Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. œAkiko's New ProtÈgÈ Part Five By Aerosol Kid :: Visit me at /~AK_Home *The people and events in this story come from my brain, not the real world. Regardless of what that tells you about my brain, it means that I'm not writing about you, your mom, your friends, or your friends' friends. So you can't sue me. Neener neener.* *If you're underage in your territory (and you know what I mean), then read something else, please. If you're easily offended by sexually explicit fetish content, may I suggest reading something else? If you're easily offended by sexual content and are determined to help yourself to a dash of moral outrage, I put it to you this way: you have too much time on your hands.* *Note: Special thanks to the BBC uN people for the needed uplift.* *Synopsis: With Devon gone, Akiko goes down the rabbithole of the Stingray conspiracy.* *(c) 2003 by Aerosol Kid. Protected under the Berne Convention. Yes, my erotica is protected by copyright law.* ___________________________________ *"Omigod, Akiko..."* How many times had I heard that before? But let's be real: do any of us ever get tired of hearing shit like that? Especially when it's coming from someone like soft, young Ally as her brains run down her thighs and she pledges herself to you unquestioningly, forever and ever? I'd been pretty busy since losing track of Devon. After my trance partner's unexpected exit, I delivered Dr. Natsumi Sato to a clandestine facility in Osaka, where they went to work on her in spades. Unfortunately for you, they didn't let me watch, because I got sent on a series of jobs like the one I was on now. I promise we'll catch up to her later. In the artificial calm of an orientation trance, a voice would say something like, "Break down Secret Agent Girl Number X, who's the baddest in her class, who thinks she couldn't possibly be turned because she's so strong-willed. Get in her pants and prove her wrong." I'm paraphrasing, of course. It's nice work if you can get it, but I missed my cutie accomplice with the raven curls. Whenever I brought it up, I was whisked away and made to focus on the Larger Plan. There were many, many sessions in dark rooms with pretty lights. My minders were way past letting me roam around un-triggered in public, and after some Convincing, I was dispatched to do my thing for Stingray. They even kept my whereabouts from me at all times, so the world became one big blur of plane trips and bedrooms. So back to the hypnotic seduction of Ally, already in progress... "Just lie back, baby," I whispered as I licked my very salty lips. Agent Ally Giles jerked in reaction to my breath, before her curvy thighs relaxed and fell away from my ears. I still wasn't over how young she was, even though I'd already joined Nepthys at her age. Could've been because she was such a girly-girl. You know, flavored lipstick and dayglo underwear. Barrettes with kitties on them. She'd been a little chilly to my invitation to go out for drinks, and her straight-girl bewilderment at my attraction to her had been cute. But I promised to stick to shoptalk, and she went for it. In the corner of a dark club, I had invaded her psyche *just enough* with my words to inspire an invitation up to her place - some posh, uptown studio number. Now I had my finger on her pulse, and if I so much as breathed funny she orgasmed and then thanked me for it. Have you ever had Church Sex? That's what I call it, anyway. That's when it's so good you feel like praying, or where at least one of you feels like she's a sacred thing being consecrated as candles burn. Everything's all white lace and *"Oh yes, please, please"* and tears and communion and kneeling at the altar of your partner's yummy places. Ally was busy being born again, and her fun was my fun, since I had relocated my fondness for twirling unsuspecting girl minds around my little finger. She came so hard I thought she'd crush my skull between her thighs, and she shuddered for so long that I started to worry. "No one else can make you feel this way," I told her, retreating from her quivering groin. She slowed her ragged breathing and responded with a little cute, breathy nonsense. I touched her sweaty knees to my shoulders. "That's why you do what I say. You're done saying no to me. Done resisting. Because resisting is so boring and you want to be fun." Compared to me, Ally was a playground of grown-up woman - round, healthy and shivering - and no one who looked like that should ever be embarrassed when faced with magazine pictures of those insectoid Hollywood actress