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Crimson Review #018

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The missives below are merely opinions, publicly stated, but only 
opinions. Dragons may be immortal, but they are not infallible. Read the 
stories for yourself, and form your own opinions. Then, let the author 
know what you thought. Celeste's blowjob principle isn't smoke in the 

 - Crimson Dragon ([email protected])


Review Archives:

Thanks to Denny for checking over the reviews for obvious
bungles, though ultimately any errors herein are mine and mine 

Story Summary:

Naughty Night Nurse -- Krosis 
    (MF, con, impreg?)

Blind Date -- Dryad 
    (MF, Oral)

Exit Interview -- Jack C Lipton
    (nosex, angst, reflection)

The Price of Prejudice -- Bradley Stoke

S'mores -- Souvie
    (MF, oral, food, flash-fic)

Walking the Dog [Chapters 5,6 and 7] -- smilodon
    (MF, mystery, adventure)

The Silent Treatment -- Traffic Guy
    (no sex)

Curtain Drawn -- Alexis S. 

Naughty Night Nurse -- Krosis 
    (MF, con, impreg?)


Other Stories:
Florence Nightingale syndrome. Our narrator is watching "Titanic" for the second time in a theatre when disaster strikes. His stomach cramps and massive abdominal pain sends him running from the theatre. Now, given the situation (he watched that movie twice????), I can understand the stomach distress. But this is where the realism ends and the fantasy creeps in. Our friend manages to drive himself to the hospital where he passes out. When he wakes up, a drop-dead gorgeous nurse is checking his IV. She notices him staring, and he abashedly looks away. Then the realism is *really* lost as they get up to what you might expect from a story around these parts. And we know, by the title, that our drop-dead gorgeous nurse is naughty, right? [ "Just a minute"{,} she said, heading back to the nurse's station and around the corner. ] Inside the quotes, please. [ her bodacious ta-tas. Mr. Wiggly also showed himself again, now standing at full {(seven inch)} attention as if the national anthem was being played. Pulling up my gown, she raised her eyebrows at my ] With a shake of my head, I won't even comment on "bodacious ta-tas" or "Mr. Wiggly", but Krosis does come up with some interesting euphemisms in this story. In fact, Krosis' creativity here was one of the high points of the story. However, I do wonder why Krosis felt it was necessary to give a measurement on his narrator's penis in parentheses? Nothing inherently wrong with doing so ... I merely wonder what purpose this construction served that my imagination couldn't have supplied. It's over described, as is a great deal of the overly long sex scene here. But I do understand that many around these parts *like* overly long sex scenes, and so this might appeal to these people more than to me. Now, this has been pretty negative so far, but the story does have it's good points. For essentially a stroke piece, it is reasonably well written. The characters are rather shallow, and the plot is nearly senseless, but the fantasy is well described, and it is certainly readable, if not deep. Better, part of the plot revolves around our narrator attempting to avoid, er, impregnation of our naughty bodacious nurse. In doing so, he tries to imagine scenes that are, shall we say, less erotic than what he might be presently engaged in. I have to admit that I really loved that particular stream of consciousness. It gave me a big goofy grin. Anyway, more for the stroke folks, but entertaining even for others in some ways. Technical : 8 Eros : 8 Character/Plot : 7 Crimson : 7 +----------------------------------------------------------------------- Blind Date -- Dryad (MF, Oral) Story: /~Dryad/blinddates.html Author's Site: /~Dryad/ Daphne is horny. I mean *really* horny. What's a girl to do? She types in her password, and begins to wander chat rooms, of course. After many disappointments online, she agrees to meet one of the guys with whom she's been playing. He stands her up, but Matt ... no Matt doesn't stand her up. They meet at a McDonalds, and you'll have to read the story to determine exactly what they get up to. I can't really decide if this was a stroke piece or not. The plot is pretty much driven exclusively by sex, but somewhere underneath there is subtle character in Dryad's protagonist. I can't say the story is deep by any means, and the sex is slightly over-described, but somehow, something ... While I'm not sure that the premise of this story is the best or safest way to cure the "horny blues", it does make interesting fantasy. Technical : 9 Eros : 8 Character/Plot : 8 Crimson : 7 +----------------------------------------------------------------------- Exit Interview -- Jack C Lipton (nosex, angst, reflection) Story: /~CupaSoup/interview.html Author's Site: /~CupaSoup/ In the space of a heartbeat, a conversation takes place, one between our narrator, and his Maker. Depression isn't much fun -- I suppose that's why it's called 'depression'. It is nearly