by Alex Birch 

Louise Graham was feeling fractious, almost tearful, as she walked into her
living room and sat down hard throwing her handbag onto the table.

 'Sod the bloody man!' she exclaimed bitterly to herself as she stared
around the empty house and wondered what on earth she would do with herself
for a whole week on her own.  Once again, Derek had left it until the last
minute to casually drop out over coffee that he was off to Tokyo for a week
to clinch an important deal.  Christ, this was the fourth time this year
he'd been away and Louise was getting fed up with it.  She realised this was
selfish, for his highly paid, specialist engineering work paid the mortgage
on their detached home and allowed their young son to go to a private school
rather than the local comprehensive, but Louise hated loneliness and now
this week of all weeks!  The schools had broken up and Christopher had gone
to stay with Gramps and Grandma for a week in the country, always a treat
for him, so that Derek and Louise could have some days away on their own ...
and now this.

 Louise had just returned from the airport and had said goodbye with tears
in her eyes while her damned husband just grinned at her as if she was the
world's biggest cry baby, and when the plane had soared up into the sky
she'd given in to a fit of tears in the airport coffee lounge before driving
back at ridiculous speed to their lovely home in the depths of

 She moped around for half an hour before going upstairs to her bedroom
where she lay on the bed and picked up the phone.  Soon a familiar voice
answered at the other end.

 'Hi Debs ...,' Louise said lamely '...yes it's little 'ol me.  Derek's gone
to Tokyo and I'm feeling a bit low.  Time for a chinwag over coffee?'

 Deborah's laugh at the other end indicated to a rather mortified Louise
that the call was not unexpected.

 'Thought it would be you ...,' Debs said lightly '...and I'm sorry, pet, no
time for coffee ...but....I was going to ring you anyway 'cos you've got
nothing to do this week ,have you!  Well you have now!  I'm tied up this
morning at a Friends of the Round Table do ...well, it's a fete know, the sort of constructive fund raising thing the wives
do while Phillip and all the other Round Tablers sit around getting pissed.
Louise, I need you desperately, darling, and its all for a good cause!'

 Louise smiled at the other end.
 'I'm all for good causes ...,' she said '...and God, I could do with some
diversion.  How can I help?'

 'You can be a maid for the day ...,' came the speedy reply  ''re not
too proud are you?'

 Louise giggled.

 'I'm not proud, no, but what does it entail?' she asked.

 'Simple ...,' replied Deborah ' ...we have a raffle at £2 a ticket.  Each
person who wins a prize gains a maid for the day.  You go to their home and
do what they want of you ...hey, hey, I'm ahead of you, hon... within very
controlled reason and its all stated in the contract.  Dusting, cleaning,
vacuuming etc.  It's a wonderful boon for some of the older people and the
money all goes to charity.  Be a devil, Lou ...say yes!'

 ''Strewth, Debs ...,' Louise chuckled '...two quid for a woman for the day?
Seriously though, what's to stop the kinkies?  Some blokes would buy 50
tickets just to get a young woman into their home for the day and what
chance would you have?  Sounds dodgy to me!'

 'Not at all ...!' Deborah said firmly '...I'm doing it too AND I've done it
six times before and never come to harm.  The claimant has to have ID and,
before you go, we get their agreement to check that they have no criminal
record or the deals off ... and you phone the centre every two hours just to
say you're all right ... but it's just extra security.  We've never had any

 Reassured, Louise gaily gave her assent and rushed upstairs to change out
of her paint spotted jeans and faded tee shirt into a smart blouse and
skirt.  As she stripped to her underwear, she looked at her profile in the
full length bedside mirror and was proud of what she saw.  Dark haired and
so young looking for her twenty six years, Louise gazed at the shape in the
mirror, the firm breasts and the flat tummy which she had worked on so hard
after Christopher's birth, and under the tiny white panties, something her
husband had once termed the 'cutest little arse in Christendom'.  Smiling at
the memory, she donned a crisp white blouse which showed off her breasts to
perfection and a blue pleated skirt with a wide leather belt.

 As she transferred her make up into a matching handbag, Louise blushed at
what she'd agreed to.  It wasn't much but Derek would have gone up the wall!
He was such a snob sometimes!  What would the neighbours say?  My own wife!
etc etc ... but what the eye doesnt see ...

 Louise arrived at the appointed venue a little late for the fete was in
full swing, to be met by an agitated Deborah who grabbed her arm and yelled
'...thought you weren't coming.  we've drawn the raffle and you were number
five.  You've already been won!  Come and meet your master!'