types with bike handlebars for collarbones. I loved kissing her swollen lips and I loved being in her bed now that it was my turn to get a little something-something. She rolled onto her side and propped herself up on her elbow. She was still out of breath but she wanted to let me know she was up for whatever. Her long, straight chestnut hair stuck to her neck and shoulders, one odd strand spilling down over her face. I evaluated the glassy devotion that sparkled in her brown eyes. "Why don't you show me what a good girl you are?" I suggested. The speed with which this formerly straight girl came at me told me what I needed to know. She was a little rough, but it was kind of nice being tossed around like that. Besides, when she was done, I made sure she got nice and docile, before I erased the old Ally and made a brand new one. *** The rising sun prodded at my eyes until I couldn't ignore it anymore. It took a few more minutes to realize how refreshed I felt. I'm surprised I even noticed at all, because I'd been conditioned to talk in my sleep during the wee hours, hypnotizing myself in my dreams so that I'd never *really* wake up. Then the birds stopped singing out on the lawn. I was on my feet before I realized it, slipping into Ally's black silk robe, rooting through my jacket for my pistol. Someone moved in the next room, and I heard a helicopter buzz in the distance. Ally sighed, rolling over as I took up position behind the door. I wasn't even surprised when I heard the loud voice outside, via megaphone. "Akiko Masumi! Step away from the door and put down your weapon! We are just here to take you into custody and we don't want anyone to get hurt!" So they could see me. I dropped to the floor and shimmied under the bed. "That's not a wise tactical decision, Akiko!" the megaphone chided, if you can chide at that volume. "If you do not come out and disarm in plain view, we'll be forced to enter the premises! Please, think of the agent in there with you!" I'd thought about her plenty, and I felt confident I could assure her safety. Megaphone Man didn't broadcast the attack plan. They just started up the stairs, five or six of them. From under the bed, I spoke one of the many triggers I'd planted in Ally's soft mind, telling her to carefully announce herself, open the door and walk out. No need to waste a new Stingray asset whom I could just call up later and order to report to me, wearing her sexiest underwear. Some of the men hustled Ally downstairs while the rest burst into the room and took up position around the bed. "All right!" I said to the sound of multiple rifles being locked and loaded. "I'm coming out, but first I'm going to give you my gun." I reached an arm through the bed ruffle and slowly put my Glock on the carpet. I wouldn't be needing it, really. Before I could get my arm back under the bed, strong fingers grabbed my wrist and pulled. Carpet burn's a bitch, not to mention almost having your shoulder dislocated by some big jerk-off with no sense of subtlety. But I kept my temper in check and turned on the Confused, Disheveled Mind Control Victim act. Let me paint the picture: five GIA spec-ops men in black body armor and helmets, with gigantic assault rifles. Yours truly in her lady friend's robe, which was a few sizes too big, the neckline plunging down inappropriately toward her belly button. Staggering hesitantly. You know, blinking her eyes, pouting distractedly, reaching out to steady herself against the first big, strong, handsome man's shoulder she can reach. To be even more beguiling, I mumbled softly to him in Japanese. I grabbed his rifle before any of them could blink. All I can say about what happened next is that I think I set a personal speed record in my eagerness to disarm them and send them each to Sleepyville before they could do the same to me. It wasn't hard to clear a way out of the apartment, but outside, a large team had assembled with hopes of apprehending me. Which meant that GIA was aware of Stingray's activities, at least enough to follow the trail of missing hottie agents and track me down. I've never gotten used to the surreal vibe of a military operation unfolding in a residential area. They had me pinned behind a birdbath and some hedges. Helicopters swarmed over Ally's apartment building. Armed vehicles blocked off the street. Sharpshooters drew little red dots on my chest and legs with their laser scopes as I considered my next move. I knew the act I'd just pulled upstairs wouldn't work twice, especially since I had a little blood on my nightgown now. Experience suggested I was either going to