them. With the exception that Bill and Chris were hanging around teasing them while they did it fully nude together.

Almost date night!” Bill rubbed his hands together maniacally. “Jamie's date will be here first, then you and I can go out, my dear and meet some people who will be really happy to see you!”

Wendy smiled coyly narrowing her eyes in a funny but sarcastic look that seemed to say “Oh joy!”

“Who am I going out with, Sir?” Jamie asked, looking at least two years older with her hair done perfectly, and her face made up.

That is a surprise, your brother set it all up, so I'll let him drive how things go.” turning to Chris “Should her date pick her clothes, or should we pick for her?”

Oh we can be nice, lets pick for him. He may not understand all this. We'll have her come down the stairwell, so he'll be excited, like on prom night.”

Yeah but this is just a regular Sunday, you want her to be dressed for prom?”

Oh hell no” throwing a black denim mini skirt, a cherry red half shirt, and some ugly, used gold 4 inch heels with ankle straps at his sister. “Here, you can wear these until he gets here. Go put them on in the slave pit” (The “slave pit” being her nearly emptied room).

Wendy was waiting at attention, shivering in the ever-cold living room. “Sirs?” after Jamie had gone to her room to put on the trailer-skank costume she'd been given.

Yes, bitch?” Bill replied.

I know we were hard on you, and I know we've got two weeks of whats coming to us. I just wanted to ask though if you would consider that Jamie hasn't had any experience dating, and this boy may think from how she dresses and acts, she will have sex with him.”

When Jamie gave me to her friend at Baby's us, were you worried I'd get taken advantage of?” Chris asked and before his mom answered “Think hard, because in case you hadn't noticed your fatso son has never been on a date either.”

No, I've noticed Chris. I guess because she was a very attractive cheerleader, I thought maybe you'd like to be the object of her attention?” Wendy really hadn't thought about it until he brought it up how that must sound.

So if her date turns out to be real handsome, and popular should Jamie like to be the object of his attention?”

Well ordinarily, I'd say yes, but I guess not dressed like a slut” Wendy smiled.

Mom, Cathy Griffin made me moo like a cow, baaa like a sheep, and stick light bulbs that I was supposed to stock in my butt.”

I didn't know about all that, Sir. I promise you, I had no intention for that to happen to you.”

Bill interrupted “Well, that is the difference. We have thought about the date. We ARE going to lay out the ground rules. She won't have to do any of the things Chris did, at least as long as she cooperates with us” Bill said grinning. “I could change my mind, if you two start to hem and haw like old biddies”

I said my piece on the matter, Sir. Where would you like me to be, when her date arrives”

Whats wrong with right where you are standing?”

Other than it's the living room, and I am naked?” Wendy responded spryly.

Okay, you can go sit at the kitchen table for now. I need you to write up some signs for the garage door, the front door and the back door, actually.” Bill was talking about one of the warning signs from “Bill's Bill” that was supposed to warn people that the women of the house were submissive in nature.

Then you can start to rewrite my rules, on the computer.” Wendy smiled, sitting down in a chair and typing on a computer didn't seem so bad. Even if she had to do it in the nude.

Thank you Sir!”

After she went into the kitchen to get some construction paper and make some sort of sign, Bill smiled at his son.

She acts like she just pulled something over on me. Just because I am not making her do something heinous, by comparison making a sign warning people she is kept naked and submissive seems like cake to her.”

Yah, it's all relative, Dad”

Relative how?”

Relative, like my mom and my sister...” Chris made a pun, and they both laughed.

Bro's before ho's!” they both agreed and gave each other a congratulatory fist bump.