 The last jesting phrase made Louise suddenly blush and tense up as her mind
raced to visions of white slavers with whips and ... Christ, this would
never do!  She followed Deborah to the platform where a number of other
young women were grinning with embarrassment and shaking hands with their
'buyers' ,men and women of all ages.  Deborah pulled Louise up onto the
platform where a man was waiting, a warm smile on his face.  He was perhaps
in his late fifties, grey haired, but oh so distinguished looking and Louise
felt her fears dissipate instantly.  He had a strong, open face with grey
blue eyes which met hers without wavering.

 'This is Louise, your maid for the day ...' Debs said breathlessly '...and
this is ...'
 '...Mr. Cartwright ...,' the man said gently '...and I'm delighted to meet
you.  I seem to have acquired a charming young lady!'

 Louise blushed like a schoolgirl, bowled over by the old fashioned courtesy
and by the gentle insistence on the use of his surname.  No ingratiating
'you can call me Charles, my dear!' and she liked that, felt very reassured
by it.  This man would treat her well.

 Deborah was explaining that there would be two days grace while they
confirmed ID and checked him out and she was almost apologetic yet this
charming man silenced such worries.
'I'm pleased you take such precautions ...,' he said with a smile ' ...for
as an ex police inspector, I know only too well what risks some young women
run and I'm happy to co-operate.'

 The next two days seemed to drag for Louise found herself looking forward
to her day of servitude, her heart beating furiously as she recalled the
warm expression in those eyes.  When Thursday came, her nerves were jangling
as she fussed over what to wear.  She'd thought about jeans for housework
but something told her he would frown on them, expecting her to be feminine,
so she chose a modest grey blouse and matching skirt.  She decided against
hose for it was a warm summers day and she was proud of her slim tanned bare

 The address in hand, Louise dived out of the house and into the car, half
an hours drive taking her to a large house in the hills where she parked in
the drive and, with some nerves returning, rang the door bell.

 Mr. Cartwright opened the door immediately, almost as if he'd been standing
waiting for her, and that warm smile once more dissolved her tension.  He
invited her into the kitchen and immediately offered her coffee and
biscuits.  Louise looked around the kitchen with a woman's eye, for it was
so clean, so orderly.  She breathed a sigh of relief for this chore would
not be a difficult one.

 'It's a lovely kitchen ...,' she said warmly' ...plenty of room and so
tidy.  Wish mine was as neatly kept.  Does Mrs Cartwright ...?'

 He interrupted her quickly without rudeness.
 'There is no Mrs. Cartwright ...,' he said quietly ' ...not anymore.  I'm a
widower and I live alone.  I hope that doesn't frighten you!'  God, he must
have read her mind and she quickly reassured him.  ' I do have a housekeeper
who comes twice a week and she does a splendid job so you won't have too
much hard work to do!'  He grinned 'In fact, I suppose there's precious
little but it is for charity and it's nice to see a young woman in the house
again.  My daughter left to get married five years ago and its been quiet
since.  You're very welcome!'

 Louise flushed with pleasure and delight for she had clicked lucky here and
no mistake.

 'Do you have any interests now you've retired, Mr Cartwright ...?' Louise
asked tentatively ' ...excuse my asking, but it must be lonely up here
particularly in the winter.'

 He laughed loudly and she enjoyed the sound.

 'Lord, yes, I'm a successful author!  I write books about criminology and
some fiction...!' he said with a grin  ' I don't have much spare time,
I'm afraid!'
He took her hand gently and helped her from the settee, then escorted her
around the house.  Louise was astonished by the number of bedrooms and the
large tasteful bathroom with shower and bidet.  Here was a man of
discernment.  As if reading her thoughts he said 'Yes its too big for me but
I do so much entertaining and I find I need the space!'

 The tour came to an end with a walk down a narrow flight of steps into the
cellar where Cartwright kept his wines and Louise was astonished by the
volume and variety of vintages.  She was also reassured that she would not
have to clean down there!  As they were about to leave, Louise looked across
the cellar to a door which was quite clearly locked and her curiosity was

  'What's in there, Mr.Cartwright ...?' she asked brightly ' that your
billiard room?'

 He paused for a moment, then smiled at her.

 'Not exactly, it's a little private museum of artefacts relating to
criminology and I keep it locked because some are valuable.  We have had
burglars in the past, you see but as there are no windows down here, they
would not know about this room unless it were left open.  Do you want to

 Louise nodded enthusiastically and he unlocked the door, ushering her
inside, then switched on the lights.  She looked round the surprisingly
large room at the collection of police paraphernalia in glass cases, the
police batons and handcuffs dating from Victorian times to the present day,
the various memorabilia and she was impressed by the collection and by
Mr.Cartwright's knowledge as he guided her round the exhibits.

 She stopped at the end of the room, her attention suddenly gripped by the
large, curved wooden structure which stood alone in the middle of the floor.
Although she knew the answer before she asked the question, Louise gulped
and said, with voice trembling
'...and...and wh..what's that, Mr.Cartwright?'