die or lose this round. I cocked my head, listening for any special instructions from my extensive brainwashing. No pre-chewed thoughts presented themselves, but I had one of my own: if Stingray had been one step ahead of the rest of GIA long enough to get this far, what were the odds of them knowing how much trouble I was in, at this particular moment? I considered this, while I also calculated how long the sharpshooters would wait before spraying my brains all over the bricks behind me. They all knew how dangerous I could be, and none of them knew what I'd been programmed to do in self-defense. I took a deep breath, then tossed my rifle into the birdbath and held up my hands. Curiously, one of the helicopters chose that moment to explode. It was close enough to blow me back into the brick wall. I felt the rough cement cut into my back, which is weird, because I didn't feel the bullet pass through my thigh and another one graze my neck. Hot chunks of metal shit rained down around me as my ears began to ring. Now there were gray blobs running around, where seconds before there had only been black ones. A firefight erupted at close quarters. I felt the beginning queasiness of blood loss, noticed the wet, sticky pool under my right knee. Everyone moved so quickly that tracking the action made me want to hurl. At least, I wanted to before I fainted. *** I woke up in a bed in a big, sunny hospital room. Alone, with no idea where I was, or even what the date might be. I had been dressed and carefully posed on top of the sheets. Strangely, I wasn't in a hospital slip, but a comfortable black tank and cotton panties. The white bandage around my thigh was fresh and bloodless. My neck felt scratchy, and my curious fingers found stitches, before straying upward and discovering a plastic pigtail band. Someone didn't even want to wait for me to get back on my feet before playing dress up. And I found it creepy that they knew enough to put me in my favorite chillaxing-around-the-house things. "So you're up," observed someone behind me and to the right. Cautiously, I cleared my throat. "What kind of nurse hangs around watching her patients sleep?" I heard easy laughter. Oddly familiar... "I'm glad I decided to meet you while you're lucid." Yes, I knew the voice, but the cadence wasn't right. It was soft-spoken, a little loopy, and she liked to e-nun-ci-ate. Spending the past few weeks in an unyielding trance had been odd, but I didn't realize how odd until just now, when this mystery person pointed out that I was truly awake. Being able to actually think flustered me, because the questions bubbled up fast and furious. My poise evaporated and I found myself speechless. Which is rare, I know you're thinking right now. "You don't know where you are or even what month it is," my unseen hostess said. I wanted to hear it as an invitation to ask questions, but it wasn't meant as such. "Why don't you look me in the eye while you're fucking with me?" I suggested softly, wishing I had some pants. She chose to be gracious and present herself. I've played this game before, but my mouth still fell open. "Ally?" I swallowed hard. Was this the same girl I'd just converted to the dark side? Seemed like it. There was the same reddish-brown mane, tan bod and haunting brown eyes. That's right; she'd played Junior Agent Ally Giles, of the "Please be gentle, it's my first girl-on-girl brain-zapping" persuasion. But today she wore a slick, gray corporate-looking deal that said, "I'm one of the bad guys." It tried and failed to make her look more mature. I bet she wore a lime-green thong under that respectable skirt. But the wheels were still turning in my head, and she was still enjoying my confusion, waiting for me to say something stupid. "What was the point of them sending me to you?" I asked finally. I could swear she shivered pleasantly, remembering our night together. She actually blushed. "I don't take on new people until I see them work," she explained without explaining. "'Take on new people...' Do you even *realize* how senior I am to you?" I asked, incredulous. So this little skag had played at being my innocent victim in order to evaluate my loyalty, or something. Since I wasn't likely to remember any of this for long, I got real angry real fast, rising up on one elbow to express myself. "Last night was a job interview? I tried to save your life after you put me in the middle of a combat zone. I took one through-and-through to the leg, you b-" Ally put out a hand, implicitly suggesting that I talk to it. "Baby, if I didn't want you here with me, you'd be somewhere