* Anna Kournikova at Marineland *

(storycodes: NC best MMF oral anal)

Note: this story was not written by me. The author, David Oberman, has given explicit permission to put his story here.

'Anna Kournikova At Marineland' is without a doubt the strangest Anna-story that I've come across.

The author most probably got his inspiration from a set of pictures showing Anna swimming with dolphins in Melbourne in 2000. (of which I used one on this intro-page ) As it contains bestiality and rather strong non-consent, I expect some people will not enjoy it, so be warned.

Still, personally I found it pretty well written, and when it comes to descriptions of Anna it seems to invoke the right "mental images". The obvious link with Anna's real posing activities and her dolphin-swimming pics also makes the (very necessary) suspension of disbelief somewhat easier. The ultimate lack of realism and plausibility does not seem to affect the parts that really matter. And although the action is not always nice to Anna, this seems more because the author tried to keep at least a certain realism in the actual action, than a purpose in itself.

Overall interesting and certainly offering more than many of the "name-dropping" celebrity stories involving Anna.