 Louise could have sworn that the elderly man blushed before replying.

 'It's a birching stool, Louise.  There weren't many police stations in the
early part of the century without one of these, I can tell you.  There's
many a naughty boy and girl had their bottoms warmed over one of these, you
can be sure!' 

He spoke without any hint of titillation, yet Louise blushed bright red as
shameful images flew before her eyes.

 'G..girls too, you said?' she gasped.

 Mr.Cartwright smiled that gentle smile of reassurance.

 'Lord, yes ...!' he replied '...for although official judicial birching has
long been a male preserve, it was quite common in the old days for a
policeman to suggest a visit to the police station rather than an appearance
in court for a young female thief or shoplifter and the parents signed a
waiver.  Many a squealing young lassie has been birched bare bottomed over
one of these ...and by a male police officer, too!    Oh Lord, now I've
embarrassed you ...' he said, grinning at the sight of her cherry red cheeks
as Louise tried to turn her head in confusion  ' ...lets go back upstairs
and you can begin.  I have to go out for about three hours but I'll give you
the cleaning plan for the morning!'

 Mr Cartwright tactfully made no further reference to the subject but
Louise's heart was pounding as they made their way back upstairs, her head
filled with shameful but exciting images and ,to her embarrassment, she
sensed a damp patch in the crotch of her panties.

 Left on her own, Louise vacuumed and cleaned the house from top to bottom
in no time for there was hardly any dirt to shift.  When she'd finished,
there was still an hour before Mr. Cartwright's scheduled return and, after
making herself some coffee, she went into his study which she'd just dusted.
On an impulse, her mind still full of images, she switched on his PC on the
table, wondering if any of his books and articles were on the word
processor, wondering if there was anything on corporal punishment.  She knew
it was wrong to meddle but the machine was identical to her husband's and
she felt confident enough to operate the word processor.  She got into the
software and tried to access a file and the system told her 'Insufficient
memory to open file'.  She remembered what her husband had said in such a
situation and she tried to copy and resave, then to her horror the message
came up 'irrecoverable hard disk error' and the file disappeared.

 She switched off the machine with trembling fingers cursing her own
stupidity.  Christ, the file had gone!  Perhaps it wasn't too important,
perhaps he wouldn't notice!  Gulping hard she drank her coffee and washed up
the cup and redusted where she had already done just to keep herself
occupied.  Within half an hour she heard the key turn in the lock and his
warm, deep voice asking 'Everything OK, Louise ?' , Louise's nervous reply
in the affirmative lacking conviction but he didn't seem to notice.
'Just going into the study to do some work ...' he called ' ...then I'll get
dinner for us!'

 Louise almost gasped aloud as she coloured up.  Oh God, no!  Perhaps it
would be all right ...but it wasn't!  Within five minutes he was framed in
the doorway, his kind face set in a grim frown.
 'Louise ...,' he said sternly '...I hate to ask but have you been trying to
operate my computer while I was out.  I seem to have lost an important file
and there are strange empty copy files all over the place.  Have you
meddled, Louise?'

 She thought she might cry as her face blushed bright red and she apologised
like a nine year old.

 'Oh Lord, I'm sorry Mr. Cartwright!  I didn't mean to meddle but I was
interested in your work and we've got one at home and I thought...'

 His voice was sharp and unrelenting.

 'I really don't care what you thought!  You had no right and you've cost me
a lot of wasted time.  A weeks work gone.  Yes, I should have backed it up,
but I didn't expect some meddler to wreck my software.  I'm afraid that's
the end of the deal, Louise.  I'm very sorry but I'll ring the Round Table
and tell them it didn't work out...' he paused, his face sad as the wretched
Louise stood shuffling her feet, her face red '...and I'm disappointed that
you couldn't even tell me before I asked.  No you'll have to go and I'm
afraid I'll have to tell them never to send you again for you can't be
trusted.  I'm so sorry, you seemed such a nice girl but I have no choice!'

 Louise was crying now and his face registered sadness and sympathy but
there was no change of heart.

 'Mr. Cartwright, you can't ...!' she wailed miserably '...please you can't!
I'll never live it down!  I'm so sorry and it was a stupid thing to do and
I've cost you so much time ...but I didn't mean it.  I'll repay you somehow
...but please don't let me go like this.  My best friend set this deal up
and there are so many people who will know.  I'll never lift my head again.
They'll say I let them down!'

 He looked at her, his kind face softening but he shook his head.

 'It won't do ...' he said ' could you repay me?  It's beyond money's all that time and effort.  No, I'm sorry, Louise, I don't see an

 As she stood there, red faced, her eyes closed Louise Graham heard herself
speak, couldn't believe what she was saying but the words tumbled out

 'Mr Cartwright ...' she whispered, her voice tremulous '...couldn't you
...punish me?' and he stared at the swaying figure in genuine bewilderment.

