
Alex Birch

Penelope Field slumped down in her executive chair, her attractive features
frozen in shock and disbelief as John Tranter closed the office door behind
him and walked out to the car park.  She sat motionless as his car door
opened and closed, then the revs of the engine signified that her boss was
finally out of earshot and on his way home.  It was only then she realised
she was trembling with outrage and humiliation, her face burning red and her
eyes moist with tears.  She hadn't even replied to his dreadful remarks for
she was too stunned to speak, just stood open mouthed as John Tranter gave
his usual perfunctory executive nod and departed the building.

She sat shaking in her seat for a few minutes, gamely resisting the urge to
cry, and wondered how in God's name she could continue to work for this man!
Tranter had been her boss for eight weeks now, ever since the takeover, and
to say she had been on a learning experience was an understatement of the
first order!  Yet she'd thought they were getting there, that he was
beginning to trust and respect her maturity and judgement just as dear old
Peter Fallon had done, and then, tonight, this outrage!

Penny Field was proud, arrogant and talented, recently divorced with a young
daughter to whom she gave as much attention as her work allowed, for her job
had always demanded single mindedness, a necessary quality in a Personal
Assistant to the MD of a Company the size of Lamson Electronics with
factories and offices spread throughout Europe.  She was also vivacious,
dark haired and attractive with a buxom stunning figure which turned male
heads everywhere and she knew it, yet treated most of her admirers with
disdain.  She conceded second best to no one and everyone had said she'd go
places ever since she'd joined Lamson's as a graduate from University some
thirteen years before.  She'd certainly not disappointed!

Penny knew she was efficient, and had needed to be, for she had carried
Peter Fallon through the day to day running of the Company for five years
since he had inherited the MD's position from his late father.  He'd proved
to be a lovable buffer of a boss but totally incapable of absorbing detail
so Penny did it for him. In consequence, she had been given power over and
above her job title and had simply eaten up the responsibility.  This had
led to friction with members of the Board who thought she was an upstart and
to a situation where she was feared by her colleagues for the degree of
responsibility she wielded.  ' The bitch beautiful ' and 'Penny Dreadful'
were terms bandied about by the staff at HQ. and Penny knew it but ignored
them, confident in her unerring judgement.  She only did what was right for
the firm even if it upset a few apple carts!

Then out of the blue came the takeover by Princeton Electrical, and Penny's
secure world was turned upside down on that fateful day when she looked on
in dismay as Peter Fallon cleared his desk, shook her hand with some emotion
and wished her well for the future before leaving the office, never to be
seen again.  That very afternoon, John Tranter, thirty seven years old,
tall, fair haired, steely eyed and very, very different walked into her
office, announced himself as her new boss and, to Penny's astonishment, told
her brusquely she would stay in her post for the moment until he'd been
given time to assess all the options.

Not surprisingly, Penny was angered to be on trial like an office junior
after all these years and she had tried and failed to hide her wounded
pride, giving Tranter first blood in the ego battle.  Self respect had told
her to quit, but common sense and the salary decreed otherwise, so Penny
Field had gritted her teeth and resolved to take this man on and earn his
admiration.  She'd worked so damned hard at it too ...yet now ...
tonight...Oh Christ!

Penny sat at her desk and patted her cheeks, the shaking of her body
lessening now as she calmed down, .  God, still so red with embarrassment
after ten minutes ...and no wonder!  How dare Tranter talk to her that way,
how dare he!  She felt the tears of anger forming once more and gritted her
teeth, realising she would have to stay at her desk for a little longer
before driving home, for in this state she'd crash the car.
She thought back to that whirlwind start as Tranter's PA just a few weeks
before when the first signs that his intentions were to bend if not break
her became apparent.  She'd waltzed into his office on that second day while
he was dictating into the machine, as she was so used to doing with dear old
Peter, and had dropped some papers on his desk.