a lot worse. And the ambush wasn't part of my plan." Evidently my leg wasn't so bad, because I found myself getting out of bed. "Forgive me if I don't find your little conspiracy as riveting as you do. I'm leaving and you're welcome to try and stop me." "Please, Akiko, you'll hurt yourself," she cautioned. I made it to my feet, but immediately saw stars, and my leg throbbed with ominous pain as soon as I put weight on it. I grabbed frantically for the bed rail to keep from spilling onto my ass. "Stop toying with me," I managed. "Save the games for later, when I'll believe anything you say." I couldn't read the look she gave me, but she gave it to me for a good, long time. Then she helped me back into bed before I ended up on the floor. My heart pounded and my fingers trembled. She played with my pigtails gently, while I visualized slitting open her carotid. "I regret putting you in jeopardy," she conceded. "I have the bad habit of never taking a person's reputation at face value. When I read your file, I knew you were perfect." She draped a blanket over me, just as I began to shiver. "But even if you despise my methods, Akiko, you should understand that now I *know* you're the one I want." I shrugged off her fingers and she indulged me by withdrawing an inch or so. My nose had started to run and I was sweating. "You gave me lots of pain meds and then you stopped," I accused, sniffling. "Like you *need* something else to hold over me." She smiled. "Morhpine. Like I said, I read your file. I'm not taking any chances, even though my new control techniques should be more than a match for you." She looked into my eyes, yearning for something. "You want to hurt me right now." "The thought crossed my mind." She traced a finger across my forehead, making me blink. "Crossed it, then went to a special place I put... There," she said, tapping my temple. I was getting tired. "You send me all over the place with Devon, then have me make some house calls on various lady agents, then I end up here. I get the feeling you guys don't know what to do with me." She looked out the window. "We are a highly fluid operation, able to modify our plans almost as soon as our opponents react. The rest of the agency knows what we're trying to do and they're coming after us with everything they have. It was only a matter of time." She couldn't help herself: she had to fuss over the bandage on my thigh. "Friends of yours are even looking for you." I just let her touch me and tried to reconcile this calculating bitch with the nubile, trusting thing she'd pretended to be before. "Are you behind all this craziness?" Then I realized what she'd said. Which friends were looking for me? And how much danger did that put them in if Ally knew about it? I thought about not knowing Nina's whereabouts since this whole thing started, and had a cold flash that wasn't from withdrawal. "Which friends, Ally?" She wrinkled her nose at my use of her first name. "It's Doctor Giles, actually." I made a quiet, contemptuous noise. "Doctor... What are you, twenty-five?" "Twenty-eight," she corrected. "Oh pardon me..." For a moment she almost got offended, but she just kept gazing into my eyes with that uncomfortable intensity. "You've got such an angelic face, Akiko. That little overbite of yours breaks my heart whenever you smile. And those cheekbones..." I couldn't think of anything to say to her fawning. "No, I'm not," she said eventually, breaking the awkward silence. "Not what?" "The one who's behind all this. I just work for Stingray and the people who are." Did I mention how tired I was her cloak and dagger shit? "And who thought it was a good idea to set Stingray loose on the world?" "I wish I knew," she mused, while she played with my hair some more. "All I know is that I want to be working for the right people after they're done taking it over." "If you don't stop touching me, I swear to God..." That snapped her out of it. She laughed, like I was the *cutest little thing,* which made me want to scream. "I think I'm falling for you, Akiko." I rolled my eyes. "Congratulations." "Makes what I have to do to you that much harder," she admitted. Now that chilled my blood. I considered my response to the spaced out, curvaceous young doctor carefully. "If I do what you want..." Her index finger snaked under my chin and lifted until our eyes met. "Yes?" "Will you leave my friends out of this?" She seemed to consider it, but she was really just pretending. She cupped my chin in her hand and said, "Wasabi sunspot." My vision tunneled, triggering waves of cold nausea, but thankfully my eyes rolled back