impossible for someone of normal emotional staid to understand the depths of this illness, but I think Jack has made an attempt here to describe some of the underlying certainties and confusions that a depressive endures. This piece may not make sense to everyone, but it touches on a very difficult subject, and does a good job of it. [ me through guilt. So even when she talks as if she's {nterested} I avoid her. If {it wrong} at one time in particular, it should be wrong all the time." ] That pesky 'i' key sticking again, Jack? Shouldn't that be: If it *is* wrong at one time ... This story isn't really about sex though there is some sexual scenes; it is about emotions, and all those things that make us human. Don't take the Eros factor below too seriously. This story isn't about Eros -- it's about something else fundamental to our humanity. The will to live, and hope behind the darkness. And that, in itself, makes it a good story. Technical : 9 Eros : 5 Character/Plot : 9 Crimson : 8 +----------------------------------------------------------------------- The Price of Prejudice -- Bradley Stoke (FF) Story: /~Bradley_Stoke/03_The_Price_of_Prejudice.htm Author's Site: /~Bradley_Stoke In the war-torn Third Reich, two girls find each other amidst confusion of passion and prejudice. Tanneka and Erika live in an unspecified occupied country, and through the fragmentations of that time, they end up at the same school. There, Erika's fair Aryan looks attract the darker Tanneka. And one night, after curfew, while studying Nazi propaganda, the two girls fall into each others' arms and find out what love is all about. Well, that is until one of them is forced to choose between ideology and love. The result might surprise you. [ ones, she was so clearly of the Aryan model. One so unlike {anyone} of the leaders of the Third Reich whose pictures she saw when she went ... ] There are places for the single word 'anyone' but I think this would read better with the separated words: 'any one' or simply 'any'. [ aureole than those others. Thighs and arms, slim, almost bony{,}. But like Erika, a secret revealed, folded and boldly naked, hidden more ... ] That comma key sticking again, Bradley? I also had a few issues with differentiating the girls. That is sometimes the danger of taking an omniscient point of view, and not clearly delineating character breaks. I'm nearly sure that Bradley mixed up the girls' names here and there -- it's easy to do, I've done it many a time myself. For a story like this, it might have been better to choose a first person role, or to take particular care to ensure that we, the readers, don't have any doubts as to whom we are seeing and experiencing. Bradley isn't bad at this, don't get me wrong -- in fact, for most of the story we are firmly in Tanneka's point of view, but occasionally it seemed to wander, so I have to mention it. Perhaps it's merely those few wanderings that served to disorient me. I liked the story, even though the themes were exceptionally heavy, even for Bradley. Bradley certainly makes us think. Some of the images in this story aren't going to leave me for a while. As is often the case, the themes of prejudice and hate and sheer cruelty of our brethren are difficult to overcome, even at the best of times. I can't say that I liked some of the underlying messages in this story, but that doesn't matter. You see, what Bradley has written here is realistic, even if it isn't an entirely happy story. Read it. You'll see what I mean. Technical : 9 Eros : 8 Character/Plot : 10 Crimson : 10 +----------------------------------------------------------------------- S'mores -- Souvie (MF, oral, food, flash-fic) Story: /~Souvie/smores.html Author's Site: /~Souvie/ We do what we can with what we've got. Souvie's characters don't have an open fire, nor quite the correct ingredients. But they make do. Yes, indeed, they do. S'more, please. Technical : 10 Eros : 10 Character/Plot : 10 Crimson : 10 +----------------------------------------------------------------------- Walking the Dog [Chapters 5,6 and 7] -- smilodon (MF, mystery, adventure) Story: /~smilodon/dogdex.htm Author's Site: /~smilodon/ Editorial Note: Smilodon didn't code this story, nor is he required to. Story codes are only approximate, as generated by a half-asleep Dragon. I know it's not an excuse, but I'm hooked. I reviewed the first few chapters, so I might as well give up and continue reading. Sometimes the life of a reviewer is hard. In this segment, we rejoin Martin, our Tax Lawyer/reluctant James Bond, and the sexy Estonian sculptress, Angela, as they begin to sort out what has descended into their lives. We find out more of Martin's past, and of Angela's, while beginning to figure out why people are chasing them around the English country-side. Martin and Angela continue to grow closer, and once again, Smiley leaves us with the two of them discovering each other in more, shall we say, intimate ways. As usual, smilodon has crafted a compelling story, his characters living