'John, will you sign these, please, and let me have them by 11am' she'd
demanded bluntly before turning for the door but he'd stopped dictating and
called her name.  She'd stopped dead in her tracks, puzzled by his tone and
turned around.
'Mrs Field ...' he'd begun '...I think we need to get a few things straight.
However informal your relationship with my predecessor used to be, I want us
on a more professional footing.  One, you will not walk into my office
without knocking.  Two, though my mother may call me by my first name I am
the MD of this Company and you are, for the present at least, my PA.
Therefore, you are Penelope and I am Mr Tranter.  Is the pecking order clear

Penny had simply flushed crimson, her mouth agape as he continued.
'...and however you may have organised Fallon's day, I have some ideas of a
little role reversal in this office, namely putting responsibility for
decisions back where it belongs and not with a Personal Assistant, so I have
some tasks for you and I would like them completed by lunchtime.'

Penny had left the office red faced and close to tears, tempted once more to
leave, for she knew that her days of ruling the roost were gone and that
this man was determined to impose his authority on her.  So it was to be a
battle of wills was it?  Well, Penelope Field was no quitter and she'd show
this arrogant bastard what she was made of.  In the weeks that followed
she'd done exactly that, curbing her inner feelings, performing his orders
and administering his instructions through the hierarchy very efficiently.
To her astonishment, she'd begun to respect if not like him for there was no
doubting Tranter's expertise in administering the Company's affairs and she
began to get a different buzz from being around him and being part of his
power base.

She 'd realised with some pride that the respect was becoming mutual for,
although he never paid overt compliments, he'd begun to relax with her after
a month, trusting her and delegating important work piece meal until he was
sure she was on his wavelength.  Penny suddenly realised that she was
beginning to find his strength and single mindedness very attractive and
that sitting in his office as he discussed the daily plan was becoming a
turn on for her, a definite sexual vibe which surprised and slightly
disgusted her for she had never responded to a wilful man like that before.
If there was a battle of wills she had to concede best but at least he'd
begun to treat her as if she knew what she was about ...until tonight!

Penny sat alone in her swivel chair, hearing all the other staff departing
for the night through the thin walls of her office, rare tears welling up
again as she thought back to those awful moments earlier today when for once
in all those eight weeks she'd fouled up and how!  She'd arrived late and in
a flap after driving Nicola to the school dentist and had completely missed
a set of urgent telephone banking instructions at the top of her in-tray.
The result had been non payment of some vital transfer accounts right on the
deadline and the consequent invocation of a penalty clause which cost
Lamsons thousands of pounds.

That very afternoon, on Tranter's return from a business meeting, she had
confessed all, feeling sick and despondent as she stood wretchedly in front
of him, the consequent tirade predictable and upsetting.
'You are my Personal Assistant in whom I place my trust ...' Tranter had
told her, his voice frighteningly chill '...and I don't expect mistakes like
this.  Penelope, I am very angry with you for you earn a large salary here
and I expect you to take the responsibility that goes with it.  You are not
some glorified secretary, you are my personal assistant and I expect
competence from you.  Your carelessness has cost this Company a lot of
Penny had stared at her boss, her own anger rising as she was berated like a
small child.

'Now look here, Mr Tranter ...' she'd begun indignantly '...I know I let you
d ...'  but he interrupted her before she could finish.
'No, you look here ...' he'd snapped ' ...and don't shout at me.  You
deserve to be sacked for an error of that size and if this was day 1 of our
working relationship you would be out of the door right now!  Anyway, I
haven't time for this now and my decision can keep till the morning.  I have
an appointment for which I am already late!'

Penny had sat down suddenly, her face pale as his words sank in.  Sacked
..for one error?  Somehow she'd managed to open her mouth as Tranter picked
up his coat and headed for the door, his face still glowing with anger.
' won't sack me, will you ... ?' she'd gasped in horror '...for one
mistake?  Mr Tranter, I said I'm sorry.  What more can I do?'