behind my fluttering lids. Then teasing warmth oozed down my spine, making me forget all about my morphine dependence issues. Forget about everything, as a matter of fact... "Oohhhhhhhhh," I heard myself sigh. "I've done quite a bit of work on you already, my lovely, and this is my master-trigger to ready you for the procedure," she purred. I felt a hand slip inside the waistband of my panties. "You made me feel so wonderful last night. I can't wait to be with you like that again. When you're mine." This sing-song, touchy-feely vibe of hers had gone from annoying to creepy. Now it scared the shit out of me, as I slipped helplessly into some bottomless trance I'd probably never wake up from. The fact that Ally chose that moment to play with herself didn't help. *** *Procedure... Procedure...* That's what I was thinking as I came out of it. "Mmmmm!" I complained as I shut my eyes against the brightness. When I decided to suck it up and open them, they reacted to the hot light beating down on me with instant tears. It took lots of blinking to finally figure out I was in an operating theater. An operating theater... On an operating table. Naked except for my bandaged leg and those fucking plastic pigtail bands. I was bound securely to the table, which was an inappropriately cheery pink. The observation lounge upstairs was empty. Gloved hands touched my cheeks, and the smell of latex frightened me even more. "There's my sleepy girl!" Ally chirped behind me. Her head popped into view, way too large. Just like in every movie about a surgical procedure gone wrong. She wore a mask and a lab coat. The fucking coat had a bunny on it. *A bunny.* Like she was a pediatrician. "Ally, please let me up!" I panicked. "Oh, Akiko," she soothed, as if I were about eight. "I'm not going to cut you open! And it's Doc-tor Giles." "Okay, just please can we talk about this for a minute?" "This is a very short procedure and I designed everything myself. It won't hurt at all." She rubbed my temples, but the plastic gloves caught painfully on my skin. "That's good, but will you please let me up and tell me what you're going to do?" My arms shook against the cuffs. She started flicking switches. I heard the whine of several things starting up. "A girl with a P/O curve like yours should be very excited. I'm going to make you love being my slave so much you won't be able to stand it. Forever." I heard someone else come in. "Ah, Doctor!" "Good afternoon, Doctor Giles," came the unmistakable voice of Natsumi Sato, deeply entranced. "Are you ready to assist, Doctor Sato?" Ally asked, in the most patronizing way possible. Natsumi was immune to the insult, courtesy of whatever the fuck they'd done to her after I'd violated her and hand-delivered her to her doom. "Of course, Doctor Giles." I strained furiously, trying to see them, but they were too far behind me. "Natsumi, it's Akiko! I'm so sorry for what I did to you!" Natsumi was so detached it was like she was phoning it in from Venus. "Oh. Akiko. It's wonderful to see you again." "Natsumi, please help me up!" Ally wagged a gloved finger in my face. "Now, that wouldn't be fair would it? After all, you used Doctor Sato's own lab to brainwash her, while you did all kinds of naughty things. Didn't you?" My panic took a sharp detour into rage. "Ally, if you don't stop talking to me like I'm a little kid I will decapitate you." Ally just looked at Natsumi and silently mock-repeated me. "Someone's not using their happy voice today, right Natsumi?" "Yes, Doctor Giles." "Why don't you give Akiko a little something to help her be a liiiittle less of a buzz kill?" "Of course, Doctor Giles. I suggest 80 milligrams." "Eighty it is then, Doctor Natsumi!" "Sato-san!" I sputtered in Japanese. "Please don't do this!" Ally disappeared as Natsumi approached me with a little yellow syringe. She wouldn't meet my eyes. I continued pleading in Japanese. "Sato-san, please listen to me..." She unceremoniously gripped my arm and wiped my bicep with a sterile swab. The needle went in before I could say anything else. Maddening seconds ticked by while I waited to go under. "Natsumi..." She slipped her hand under my back and put something cold there. I saw her look at Ally, who had wandered off to start up more equipment. Then she leaned in close. "I would never hurt you, my darling," she murmured in Japanese as she stroked my face. "They have nearly broken me, but they cannot force me to do you harm." I started to cry. "Natsumi..." She put a finger to my lips. "I'm going to do something. You'll know when it happens. That will be your chance to