 'I'm not sure I understand ...,' he said quietly '...can you please
explain?  I don't want to embarrass you and I'll listen to any alternative.'

 She couldn't look at him now and her voice was quiet and hesitant.
 'If I was your real servant girl in the olden days ... how would I have
been punished then?'

 He looked at her, a flush beginning in his face, his eyes widening in

 'I think your master would probably have taken you to the punishment room
and birched your bare bottom, Louise ...!' he said, his breathing beginning
to quicken  ' ...Is that what you're asking me for, Louise, ...corporal
punishment?  Is that what you're saying?'

 She nodded her head miserably, tears rolling down her face as he got to his
feet, his tongue nervously running over his lips.
'Well, that's a shock!  It would certainly more than recompense the weeks
work and , in truth, my girl is just what you deserve!  Very well, are you
sure about this?' he asked,his voice excited.

 She nodded miserably and his face creased into a grin.

 'Very well, Louise, I'll make it easier for you to live with.  We'll give
you a new identity as we're in 1894 and you are my servant, Emma.  You have
misbehaved wrecking my abacus and writing utensils and you are to be
punished.  Right my girl, you will lead the way down the stairs and through
the cellar.  You were fascinated by the birching stool and now you will
experience its delights for yourself!'

 Louise gave a cry as he propelled her out of the room and down the cellar
stairs until they arrived once more at the locked room.  He unlocked the
door and pushed her inside, switching on the lights.  To the trembling girl
the birching stool in front of her eyes took on a new and dreadful aspect
and she suddenly couldn't swallow.

 'Right Emma ...' he said sternly ' know the procedure by now.  Every
stitch off before I put you stark naked over the birching stool!'

 Louise cried out in shame and horror, her face burning red and in truth
Cartwright had thought, almost hoped, she would lose her nerve at this point
and accept her dismissal for he was far from sure where this would lead.  To
his amazement Louise sobbed a little then, gritting her teeth, she began to
undress in front of him.  To her astonishment, by the time she was down to
bra and panties, shame had been replaced by a burning excitement and
swallowing hard, she reached behind and unhooked her bra exposing the firm
young breasts to his gaze before reaching to her waist and allowing her
panties to slide down to her ankles.  She was gratified by the bulge in his
trousers, his eyes fixed on the thick triangle of hair between her legs as
she stood naked before him, hands by her sides, her head bowed.

 He took her by the hand and led her to the device, never once touching her
intimately, though plenty of opportunities arose as he instructed her how to
lie over the curved apparatus, her shapely pale bottom uppermost.

 'Normally, Emma, I would birch you ...!' he said, his voice now tense and
excited ' ...but I'm afraid your punishment was unexpected and there are no
fresh birches cut.  As a hand spanking is far too intimate for a young
married woman, I'm afraid your sentence is six strokes of the cane!'

 Louise, head down over the stool, closed her eyes as she heard him flex the
whippy cane and her heart was thumping madly as she waited in dread for the
first stroke.  To her amazement, shame had completely gone and she was
feeling a heady sense of arousal to be lying submissively naked before this
gentle, dignified man. She wriggled her bottom and moaned as the cold wood
made contact with the lips of her vulva.  She could sense it already, hot
and moist down there before even ...
Whaaap!! she heard the hiss a split second before a red hot bar of agony
burned its way across both cheeks of her bottom and she squealed out in
anguish.  She began to shake and cry as the burning raced across her
buttocks and she tensed herself for the next one ...but he waited half a
minute then whaaap!! once more, this time across her lower slopes and Louise
was howling and crying with pain.  The burning now covered her entire bottom
then whaaap!! the third one struck and she nearly fell off the stool.  Her
bottom was one red hot sea of pain now, yet as she lay helplessly in wait
for the next, that feeling began between her legs and she began to shudder,
her thighs trembling and her pussy so hot and moist.  As the next three
strokes fell, Louise was bucking and writhing in delirium, screaming out as
her orgasm reached its climax until suddenly, magically it was all over.

 She was off the birching stool and was standing naked, her head on his
shoulder, her erect nipples thrusting into his chest as he kissed her face
very softly, his hand caressing her hair, reassuring her, helping her to
come to terms with what had happened.  Eventually she found the courage to
look into his face through shining tear stained eyes.

 'I...I think I should come to clean once a fortnight ...' she said softly
as he smiled in delight ' ...on the days my husband is away on business.  I
won't need paying and I'm quite reliable ...' she smiled in coy
embarrassment ' ...but I think you'll find, Sir, that I always manage to
make one big mistake!'