He'd reached the door and turned, not answering her directly, his cold eyes
staring into her own ...and then, oh God, he'd just come straight out with
those disgraceful remarks from which she was still shaking with rage and
'Sometimes it takes more than sorry ...,' the steely tones carried menace
'...sometimes major mistakes require something a little stronger!.  When was
the last time you had your bare bottom warmed, Mrs Field ?  Oh I see you've
lost your tongue for once!  The way I feel at present, you should think
yourself lucky that I am a very controlled man who is aware of the law of
the land, or you would be across my knee with your knickers down, getting
your bare arse soundly spanked!'


Somehow Penny made it home that evening, her thoughts racing wildly like
crazy paving, unable to concentrate on anything.  She paced the floor,
snapped at her daughter for watching too much television then burst into
tears of apology and left most of her dinner.  Nicola's anxious concerns
were met with a cuddle and an excuse of 'a headache and a bad day at the
office' , at least half of which was true, before Penny finally gave up
trying and went to bed early.  She had an almost sleepless night, her
emotions swinging between anger and shame, as she tried to decide how to
handle the situation in the morning and finally decided on a good old
fashioned confrontation.  Tranter was a pig !  He couldn't get away with
remarks like that, he just couldn't!  She lay awake working herself into an
ever greater state of rage before the alarm clocks ring told her that
nemesis was not long away.

Penny didn't eat breakfast that morning and timed her departure for work to
arrive ten minutes after Tranter, for her nerves could not have stood a
delay.  She prayed desperately that he was not late or somehow delayed for
her stomach was churning desperately.  She arrived in her office and found
to her relief that his door was closed and the sound of his voice dictating
letters to the machine could be heard through the thin walls.
She plucked up her courage, cleared her throat and knocked his door, the
languid 'Come!' prompting a flutter of fear before Penny bravely stepped
into his office.  She stood in front of his desk for what seemed like hours
before she found her voice and then it all tumbled out.

'Mr Tranter, I am disgusted by the remarks you made to me last night which
were unforgiveable.  I was shocked and outraged by your disgraceful threats
and ...and ...' here she struggled reluctantly '...I..I want to offer my
resignation.  I cannot work for a man who behaves like that.  I'm not
stupid, I know there were no witnesses and I'd get nowhere with a complaint
so please pay me up and I'll leave your employ!'

There was a silence that seemed to last forever as Penny stood by Tranter's
desk, shaking like a leaf.
'Sit down...' he said quietly, the cold blue eyes almost smiling, then
seeing her begin to demur '...I said SIT DOWN and calm yourself!'  She did,
her lip trembling with rage as he grinned.
'Well, well, so my so proud and efficient ice maiden has an Achilles heel
after all!.  You got really worked up about what I said ...good!  I don't
like my women to be too self opinionated and the threat of a good spanking
usually works wonders.  Shut up, Penelope ...' he said smoothly as her mouth
began to open ' ... yes, you feel humiliated don't you but you don't really
want to resign.  You love the job too much especially now that you're
working for an efficient boss.  You love the aura of power, Penelope, and it
turns you on doesn't it?  Do you think I can't tell?'

Penny finally managed to splutter a breathless reply as he paused to watch
her reactions.
'You threatened me, Mr Tranter, you threatened me with a good spanking after
taking down my ...' she spluttered, red faced, as a thin smile crossed
his face  '...God it was disgusting!  I couldn't ever work for such a man
again.  You can't humiliate me with remarks like that, for God's sake, I'm a
thirty five year old woman with a young daughter to bring up!'ve
got no right!  I've earned some respect in this Company!'
He suddenly swivelled his chair round and fixed her full in the face with
that steely glare.

