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"Virtuous Reality" by Celeste (Blowjob Principle demonstrated) 10, 10, 10

"Virtuous Reality" by Celeste ([email protected]). Guest review by
Sandman ([email protected]).

Celestology -- the study of Celeste. We all know that Celeste is an
English teacher and thus qualified to grade stories. Did you know that
Celeste is also a published author with a moderately successful romance
novel under her belt? If you did, you probably have read her FAQ. What
may be least known of all though is that Celeste has also published
stories to these groups. To my knowledge not one has been reviewed in
the CR and that seems a bit sad really. So I decided to correct this

Celeste did not send me this story. This is an unbiased, impartial,
unsolicited review. Hey Celeste! Remember that (9.5, 8, 5) you gave me
a while back? {{EVIL GRIN}}

In the earliest days of the Celestial Reviews, almost three years ago
now, which is really ancient by Internet standards, there was a top-
notch author called SueNH who published to these groups. Some of Sue's
stories survive thanks to reposters, and some are lost forever even on
dejanews. While today we have Janey, Bronwen, Kim, Leanna, and other
very notable female authors it was people like SueNH who helped pave the
way for women authors in what once was a group devoted solely to the
adolescent desires of pimply-faced, sexually repressed (male) computer

"Virtuous Reality" was written at the height of the Internet porn scare
when AOL chat rooms suddenly became pedo hangouts topping the nightly
news, when Senator Exxon had decided smut should be illegal, and every
web page was black and had a blue ribbon. In the McCarthy-like
atmosphere poor Sue starts feeling bad when she gets feedback from angry
parents and when her co-workers start telling her how obnoxiously horny
their husbands have suddenly become (as a result of Sue's stories of

With shades of "It's a wonderful Life" as Hugh Heffner would have done
it, and Abbot and Costello (Who's on First?), the Goddess, er Angel,
er, almost angel Celeste appears to provide research material for future
stories and provide a little reassurance and encouragement to our
dilemmaed damsel in distress! With tongue deftly in cheek, Celeste does
the one thing every author that's ever set pen to paper salivates over:
Celeste shows Sue how much her stories are really appreciated.

At the time this was written it would have been described as hot, drop-
dead hilarious, insightful, and a fun romp with familiar personalities
of the day (much as today's authors romp in Malinov's orgy rooms).
Today it is still all of this, but also serves as a poignant and timely
reminder that as much as things have changed or as much as we THINK they
have changed, life on ASS is pretty much the same though some of the
cast and crew are different.

After getting a story like this, I can not for the life of me imagine
why SueNH ever left the newsgroup. Celeste, founder of the blowjob
principal which almost everyone but authors ignore, demonstrates
clearly, concisely, and with great exuberance the ultimate blow job ever
given to an author of these groups. And the best thing of all is: we
get to watch. {Celestial note: The "Blowjob Principal" is a man with a
Ph.D. who runs a school in our system, whose ministrations I have never
directly experienced. Sandman meant to say "blowjob principle."}

There are only two faults with this story {SMILE}. For one we get the
lack of blank lines between paragraphs that so annoy me until I get used
to it (usually near the end.) Celeste uses blank lines to illustrate
transitions between scenes rather than moments. Second, Celeste is too
intelligent for her own good and we get a lot of words which are
pleasing to authors but will send your average King, Grisham or pedo fan
running for the dictionary -- something which paints a rather disturbing
image of a flabby, middle aged man running down the hall with his
erection bobbing in the wind as he rushes to look up a new word. But
these are merely warnings to the reader; they are definitely not point

You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll kiss yer cum goodbye, and will be
deftly shown Celeste's *REAL* credentials. Authors will enjoy this
story more than the regular readers I think, because other than the fact
that we don't have to worry about the obscenity police busting down our
door, things really haven't changed. But I think it says a lot when I
say that I think readers will find this story as erotically charged as
any story published this, or any other, year.

Ordinarily this review would go to Celeste with a recommendation that it
be considered for this month's Top 20. Celeste won't put it on that
list for obvious conflict of interest reasons. So you're just going to
have to take my word for it that the story is good enough to be on the
May 20, the 1998 100, and the 1990's 1,000.

Ratings for "Virtuous Reality"
Athena (technical quality): 10
Venus (plot & character): 10
Sandman (appeal to reviewer): 10+