and breathing as we read. Technically, I noticed a few things, but overall, the prose is very clean. I had some issues with formatting, especially line breaks across word contractions, and dialogue by multiple speakers buried in paragraphs, but none of these, nor the following language issues affects the readability of the piece. Overall, clean and easy to read. [ "I think it's probably as Niall or Liam said. Cornell wanted { to me } think it was all official so I'd cooperate if I knew anything. ... ] The more common usage: Cornell wanted me to think. Isn't this a split infinitive, otherwise? Perhaps Denny, or someone else might verify that ... [ It would have looked inviting even without her beside me. I { didn't sleep } too well the previous night, either. ] Hmmmm. To be honest, I'm not sure that this is incorrect, but it certainly reads awkwardly. Given the tone and style of the rest of the story, I would have used: I hadn't slept very well the previous night, either. [ I detected a sudden change in her mood. I had the feeling that { she just } made a decision. She rolled away from me and lay very still. ] ... that she just had made ... I think would read better. [ "I am having some trouble understanding all of this," she said. "I understand about the money but not why they make all this { pretence }." ] I can hear Denny, now. "Hey, waitaminute you eagle-eyed Dragon. There's nothing wrong with that spelling or usage. " And he'd be absolutely right. I'm more used to seeing it spelled 'pretense', but that very well might be American, and of course, Smiley isn't. No, I pointed this out precisely because it is correct, and is a valid spelling, at least according to my dictionary. I learned something. And if you thought that the only way to spell the word was 'pretense', you've learned something, too. Another item that I noticed as I read through was that smilodon has vastly reduced his overuse of the word 'just'. Many authors overuse the word, whose meaning can range from 'only', 'merely', 'marginally', 'recently', or 'correct'. Smilodon, I think, has made an effort in these chapters to reduce the usage of it, and it shows. Or at least I didn't notice its overuse this time through. With the vocabulary that I *know* smilodon commands, he shouldn't need to use 'just' very often. There are better words in most cases. Overall, the story is progressing wonderfully. Beautiful sculptress. Boring tax lawyer. Two oversized gorillas, er, body guards, er security specialists. Two mutts. And a spiralling mystery. One has to wonder where smilodon is going to take us. Can't wait for the next chapters. Oh, wait -- er -- nevermind. Technical : 9 Eros : 10 Character/Plot : 10 Crimson : 10 +----------------------------------------------------------------------- The Silent Treatment -- Traffic Guy (no sex) Story: Other Stories:
John is forced to face himself. Alone in the kitchen, Charlie has left, John sits and falls into himself. Things that were, and things that cannot be. Helplessness, rage, depression, and foreboding. While we never do determine what has caused it all, knowing why isn't necessary. It's the journey here that makes the story. I'm not quite sure what this piece was, but it is compelling. While it may not be erotica in a classic sense, it certainly is worth reading. There is a great deal of character and emotion expressed in this short piece. If you are looking for sexual content, and only sexual content, you might want to pass this one by. Traffic Guy was pretty up front about that with the (no sex) story code. But I certainly liked it for what it was and what it represented. Very nicely done. Technical : 10 Eros : 2 Character/Plot : 10 Crimson : 10 +----------------------------------------------------------------------- Curtain Drawn -- Alexis S. (MF) Story: /~Alexis_S/HIA_cd.htm Author's Site: /~Alexis_S/ Morgan's marriage is falling apart. Anonymous pictures slipped through her front door that show her husband, Richard, engaged in, shall we say, another intimate liason sans Morgan. Morgan gathers her belongings and runs towards an age-old cabin, somewhere isolated, somewhere safe and familiar. In the early evening, a noise outside awakens her: a stranger, tall and dark and handsome, stupidly lost in the wintertime wilderness. To turn him away would mean certain death. Morgan lets him him into the warmth of the cabin, and with him, moves beyond her pain. [ "Who's there?" Morgan shouted {from relative} safety of the cabin. ] Missing article. To say that this story is excellent is understating the issue. Alexis' characters live and breathe, her settings are vibrant, her symbols subtle and beautiful. From the damning photos to the ultimate transferal, the Eros is subtle and well executed. This is what erotica should be. I loved the winter, the details, and the song of the aurora. You will too. Technical : 10 Eros : 10 Character/Plot : 10 Crimson : 10 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------

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