'Well done..and I'm a thirty seven year old executive with a large mortgage
and a sports car...!' he said sarcastically '...but what either your or my
circumstances has to do with whether you deserve a damn good spanking is
beyond me!.  You've earned nothing with me yet, Penelope, nothing at all and
errors like yesterday's have knocked you back a lot.  Furthermore, I didn't
threaten you, I made a rational observation taking into account the cost of
your mistake.  I made it perfectly clear that nothing would happen without
your consent.  You should be grateful you're a woman!  A man in your
position would not get the choice!  He'd be straight out of the door,
believe me!'

Penelope's head was spinning.  She'd expected an apology but this man was
continuing in the same vein without blinking an eyelid!
'Choice ...consent?' she almost squealed '...what choice, for God's sake?
What are you talking about?'

His eyebrows arched as he tapped his pen on the desk.
'I have a marker system of debits and credits for my staff, Penelope, and
how each responds to it is indicative of strength of character.  Sometimes
choices are not pleasant but that is just as true in business as in life.
Fifteen thousand pounds your error cost!  Now you have gone way down my
debit scale and I will have to reassess our working relationship because of
it.  On my marking system, you are in the red zone.  That means I can't
trust you and until that situation changes, I shall simply bypass your
office and pass important work directly on.  You can stay where you are and
type my letters.  I think when that gets out to the staff your pride will be
broken.  I'm not accepting your resignation because you have a watertight
contract for the next six months ...don't worry I've checked it ...and we'll
sue if you try to leave.  On the other hand, if you think about the
magnitude of your error and come to me in surrender, I will respect your
courage greatly and perhaps our working relationship could be restored in

Penny was crying now as she got to her feet, more shocked than ever as she
struggled for words, her voice choking.
'You intend to legally keep me here, working for you, trusted only
with copy typing, laughed at by everybody until ...until ...' she swallowed
deeply, her face burning red as a tear rolled down her face '...I come to
you and beg for it?  Is that it?  You want the pleasure of hearing me beg
you to bare my bottom for a spanking?'

He looked deep into her tear stained face and grinned.
'I've never told you this before, Penelope, but you are a very attractive
woman.  You're also very efficient, and I find you sexually challenging
because you're proud and assertive and our wills clash.  You find my power
very exciting although you won't admit it but I know that there is still
resistance to my command.  You still want to be in charge.  Well, I'm going
to break you of that one way or the other and you've given me a perfect
opportunity.  So you've got two choices ...I won't sack you because you're
too damned good but I might humiliate you publicly by treating you as if you
were a copy typist for a while and everyone will know why.  You have lots of
enemies, Penelope, as you well know.  Won't they just love to see you
brought down?  I don't think you could stand that, do you ...?'  he smiled
again '...but on the other hand you could pay for your mistake in private,
very intimately indeed, and I think I could claim to have won the war pretty
convincingly, don't you?  It would be very humiliating for you but only I
will know.  You'll never want to argue with me again, believe me!'

Penny stared at her boss in stunned amazement and gasped like a drowning
'You bastard!' she shrieked as the tears poured down her face, then
she spun on her heel and walked to his door as he chuckled.
'I'll overlook that this time ...' he said ' go back to your desk and
think about it.  There'll be no change in the working arrangements until
tomorrow ...and then I'll want a decision.  Get on with the paperwork to
send to the major shareholders ... after you've calmed down.  Take a toilet
break or something'.

Somehow Penny left the office slamming his door violently behind her, her
legs like jelly and her lungs about to burst with aching emotion, then went
to the loo and cried like a baby for ten minutes before washing her face and
returning with some composure to her desk.  She got on with her work as best
she could and at some time in the morning Tranter left for a business
meeting at Princeton HQ, leaving the key to the office safe with her as he
always did.  She heaved a sigh of relief when he departed, knowing he was
gone for the day, no longer any need to guard her finer feelings as she
contemplated the nightmare scenario.