escape." Then, to make sure I hadn't just hallucinated, she winked slyly, before slipping back into robot mode. "Doctor Giles, the patient is medicated and should be more agreeable in a moment." I didn't feel anything at all. "Saline..." she mouthed, before wandering off. If I'd been single then, I would've asked her to marry me. Instead, I pretended to be Getting Very Sleepy. Ally reappeared over me and shined a light in my eyes. "Her pupils aren't very dilated. How do you feel, my lovely?" I made a show at trying to speak, guessing at the effects of whatever Natsumi was supposed to have injected into me. "Mmmmmmmhhhhrrrrr..." I could see Ally smile behind her mask. "Night-night, Akiko-chan!" she sang. "It's time to make your brain happy!" The humming equipment around me continued to crescendo. I let my head loll around in Ally's hands as she hummed an insipid TV show theme, thinking of all the ways I was going to eventually kill her. "We will be ready to engage in 30 seconds," Dr. Sato said. "Good. Why don't you take off that lab coat? Those boobies of yours will help me get in the mood," Ally said. I heard Natsumi's lab coat plop onto the floor and wished I could see. Then I shuddered as Ally tongued my belly button. "I want to taste you before and after I make you mine," she whispered to my stomach, before covering it with wet, sloppy kisses. I played at being aroused, but too sleepy to do anything about it. "I'd ask if you had any final words, but I guess I should've done that a couple of minutes ago," Ally giggled. "Rrrrrrrrhhhhhmmm," I told her. Natsumi spoke up. "Whenever you're ready, Doctor." Ally clapped her hands. "Oooh, I love this part." I heard typing. "Power readings?" she asked. "Nominal," reported Natsumi. There was a decisive keystroke. "We are committed. Firing in three, two, one..." I didn't feel a thing, so I turned my head to watch Ally. She made a noise like someone had dropped an ice cube down her scrubs. She glared at Natsumi and shook what looked like a plastic bracelet on her wrist. "Why isn't this... Working?" Hell if I knew what she was talking about. The restraints on the table clicked open then, and I was off that pink nightmare as fast as I could manage. "Oh, you devious little cunt," Ally remarked at Natsumi. She sounded odd, distracted. She grabbed at her head like it was trying to secede from her. Natsumi tossed me a lab coat before putting hers back on, ever the considerate sweetie pie. She watched Ally carefully. "You have... disabled my grounding safety," Ally posited. "I will not allow you to hurt Akiko Masumi," Natsumi declared. "You have to turn it off!" Ally said. "This thing isn't safe." My eyebrow rose. "Well, you were going to use it on me..." "No," she complained. *"I'm* the doctor!" "Akiko-san," Natsumi said, "I think you should go now." So Doctor S had stuck some kind of insulator on my back that blocked the effects of Ally's brain ray. And she'd swapped out Ally's protection for a fake. I resolved to give her a raise when we got home. For the moment, I hobbled over to give her an enthusiastic hug. She was still addled from everything she'd been through, so she just gave me a low-wattage version of her sleepy smile, eyes sparkling. "You totally saved my ass," I gushed. I watched Ally continue to get more confused. She was unbuttoning her lab coat with one hand and shaking her useless bracelet with the other. "Nat, I want you to get the hell out of here. Pretend everything's fine, walk out the front door, find a phone and get someone to pick you up. I want you on the next flight back to Narita." She shook her head. "They will notice I'm gone. You are the field agent. You have a better chance at stopping all this before it's too late. After you get treatment..." "I did you wrong before, Natsumi. Please get out of here." I started limping toward Ally. Doctor S tugged at my sleeve, speaking fast and furious Japanese. "Akiko, you're not well. Your leg... And they have addicted you to-" "Stop being a doctor and start following orders!" I hissed. She looked like she was going to cry. Poor thing. She was used to spending her days in labs, not in the middle of crazy shit like this. And I'd put her here. "I've been in situations like this before," I told her. "Knowing you're safe will help me do my job." That she got. She gave me a quick peck on the cheek before taking off. Which left me alone with batshit-crazy Dr. Ally Giles, in the process of having her mind melted down by her own creation. I wanted make sure she never did this to anyone again. *To Be Continued* Comments? Email me at <> Visit me at /~AK_Home