She closed her eyes and her face reddened as she imagined being ordered to
strip completely in front of him, taking off her bra as he watched, then
slipping her panties down in front of his demanding gaze before he beckoned
her, now completely nude, to come to him, stretching and flexing his strong
firm hand in anticipation of ...oh Christ, no!  Realising she was trembling
.. and not altogether with rage ...Penny got up, red faced, desperate to
drive such disturbing images from her mind, and went into his office to
fetch the shareholders account ledger kept in the safe.

 It was there as usual but Tranter had stored a pile of papers on top which
fell out of their envelope to the floor as she collected the ledger.
Idly, Penny picked them up and read the accompanying note on top of them,
suddenly attracted to the contents.  She read on, stifling a gasp, then took
them to her office photocopier and copied every page of the documents before
returning the originals to the office safe.  She would have some unexpected
homework to do that evening!

The following morning, Penelope Field dressed for work as provocatively as
she'd ever dressed in her life.  Her light blue dress was an attention
grabber, the vee neckline exhibiting the cleavage of her firm shapely
breasts to the full, the short skirt flared from the hip displaying the
curve of her thighs as the breeze caught the thin material.  As she walked
through Lamson's car park towards her office, men stared in undisguised
longing at this vision of proud beauty who walked head high towards Tranters
office and the most tense decision of her life.  She'd had a sleepless
night, tossing and turning as the options unfolded in her mind, until she
dropped off to sleep through sheer exhaustion and was awakened by the alarm,
her mind suddenly clear and certain.

Taking a deep breath, Penny walked through her own office and paused before
knocking Tranter's door, and on the invitation to enter, just opened it
quietly and stood still by his desk, legs trembling, as he sat head down,
buried in paperwork.  Finally he looked up, his eyes searching hers, saying
nothing, just waiting.

'Mr Tranter ...' Penny began in a whisper '...I have given much thought to
your proposal and I have reached a decision.  I committed a stupid and
careless oversight yesterday which cost the Company a great deal of money
which I regret.  If you will allow me to continue working as your trusted
PA, I will accept whatever punishment you deem necessary ...' she swallowed
nervously '...which means I am asking you to take me across your knee, pull
down my panties, and spank my bare bottom as hard and for as long as you
feel is necessary!'

The wolfish grin of triumph on John Tranter's face nearly forced a hasty
retreat, but Penelope bravely stood her ground as he swivelled in his chair
and told her to lock his office door.  With legs shaking, she obeyed and
returned to stand at his side as he looked her up and down with some

'Well, well,.you gave in more easily than I expected -...' he said softly
'...wise girl!  A restless night though, I'll bet ...' and he grinned,
motioning her closer as she blushed fiercely, ' lets put you out of
your misery.  Lie across my lap!'

Penny tried to close her mind to the imminent humiliation and leaned
forward, allowing him to pull her across his knees, her head over his lap
and her hands on the carpet, bottom raised up high.  She felt his hand, firm
and warm, lifting up her skirt then heard his excited breathing as his palm
slid along the bare soft thigh at the top of her nylons before gently
cupping the swell of her buttocks through her white lace panties.  Her shame
was replaced by excitement as she felt his warm penis begin to erect beneath
his trousers, urgent and pressing against her loins.  She closed her eyes,
aware of the intense heat in her face as his hands began to ease her panties
down, then gasped with surprise and shame as they nestled at her knees, his
warm hand renewing the exploration of her shapely naked bottom.  She began
to feel warm and treacly inside as his hand massaged her bare cheeks, then
her head went back and she gasped involuntarily as the first hard smack
struck her buttocks.

'You deserve every one of these !' he said quietly, and began to spank her
bottom hard and so deliberately.  Penny felt the tears spring to her eyes at
the burning pain which now consumed her rear and she imagined how she must
look in that degrading position, her bottom turning redder and redder, her
sex clearly displayed as her legs splayed wide with each burning spank, her
hips writhing in anguish yet she was conscious of his stiff penis digging
into her body, caught in the moist heat of her naked loins and Penny began
to experience the joys of spanking for the first time.  She was in pain, she
was most certainly ashamed ...but God it was so arousing!  He kept muttering
'Beautiful, beautiful!' as he found a new untouched portion of bottom to
apply his chastening hand.  She was crying and moaning loudly now with every
blow then, after some fifty hard smacks, Tranter ended the punishment,
ordering her to get up and pull up her pants.

Penny struggled to her feet , her face bright red, trying to avoid her
boss's eyes as she tenderly rubbed her sore bottom before pulling up her
knickers as discreetly as possible then turned to face him.
'You enjoyed that, didn't you ...' she said softly as he smiled in delight
' am I forgiven and back in a respectable job, Mr Tranter?'
He stared at her for a few seconds and laughed.
'I did enjoy it ...and I suspect so did you from some of your cries...and,
yes of course, you've proved your guts.  We'll call it quits, eh
nothing ever happened.'

Penny looked deep into his eyes for a few seconds and, to his surprise,
shook her head.
'No, not quite quits, Mr Tranter, for now its my turn!' she said coolly as
he looked up in anger.
'What the hell are you talking about?' he demanded as Penny eased herself
delicately into his guest chair without being invited.
' I may not have liked you but I respected you until yesterday when you used
your power to degrade and humiliate me for your own pleasure, but even then
I thought you were clever ...but you're not even that!'

Tranter gasped in anger.  'Now look here, young lady, you'll be back over my
'Oh no ...' Penny interrupted loudly ' more threats.  You see I have a
degree in accountancy and I can read figures, and its easier still when
theres a confidential memo to help ...' his face began to pale ' ...oh I see
you're getting my drift.  You were charged with supplying Lamson
shareholders with the Princeton asset valuation and turnover to persuade
enough people to vote for the takeover.  Careless of you to leave the
evidence in the safe when you gave me the key!  You lied, John, didn't you
..and forgive the familiarity!  You put £33 million on the valuation
because it was vital the takeover went through and in fact without Lamson
expertise on micro solenoids, Princeton might have struggled to break even
this year.  You're a crook, John, and the DTI would be very interested in
this little saga!'

John Tranter rose unsteadily to his feet and cleared his throat.
'Jesus, you're a clever bitch ...' he muttered quietly '...I underestimated
you didn't I!  Why in God's name did you put yourself through all that if
'Because I knew the power was in my hands ...' Penny said softly '...and it
changed everything.  I was dying to know what a bare bottom spanking from an
attractive man was like and, do you know, John, I loved every minute of it!'

'What happens now ...?' Tranter said wearily ' ...I suppose you have copies.
I'm finished, you know that don't you.  I guess you want to call the

Penny laughed out loud.
'No, I still think you're the best thing that happened for Lamsons and we'll
keep this to ourselves as long as you do as you're told!'
He stared in bewilderment.  'I don't understand.  What do you mean, do as
I'm told?'
She grinned, a flush of excited anticipation rising in her face.
'Well, the first thing you can do is take off your trouser belt and hand it
to me!'

Tranter's mouth dropped open but he did as he was told, his hands shaking as
she doubled the belt over.
'Good.  Now, from what I felt sticking into me, you've got something mighty
impressive down under so drop your trousers and pants and let's have a good
At this he swore loudly, his face crimson.
'I'm damned if I...' but one look at her face told him she was deadly
serious and blushing he complied.

She stared down in admiration as Tranter stood facing her half naked, a
study in crestfallen embarrassment as his semi erect penis jutted before
Penny's eyes.
'Splendid ...' she said '...I'll find a use for that later.  Now turn round
and bend over your desk.  How many I wonder?  If fifteen thousand quid
earned me a good spanking what does 33 million get you?  I'll tell you when
I get bored, John, but I've already fallen in love with this strip of
leather and I'm going to have one hell of a party finding out how much your
arse can stand!'